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Kedyns Crow

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That reminds me of last night's game with BK when he played Garen, except that we won and I went 9/4 as Kassadin. Even though I made fools out of the entire team by rushing in on people with me having 4 bars of health left and surviving with them dying because of me, they still couldn't seem to stop bitching about how Garen is OP. Trolling happened.

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That reminds me of last night's game with BK when he played Garen, except that we won and I went 9/4 as Kassadin. Even though I made fools out of the entire team by rushing in on people with me having 4 bars of health left and surviving with them dying because of me, they still couldn't seem to stop bitching about how Garen is OP. Trolling happened.

:D that was hilarious.

Nunu runs into a bush with low health, I proceed to silence, spin, and ulti him. He dies and begins QQing and calling me a retard. I love stupid people.

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:D that was hilarious.

Nunu runs into a bush with low health, I proceed to silence, spin, and ulti him. He dies and begins QQing and calling me a retard. I love stupid people.

Like thing is yeah, Garen is an easy hero to play but by all means he's not undefeatable. I like how if there's a Garen in the game people always blame their losses on the opposing team's Garen.

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Like thing is yeah, Garen is an easy hero to play but by all means he's not undefeatable. I like how if there's a Garen in the game people always blame their losses on the opposing team's Garen.

Yeah, by a certain point one should learn facechecking is equivalent to death.

My internet chose a great time to disconnect.

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My internet chose a great time to disconnect.

It's fine, we still won.

That match with that amumu though was priceless.

"You're a terrible trynd and you shouldn't be wasting money on skins of heroes you suck with"

by the end of the game I'm 9/1 and he's 1/6.

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It's fine, we still won.

That match with that amumu though was priceless.

"You're a terrible trynd and you shouldn't be wasting money on skins of heroes you suck with"

by the end of the game I'm 9/1 and he's 1/6.

Also, "Morde is a terrible champion, all my deaths were 1v3", and he decided to bash me after I tanked his whole team 1v5.

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Also, "Morde is a terrible champion, all my deaths were 1v3", and he decided to bash me after I tanked his whole team 1v5.

What's also funny is he wasted his ult on me when it was just him alone, I was at full health and I was right next to a wall that I could just spin through to juke him. And then he proceeds to call me pussy just because I did the smart thing by running away considering there was like 2 more of his teammates near him.

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Amazing champion.

I has achieved level 30. Which champion should I buy that costs at most 3150, or should I save to buy Galio?

Still need to figure out a solid build for Brolaf though. Frozen Mallet seems nice and all but I like getting infinity edge first as it gives a nice huge boost to his DPS. Even if the health boost does slightly boost his W ability and allows for him to slow with his auto attacks. Decisions decisions. Regardless of my first item though if I don't get the mallet first I always buy it as my second item not counting boots at the very least.

Also, you seem to be alright with Gallio, save up for him if you want.

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