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Reverse Mafia

Fayt Zelpher

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Me: I still don't know. WoMC has been agressive over me 'treating cult and masons' differently, or something, and dislikes the fact I've explained it concisely. I find WoMC more scummy, but Snike I've found scummy a few times (his mason slip up, and a few other things he's said), and he seems the best bet today bar WoMC to me.

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Well that strikes me as odd Tables. You're doing what you said was stupid to me. Taking one option, over someone you see more scummy. Explain why you think Weapons is the better choice, but you're voting Snike please.

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Oh, and if I do get lynched, asides from the fact the town/traitors has probably lost (with at least 4/7 anti-town left tomorrow), keep a close eye on WoMC and Psychout, and others who voted for me, but especially those two. WoMC for already stated reasons, and Psychout for sheeping and changing his vote to me because I suggested he was doing something scummy.

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Actually, I was only voting Ether because he was voting Ninji. Reasons I stated earlier.

You seem the most scummy next to Raymond for me actually.

This should be fun.

Explain why.

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With all this hubba-ballu your causing.

Before, it was Snike, Raymond and Bal for me. Bal has dropped off, and Snike has cooled down thanks to this. You could have ignored Weapons. No one was paying attention to him, I know I wasn't. You were safe in my books. But this hell of a day you're causing has caused me to rethink your standing.

I seem scummy, because I'm openly claiming the mafia role, and my partner's role. No one wants to go along with us, even though you're supposed to, so I'm reduced to having no one listen to me, and act all secritive and hop on bandwagons to get who I think is cult and mason out.

Raymond is just rubbing me the wrong way this game. Simple.

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Well i was mostly laughing at you for telling tables he's causing chaos since you actually have done a bit of this in 2 games for being annoying and switching on and off votes.

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With all this hubba-ballu your causing.

Before, it was Snike, Raymond and Bal for me. Bal has dropped off, and Snike has cooled down thanks to this. You could have ignored Weapons. No one was paying attention to him, I know I wasn't. You were safe in my books. But this hell of a day you're causing has caused me to rethink your standing.

I seem scummy, because I'm openly claiming the mafia role, and my partner's role. No one wants to go along with us, even though you're supposed to, so I'm reduced to having no one listen to me, and act all secritive and hop on bandwagons to get who I think is cult and mason out.

Raymond is just rubbing me the wrong way this game. Simple.

So your argument is, I'm scummy because I defended myself instead of leaving an attack open? Then I've been close to being lynched, and when it's practically LYLO, I sure as hell don't want to be lynched.

As for you, nobody believes you because a: It would be stupid as hell for you to actually claim mafia for reasons I stated D1, and b: Ninji has said nothing about it asides from not confirming anyway. Also c: I think I know one of the mafia, and it ain't either of you two.

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I have to admit though, that was a serious answer that actually made sense. Except for the bit where it leaves me in a lose-lose situation (defend myself and I'm over-defensive, don't defend myself and I've been caught/whatever)

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No, you can defend yourself without being overly defensive. But no one cared what Weapons was saying. You didn't have to go this far. This is overdefending yourself.

You were never a threat in my opinion. You are now.

I'm going to love when the roles are revealed, and me and Ninji are the mafia.

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Which again is fine. But some points can slip through.

Going so far as to counter-vote him, and question people who join him, saying they are then the scummy ones, is what I call over-defending yourself.

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Which again is fine. But some points can slip through.

Going so far as to counter-vote him, and question people who join him, saying they are then the scummy ones, is what I call over-defending yourself.

Tables hasn't voted for Weapons since the D1 pressure vote I led... :/

He's consistently argued that mountains have been being made out of molehills, and not dodged any of the questions sent his way. When pressed for who he thought was scum and why, he provided. In a detail list.

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Actually, that came later. He's scummy not because he's made points against me - I thought that was fine at first, but his insistence upon them, looking at no other evidence, straw-manning my counter-arguments or flat out ignoring them, and generally not listening to reason, THAT made him look scummy. Also, I don't think I ever OMGUS'd him.

The people voting with him... that's changed recently, actually. You've made it sound like you've actually thought your stance out, now, although there's still the point I made earlier ("Hey, you thought I was suspicious, why are you following me?" "Good point, you can die now, I didn't think that guy I was voting was suspicious anyway!"). And Snike I already thought was somewhat suspicious, so saying to be suspicious of him as well is a no-brainer. That still leaves 2/3 to be suspicious of, though.

Anyway, there's still Ninji and... was it Raymond, left to vote? And Kleine can change his vote too. So we'll see what everyone does.

Also, considering I've been forced onto the defensive all day, I think I'll dig up some of Snike's posts and what I think of them.

If we could get Snike in here, he'd back me up.

Hey, this is a post from psychout! Psychout: Explain.

Here's my priorities for lynching/mafia kills:





This came just after. Hm... explain, again.

I don't want to vote Snike, but I can just get rid of Tables tonight.

##Unvote Ether

##Vote Snike

I think you can see where I'm going now. There's something abou you and Snike. First you say he'll back you up, then you say you want to kill him, then you don't want to kill him. There's something fishy going on here, and in fact, it isn't Snike.

##Unvote, vote: Psychout50

Good explanation might make me reconsider.

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First quote:

I was chatting on IRC with Snike that we were killing Core the night before he was found dead. I thought that proved I was mafia, so I though Snike would back me up.

Second quote:

If you'll notice, that post listed from most to least. Ether hadn't bothered me at that point, Ulki was fine to me, and Ninji was my partner. Snike still seemed suspicious, but I thought he could stand to wait till tomorrow once you and Raymond are gone.

Third quote:

I wanted this day over so I joined to help the majority get along. I convinced Snike to help me get rid of you, and protect himself on IRC, so I joined Weapons to get more votes.

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No PM's or external communication allowed at any time during this game, except for the cult/masons/mafioso. With that said, communication is key in this game, so all of you need to talk and be active - you may speak during night phase if you choose, but speaking during day phase is crucial. If you want to be a replacement, feel free to ask, and you'll be subbed in if someone wants out or is being inactive.

modkill kthx. I don't care who you're allied with. Cheating in a game is just low.

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