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Kedyns Crow

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For Shen, it was an Attack Speed/Life Steal combo. His Attack Speed isn't stellar, but his HP is, and allowing him to prolong it makes him even more annoying. If you give him Vorpal Blade at 1st level, and Feint at 2nd level, you're almost guaranteed a 1v1 champion win (depending on your equipment). I was able to make it to level 6 without dying once.

As for Tristana, I used to use an "Attack Speed Spam" build, but after talking to a really good player, they told me that putting things into Power and Life Steal were better. I was able to clear the three mid lane towers by myself and destroy an inhibitor. I was ~4 levels higher than everyone else.

And my username is Soren37. Funny how no one has that name except me.

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For Shen, it was an Attack Speed/Life Steal combo. His Attack Speed isn't stellar, but his HP is, and allowing him to prolong it makes him even more annoying. If you give him Vorpal Blade at 1st level, and Feint at 2nd level, you're almost guaranteed a 1v1 champion win (depending on your equipment). I was able to make it to level 6 without dying once.

As for Tristana, I used to use an "Attack Speed Spam" build, but after talking to a really good player, they told me that putting things into Power and Life Steal were better. I was able to clear the three mid lane towers by myself and destroy an inhibitor. I was ~4 levels higher than everyone else.

And my username is Soren37. Funny how no one has that name except me.

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For Shen, it was an Attack Speed/Life Steal combo. His Attack Speed isn't stellar, but his HP is, and allowing him to prolong it makes him even more annoying. If you give him Vorpal Blade at 1st level, and Feint at 2nd level, you're almost guaranteed a 1v1 champion win (depending on your equipment). I was able to make it to level 6 without dying once.

As for Tristana, I used to use an "Attack Speed Spam" build, but after talking to a really good player, they told me that putting things into Power and Life Steal were better. I was able to clear the three mid lane towers by myself and destroy an inhibitor. I was ~4 levels higher than everyone else.

And my username is Soren37. Funny how no one has that name except me.

Imo, that build doesn't allow you to fully utilize Shen. The build is fairly weak considering that it doesn't really synergize with his skills. Shen is made to be a tank evident by his ability to shield damage, taunt enemies, and teleport to allies in distress. I build him, if I ever play him again, Aegis, Merc Treads, and Randuin for the core. Shen is supposed to be a tank not a DPS despite how he looks. Building tank Shen, my friend goes whole games without dying or having <3 deaths.

Attack Speed Spam is a poor build, as there is a reason that Infinity Edge is considered the best item for any melee. The person is right, allocating item slots towards building AD and Life Steal are much better. I have no good explanation why you would be ~4 levels higher than everyone. Probably fed, though it wouldn't be reliable. I see you aren't building IE on Trist which I recommend you try.

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Thank you!

I know it's a different build for Shen, but when I went with the recommended armours and what not, I would die. All the time. So I tried that build out, and it worked fairly well. I know it's not perfect, but it was fun.

Also, what's IE?

Joey, I'll get it tonight probably.

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Thank you!

I know it's a different build for Shen, but when I went with the recommended armours and what not, I would die. All the time. So I tried that build out, and it worked fairly well. I know it's not perfect, but it was fun.

Also, what's IE?

Joey, I'll get it tonight probably.

The recommended build is rarely good. Dying is the purpose of the Tank, you're supposed to shield your teammates hence his ultimate and his taunt dash.

Infinity Edge, considered the best item for most DPS champions due to providing a great amount of AD, critical, and boosts the damage on all criticals.

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The recommended build is rarely good. Dying is the purpose of the Tank, you're supposed to shield your teammates hence his ultimate and his taunt dash.

I'll remember that if I get the chance to play him again.

Infinity Edge, considered the best item for most DPS champions due to providing a great amount of AD, critical, and boosts the damage on all criticals.

Oh, okay! I'm actually hoping to eventually buy Sona, in which case I just get Mana Regen and Mana boost items (unless I'm completely stupid).

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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbut I average like 15/3/1 on level 30 games with tristana

i also have firefighter trist :lol:

i also got a pentakill with trist a few days ago :)

oh, and here's my build


Teleport Ghost with taking masteries in both

dorans blade+hp pot

take mid

<<farm to 1850 gold, get bf sword, farm to 2200 if possible for bf sword+boots1

if you need to B, and you have under 1850 gold get another dorans+boots or a pickaxe+boots

after that, rush IE then merc treads.

if the other team is super tanky, rush a bloodrazor.

if they're super squishy, rush a phantom dancer.

after getting either one, get the other right after.

and for the 6th slot, get whatever you want, I tend to buy more AD, but I'd recommend a Banshees Veil.

Edited by 72Chih@y@72
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Pieman has it right for Tristana, getting a Doran's Blade is great early game, and 2 BF swords give you a boosted mid game and build into powerful items. Regarding super squishy, Phantom Dancer is not necessary, rather the ability to burst them down either in powerful attacks or fast ones, Trist already gets AS from her Q I believe.

Inverting Locket will be placed back after they work it out btw.

Ryze build that I find effective:

Start with a Sapphire Crystal and either 2 health pots or 1 health and 1 mana depending on how well you can manage your health.

Build Sapphire Crystal into Catalyst, purchase boots of speed.

Rod of Ages from Catalyst, and either Sorceror Boots or Mercury Treads depending on amount of CCs on other team.

Then counterbuild.

Also, stop stacking Wriggles.

Edited by BK-201
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