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FE "What If"'s


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I'll respond to Acacia's question.

First, we would never know the awesomeness that is Narga. Second, you would just have to beat Yurius with Celice. It's possible. And no incest would ever occur between Celice and Yuria.

What if Etzel fell and broke his hips?

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That would certainly explain Ashnard's insanity. Or maybe Nadved would have played with Ashnard when he was a boy, so Ashnard would grow up to be a nice young man and not the evil king of Daein.

What if Micaiah and Ashnard met?

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The GMs would be a lot better off, at least Boyd would be because Titania would definitely make him train. She would also make Boyd stand up straight and eat his vegetables. And maybe Shinon and Gatrie wouldn't leave either, they seem to respect Titania. Ike could still fight for his friends, of course.

What if you could actually kill Naesala during Chapter 19 of PoR? Not have him retreat, actually kill him.

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Then kilvas would never betray the Laguz Alliance in the future; also Tibarn may end up joining both tribes once again. Oh, and Leanne would lose her crush.

What if Skrimir wasn't so hot blooded and impatient and actually thought in the beginning of the laguz war against Begnion?

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Didn't Soren do all the thinking at the start, though? Even if Skrimir hadn't rushed at Zelgius, the Greil Mercenaries may have encountered Zelgius instead, and he would have pwned them all.

What if Skrimir had defeated Zelgius in their duel?

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He wouldn't of calmed down, and wouldn't of led the laguz back to Gallia.

What if Eliwood was dragonkin?

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Cornelius: Son, I am still alive!

Marth: Dad!!! :D


[spoiler=FE12]What if Katarina succeeded in killing Marth before MU recruited her?

Edited by Darros
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Bertram: ....Perissssh... ....Perisssh...

Ike: *critkills*

Bertram: ....!*flash of light*

*recruitment theme plays*

Renning: Ike, thank you for freeing me. Allow me to offer what help I can.

What if Marth and the altean knights were mercenaries? Like the Greil mercenaries?

*cough act out moar scenes people wheeze hack rasp cough*

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Jagen: Okay kids, let's fight for Altea.

Marth: For the king and all those who died protecting it. I'll avenge each of you today.

Cain: Captain, we're ready whenever you are.

Abel: As long as the future holds a bright ligh for these land.

Draug: After I fled the knights, I thought I had to return. Today's the day for that.

Caeda: Marth, I'll be here for you to help you out. No matter what.

Marth: Thanks Princess Caeda. *insert name* mercenaries, MOVE OUT!

What if Ike had to fight Zelgius at a moment to get Sanaki's support in the Crimea Liberation (possibly, before going against Oliver)?

Edited by Light Lord
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Sanaki would have a lot of fun watching Zelgius knock Ike around.

Sanaki: I see that you are not as tough as you appear, little mercenary.

Ike: Ha..... Ha.....

Sanaki: That is enough. I see that you are sorely in need of my help. Zelgius, withdraw your blade.

Zelgius: At once, Empress. Ike, you fought well, but your blade still needs much improving.

Sanaki: I was quite entertained by that fight. Ike, take a rest while I think of your next assignment.

(While Ike is resting)

Ike: That Zelgius....I've never fought anyone like him. The closest I've ever fought was.....that knight who killed Father. Zelgius seemed so much like him.....The way he held his sword.....The way he fought.....But my father wouldn't know anyone from Begnion, would he? I'll have to keep a close eye on him.

Ike may not be smart enough at this point to put two and two together, though.

What if Darin had stayed behind at Laus to help Erik instead of abandoning him?

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Ephidel: Lord Darin, we must leave to ensure our plans.

Darin: But that means...

Ephidel: Exactly, you need to leave your son and everyone else behind.

Darin:...No Ephidel, the world is not worth losing my son, at least not yet.

Ephidel:...Very well. We'll find someone else worthy.

*Darin leaves*

Erik: Father! What are you...

Darin: We'll defeat this fools ourselves. Let's get going my son.

*they fail at the end and Darin is imprisoned*

What if Zephiel was persuaded by Guinevere at a certain point in the war?

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Guinevere: Brother, don't you know that it was Eliwood and Hector who saved you as a child?

Zephiel: W-What?

Roy: It's true, Zephiel. My father told me of how he saved your life when you were a child.....Why are you making me waste that life?

Zephiel: Urgh.....Can't.....remember.....!!!!! (Zephiel then has a flashback of when the Black Fang tried to kill him, and he remembers that Eliwood looks a lot like Roy.)

Zephiel: I.....I've been a fool..... I killed Hector..... You, son of Eliwood..... Wait! (Zephiel runs off.)

Roy: Wh-Where are you going?

Zephiel: I have to stop Idoun!

Lilina: ......

Roy: Are you all right, Lilina?

Lilina: He.....He killed my father.....

Roy: We'll worry about that later, Lilina.

Guinevere: Brother.....If only he hadn't changed.

What if there were Ninjas in Fire Emblem?

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This one's a bit hard to act, but here goes nothing.

???: So, this is Melior, isn't it?

Kieran: Enemy on sight! Knights get ready!

???: Who?

Geoffrey: We've got you cornered. Give up already.

???: Hmmm, so you're knights right? This should do *throws kunais at them*

Geoffrey:! Watch out! Urgh!

Kieran: General!

Geoffrey: Darn it...he's not a usual fighter...

???: A combination of speed and accuracy. That's how we ninjas are. Assasins of the shadows.

Geoffrey:...! If you're looking for the Queen...

???: She's not worthy of my time...right now.*disappears in the darkness of the night*

Geoffrey: Kieran...tell the guards to increase defenses during nights.

Kieran: Understood General. On my way.

Geoffrey:...So that's the skill of a ninja. Maybe we'll need the Greil Mercenaries to help us.

What if Zephiel tried his best to stop Idoun without killing her (following last post)?

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Zephiel wouldn't need to kill Idoun to stop her, she was just following his orders in the first place.

What if Geoffrey and Kieran find out that Ninja was really Volke, hired by Bastian to test them?

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