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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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OOC: I'm hoping I'm not destroying how I handled mana-network mojo in the past, but this is kind of how I'm imagining it now. If I broke something, eh, yell at me.

Esphyr was continuing to offer some helpful advice, about deep breathing, and mana flow. Tessa appreciated the advice, but wasn't really sure she was entirely consciously aware of how to do that. The more she tried to focus on manipulating the network, the harder she was finding it to manage. Usually whenever she was healing someone, she just slipped into a state naturally, and things proceeded with no real conscious effort.

"Thanks, I'm trying that mana thing, but really. I don't know that it's all that much to get worked up over. Just a splitting headache, a nosebleed I'm beating into submission, and--ahh," something had been pressed up against her lips, and she quickly stopped talking so that she didn't accidentally bite something or someone.

After Esphyr explained that it was some sort of herb, she answered again. "No... I appreciate the concern, but I'd rather not go chewing on things I haven't seen, or know what they are just yet. I'm sure all I need is a little time, and I'll be back on top of things."

It was true, actually. Parts of the blankness that had replaced her vision were already fuzzing back into shape, or so it seemed. Tessa couldn't quite be sure of course until everything returned to normal, but it was at least an encouraging sign.

"I'd squeeze your hand or hug you or something, but I'd probably get blood all over you, or just make a mess of things. And you too, Arrin. Worrying over me is all well and good, but when I get swarmed like this, it's kind of embarrassing really."

She contemplated adding in another statement directed towards Pary, but she hadn't heard from the priest in awhile, and wasn't sure if he was still nearby. Ultimately, she just left things like they were. Esphyr was talking to someone, she didn't recognize the voice well enough to make out who it was, but when Esphyr clearly said that she trusted Tessa a great deal, she found herself growing warm and happy.

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"In your curiosity, have you come across a way to give a burst of energy to a exhausted body?" she said before Tessa stated her recovery. A smile flushed across Esphyr's face. Already her arms were supporting the girl, so it was no matter for her to simply slide both her arms up a bit to form a hug. A simple, happy, hug.

"Silly, I don't care about blood." she said as she gave Tessa a small squeeze.


Upon the moon

She had done her best, but her body was spent. As the troubador Tessa called upon the light, the last of the goddesses power had been sent to cure her target. With an exasperated scream, the goddess dropped to her knees. Already, she could feel the calls and petitions for more energy coming from across the world, but had no energy left to give unto them. One of those calls came from Tessa once again, and with no power to spare, the Goddess could not aid her. Tessa was left to draw upon her own energy as across the world several hundred other clerics were as well.

It was no huge matter. This had happened before. It would take a hour for her to catch herself, restore herself to the point where the drain Helenos had inflicted upon her would begin again, but it was what was needed. She was spent, and needed to recover.

OOC: Persumably this has been happening all the time, so it's no big issue and and healers will likely not notice unless they're REALLY pushed. Just saw an opening and wanted to fill it.

Edited by Snowy_One
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"Please stop! Let me talk to you! What are you?" Verry had to think quickly. Her sisters were too far away, but if Berry got here first, she might try to hand over the woman to Helenos. But....she felt different. Not like a typically mage or anything of the sort. And the wings were certainly a give away. She had to find out more. She disspelled the flames, instead creating an orb of flame around her as a guard, hoping it would block whatever was confusing the woman.

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Tessa's bloodstains caught Zilpah's eye and he jumped back a little bit, he looks at Tessa, "Your the sharp-eyed one from the other day, I don't believe I got your name." Zilpah exclaimed.

"Hmmm to heal the body... Physically or naturally?" Zilpah asked.

Edit: more info

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It was nighttime now, and the rest of the group had long since gone to sleep. Eric circled the group, keeping an eye out for anyone heading their way. At the same time, his mind was churning. So, now Halton and Septimus are going after Her Highness. Elyisima's neutral, so it is unlikely they will harbour her. Where do we go?, he thought. There's also the Goddess... Septimus, it seems, is the only option. Perhaps if we can find Kaileen... Suddenly, the swordsman realized that he wasn't the only one awake. Turning around, he saw Charlotte, looking at him.

"Milady, is something wrong?" he asked. "Shouldn't you rest?"

Edit: Grammar.

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With a mighty roar, the headmaster charged straight forwards at Verry, ignoring the presence of her flame-sphere and instead charging right at it. "Death to the shadows, and death to the defiler of winds!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she leapt full-force at the shadow-sirin.

OOC: I'll let you decide the damage for both.

