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[FE6] Draft

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Beating things faster than me isn't an achievement.


Well, you were my only benchmark ;p.

Slowking, Starcraft is an acceptable distraction. I am about to super slow down as well as I am going to be away for the next week and won't get as much done. Plus, I just generally hate 16 and 16x.

EDIT: I also want to wait to see what other people post on some levels. My excel spreadsheet (yes, I am tracking this on Excel. Turn totals and average per chapter. nothing special, just normal nerdish things) says I am 55 chapters ahead of Integrity (with him having done two chapter more), so realistically I have probably a 30-35 turn lead on him and since I am going to be traveling anyway, I might as well wait a bit and see what some other people post so I can decide if I want to take a tourist route on Chapter 16 or go fast.

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Turns? :D

Also, Starcraft 2 didn't grab me at all. It was too Starcraft, and Starcraft was so...eh. I'm not a man for the 500 APM micromanagement game.

Anyway, I'll be cranking out Sacae this week. I managed to get myself back into the groove of FE4 and I want to get that game finished once.

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7 turn clear.

Dunno how I could have cleared this faster without burning Warp. Let one village die, got the bottom one. Ellen tanked magic! Cath did some shopping and then abused <800 bid Arenas to get some money and XP. Dieck managed to get the boss kill without burning Durandal same turn Roy got there, which was nice.


6 turn clear.


Cath shops, everybody else fights off bowyers. Ellen does Ellentastic things. Nothing remarkable happens except I have Hand Axes again.


13 turn clear.

Couldn't find a way to - safely - Warpskip the chapter, so it fell to good ol' bumrushing. Everybody found something to kill except Cath, who visited houses.


4 turn clear.

Dieck to the top with a Hammer, kill the boss. Roy does the same after Dieck clears, otherwise it could have been a 3-turn hypothetically. Dayan get and my team is complete! Hammerne'd the Warp staff - only one Hammerne left.

und HALT.

I've never done Sacae before; chapter 20x what? I finally understand the debate that was going on earlier in this thread, but I don't remember the conclusion. I suppose the answer is reset until I get the proper tent?

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Well, here is my argument, copied once again. I think a reasonable approach would be for you to seize 2 false gates before seizing the real gate, but I'm not entirely sure how the real gate is determined. I think that, if you take a savestate at the start of the chapter, change nothing in the preparations menu (basically, you've done all of the preparations that you need), then every attempt of the chapter will have the same gate as the real one. This could be a bit tedious, though.

But inherently, Ilia and Sacae are inequal.

Well, you have a 1 in 6 chance of completing the chapter in 1 turn anyway. Even if you play the map "as it should be played," then you can still end it on the first gate seized, or you may be extremely unlucky and not end it until the 6th gate seized. Heck, since this is NM, you don't have ridiculously strong bosses anymore, either. You can easily 2 turn any gate on the map given a decent Warp user and boss killer; just reset and try again if you guess wrong.

So then how do you compensate for this factor in randomness? At least every other map is straightforward with a rather simple turn requirement. If you'd like an analogy, think of it this way: FE6 is a miniature golf course, and the player wants to make par at minimum. Chapter 20xS is that one gimmicky hole on the course where you hit your ball into a giant roulette and get a random 0-6 for stroke count (while the hole itself is a par 3). Except in FE6, you get as many mulligans you want to try to aim for that 0.

If you really want to make it more "fair," you can create a clause that dictates that Roy must seize 2 false gates before seizing the real gate. But this is entirely arbitrary.

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  • 5 weeks later...


I still care, almost exactly a month later.

20x Sacae is done, 15 turns. I'm not immensely proud of the turncount, but it's over at least. I fake!Seized two gates before getting the right one.


And 21 is done. 16 turns clear.

This chapter was awesome. Poor Yodel was sacrificed to the dragons in the top and now, in retrospect, I realize I lost the S Staff FUCK

EDIT: Ahahaha, the whorishness of this keeps piling on. I realize I don't need the S Staff to get the True Ending!

...and then I realize Yodel also came with the S Spear. Sigh.

Time to redo 21. I had a damn good run, too.

And since sharing is caring and caring makes me feel better:



And 21 is done. 13 turns clear.

At least I shaved turns this time via smarter use of Shin and Zealot. Bartre is actually turning out to be, while not incredible, quite a decent unit. Garret tanked two spawns of Wyverns, plus Gale and his group. Actually, one hit extra would have seen Garret killing Gale, but it wasn't in the RNG. Shin raised his swords to D and Armorslayed Murdoch. Zealot carried Roy a long way and nearly died.


