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Who's The best Character?


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Im going to say Sephirian and Bastian.

Sephirian, for he masterminded a plot that he thinks its for the greater good in his logic.

Bastian for he is one step ahead in plans (Like savining Renning and spying on Daein) and has an unique way speaking which is cool IMO.

Edited by Generic Officer
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No need to fly off the handle, I was mearly voicing my opinion on what I thought you meant. If I misunderstood you that's all you needed to say. I assumed you were nitpicking at the game and saying the plot and characters' double standards detracted from its overall enjoyability.

Right. No hard feelings, then.

What about Giffca? He doesn't get many lines, but that's kind of why he's cool. It's also why he's a bit hard to talk about... still, opinions?

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Right. No hard feelings, then.

What about Giffca? He doesn't get many lines, but that's kind of why he's cool. It's also why he's a bit hard to talk about... still, opinions?

ok not to be come off like a complete nerd( but don't worry....i will), but me and my friend( my friend is often silent) make a perfect two person sword fighting team so i called him my shadow once and the title has just stuck. so ya i think Giffca is a pretty cool character at least as far as his role/title goes. Also....a black lion!? how can you be more awsome!

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I usually like the nicer or funny characters thats why I can't stand Soren, Shinnon or Skrimir (although I prefer Skrimir of the three).

my top picks in terms of personality:

Sigrun: She's very motherly-like and I assume she's the oldest peg knight because she's the more serene of the three, she prefers to see a ruined country just to protect her loved ones. She's also the suckiest like all the other older ones(Yuno, Syrene)

Elincia: She's too nice to everyone except Ludveck after the rebellion, she treats laguz and beorc equally and fights for her people.

Rafiel: He's so serene looking, he's my favorite heron just for that. Although he's arguably the nicest heron he sticks to his beliefs even if that means fighting Reyson.

Nailah: Another motherly-type character, I found it funny how she treats Rafiel nicer than Volug. She's louder than Titania or Sigrun though and is the more overprotective of the three.

Haar: He's seems like a careless sleepy-head but he's still a gentlemen and cares for Jill and maybe Marcia too.

Ilyana: She's always hungry, she seems very clumsy and likes to con people to feed her. She's so cute though.

Astrid: She falls in love with the wrong man but she protects and believes in him more than he does.

Makalov: A careless clown, he gambles away with no thought of the mess he put Marcia and Astrid in but deep inside he loves his sister and maybe Astrid too.

Callil: A little arrogant but still a mother-like figure, she tries to girlify Nephenee, she falls in love with a man she hated, owns a bar and is very outspoken.

Marcia: A very caring girl and very outspoken too, no matter how often she gets after Makalov she usually fails (I find her funny).

Titania: I think she had a crush on Greil or something, she's a mother-like figure to all the GMS. I like that she gets after Soren's asshole attitude, and is the nicest and strongest of them all (Rhys and Mist are nice too).

Gatrie: A big time flirt except he's a lot more sane than Sain. He just needs somebody to love. He would made a great pair with Astrid, I think that would have been a great idea even if that meant 3 bow users in the GMS.

Heather: She's a lesbian but she's also very rude to men but I found some of her quotes funny, especially the one with Ilyana.

Edward: He's so cute! He's a little wanna-be though but I found that adorable.

Nolan: The father-figure of the DB imo (Sothe just chases Micaiah's tail), he's not as caring as Sigrun or Titania or Nailah but he still cares for his people.

Lyre: The spoiled kitten gets mad at Lethe often, I liked the argument between her and Shinnon.

Rhys: He could almost be a heron really, he reminds me of Moulder but in a nicer and more delicate way. He used to be a sick baby but he still likes challenges.

Zihark: He fights for Laguz and he's a beorc, I like him more for a hero than Ike himself. He's also smart and doesn't fall for Ilyana's tricks.

Mordercai: He's a big sweetheart.

The best is Marcia line-wise IMO.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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I usually like the nicer or funny characters thats why I can't stand Soren, Shinnon or Skrimir (although I prefer Skrimir of the three).

What? but shinnon is funny, and so is Skrimir, Soren, meh i like him but the more i see him the more i see a whiney emo kid.

And yes, Titan did love Greil i think in some conversation Ike just blatently goes, "you loved him didn't you?" and she was like WHAT? well...i did.

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Plot wise, Soren takes the taco. I really love him.

Marcia is awesome! I love her silly snarks! "Its time for me to serve up some traitor pie on my lance!" "Oh horsemeat..."

