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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Eric & Dani

"Woah!" Dani exclaimed, as one of the girls pulled her away from Eric and Alferis.

Sprinting, Eric easily passed the two girls and stopped in front of them, barring their way. "You can let them go now." At the same time, Dani shot a green lightning bolt at the 'guide' holding her hand, and stepped away from her.

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Berry, Verry, Rita:

"Owie!" Verry quickly pulled her hand back and rubbed it. "You're so mean. We only wanted to have fun. *sniff*"

"Don't be mean to her! We're supposed to show travelers around the city! It's our job! You shouldn't attack us! Someone might think you're bandits."

Rita panted to catch up to Eric. "C-can't breath. Pah. What's...going on?"

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Eric and Dani

"They're a bit too persistent," Eric said, glaring at the girls.

"Well, don't grab my hand like that!" Dani exclaimed. "It's rude, not to mention, creepy. Maybe later, but, we have business, if you didn't hear."

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Berry, Verry, Rita:

"*sniff* Wahhh! They're so mean. ;_;"

"By business, you're probably going to try to burn down the city! No wonder none of you like the city! Guards! Guards! Bandits! Someone!" Berry quickly took out a whistle and blew it. The civilians nearby began to look, and lots of footsteps could be heard close by. "You better leave bandit! We don't like ugly mercenaries and Septimians like you all around here!"

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"I don't remember who pulled you out of the mess." said Esphyr as Tessa started to ask. "I didn't arrive until Damian had already started to pluck the arrows from your body. I tried to heal you with my vulnerary, but I was dry."

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"...What? Just because we try to escape when you refuse to listen to us and drag us along when we don't want to? What makes you think we're even trying to burn down the city? It makes no sense. What even makes you think we're Septimians? Do you have heads?"

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Berry, Verry, Rita:

"Then you won't mind coming with us to the information center! You're lucky we don't charge you with assault! You'd better hurry, the guards are getting closer. Which is it? Come with us to the station, or let the soldiers handle it?"

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"...How about neither?" Eric said, taking the second girl's hand off of Charlotte. Pulling her back behind him he said to the girl, "You'd best be on your way, miss."

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"These two ladies, were harassing us," Eric said to them, coolly. "Sir, could you please tell them to back off?"

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Berry, Verry, Rita:

"You can't just attack someone and run off! Guards! Someone help us! These Septimian bandits are attacking us!" Suddenly, a girl walked over to see what the commotion was. "Oh, sister! You're safe! We thought the bandits got you! Are you okay?"


"Someone stop those bandits!" Marry quickly fired a bolt of lightning at Alferis, knocking him out. They had no use for him. The girls threw off their wigs, revealing their hair.

"We'll get you this time!"


Berry vs. Eric


Hit! Damage dealt, 5! Eric 4/9!


Verry vs. Eric


Hit! Damage dealt, 6! Eric KO'd!


Marry vs. Rita

Roll (I swear on my life this was an accident)

Hit! Critical! Damage dealt, 22! Rita KO'd!

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"They claimed to be tour guides and attempted to force us around the city." Charlotte chimed in.

"Tour guides?" said one of the guards, raising an eyebrow. "Altia doesn't have any tour guides. Explain yourselves ladies." he said, looking at Berry and Verry.

Guard stats x5 (more can come)

HP:9 Str:4 Skl:4 Spd:3 Def:2 Res:1

After the attack, the guards drew their lances and charged the ladies who initiated the attack.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Zilpah appeared near of the group, his was oversome with shyness, but his lust for knowledge pushed him forward, he walk forward, as he cleared his throat.

"Excuse me, is there any wielder of a crimson weapon here?" Zilpah yelled loudly out of his timid nature while gripping is tome.

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Eric and Dani

Taking a blow from magic, Eric nailed the mage twice, and was about to finish her off, when he got hit by another spell, and was knocked out.



*is hit*

[2,1,3] = Hit! 4 points of Damage!

[2,1,6] = Hit! 4 Points of Damage! Berry 1/9 HP

Second round

*is Ko'ed*

Shocked by the brazen attack, Dani shot back at Berry. Sadly, she missed.[spoiler=Roll]

[2,2,4]= Miss!


Edited by Snike
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"Excuse me, is there any wielder of a crimson weapon here?"

A sudden twitch of Esphyr's ear signified that she had heard the voice of the man. She could feel a deep pit forming within her stomach as she turned about to face the newcomer. They were known by their weapons now? That couldn't be good. Never the less, she still had a job to do.

"You seek my master." she stated simply, approaching the man. "Damian of Halton. I'm Esphyr, a mercenary under his employ. What do you want with him?"

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OOC: Dani can just get exp for existing.

"We'll deal with you soldiers later. We're finishing this."

The girls focused tightly, and used their shadow abilities. They quickly warped around, leaving images of themselves behind. The images went over to the guards, distracting them. "Who's the real one? Hahahah!"

Berry chugs a vulneary.

Berry 4/9


Verry vs. Charlotte


Hit! Damage dealt, 3! Charlotte 6/9!


Marry vs. Charlotte


Hit! Damage deal, 3! Charlotte 3/9!

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Zilpah turned toward Esphyr.

"My name is Zilpah, I love learning of things bizarre and arcane and crimson weapons are at the top of the list, and their history is an an enigma to me, I must know more about them, and why they exist in this world!" Zilpah explains, as he gets overly energetic, as he balls his fist in-front of his face.

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"A scholar, eh? What's your TISME circle then?" asked Esphyr, approaching the man directly. Her suspicions were raised at best, and high on alert at worst. After all, little was known about them in the first place.

OOC: TISME is the mage organization of one of the nations. Unless you already know a decent bit about them, it's probably better to say you're unassociated. Also, FYI, the weapons are *not* common knowledge, so there's little info on them. Period.

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Zilpah looked at the women puzzled.

"TISME, Hmm...I haven't heard of them, I chased the tales of the crimson weapons too long for me to even think of who they are, but none the less I am not associated with them, You can call me a loner I guess, but as for me finding out about the crimson weapons, I heard from one of the usual places of the source of all information and overheard I conversation, I thought of it to be a farce, especially when I asked people of them, but some people answered my question with sharp eyes and nasty looks, some attacked me, some even fled, So there must be some truth in this tale of crimson mystery, and I take it you can lead me to the evidence?" Zilpah exclaims to Esphyr.

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The guards slashed at the images, revealing them to be fake. More guards appeared ont he scene, surrounding the mage trio with lances. It was retreat or die.

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Shortly after Esphyr had also replied to her question, an unknown man came up and started jabbering excitedly about Crimson Weapons. Who he was, or how he knew of them, or more importantly how he knew they were here was a mystery, but the mercenary was attempting to handle the situation. Tessa made a mental note to tell Morgan that somebody was blabbing again without thinking of the consequences, but decided it really was best to get going.

"Esphyr, I know we'd promised to have another training match, but tonight is definitely no good. You had mentioned wanting to talk, though... so if you stop by my room after... dealing with," she cocked her head at the newcomer, "...whatever business this might involve... well, I can't promise I'll still be awake, but if I am, I'd love to."

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