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Reverse Mafia

Fayt Zelpher

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But then I at least know who to steer away from voting off my partner. I have to get rid of immeadiate threats before focusing on the cult or masons.

Now, while I thik Raymond is Mason, I'm not sure who is the other cult leader. I'd be happy to hear your opinion however.

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Like I said.The cult leader is whoever the cult targeted before they were killed. At this point,I would say that that could be nearly anyone. I would say the most likely suspects are IET and Bal, simply due to being notorious for being good at the game,and being able to get out of a sticky situation,Tables especially. However, this is far from concrete,because they could have targetted a still viable,but less conspicuous target like Raymond or WoMC,or even could have WIFOM'd someone like you or Ulki.

So,I have no real idea on who the other cult is,ATM.

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What do you people want me to say? Either I say that psychout's claim is true and we're both killed or I say that psychout's claim is false and he's lynched and I end up killed before the night ends, anyway.

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Alright, let's go through my thoughts on players again:

Balcerzak - 1. Still.

Ninji - 3. His above post makes me uneasy for some reason, like, he has something to hide, but I don't know what why it is.

SlayerX - 3.5. I'm feeling less suspicious now, since his play seems generally calmer, and he seemed able enough to defend over the last few days...

Psychout50 - 3.5. I'm getting more suspicious. Maybe he is mafia, but... I doubt it very much. Not to suspicious because, as he showed in my game, he's not a very serious player anyway.

WoMC - 4. I think I've covered this one already, but excessive aggression to a single, already explained point, it doesn't seem like him to me.

Ether - 2. I'm getting townish... er, scummish vibes off of him.

Snike - 3.5. He explained that decision well enough, but everything else doesn't seem to lean too far towards town, and a few things seem slightly towards scummy.

Raymond - 2.5. Same reasoning as before, he seems slightly more pro town than anti town.

So, based on that... WoMC is the best target, IMO, but Snike, Psychout and SlayerX are all fine lynches too.

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Bal: Snike

Psychout: Ether

WoMC: Me

Me: Snike

Kleine: Ninji

Snike - 2 (Me, Balcerzak)

Ether - 1 (Psychout50)

Ninji - 1 (Kleine)

Me - 1 (WoMC)

Right now, I'm not inclined to change my vote.

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That logic makes no sense. In fact, both parts make no sense. Especially the 'I'm going to announce who I'm going to shoot' bit, since telling the cult/masons who's dying is OBVIOUSLY a good idea. Actually, especially the 'I'll follow someone I'm suspicious of' bit, since if they aren't allied with you, that's a generally bad move.

Of course, you aren't mafia, and you might not be a traitor either, so it doesn't matter.

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Well, I could ally with Weapons today, but I doubt I'll get another vote. Still.

##Unvote Snike

##Vote Tables

Now to help Snike save himself, and recruit Bal into the bandwagon.

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Vote: I Eat Tables.

Other than saving my ass, you're really defensive, almost too much. No offense.

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No offense, Pysch. While you did good in Dethy, you're pretty much a loose cannon, and I'm not gonna just hop on whatever train you want to take a ride down.

As far as Weapons's aggression is concerned, he's always been the sort to latch onto something and not particularly let go, at least from memory. I'm not seeing it single him out any more than I would expect.

Slayer, Snike, and Raymond are the only ones that haven't voted?

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In order to break the tie I'll go with a ##Vote Snike. Snike seems a bit fishy plus i like the theory that someone said, he voted Core and Core recruited him.

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Vote: I Eat Tables.

Other than saving my ass, you're really defensive, almost too much. No offense.

Now you're accusing me of being really defensive? Check my posts. Every time I've defended myself, it's because WoMC has been aggressive towards me. Or someone else. And then he has the gall to claim to not be aggressive himself, AND claim I'm not trying to scumhunt.

And no offence taken. Scum uses any tactic they can get their hands on ;).

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