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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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Cess saw one of the cavaliers knock out Pary, and attack Arrin. "Watch out you two!"


Hit! Damage dealt, 11! Cavalier, KO'd!



The knight's lance swung it's self and hit Pary square in the head. He was dazed, before walking towards Tessa and Kelas, and colapsing on the ground.

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The Battle

The cavalier that attacked Viveka was quickly countered, but she missed, and he struck Sunny yet again! The pegasus had had enough and flew backward to a safe distance, while Isotov stepped in to cover her! With one powerful spell, he burned the cavalier with an attack that threw him from his horse and to the ground covered in flames!

Iso: *sigh* ... heh ... I'm getting better at this.

Viv rolls 1,3,2


HIT 4 vs Evade 4 = MISS

Cav rolls 5,1,3


HIT 8 vs Evade 7 = HIT

DMG 5 vs DEF 0 = -5 hp

Iso rolls 5,5,1


HIT 9 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 11 vs RES 0 = -11 hp

Iso hp 11/12

Viv hp 1/12

Cav hp 0/12

Iso Exp: +10

OOC: Viv just can't catch a break.

Edited by Phoenix
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The Comet

-Earlier on-

Alex was heading over to deal with another one of the mages, when a dark sphere of energy slammed into the soldiers' chestplate, shattering the necklaceshe was wearing. Unable to stand any longer, the Comet kneeled down, embedding the greatlance into the ground, and holding it for support.

"Not even comets are eternal...,"she said, in an oddly feminine voice. "But what a run..." The soldier was breathing heavily, whileshe said this, but couldn't move.

Edit: swapped 'as' for 'while'.

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"Ugggg..." With a soft moan, Esphyr awoke at last. Having missed the last round of combat, the reason why was fairly obvious though. A nasty welt was upon her forehead, having been the result of a firm thwomping by the pegasus knight she had tried to wrestle with for Reika's freedom. "Little wench better be damned happy." she moaned as she tried to take to her feet.

Looks like I'm not the only one capable of knowing you out with a blow to the head. Sensative skull?

"Oh shut your tome Katie!" hissed Esphyr.

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The fighting was over as Arrin scrambled to his feet. Reeling from his injury, he tottered over to where Amari stood over Kelas fretting. His knees buckled, and he sat down hard on the ground between Kelas and Heinz.

"...Who's worst hurt?" he asked, seeing that most of the group were badly injured. Tessa was all right, he could see...

edit: I am that picky about word choice, that I couldn't use "limping" for Arrin's action.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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The Aftermath (C what I unintentionally did thar?)

Irina surveyed the area looking for any reinforcements or stragglers. If even one got away, they'd be back where they started in Elysima. She wasn't about to let that happen. Once she was certain they were clear, she flew back to the main group. Iso held Susann by the reins and led her back to the group while Viveka wrapped her wrist in a bandage. There was no broken skin, merely a bad sprain, but it was her lance arm nonetheless and she was definitely going to take it easier from then on.

Viveka: That was a disaster. I'm not used to fighting by myself.

Iso: What do you mean?

Viveka: Well usually I'm triple teaming with Lu- ... Lucille and Jasmine. I'm not that much of a threat on my own. You saw that. I had to team up with your sister to take down that knight, and I couldn't even soften up that cavalier for you.

Iso: Work on your aiming, or get someone to teach you how to be more precise with your strikes.

Viveka: You think it's just that simple?

Iso: Yeah. Katie's been teaching me things for awhile and I almost never miss nowadays. You might try making some new friends here. The support could really come in handy.

Viveka: And now the student is a teacher ... that's cute.

Iso: >_>'

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The action seemed to have ceased. All the enemies were slain, and things were slowly dropping down from the adrenaline height of the fight. Tessa finished taking care of the trio she was currently near, and having fixed up Isotov, Irina, and Viveka the rest of the way was moving back across the field to tend to others that may still be in need.

As she was riding past, however, she noticed one of the enemy soldiers stirring slightly, and thought she caught a voice mumbling to itself. Not quite sure how to proceed, Tessa considered her options. Riding up to the wounded captain, she pointed her sword at him, and called out, "You've been badly beaten, and most of your men have died. Please, there's no need for further bloodshed. Simply surrender. It would pain me greatly to have to do anything further to you." Her sword-arm shook a bit as she delivered the words, but if pressed, she would have to follow through.

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The Comet

"... Finish me off," Alex said, still breathing heavily. "You won. Just kill me."


"I have no idea how it's like that. I simply slash rapidly. Fighting with a lance is completely different," Eric said. "Just ask Derek, when we catch up."

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"Hmm? Who's Derek? You never mentioned him before. It is interesting seeing a different fighting style up close though. That's how you learn after all. Seeing styles other than your own, and learning how they are better, and worse."

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Getting no answer, Arrin shoved himself to his feet again, using a fallen lance as a crutch of sorts, looking over the group. So many people were unconscious... Tessa was fairly unharmed, at least, and a few others were still standing: Isotov, Irina, Viveka, and Chase, he could see from here. After a moment he spotted Cess as well. Arrin called out, trying to get his voice loud enough for some of them to hear: "H-hey! Can you all-- help us?"

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Shaking her head vehemently at the soldier's statement, Tessa replied forcefully. "I'll do no such thing. Killing you at this point would only cause The Lady to weep. You're no longer a threat to us, and I don't know why you attacked us... but as long as you're still alive, perhaps some good can come of this. Why would you wish for death now?" Cocking her head in curiousity, she finished, "I just can't understand that way of thinking."

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"I'm sure Sir Derek would be glad to teach you any swordplay you request." Charlotte said, interjecting into Rita and Eric's conversation. "I heard he is a great teacher."