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The flames had trailed the Headmaster's cloak, going for the opposing mana force. They were quickly burning the cloak to shreds. The woman had tackled Verry to the groud, dispearsing the flames, and wrestling with her. Struggling, the girls tossed and tumbled, before Verry sank into the ground through her shadows. She drug the woman's arms with her, locking them in place, able to decide when to let her go. Verry reappeared over the woman, trying to talk to her, while the Headmaster struggled against the mysterious bonds. "Ow. You scratched me. *sniff* How did you just go through my spell? Answer my questions, and I'll let you go."

(OOC: She's wearing a cloak right?)

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"I'm just worried." said Charlotte to Eric. "No aid from Elysimia, we cannot even see the emperor of Halton anymore, at least most of Septimus is hostile to us due to Jace, there are demons all over...we have so many enemies. I'm...not sure I can see a happy ending anywhere in sight."

"I'm sorry about earlier by the way, you can train Rita if you want to, I'm...not really sure why I objected."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Shadow creature, you cause pain and suffering!" screamed the headmaster, struggling as hard as she could against the bonds that had encaptured her. "I will kill you! KILL YOU! As a spirit of the winds, I shall toss you down and slay you!"

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Heinz continued watching the scene, walking stiffly over to a scraggly tree to lean himself against, farther away from the chaos. That archer looks frantic, running around for tracks like that, he thought wryly. Shrugging, Heinz scanned his eyes over the rest of the group, noting the thunder mage trying to drag the Halton soldier by himself in amusement while his sister leaned on the fire mage for support. Heinz snorted, eyes narrowing slightly as he turned his head away.

That Ivanko mercenary, archer, and Derek are all running in the same direction that cloaked man was.... frowning slightly at the sight. He had expected the whole group would rest and wait to chase after Morgan, but it seemed three of them were already on the move. No time to send another scroll though, I'll have to find that man soon. Looking around quickly, Heinz glared in irritation when he failed to spot his mount. Damned horse.... Probably ran off or something, failing to notice Ralf was conveniently grazing on grass, hidden behind a few other horses.

Can't do much right now anyway, glumly listening in on the Jerdonian's talk about the Duke Arckson. Hearing a minus ruckus to the side, Heinz frowned again, seeing the strange shaman had reappeared. "What happened?" Heinz questioned. Tessa get a nosebleed or something?

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Not violence. Words. But not just any words. The words she heard time and time again. The ones she cried nights and nights over. The words that caused her and her sisters to run, hide. The words that lead her to join Helenos. The words that lead to everything. To finally meeting someone like her and her sisters, someone she'd be able to talk to, and understand. But those words. The ones that cause her to have contempt for humans. All because she was a wrong type of spirit. Not a good, friendly one like a Wind, a Fire, or a Thunder spirit. Not a holy, whorshipped, loved, Light spirit. No. A forbidden darkness spirit. One that cursed those around them, that deserved the asylum of being lonely. No. It was all the same. Like all the other times.

The flames. She could see the torches, and smell the pitch. The villagers trying to run them out. Berry holding onto her. Marry looking away, unable to stare at the mayor and his wife. Didn't she spend time with their son? The yells. "Get the scourge out of town!" "Demons! Kill them all!" "Cursed children! You should do everyone a favor and just die!"

Verry couldn't stand it longer. She dropped to her knees, tears rolling down her cheeks. Hands on her face, sobbing, barely choking out the words. "Why? Why does everyone hate us, just because of our blood? It was never out fault? You. They love you. Spirits like you. You're the leader of TISME after all. And us. We're reduced to working for demons. Nothing more than canon fodder, to serve Helenos for all eternity. Please. Tell me why. ;_;"

(OOC: Don't have the HM be totally heartless.

And this freaking made me cry. ;_;)

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Testing to see whether the flow had actually stopped, Tessa removed her hand from her nose. So far... so good. As she was taking this in, arms wrapped around her, and squeezed, and she couldn't help but smile. It probably looked comically grotesque, but that didn't really matter, at this point.

The unfamiliar voice had called out. When nobody else was answering, it became clear that it was addressed to her. Sharp-eyed one. Me? I don't even... Since continued waiting probably wasn't the best idea, she answered back, "I'm Tessa." Ordinarily at this point, she'd also have gone about introducing the person to the others as well, but if she tried that now, she was sure it could only end badly. Not knowing really what else the voice expected of her, she just sort of waited.

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Esphyr gave Tessa another small hug before finally letting her go. "I am sorry about that Zilpah. As she said, her name is Tessa. She is the healer of the group and under the watch of many here."


