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League of Legends

Kedyns Crow

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Just had an epic 3v5(Well, it became 4v5 towards the end but ehhh)

Score when it was still kinda 3v5(although much worse earlygame seeing as Amumu afked for a while too)


Endgame when it became 4v5:


That was some good morale breaking.

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I finally hit level 30 about a month ago. That said, it certainly sped up when i went into premades with some mates of mine, also when i learned to queue dodge Eve, Laning Warwicks, and the occasional Master Yi(yes, he roflstomps from level 1-20 but after that people should know how to counter him). I'm starting to use Pantheon now, co-ordinating a grandsky fall from spawn behind/on the enemy during a team fight will usually land me/ the team a few kills.

Add SpiralFang if you want to play with me I guess.

Swain just got released, i'll post my thoughts up here later.

Edited by Spiral
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So my internet screwed up for a while, but it's better now. Just had an epic-ish game.


Not bad.

and the occasional Master Yi(yes, he roflstomps from level 1-20 but after that people should know how to counter him).

Even in higher level games Yi still rapes if played effectively. I make a pretty good mid with him.

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Swain's balanced from what i've been seeing. His snares don't go for too long, and his ulti isn't too hard to counter, as he is still squishy. To be honest i don't see him contributing much, but then again he has just been released.

i'm still fed up with spin-and-win Garen's.

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Whee, Sona is fun. I've been tearing with her as long as I am playing with some decent carries! 8D

She actually isn't the hardest champ though, just spam her stances as fast as possible, and placing her ult is pretty easy. I almost got a PENTAKILL with her on my 5/1/11 game, I placed my ult perfect, while our MF and Kennen ran in and used theirs. I picked off 4 and got a QUADRAKILL with Hymn of Valour, but MF got the 5th one :( They surrendered right after that. lol.


Edited by 72Chih@y@72
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Sona does way too much damage early game for a support in my opinion.

Also it's a free champ weekend so everyone is free.

Except a bunch of noobs that pick Swain that lane the whole game really makes me hate the free weekend.

Edited by BK-201
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I lol'd at her ingame name: FEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

What's even lulzier is the hero's name is Lux

Hmm, an ability that gives friendlies stealth? Oh lord.

Also, we still haven't played a match together to those I previously added lulz.

And next time I come on I'll add you, Spiral.

Edited by Joey
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I lol'd at her ingame name: FEMACIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

What's even lulzier is the hero's name is Lux

Hmm, an ability that gives friendlies stealth? Oh lord.

Also, we still haven't played a match together to those I previously added lulz.

And next time I come on I'll add you, Spiral.

I'm thinking she'll get heavy nerfing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did Jax get buffed in the last update? Because I versed one and he seemed tougher than usual at a lower level... Maybe he just stacked runes.

He got a massive buff.


Equipment Mastery tooltip updated to show health gained from each source dynamically

Leap Strike

Cast time reduced by 20%

Travel speed increased by 20%

Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.8


Now only deals damage to a single target rather than to an area of effect

Now resets Jax’s autoattack timer when cast

Damage increased to 75/110/145/180/215 from 40/60/80/100/120

Ability power and damage ratios increased to 0.4 from 0.2

Mana cost reduced to 20 from 35

Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 from 5/5/5/5/5

Tooltip corrected to accurately state it deals magic damage

Fixed bugs where Empower incorrectly did less damage when used at the same time as Leap Strike or each 3rd Relentless Assault strike.

Counter Strike damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 80/100/120/140/160

Relentless Assault

New Active: Grants 20/35/50 + Jax's dodge percent in bonus magic resistance for 5/6.5/8 seconds upon activation. Costs 80 mana. Cooldown of 60/60/60 seconds.

Buff icon now dynamically shows the number of Relentless Assault stacks which Jax is benefitting from

Tooltip correctly indicates that Jax gains up to 10 stacks of Relentless Assault

Recommended items updated

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