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"Because she doesn't value her own life." said Esphyr, approaching whilst still rubbing the back of her head. "A lot of soldiers are like that. Die for country and whatever."

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"The princess...," Alex said, looking up at the girl. "I attacked because of the princess. I failed, and so, because of the attack, I'm sure your comrades want me dead. So, kill me. I'm your enemy."


"Yeah. He was better than me, in his prime, actually," Eric said, turning to Charlotte. "How did you hear about that, milady?"

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People and their problems

Once Iso and Viveka finally made it back to the group, he let go of Susann's reins and started trying to get people back on their feet, though there was little he could do. Meanwhile Levski came flying over alongside Jasmine! When they landed, Jasmine moved over to Viveka, and Levski stopped by Irina.

Lev: Okay, what happened over here?

Irina: Well we won. I was really kicking bu- Oh! I almost forgot ... <.< >.> uhhh ... Morgan got kidnapped.

Lev: WHAT?!!! What do you mean kidnapped?!!

Irina: Kidnapped ... abducted ... snatched ... delivered unto unholy hands ... taken far far away. Pick one >_>'

Lev: Sh******t. Did you at least try to save her? I know how jealous you are.

Irina: Jealous?!! I was beating pegasi off with a stick!! I'm not jealous of you and my ex boss!! She will probably just toss you aside if you ever become useless. Why would you even give a woman like that a second thought?! I mean for crying out loud! At least I care enough about you to- ... uh ... urgh ... leave me alone.

Viveka and Jasmine watched as the two argued.

Viveka: Normally this would be entertaining, but she's yelling at my baggage carrier and I don't want her to chase him off.

Jasmine: Hey! You can't have the wyvern lord and the cavalier!

Viveka: Teehee! When in Halton, do what the Haltoninians do!

Jasmine: We're in Septimus now!

Viveka: Hahah! I was just kidding, relax. Besides, I never said I liked Lev like that anyway, and Derek and I are just friends. Unless I get asked out, expect it to stay that way. Now let's help them out before they expire.

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"I was interested in what the knights did at the palace, and Sir Derek's name was often brought up." Charlotte said. "Not that I think you wouldn't make an excellent teacher Sir Eric, just...not for Rita." she said, cheeks turning pink.

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"All right... now we've got help... who's worst hurt?" Arrin managed, leaning heavily on the lance. Suddenly he was being supported from behind: Francis had walked up so that he could lean against the horse's shoulder. "Thanks," Arrin added gratefully, letting the lance fall to the ground again.

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Esphyr had approached and chimed in her opinions on the matter, but it didn't seem particularly helpful. Still, her presence was at least a little reassuring, in that if the wounded soldier attempted any desperate last stand, Tessa knew there was back-up close at hand. It gave her the courage to take the next step.

Swinging down from Trevor, she advanced while speaking, "There was no princess here in the first place. While your attack has likely generated animosity, and perhaps there are some who wouldn't mind seeing you die... we are not a mere band of lawless scum who kill whoever they please." Tessa reached for the soldier's greatlance to take it away. "If you're properly disarmed and humbled, I'm sure I can dissuade them from taking your life. So long as it can be convinced that you do not pose a threat, nor run counter to our objectives, I don't see why there would be a problem... though maybe I'm being too idealistic. I wonder what Sis would say..."

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The Comet

"So I was deceived.. Regardless, In defeat... There is only death," Alex recited, becoming dizzy now. "Kill me... Or let me die. It's better than being captured, especially with Kleine in the group.."

Dani and Eric

"Derek's my older brother. He was a Captain in the Royal Knights!" Dani said, jumping into the conversation. "He's amazing with swords and spears!"

"Perhaps. He has trained people in several different areas," Eric said, catching the cue from Charlotte. "Even I picked up quite a bit from him."

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Far away from the group:

Synt drove the horse onward, looking behind him and slowing down when it appeared no one was pursuing him. "Perhaps they don't care about this one?" he questioned under his breath. Searching the woman for any weapons, the man quickly found her Flux tome and stowed it away in his cloak. Getting out a long piece of rope from the horse's saddlebags, the man quickly tied Morgan's hands behind her back, using the remaining length to string her ankles together, loosely enough that she could shuffle along if needed, but too short for the shaman to run without falling over.

The man wasted a few more minutes waiting impatiently for the mercenaries to show up, eventually giving up and riding into the nearest town. "We're got one at least, and according to that scroll she's the closest thing they have to a leader," smiling slightly. While the attack certainly could have gone better, he had been spared the problem of paying all the mercenaries. "As strong as expected. It's good to know they won't go down without a fight," he remarked to himself.

Dismounting the horse outside a strangely deserted alley, Synt dragged Morgan's still unconscious into a dimly lit room. Tossing her into a chair, the man put his hood back up, then walked into another room. "Tell him the mission succeeded," Synt ordered the men. "I'll watch the shaman." Walking back into the room, the hooded man leaned on one side of the wall, watching the woman carefully for signs of waking up.

OOC: Didn't specify town, can be any town somewhat nearby the Septimian border.

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Tossing aside the man's greatlance, a safe distance, Tessa called out, "Esphyr, anyone, can I get some rope? If we can just bind his hands, it would be safe to heal him, and then we can figure out what to do with him."

A dull throbbing started to beat behind the healer's temples at the thought, and she realized she'd probably been over-exerting herself and things were only now starting to catch up to her. One or two more heals... was probably all the more she could manage at this point. She had to hope it would be enough.

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"I'm really frail," Dani said, looking down. "Always have been. It was just a few years ago when I enrolled in TISME. I never knew I could use magic, until then."

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