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[FE6] Draft

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EDIT: Also, remember Marcus is only usable when forced.

Whoa now WHOA NOW. This is not jiving, brotha. Marcus isn't in the drafting pool, and you never put that forth as a restriction. You said Marcus and Rutger were free to all and put no stipulations on that.

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Whoa now WHOA NOW. This is not jiving, brotha. Marcus isn't in the drafting pool, and you never put that forth as a restriction. You said Marcus and Rutger were free to all and put no stipulations on that.

It was stated on page 1, though I admit, not being in the OP could be cause for some confusion, as well as the inability to draft Marcus for continued use.

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It was stated on page 1, though I admit, not being in the OP could be cause for some confusion, as well as the inability to draft Marcus for continued use.

if you don't want to click, here it is:

If you miss a gaiden, I guess an obscenely large penalty works.

Normal mode is probably going to be taken, now.

Also, Marcus is only free use when forced.

Lastly, thieves are free to deploy to pick up stuff in the desert.

Whoa now WHOA NOW. This is not jiving, brotha. Marcus isn't in the drafting pool, and you never put that forth as a restriction. You said Marcus and Rutger were free to all and put no stipulations on that.

This is why you read all the posts rather than skip things. As for him not being draftable, that's kinda odd to me. I guess this means that everyone uses him from chapter 1 to 5, and then nobody can use him after that. Which is a shame for chapter 6 and 7, but after that it isn't such a huge problem at all.

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I read all the posts. I missed that line of that post. I'd have brought it up earlier if I'd seen it.

So Marcus is undraftable and cannot be used past C5, but Rutger can always be used? I'm sorta not following the logic here.

Edited by Integrity
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I read all the posts. I missed that line of that post. I'd have brought it up earlier if I'd seen it.

So Marcus is undraftable and cannot be used past C5, but Rutger can always be used? I'm sorta not following the logic here.

Neither am I, really. I'd understand if he was draftable.

Anyway, Rutger is like the super-boss killer for most of the game (though by that argument, you'd think you'd be allowed to use Dieck w/ armorslayer in chapter 2 and 3) so you could basically add an automatic +2 for most chapters for anyone that doesn't have him. He'd be like an I Win button. However, making him free forever also cuts back on the worth of Fir. If only one person could have Rutger, Fir would be helpful for boss-killing for anyone that doesn't have Rutger (at least, once she gets up to stuff).

I wonder if weapons could extend Marcus use to chapter 7. After 7, it doesn't really matter (in a normal game). Only reason I kept using Marcus instead of Zealot was because he was spectacularly blessed (and thus he beat or tied Zealot in everything, and his luck advantage meant I used Marcus). Now, I worry for Core and Anouleth once Marcus is prohibited, but oh well?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Hey, I just did a count and it seems there are 51 draftable units. I think we should leave Marcus as is and let Merlinus be free use - that would put the draftable units at 50, or 10 for each person, plus Rutger, Marcus (for a bit), Merlinus, and Roy. Seems fair to me, if no one else has objections.

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Hey, I just did a count and it seems there are 51 draftable units. I think we should leave Marcus as is and let Merlinus be free use - that would put the draftable units at 50, or 10 for each person, plus Rutger, Marcus (for a bit), Merlinus, and Roy. Seems fair to me, if no one else has objections.

It's NM, so Zealot and Treck probably won't die before a team of 2 or 3 can get there, but I still think Marcus until chapter 7 ends would be better.

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Integrity, I'm guessing you're waiting for the pickable Marcus issue to be resolved before you pick?

As for 51 draftable units, I don't find it necessary to adjust since there'll just be a character left undrafted.

Then the question is: Will it be Wendy or Sophia?

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Anyway, Rutger is like the super-boss killer for most of the game (though by that argument, you'd think you'd be allowed to use Dieck w/ armorslayer in chapter 2 and 3) so you could basically add an automatic +2 for most chapters for anyone that doesn't have him. He'd be like an I Win button. However, making him free forever also cuts back on the worth of Fir. If only one person could have Rutger, Fir would be helpful for boss-killing for anyone that doesn't have Rutger (at least, once she gets up to stuff).

This isn't quite true since Marcus can 1RKO the boss as well with either the armor-slayer or the silver lance (or even Roy with armor-slayer for a 2RKO), Marcus even has higher base skill for bosskilling. Also it's not like Fir is a bad unit in her own right since she comes at a good time, but she is noticeably worse in NM, being about on par to Oujay.

Then the question is: Will it be Wendy or Sophia?

I'd rather have either of them than Karel to be honest....

Edited by Brighton
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I wasn't waiting. I just forgot it was me next. :P Gimme a minute. I wasn't going to draft Marcus ever before anybody else did anyway.


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