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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"I can." said Esphyr, her hand shooting out to grip Zilpah on the shoulder. Her grip was strong, but not yet harsh or cruel. Instead, it was more refining and constrictive as she looked into his eyes. Yet, before she spoke to the man, she turned back to Tessa. "Okay, I'll catch up with you after I'm done here." she said before returning her attention to the man.

"It's not for me to say though. I'm a mercenary, and I am employed. Before I tell you anything, you would need to prove that it's not against the interests of my employer. Can you do that?" she asked. She knew that it wasn't the best of guises. Anyone with a decent puzzle skill could have figured out that, by this defensiveness, it was likely that Esphyr's employer was a wielder of the weapons himself. Yet, it was all she had.

Edit: Added Tessa response.

Edited by Snowy_One
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A gaze from a nearby women made Zilpah panic a bit, but he snapped out of it when Esphyr placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Prove that its not against your employer...?What I seek to learn is only for the sake of knowledge and the soothing of curiousity, and speaking of curiousness, could you tell me why your friend is giving me the death glare?" Zilpah Pointed out, while pointing at her with an uneasy smile.

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Walking into the inn, Heinz grabbed a plate and took some soup for himself. Looks like no one noticed that I was gone, looking around the room swiftly. Having been prepared a few hours earlier, the soup was already cool and Heinz finished it as quickly as possible. That mercenary should be around here somewhere, I should talk to him soon. Getting up from the table, he could hear a loud ruckus occurring in the other room. He smirked, slightly amused by the amount of insults being thrown around. Seems like Reika has a grudge against everyone.

Opening the door just in time to see the Ivanko mercenary catch a dagger in mid air, Heinz raised his eyes. Impressive. Looks like Ivanko taught him well, although judging by Irina's expression it looks like Ivanko can't be bothered to teach his niece anything. Looking around the rest of the main room, Heinz noted that the majority of the party wasn't there. That mercenary isn't around here either. If he's related to that swordsman and the other thunder mage, he has no reason to be coming to Septimus...

A voice at the door interrupted him, asking about the Crimson Weapons. Heinz narrowed his eyes. You reveal too much to this man, Esphyr. I don't recall getting so warm a welcome, although you were the first one in the group to notice me. Heinz stepped forward. "What reason do you have for pursuing the Weapons? Even a fool wouldn't ask out of simple curiosity." Tessa had arrived, trying to distract Esphyr from the scene. Even the healer has more sense than you, and having Damian come here would be even worse, he's even more of an idiot than you are.

OOC: Had the kitchen when Heinz was eating be in a different room then where everyone was arguing, hopefully doesn't matter much. Assumed Derek and Viveka were at the armory while Heinz was at the inn.

Edit: Grammar.

Edit again: More word rephrasing.

Edited by the_whistler
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Zilpah turned his attention toward the man.

"...? Curiousity is the reason humans have such a grasp on knowledge, and I'd like to think It's not a simple concept, for there is hardly an explanation why one becomes curious with certain things, or at least a good one anyway...Is it not curiousness that brought me to your attention?" Zilpah exclaimed. Zilpah started to notice the gathering of people he grew nervous as if there eyes were piercing him, ("The crimson weapons are certainly a touchy subject, as so it would seem, I must know why!").

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Zilpah closes his eyes and starts to think.

"The looks...the looks you there just gave me...I've seen them before...piercing eyes, and veiled secrets...you know something, all of you do...am...I wrong." ZIlpah pointed out as his eyes slightly opened with his smile vanishing.

"Sometimes I don't get, I ask a question of one person and then a crowd appears, those eyes, I don't like how they look on people faces, and raises my curiosity to its max, what could be so vivid about these items to where you'd keep them from me..." Zilpah softly removes Esphyr's hand.

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"...What an interesting fellow," Derek said, as the shaman ran off. "Well, off to the stables."

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Waiting for the man to finish his ramblings, Heinz frowned. "I happened to be in this room when you entered this inn and started questioning people. It would have been impossible for anyone in this room not to hear you. I am a mercenary, and in the past people who tend you to question you repeatedly are generally not to be trusted. What makes you any different?" Heinz pointed out.

Your expressions make you appear even more suspicious than most, fool shaman. We have plenty of idiots in our group, but none were so curious about the Crimson Weapons. Wonder who's paying you to do this?

OOC: The shaman ran off? Will edit if that's true.

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Charlotte ran over and applied her staff to Eric, healing the various burn wounds he had suffered. She had a few herself, but they were not too bad. She saw the mage girls were surrounded by many lances and would probably teleport away.

"Don't move." she said, attention focused on Eric.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Berry, Verry, Marry, Rita:

"Grr! Girls! There are too many soldiers! Get them!" The girls warped behind the group of soldiers, and fire some spells at them. Their formation scattered, and prepared to attack the girls again. This time, they warped on to a near by building, attacking the guards again. "We're out of here. We'll get your princess." The girls dissolved in to dark shapes, and left.