Im kinda disappointed in Jill though. She had a pretty cool character arc in PoR but shes like not even developed in RD. :(

Titania was the Team Mum. She really did have a secret love for Greil. Its a shame it wasnt really touched on in RD. (and barely in PoR)

I dig Fiona.

Sigrun rules. She would rule even more if her stats were better. I do love her character and how protective and loving she is to the Apostle. "You want an honest answer? It would change nothing! If you thought our loyalty was to the office of Apostle, you were wrong. It was to you, Empress." Or something to that effect. D'awww <3

Calill's character was kinda awesome in this game. Its like she tossed out that whole "im so much hotter than you" attitude and grew up. She has a kid (adopted) and settled down and had the best bar in town.

I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT VIKA!! If only there were proper support convos in this game! I wanted to know how she became a freedom fighter and why!

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I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT VIKA!! If only there were proper support convos in this game! I wanted to know how she became a freedom fighter and why!

I agree about the support convos! its so hard to choose an RD only charcter as your favorite because you cant find any thing about them like you could in PoR. Essentially the whole dawn brigade is underdeveloped as characters which is unfortunate cuz i enjoyed some of them ( nolan mostly). Support convo's also revealed some plot elements of extreme importance( Ike soren or soren stefan for example). Although the RD support system is more practical and applicable to the switching parties, it takes the life out of the characters in my opinion

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Guest Avarice

I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT VIKA!! If only there were proper support convos in this game! I wanted to know how she became a freedom fighter and why!

I think at some point in the game she said that she had been a slave in Begnion who Tormod Muarim and the laguz emancipation army had freed. I've always thought the character with the coolest character storyline wise was Soren. I feel it's ignorant when people call him an emo. He never knew his parents, and went through his life never having a friend or being shown kindness from anyone. Not to mention it turns out he's related to the most powerful character in both games. Dheginsea and Ashnard, and although not saying much in this game, he's arguably the second most powerful sage.

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I think at some point in the game she said that she had been a slave in Begnion who Tormod Muarim and the laguz emancipation army had freed. I've always thought the character with the coolest character storyline wise was Soren. I feel it's ignorant when people call him an emo. He never knew his parents, and went through his life never having a friend or being shown kindness from anyone. Not to mention it turns out he's related to the most powerful character in both games. Dheginsea and Ashnard, and although not saying much in this game, he's arguably the second most powerful sage.

lol he's emo.

He is the best sage in this game...only Callil could beat him and this is largely due to Rexflame.

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lol he's emo.

He is the best sage in this game...only Callil could beat him and this is largely due to Rexflame.

unfortunately i think i gotta side with Avarice on this one. Soren is well justified in his strangness, and the mystery that shrouds his story for so long makes it really interesting. also he doesnt cut himself and his hair is naturally black...tongue.gif

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unfortunately i think i gotta side with Avarice on this one. Soren is well justified in his strangness, and the mystery that shrouds his story for so long makes it really interesting. also he doesnt cut himself and his hair is naturally black...tongue.gif

His hair is actually extremely dark green. Cutting yourself is not a requirment to being emo, it is how you dress and talk, Soren definitly dresses like an emo, and he always is extremely pesemistic. He may be unable to dye his hair because i don't know if their's any hair dye in tellius. I pray to god there is because i hope shinnnon isn't naturally Pink haired.

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I pray to god there is because i hope shinnnon isn't naturally Pink haired.

Isn't it crimson or something similar? (Makalov and Marcia however, definitely have pink hair.)

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Isn't it crimson or something similar? (Makalov and Marcia however, definitely have pink hair.)

It's pink to me, call it crimson or whatever you may, but i always think of it as pink.

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Guest Avarice

lol he's emo.

He is the best sage in this game...only Callil could beat him and this is largely due to Rexflame.

I'd say the best sage in the game is Micaiah if she's trained . The only other sage that can compete with him for second legitimately is Callil, but her availability is bad.

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I'd say the best sage in the game is Micaiah if she's trained . The only other sage that can compete with him for second legitimately is Callil, but her availability is bad.

I always forget she's considered a sage...Technically she'd be a preistess right?

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Avarice is right Soren's character really needed some love to begin with thats why he's that way. I also agree I think Vika would have been one of the most interesting characters in RD if they had developed her a little more, she seems sort of clumsy and shy " Meep " the game barely hints her personality.