21x: 2 turns.

Shin picked up Roy and was Singed for and Warped forward. Shin ran more forward and dropped Roy. Roy dodged a Hero (he didn't need to, really) and then on Turn 2 I did some self-improvement in the south and Shin Brave Bowed the boss. Roy Seize.

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11 turns clear.

Not an impeccable run, but I made what I had work. Shin and Dieck took the right switch and then ran all the way to the throne room with their super speed, Elphin and Zealot. Roy tagged along. On the left, Ellen Warped Dayan up towards the left switch and he cleared it alone then waited around for the rest of the map. Rutger started clearing the lower parts. Garret was left in the bottom-left and Bartre in the bottom-right to eat two Berzerk charges while Rutger took the third with Ellen right next to him. Turn 7 or 8 I opened the door with Roy and had Shin/Dieck/Roy/Elphin do all the killing they could manage. Zealot chipped and finished some enemies. Turn 11 I was able to hit Zephiel with Miurgre once (plus a miss), Durandal twice, dance, Miurgre twice and Roy Seized.

Man, the rest of the game looks so easy now. I still have an untouched Armads for Dieck's pleasure, and a charge of Hammerne to fix Durandal up. This is gonna be a shitstomp.


Chapter 23 done, 13 turns clear.

I know how I could have done it better now, but I don't feel like it. Essentially, I killed the initial wyverns with Ellen, Dieck and Shin while everybody else protected the back. Dieck then ran into the status staffers and got Berzerked. Then, with Physic support from Ellen, he went to town on everything (including 1rkoing Brenya while berzerk :awesome:)

Roy Seize.


And Chapter 24, 18 turns clear.

Bartre 1HKOs Manaketes with Armads. :awesome:

Just a straight drive. I had three Warps left, and Ellen burned one to get Elphin up front for a dance for Roy to Seize because Bartre and Rutger guarding Fa were unlikely to survive the turn. Final time!


And Final, 1-turn.

Warp Shin, Warp Roy. For awesome points, I killed one of the War Dragons with Hand Axe!Dieck then Armads!Bartre. Because I CAN.

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Turns: 348, says the calculator after tallying the Epilogue results. I didn't want to pick back through my posts.


Tactics   A
Survival  A
EXP       A
Weapon    E
Time      B
Funds     E
Total     B

Despite my intentions at the beginning, I didn't build a single support during the course of this entire run. Go me! :awesome:



Master Lord 4
B 174, W 60

I dunno, what do you want from Roy? He's decent for the first part of the game, rubbish for the next two parts, and back to workable for the last few chapters/20 uses.


Swordmaster 9
B 217, W 100

Frankly, though I'd have lost a lot of turns, I could have managed this entirely without Rutger on account of I drafted Dieck. I dunno. He never really shone in anything and played honor guard for Ellen most of the game. I suppose I should thank him for that, at least.


Bishop 20
B 137, W 53

Utterly invaluable. Warp with enough MAG to be useful, Physic with the same, and I promoted her early enough to give her S Staves and Light for the Endgame. Aureola gave her two or three Manakete kills. She even ended up being dodgy *enough* to kill Wyverns and Berzerkers in some earlier chapters. Yay, Ellen!


 Hero 20
B 439, W 298

ahh, dieck. He nearly crested three hundred kills over the course of the game. This guy did everything. Everything. Every-damn-thing. Well, actually, Shin picked up some later in the game and actually was BETTER than Dieck by the end (except for lacking Hand Axes and Durandal). Either way, Dieck was the man and I credit this run to him.


Paladin 14
B 251, W 101

Zealot was actually really useful for moving people. He takes most of the ferrying Roy credit across the entire game, and he takes credit for moving Elphin, Ellen, and Fa in C24. His combat was decent enough, evidently, to get him a hundred kills, so no complaints there. He ended up being much more than passing for C24 on account of his high MOV and exclusive access to Malte or whatever the S Spear is, giving him the ability to - while not 1HKO - at least 1RKO Manaketes. He could turn it into a 1HKO with some help from Rutger's Light Brand or Dayan's Silver Bow - or combine with Ellen on thing she didn't double. All-in-all, a solid unit the whole game long.


