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Who is the Worst Internet Reviewer/Personality

Dark Sage

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I think it's the Irate Gamer. You can clearly tell he's an AVGN ripoff and his Tekken 6/Deadly Rampage/Turtles in Time Reshelled review and is dreadful. I stopped after his Tekken. Who the can't find the Arcade Mode in a menu screen of A FIGHTING GAME and doesn't realize that's the point of the game?! He's just terrible, and I'm going to check out his History of Video Games Video since I am a masochist and have a large knowledge of it.

Anyway, know any great youtube reviewers? I watch many Guy with The Glasses reviewers, but who else is great and not so well known?

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Baring obvious like the Irate gamer, ZP gets my vote. If you don't realize Polonius is neither a role model nor is his line about brevity written to be serious (His main character trait is that he likes to hear himself talk, infact this line is right after a long winded rant from him, indicating Yahtzee has never even seen the play) , and try to use it to defend your position, you are an idiot.

Edited by deuxhero
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Anyway, know any great youtube reviewers? I watch many Guy with The Glasses reviewers, but who else is great and not so well known?

I like watching filmnstuff's reviews of video games on Youtube.

As for worst I can't comment, seeing I've never seen any of the Irate Gamer/ZP's reviews so...

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Anyway, know any great youtube reviewers? I watch many Guy with The Glasses reviewers, but who else is great and not so well known?

Stuart Ashen (reviews knock-off toys) is technially part of TGwtG, but posts on Youtube. Mike Mozart (reviews badly designed toys) is also good.

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Baring obvious like the Irate gamer, ZP gets my vote. If you don't realize Polonius is neither a role model nor is his line about brevity written to be serious (His main character trait is that he likes to hear himself talk, infact this line is right after a long winded rant from him, indicating Yahtzee has never even seen the play) , and try to use it to defend your position, you are an idiot.

You seem to not understand the point of Zero Punctuation.

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Your point about Yahtzee seems slightly silly. I mean, I can't really understand it without the context, but it seems like a minor point to count against him. For the most part, he's a pretty funny guy.

EDIT-I do feel he's pretty useless in determining a game's quality however. I mean really, his favorite game is of all things Prince of Persia? Don't get me wrong, the graphics and level design of that game are brilliant, but it's not really a 10/10 quality game...

Edited by SeverIan
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Irate clearly wins my vote on this one. He just lacks any sense of originality in his reviews, which many reviewers manage at least get some original ideas going on.

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Your point about Yahtzee seems slightly silly. I mean, I can't really understand it without the context, but it seems like a minor point to count against him. For the most part, he's a pretty funny guy.

EDIT-I do feel he's pretty useless in determining a game's quality however. I mean really, his favorite game is of all things Prince of Persia? Don't get me wrong, the graphics and level design of that game are brilliant, but it's not really a 10/10 quality game...

Well, to be fair, Yahtzee's pretty much a fan boy of some things and a critic of others. Some of his complaints he admits are entirely personal bias (Before going off on a humorous analogy), and some of them he won't give any ground on.

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Your point about Yahtzee seems slightly silly. I mean, I can't really understand it without the context, but it seems like a minor point to count against him. For the most part, he's a pretty funny guy.

EDIT-I do feel he's pretty useless in determining a game's quality however. I mean really, his favorite game is of all things Prince of Persia? Don't get me wrong, the graphics and level design of that game are brilliant, but it's not really a 10/10 quality game...

He's made a blog post with this

"Shakespeare wrote that "brevity is the soul of wit." He did not then add "unless you're writing a webcomic." It applies to everything, and don't tell me you're arrogant enough to claim to know better than Shakespeare."

Which is stupid because 1.An appeal to authority has about as much merit as Godwin's Law. 2. The line was said by a villain (I guess George Lucas wants to blow up planets with a giant space station) 3. Ask anyone what they think of the way the man wrote, I don't think they will list "brevity" among it.

He also whines about how he needs to unlock characters or who the hell someone is when the game tells him rather than legitamate issues, like the fact that the gameplay is unplayably slow and lacking in hitstun.

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Since you mentioned if we know any good reviewers, I kinda enjoyed Armake21's reviews. Although, at the time, I was like 12. Also, I'm not sure if his account is still up, so meh. If his account is up though, you should check him up~.

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He's made a blog post with this

"Shakespeare wrote that "brevity is the soul of wit." He did not then add "unless you're writing a webcomic." It applies to everything, and don't tell me you're arrogant enough to claim to know better than Shakespeare."

Which is stupid because 1.An appeal to authority has about as much merit as Godwin's Law. 2. The line was said by a villain (I guess George Lucas wants to blow up planets with a giant space station) 3. Ask anyone what they think of the way the man wrote, I don't think they will list "brevity" among it.

He also whines about how he needs to unlock characters or who the hell someone is when the game tells him rather than legitamate issues, like the fact that the gameplay is unplayably slow and lacking in hitstun.

Dude, the Shakespeare line was a joke. I don't actually see any problem there, and it kind of feels silly to even count it as a problem...

The unlocking complaint was actually legitimate, and again, I believe the Marth thing was a joke as well. Either way, the game might tell you who he is, but you're still going to be pretty lost about it unless you've actually played FE. As for the "legitimate issues", well, you pretty much had to be a heavy fighting game player/Melee player to even see those issues, and Yahtzee freely admits to not liking or even really "getting" fighting games.

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I have yet to find any discover any internet reviewer i have yet to loathe. O course that may change soon. I hear irate gamer is trash and I wanna see it for the Lulz.

Personal favorites include: TGwtG and Yahtzee, but only when I feel in the mood.

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