I do feel sorry for Soren though I just don't like like his mean attitude, especially towards Elincia in PoR. Also the npcs Almeldha is the most interesting to me, and Ludveck was the most interesting enemy imo.

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Guest Avarice

I do feel sorry for Soren though I just don't like like his mean attitude, especially towards Elincia in PoR. Also the npcs Almeldha is the most interesting to me, and Ludveck was the most interesting enemy imo.

It's kind of ironic that an Elincia fan would think that Ludveck is the most interesting villain. I thought the most intersting villain was Lehran. I wonder how he became such a powerful magic user.

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It's kind of ironic that an Elincia fan would that Ludveck is the most interesting villain. I thought the most intersting villain was Lehran. I wonder how he became such a powerful magic user.

He was interesting but I still didn't like him ;) I just found him the more interesting villain. Lehran makes me wonder a lot too, I thought branded lost all their power and its pretty interesting how he learned magic but then he's really old so it makes sense.

I also don't understand Altina, Alyssa (or whatever Sanaki's mom's name was) how many of the hearing-goddess-voice girls were there??? They only mentioned two or did they also happen to live a long time?

Also I always wanted to know how Lozarieth looks like :( I was hoping they would show his avatar as well as the other un-pictured characters located in the RD family tree in the library section.

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I also don't understand Altina, Alyssa (or whatever Sanaki's mom's name was) how many of the hearing-goddess-voice girls were there??? They only mentioned two or did they also happen to live a long time?

I don't think that her mother was ever mentioned by name. Her and Micaiah's grandmother, Misaha, was though, and perhaps this was who you were referring to?

Anyway, I must say that while I am seriously put off by Shinon, I can certainly sympathize with Soren. And Ike is really cool. I like how he backsasses nobility and royalty whenever he doesn't agree with them.

Oh, and I just reached level 8. Awesome.

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Guest Avarice

Also I always wanted to know how Lozarieth looks like :( I was hoping they would show his avatar as well as the other un-pictured characters located in the RD family tree in the library section.

Yeah, but I think Lorazieh would look like an older version of Reyson and Rafiel, with both of their facial features. Speaking of un-pictured characters, I wonder why they never showed us who Mia's duel at dawn was. I mean come on, the game's name was Radiant dawn after all, and her duel at dawn was one of the things that made her character so interesting, why tease us like that?

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Yeah, but I think Lorazieh would look like an older version of Reyson and Rafiel, with both of their facial features. Speaking of un-pictured characters, I wonder why they never showed us who Mia's duel at dawn was. I mean come on, the game's name was Radiant dawn after all, and her duel at dawn was one of the things that made her character so interesting, why tease us like that?

cause IS is total faggots Yeah, i wanted to know who mia's Rival was. Here's to hoping they make a new tellius game, Ike returns home and the place is ruined, a dude who wears white is the Tyrant and Mia sides with Ike, and instead of Ike

1v1 against final boss, it's mia Just to make you scratch your head and cause mia is so obbsesive

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In my opinion, the best playable characters in all of Radiant Dawn would be either Ike or Haar.gif, with a slight edge on Mr. IFFMF. Ike because he has ridiculous offense, never dies, has Earth affinity(I almost always support him with Soren, and yes my choice of units is strange), and has an OP'd penis-shaped sword that has infinite uses, 1-2 range, and adds 5 to his already high def. Haar.gif because he has ridiculous movement, never dies and 2HKO's every generic enemy in the game and tries to get in Jill's pants.

As far as the story goes, I'm inclined to say Ashera. The bitch has 120 HP and 50 caps across the board. Makes you wonder why IS didn't completely max Ashera. Oh wait, she would ORKO every unit in the game without fail, double everything except max speed Naesala without fail, and have so much avoid and def/res, she could safely have 0 Mag, because she would never die and 50 atk is still ridiculous.

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It's kind of ironic that an Elincia fan would think that Ludveck is the most interesting villain. I thought the most intersting villain was Lehran. I wonder how he became such a powerful magic user.

He had hundreds of years to practice in a vengful broading way and branded actually( at least heron branded) have increased magic affinity( see miciah). I mean if calil, a noraml person, with maybe 20-30 years practice at best can be as strong a character as she is, then Lehran, with natural affinity and at the very least 600 years of practice, is sure to be as invincible a mage as he wascool.gif

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I also agree I think Vika would have been one of the most interesting characters in RD if they had developed her a little more, she seems sort of clumsy and shy " Meep " the game barely hints her personality.

That's like saying Aran or just about every generic character would be great just because they have a personality. =|

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