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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"You guys found Morgan already?" Damian said,surprised.

"And here I thought with the way you guys came back yesterday,that you would need some help,guess I was wrong."

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Alex & Eric

"So you're observant," Alex said, standing up now that she had cut off the ropes. Walking over to Eric, she took her helmet back from him, and donned it. "Thank you for getting that, sir. Now, to find my spear..."

"... Your welcome?" Eric said, a bit taken aback.

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Heinz nodded at the Ivanko mercenary, remounting his horse again. Good thing I waited till now to get my pay, watching Chase speed off back to camp. Hearing Esphyr yell from on top of the giant wyvern, Heinz smirked slightly. I can blame my disappearance on their actions.

"At least they stopped arguing with General Alex," Heinz commented, sighing.

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"So what do you plan on doing now, General? You wouldnt be foolish enough to attack us would you?" Helios was starting to grow a little wary.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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The Rescuers

Viveka: Okay.

Viveka quickly hopped up onto Susann, and then gave Morgan a hand to pull her up as well.

Viveka: Basically the same as riding passenger with a horse. Just don't lean to either side or you'll confuse Sunny with directional commands. (Motion training can really bite you in the ass when you've got incompetent passengers. And they wonder why the pegasi keep drifting to the left or the right >_>' )

Lev feeling that it was now appropriate to do so, climbed back onto Krinkov, and the wyvern prepared to take off.

Lev: Alright then. That wraps things up here. I'm going to go inform Derek. I'll see the rest of you back at camp.

Viveka: Teehee. Poor Chase. He's going to get there and notice the fliers all got there first :lol:

Susann quickly took off and began flying away from the town, and back toward the camp.

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"Well, I could do that, but then I become an international criminal, which is not my cup of tea," Alex said. "No, I guess I shall just get out of here, before you try to capture me again."

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"Good luck with that. Knowing the others, they will track you down via Wyvern. I would ask you to join us but i can imagine how you would react."

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"Well, good luck to them, I would say," Alex said, finding her great lance. "Now, one last gift to you all," she said, slamming the head of her spear into Helios' temple, knocking him out cold. Producing a necklace, the soldier donned it, saluted, and ran off in a different direction than the town.

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'I wonder if she's off to tell the King and Queen of our arrival." Charlotte said. "Perhaps we will find aid here after all, though it may be a trap. We should head to the capital to find out, which may be the same direction this group is heading...where is everyone anyway?" she asked, looking around.

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OOC: Going to start messing around with titles now. Instead of only naming for characters. I may sometimes name for scenes, and it will be obvious who is and isn't in them.

The Returning Flight

Susann galloped through the air aiming to reach the main camp before the others on the ground caught up. Meanwhile, Viveka was desperately trying to think of a way to curve the awkward feeling of riding with Morgan as a passenger.

Viveka: Hmm ... ehhh ... ... mm ... so Morgan ... ... is what Lev was talking about true? Did you really hire him? That seems a little odd.

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"Yeah, I'm from the islands. One of the smaller islands though. Most people go there to sight see or things like that. Why? Have you ever been there?"

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"Perhaps they went to town, milady," Eric said, seeing that the groups' things were still present. "Shall we wait for them to return?"

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Irina: No I've never been actually. I just figured that you two may have been from the same place if you're such good friends.


As the others were leaving, Lev flew up into the air and headed over to the area where Derek had been searching. Once he spotted the cavalier, he landed on a nearby rooftop and called out to him.

Lev: Hey! We found her! The kitty's flying her back to the camp, and we're all heading back!

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"Is that so? Well, that's great," Derek said, running back to his horse. "Let's go, then." Quickly jumping onto Ann, the cavalier rode out of town, and back towards the groups' camp.

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"I spent a few coin for him to help enforce order in the group, littlemore." Morgan replied to Viveka, attempting to stay centered despite her wooziness.

"I do not know her personally." Charlotte replied to Helios. "She is apparently an emissary of King Stefan and Queen Isolde, antagonizing her probably did us little good."

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"Is she." He said rubbing his temple. He wouldnt be surprised if his face wasnt covered in bruises by now. "She attacked us while you were gone. By the way did you complete your task?"

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Viveka: (Heheh, little more.) It just seems odd that you're hiring mercenaries left and right. Speaking of order, are you trying to lead the group or something? You don't exactly seem like the leading type ... social awkwardness and all.

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"That was an unfortnate misunderstanding I'm afraid. And no, I didn't really find what I was looking for, hence the journey here." Charlotte replied to Helios.

"More bodies the better I suppose." Morgan replied to Viveka. "And I suppose I am trying to lead them, if only because there seem to be no better candidates."

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"We're neighbors actually. I've known Cess since we were both little. We're practically siblings." Rita looked around the camp at the others. "You see that cute fire mage over there? I wonder if he'll talk to me. And that nomad is so handsome. Maybe he can help me with my sword training."

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"I see." Jerdon was invaded by Jace. Her pride wont let her ask for help from there. Elysima and Zaftra are too far. Tora is on the middle of a controversy. That leaves Halton, that must be why she headed towards the capital. "Eric you said that i was a prince didnt you?"

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"Yes. Prince of Tora, I believe," Eric said, turning to the wind mage. "But, why do you ask?"

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