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My school monitors our activities on the web.

I don't care though, since my philosophy is "If you wanna look at the sick shit I like, your loss."

Also, they watch only for torrent activity, usually.

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They're updating the thingy to block anything with a "proxy html code" or some bullshit like that.


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You learn quickly how many backwater websites have stuff you used to only find on torrents, though. I pretty much built my entire touhou collection solely from Mediafire download links.

On that note, I'm sorta pissed that I won't be able to download the UBW movie.

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Hey, I would've done the same thing if I thought of it.

I was actually going to sig, but he beat me to it by a margin of many hours.

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So, I just checked out the website of this school to find out what and where it is.

Apparently the cost is $43,500. That's about four times as much as the private high school I spent a couple years at cost, and more expensive than nine in ten universities! And on top of that, they brag that only 37% of students pay financial aid!

Get ready to meet some of the richest, most spoiled kids you'll ever see Roxas.

By the way, I just read this site some more while I waited for something else to load, a "no-chance" alcohol and drugs policy sounds extremely lame while you're sharing your dorm floor with staff. And then you don't even have the internet to torrent movies? You probably won't have too many fun times on-campus.

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Get ready to meet some of the richest, most spoiled kids you'll ever see Roxas.

Get ready to beat the ever-living crap out of the most whiny, over-paid bastards you'll ever meet.

I'll mail you a baseball bat. You can be my working-class hero.

...I don't really give a fuck if you ARE working-class (almost definitely not, given this posh school for old money) but I'm fairly certain 19 out of 20 people in that school would make me want to burst into a rampage. Possibly drunk.

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So, I just checked out the website of this school to find out what and where it is.

Apparently the cost is $43,500. That's about four times as much as the private high school I spent a couple years at cost, and more expensive than nine in ten universities! And on top of that, they brag that only 37% of students pay financial aid!

Get ready to meet some of the richest, most spoiled kids you'll ever see Roxas.

By the way, I just read this site some more while I waited for something else to load, a "no-chance" alcohol and drugs policy sounds extremely lame while you're sharing your dorm floor with staff. And then you don't even have the internet to torrent movies? You probably won't have too many fun times on-campus.

I'm on a partial scholarship from their music program. I wasn't smart enough be accepted for financial aid. OTL

Oh boy. Spoiled, whiny brats. Sounds like somebody I know. :awesome:

Don't remind me. ;_;

Get ready to beat the ever-living crap out of the most whiny, over-paid bastards you'll ever meet.

I'll mail you a baseball bat. You can be my working-class hero.

...I don't really give a fuck if you ARE working-class (almost definitely not, given this posh school for old money) but I'm fairly certain 19 out of 20 people in that school would make me want to burst into a rampage. Possibly drunk.

I would consider myself upper-middle, if I had to, but definitely not high.

And, I don't need a bat. I'll just use soluna's. :awesome:

Edited by Roxas
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Oh boy. Spoiled, whiny brats. Sounds like somebody I know. :awesome:

I would consider myself upper-middle, if I had to, but definitely not high.

And, I don't need a bat. I'll just use soluna's. :awesome:

Sounds like somebody you want to stab?

Fair enough. Expect snobbery.

What about this MANLY chainsaw?

I'd like to spend maybe a week at a school like this attacking upper-class people. Hilarity would ensue.

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