"Death! You deserve! You des-desr-de..." For the fleetest of moments, either through sheer willpower or the simple fact that the headmaster was stronger than Verry, the crimson bloodlust faded from the woman's eye. If only for a second, a normal tone returned. "I can't be near you. Even half-spirit, my element seeks to defend itself from you. It hurts!" she said, her voice weary, exhausted, as if holding back a raging bull.

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Mear instinct. Just plain, old, stupid instinct. That's why people hated them. Because no one understood them. Verry sobbed harder.

"We have no ill intent. I don't wish to hurt you. I want to understand you. What you do. Why people love you. But that's impossible. Go on. Kill me then. Rid the world of the horrible violent shadow spirits. The ones that bring misfortune to all and scourge to the earth." She released the Headmasters arms, letting her stand. Verry stayed on the ground sobbing.

(OOC: Don't actually kill her. <_< )

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OOC: Lets see how well i do....

Bored again. They would have to wait for Morgan to get back. Then a dagger slid past his cheek and dug itself into the ground. A newly formed cut opened up and leaked a warm liquid. His blood. His tongue slid across his lips as the blood trickled down his face, yet he managed to get a quick taste. "Arousing." He muttered before he turned around and saw Reika. "That was the warning. Next one is going through your neck." Helios got up and let out a chuckle. "Bring it on, Reika."

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"Simply because we have so many enemies, does not mean that all is lost, milady. Keep your hopes up. Despair is the first step to defeat," Eric said, looking away. "Besides, it would not have been a happy ending had you taken the contract, correct? There will be a way to solve this, princess. There always is." Pausing for a second, he decided to address the training comment, as well. "If Your Highness does not wish for me to instruct someone, I shall not. Simple as that."


"... I just want to know why. Why did he do that?" Alex said, looking away. "It was just out of the blue, and then Jace invaded. Jerdon did nothing wrong."

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The voice introduced itself as Zilpah, from the other day. Wracking her brain to come up with possibilities, she thought she struck on one. "That jumpy shaman at the inn with an unhealthy interest in the Crimson Weapons?" she asked. She was going to continue, but she heard someone... sounded like it might have been Heinz, asking what was going on.

Turning her head in the direction of the voice, she answered the question with a question. "You're feeling better already?" Blinking a couple of times, trying to get more information, she ended up settling for looking at just a vague and blurry swirl.

Esphyr had continued to converse with the new shaman, so she didn't feel too bad about having shifted her attention, but soon enough he was asking her another question. "A lot of pressure, huh? Well, I guess. It wasn't so bad when we were small and tightly knit, actually. But things have sort of been growing larger and larger, and... I guess I don't really scale well." Tessa let out a sort of, forced laugh at the end there.

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"I thank you Sir Eric." Charlotte said. "Hopefully we will find answers in Septimus."

She paused for a moment, and slipped a simple golden band off her finger. "I want you to have this Sir Eric. It is the ring I received at my coronation, passed down through my family for centuries. Perhaps it will bring you good luck, which is something you seem to need quite a lot of." She gave him a smile. "It is a token of my...gratitude for your service."

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With a sudden spring forth, the Headmaster leapt to her feet before charging through the air; her fist raised to smash into Verry's jaw. The hardened knuckle smote into shadowed flesh as Verry had made it clear she was not going to move. A shockwave of wind magic formed upon the fingertips of the headmasters hand as she prepared to unleash it into Verry's jaw; yet it did not sally forth. A second blow came, smashing firmly into Verry's gut, yet no shockwave came. With a swift spin, the headmaster launched a roundhouse kick at the girls face, only for the heel of the woman's shoe to pass inches below the woman's chin. The headmaster was not done, and sprung up into the air, her fist curled into a small ball, as she smashed downwards towards Verry; seeking to smash the girls skull in.



The fist smashed into the ground beside Verry, a heavy crack shattering the air as the headmaster's fist smashed into the ground beside Verry. "I should smash you." she said simply, holding her fist stead. "Every bit of my body cries out in pain, cries out for your blood. I WANT to smash you. It's how it is. A spirit of the lesser element is always pained by that of the greater. You are likewise pained by fire, and thunder would be pained by me. Yet, you are wrong. You see only the world as it has been created now, and not history, being, or reason." said the headmaster, her tone even and steady so long as she kept the fist strong on the ground. Already, a small puddle of blood was pooling beneith her knuckle, a symbol of her pain.

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