"Ow...what happened? Who were those people? I didn't even get a hit in."

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(I think that was a late post, he is still there)

"Why must people seem suspicious if they wish to learn about the unknown, how would we further ourselves if we are always hindered by doubts of others, knowledge is its own reward, even though know one here may believe that I do, it's one of the only things I have to do In my life, and its the only thing I want!" Zilpah says as he turns toward the man, his face turned more serious than before.

"I won't leave... not until I get answers!" Zilpah points out.

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"Why would the knowledge of the Weapons do you any good?" Heinz asked quizzically. "Are you one of those lunatics who thinks the Crimson Weapons will save the world from the Lord?" he laughed. If so, you're even more of an idiot than I thought. "So if you live to pursue knowledge and refuse to back down, you could be one of those book thieves who steals for their own benefit," Heinz sighed. This man won't back down easily, what exactly does he want? A pity we're inside the inn and Esphyr already talked to him, I could just kill him here and claim he was helping those demons.

"So why are you searching here then? I'm no scholar but I've never heard of a mage who barged into inns randomly."

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"Why would knowledge of the crimson weapons hurt people, and like most people I want the truth, and I've no information of the connection to the Crimson weapons and the lord, who I don't even know, and can TRY to kill me if you want, but I will fight back!." ZIlpah's full attention was turned toward the man, his emotion flaring, and his heart beating through his chest.

"Is there no longer any trust in this world..." Zilpah whispers.

Edit: More dialogue.

Edited by Minilaguz
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As the nomad too chimed in with her feelings of unease, she also continued to look after Tessa, directing her to the rooms and offering to provide for dinner.

"Thanks, Kelas... you've been so helpful already," Tessa acknowledged. "I almost feel bad continuing to impose. Make sure you eat properly yourself before worrying about bringing me anything."

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"Weapons forged of demonic power often tend to be harmful to the populace no matter whos hand they end up in." stated Esphyr. "Even in the pursuit of knowledge, such things are not meant to be dealt with. It's like sticking your head in a wyvern maw to study it's tonsils." said Esphyr, stepping in front of Heinz. She extended her hand towards the newcomer, but didn't touch him instead. He was on thin ice in her mind.

OOC: Dun worry. Even if she summons her sword, you can dodge without any problem from me.

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Zilpah grips his heart. he notices his outburst, and the cludge of people before him, and with the newly obtained information, he decides to withdraw.

"Excuse me, I must take your leave, forgive any negative actions I may have executed, thank you for the infromation." He pleads, ZIlpah began to dwell on the information as he exited the Inn.

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This man is as panicky as Irina or Esphyr, Heinz thought, rolling his eyes. "Trusting a complete stranger is suicidal," he pointed out. "What reason do we have to trust you?" Ignoring his comments, Esphyr stepped in front of Heinz, offering a hand to the man. You might as well have admitted you have a Crimson Weapon, Heinz thought wryly.

He stepped to the side, hands relaxed at his side and waiting for an answer to his question. If that man attacks, he'll hit you before I can throw this knife. Then again, at least she can fight when she's not crying over something.

He raised his eyes when Esphyr seized the man and stopped him from leaving. He'll learn more if he stays here than if he leaves right now. I could've taken the chance to kill him later if she had just let him leave. "Esphyr, what do you think this man even knows?" He asked sharply. Aside from what he just learned, that is.

Edit: Added last paragraph.

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"The truth is I really know nothing, that's is why I must know something, those who know nothing understand nothing, I will return." Zilpah stated, without looking back, and with a blunt face.

"...and I can tell I'm causing a negative feeling here, enjoy your dinner..." Zilpah stated, as he continues to walk, while softly freeing himself, from the woman's grip.

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"TISME teaching number 00: To understand everything, one must know nothing." muttered Esphyr under her breath as the man walked away. "Heinz, what did you think of him?"

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Cess walked in from the stables. He had set Morrey in for the night, and chatted with Arrin, and apparently there was some commotion. There was some mage holding a tome in the lobby talking with Esphyr. "Can somebody fill me in? What's going on?"



Pary could hear the noises from his room. First Reika and Irina, and now someone new. He headed downstairs. Reika passed him on his way down. "Outta my way!"

"Well, excuse me."

He saw Esphyr talking to someone. "What's going on?"

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Looking over the room Kelas had opened, Tessa saw nothing out of the ordinary. "I can't see why I'd complain. It's fine," she said, before flopping onto the bed.

"Oh, and one more thing," she added, rolling over. "Remind me that I need to have Helios or someone take me shopping tomorrow, to replace the things I lost yesterday at the town outskirts. I'd hate to forget and end up stuck on the road for days without."

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