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Reverse Mafia

Fayt Zelpher

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I'm pretty elated. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but should the masons try mason one of the mafia, they lose, right? Or, if the cult gets visited by them, the CL dies as well? Maybe the mafia should NK tonight.

There is no mis-masoning in this game.

If the masons recruit a cultist, they can kill him/her.

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##Vote Raymond

I totally, completely called that someone was going to vote me after my complaint about people ignoring pressure votes.

So I'll just ignore that vote. :awesome:

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A pressure vote, eh?

Well, there isn't much to tell. I've already claimed traitor, and Tables already voiced his opinion on it. However you feel is how you're gonna feel, and I don't have anything to prove my innocence(or is it guilt, since we are playing as the mafia...?) aside from my word. Take that as you will.

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##Vote: Kleine

All Kleine's posts this game have been void of content which may help mason/cult hunt, a type of behavior mason/cult would have seeing as they are just trying to be cautious/lurk.

Also suspicious of Tables for speculating the mason powers specifically that much.

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##Vote: Kleine

All Kleine's posts this game have been void of content which may help mason/cult hunt, a type of behavior mason/cult would have seeing as they are just trying to be cautious/lurk.

Also suspicious of Tables for speculating the mason powers specifically that much.

Sorry for making sense of the information in front of me. Was I right about my guesses though, WoMC (:awesome:)? And actually, I wasn't very specific... I just made the suggestions that came to my head first.

I think I agree with the suspicion on Kleine, though. It's almost like he's trying to evade adding much into the game, which... I dunno, just doesn't feel right. Asides from that... eh, let's go through the list of players with my thoughts again (with a rating from 1-5 of how likely I think they are to be anti-mafia - 5 = likely mason/cult, 3 = neutral, 1 = likely mafia/traitor):

Balcerzak - Not suspicious of at all. 1

Ninji - Hmm... not sure. 3

SlayerX - Still not comfortable about him. 4

Psychout50 - Meh. 3

WoMC - He's looking fairly okay to me, right now. 2

Kleine - As mentioned above. 4

Snike - Hmm... still feel fairly neutral. 3

Raymond - I dunno... one part of me is telling me he's town, and a smaller part is seeing the scumtells. 2.5

So bearing that in mind, I think ##Vote: Kleineis good for today.

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As I said, I don't have much to add at the moment, so I haven't added anything. If you would like me to come up with a random theory out of nowhere comprised of nothing but bullshit,I could come up with something and say I contributed, but that would be pointless,and likely harmful unless I pick a lucky victim to BS on.

If you feel confident lynching me on what you have,well,that's your choice,but I'll tell you that if you want the Mafia and Traitors to win(which you should,if you are who you want us to believe you are),then you are making the wrong one.

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At the moment,here is what I think:

I know I am a traitor,check.

I don't think Bal is an enemy faction,I also don't think you are either tables.

I am neutralish on Psych,Weapons,and Snike. Leaning towards town on weapons.

SlayerX and Raymond,I'm not sure. Slayer seems kind of scummy,and Raymond is Raymond.

However,I'm giving a bit of increased suspicion to Bal and Tables,simply due to two recruiting factions.

Slayer and Psych would be a pretty mediocre recruitment,IMO,and I haven't been hit.I think that Bal and Tables are the most likely candidates for conversion,followed by Weapons and Raymond.

That's my thoughts,at the moment.

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Ether's showed up, provided some additional discussion material. I'll continue to think on things there, but for now want to explore a different angle.

##Vote Snike

Snike started off voting for Core, so it would be an interesting recruitment choice on his part. Collect someone who'd initially suspected you, to ensure it doesn't happen again, and also to try to throw the scent off your tracks if you end up dying. Also a solidly middle of the road candidate. Not too likely to be a convert suspect, but a decent enough player to actually be counted on to assist the team.

Also, his confusion on mis-masoning and suggesting a no-kill tonight seemed... off. It could have been an honest mistake, I suppose, but I just don't know at the moment.

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Tables, I mean why did you only speculate into the mason roles and not the cult?

No real reason, I just typed as I thought, really, and I moved from thinking the Cult had some role to the Mason having something for balance purposes, then I actually mentioned afterwards, in my psuedo thought-retcon that the text was likely about cult conversion rules, so I kinda moved it.

Basically, I typed as I thought without working out a clear direction :lol:. It gets my honest opinions down, at least, right?

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Oh, and, that's... a pretty clever point, Bal. It sounds like you're thinking of what happened in that Mini mafia where Bizz was cult Leader, so you might be right there... Although, it was nothing more than an early vote, methinks. I doubt Core would have given it much thought when choosing his recruit. But maybe he did. It doesn't seem quite solid enough for me to vote on, but I'll take note of it for future reference anyway.

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