Nomad Trooper 19
 B 218, W 124

That kill ratio is actually rather deceptive. There wasn't much of anything Shin DIDN'T 1RKO after about level 12, but he got his Battle count inflated by getting attacked at 1-range. Anyway, this dude was spectacular, especially when the chapter count hit 20. He was the primary or sole source of killing for all the bosses from about then on, plus being on a horse and being able to pull out a bow to distract 1-rangers away from squishy things like Ellen. If he'd managed to get S Swords, man oh man...

This log opened my eyes and now I love Shin.


Dancer 15
       B 35

Levin is a Bard. This is not a Bard. But seriously, dude, it's a dancer. What should I say?


Warrior 13
B 115, W 65

Okay, I can readily admit, I was surprised by Bartre's performance. I expected him to be a poor pre-promote with about a half a chapter of usefulness before dwindling into shopping duty, but he turned out rather solid in the end. I chalk it up to his rather high STR, entirely. With that, he was able to 1HKO many Wyverns with Steel Bows - which took away his EP, but cleared an enemy unconditionally and he had the durability to survive the rest of them pounding away. Come Endgame, Armads did in the upper 50s of damage to all the Manaketes, who had in the middle to lower 50s for health. That makes him and Dieck the only two capable of reliable 1HKOing in 24, while Ellen managed it on some of them.


Thief 9
B 23, W 5


She went shopping a lot? I don't know what to say. She didn't even really steal anything of massive consequence. For the turns I had to take to recruit her and Sue in Chapter whateverthatearlyoneis, I think Cath barely broke even for turns cost to recruit vice turns saved through picking. Surprisingly, her SPD grew well enough that, while she tink!ed a lot, she was even able to go one-on-one with enemies in C21 for one turn.


Berzerker 10
B 102, W 33

I'll be honest, Garret was 100% worth it if only for tanking a Berzerk charge in C22 and tanking Gale+buddies in C21. Besides that, he was a decent meatshield who would occasionally crit and kill things for me. Not great, but ...well, decent.


Nomad Trooper 16
  B 52, W 26

He was a slightly worse Shin for five or six chapters, performed an invaluable service in C22, helped out in C23, then ...well, became a ferrybot. The only reason he got to Endgame instead of Garret was because he was on a pony and could ferry better. Oh well, he was a free recruit anyway.


Anyway, that's Integrity out. GG, y'all. That was fun except for some utterly infuriating parts.

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Chapter 8: 29 turns

I hate this chapter. And Rutger had to go on a whiff fest against Leygance. Other than that, picked up promo items and Elfire, and desperately need vulneraries.

Chapter 8x: 13 turns

Flight skip and no heals needed.

Actually, I regret not recruiting Noah now.

Chapter 9: 10 turns

Promoted Rutger at level 15. With such, he double critted Scott, which was cool. Fir and Shin died, and more importantly, their supplies went with them. Apparently I'm also out of money, which really sucks. Thany is cool. Lugh has 8 def at level 14. *shrugs*

Chapter 10A: 13 turns

Promoted Rutger makes things easy. A lot of self improvement everywhere else, and nabbed Geese. Got the swordreaver, but missed recruiting Gonzo, which shouldn't be too much of a problem since there are shops in the next chapter. Lugh continues his tank build.

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Chapter 11A: 11 turns

Found dropping Rutger past the shop/arena/armory section the best way to clear the axers/bow users. Clarine recruited Klein, who recruited NPC Tate with help from Thany. Managed to grab both the Orion's Bolt and Elysian Whip, which was cool, and also picked up the more important items from villages. Thany is behind in levels, and Tate has a lot of work to do, but the rest of my team can hold their own even without vulneraries, except Roy, since he sucks. Alan/Lugh/Geese/Roy went South and up to handle business.

EDIT: Angelic Robe on Tate or Lugh (he has 23 hp/9 def at level 16, I dunno)?

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  • 1 year later...

I still care, almost exactly a month later.

/two years later, I'm going to try this again.

Mostly so Integrity doesn't win

Chapter 1: 5/5

Marcus Charge!

Chapter 2: 8/13

Marcus Charge!

Chapter 3: 8/21

Marcus and Lance Charge!

Chapter 4: 9/30

Don't get critted by Rutger and get the Angelic robe!

Chapter 5: 5/35

Marcus Charge!

Chapter 6:5/40

Marcus Charge! No more Marcus... hullo useless archer and ok staffbot instead.


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