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FE "What If"'s


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Mario: Im-a not-a used-a to weilding this sword-a!

Luigi: At least you get a decent luck growth. -_-

Lyn: You two are more of a nuosance then Kent and Sain!! :/

What if Hector and Eliwood were girls?

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*answers what-if anyway*

Sain: Ladies, care to ride on my pegasus?

Rebecca: That's even worse then your horse! *bitchslap*

Fiora: .....*slap*

What if Eliwood and Hector were girls?

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@April: That looks more like Luigi than Mario. It's very funny, though.

To answer Darros's question:

Their names would be Ellie and Hectoria instead.

Lyn: Hectoria, you're a threat to your allies! You should be more watchful!

Hectoria: What was that?

Ellie: Lyndis.... What's gotten into you?

Lyn: I'm sorry.....Hectoria is freakishly strong for a woman. She needs to control her strength!

Florina: Um.....Hectoria?

Hectoria: What is it, girl?

Florina: Are you really.....a girl? You look like.....a man.

Hectoria: Are you saying a woman can't wield an axe?!

Florina: N-No.....

Hectoria: You know, I kinda feel sorry for you. I'll protect you from now on.

Florina: But Lyn is already my....

Hectoria: No buts, Florina! Now let's move!

Ellie: Marcus.....Why do you keep hanging around me?

Marcus: I need to protect you, Lady Ellie.

Ellie: Um..... (Marcus is kinda creepy.....)

What if you could forge Staves?

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What if you could forge Staves?

Nothing. Because a heal forged to the stats of Mend would cost more than Mend itself, and so on through the staff ranks. Therefore, no one would forge them and nothing would change.

What if, in PoR, Elincia was the main character, a Greil mercenary, and Ike was the prince of Crimea?

Edited by Cocytus
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I beg to differ. If we were using Shadow Dragon's forge system a forged Physic or Fortify would be very useful.

To answer your question.....

Elincia: Prince Ike, we're trying to buy time for you. Please go hide with Rolf and Mist.

Ike: No! I wanna fight for my friends!

Elincia: Prince Ike.....I'm sure you'd fight very wonderfully. But I cannot risk it. If you really want to fight for your friends, you'll keep yourself out of danger. This is the sole purpose of our group: To escort you safely to Gallia.

Ike: .....Fine.

Elincia vs. BK

Elincia: Black Knight! You.....You killed my father!

BK: You cannot handle your sword properly, little girl. You should have just played with your dolls.

Elincia: How dare you! I'll show you the swordplay my father passed down to me!

BK: Did you never think that using your father's techniques on the man who defeated him would be futile?

Elincia: You only won because he crippled his sword arm. My sword arm is not crippled.

BK: Oh? Then, let me cripple it for you!

King Ike of Crimea

Geoffrey: King Ike, Ludveck is instigating a rebellion!

Ike: Then, he'll get no sympathy from me. Let's go teach him a lesson!

What if Lyn had grown up with Farina instead of Florina?

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Lyn: Farina! I'm surprised to see you here!

Farina: Traitor.

Lyn: What?

Farina: I heard you left the plains to travel around the continent. When did you expected to tell me?! You know I could be f help!

Lyn: Sorry Farina, but I needed to do this on my own.

Farina: By the way, who are these good-looking knights?

Sain: Glad you ask, madame. The name's Sain. You just sit and wait for me to act.

Farina: No way! I'm better off by myself. And you over there?

Kent: I'm Kent, a knight serving house Caelin in Lycia. Nice to meet you, lady Farina. Lady Lyndis, we shoudl be going.

Lyn: Yes Kent, I know.

Farina: Lady Lyndis? What's going on Lyn?

Lyn: A long story Farina. Would you mind coming with us?

Farina: Nah, I have time for it. Let's get going now then.

Sain: Yeah! You two be careful and let us do the fighting.

Wil: I think I should go with you guys too. Just in case you need a bowman.

Farina: Excellent! The Lyndis Legion is growing!

What if Camus was recruited right after defeating him?

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Camus: Princess Nina... You were right, I can't just stay here and watch this madness. No, from now on, I will fight against this tyranny led by Medeus!"

What if Briggid joined you with Leaf in FE4 second gen?

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She'd be a swordmaster (you mean this, right? Eyvel?), probably. And with some cool stats, but failing a bit in strength and defense maybe.

Eyvel:...Lord LEaf, there's something you must know.

Leaf: What is it, miss Eyvel?

Eyvel: I think my memories came back. My name is Briggid, and I accompanied the father of Lord Celice years ago.

Nanna: Is that so? Mother never said that.

Fin: Lord Celice, he leads the army north of here.

Leaf: Then let's get going, we must first stop Blume before joining forces.

What if Mareeta never left and accompanied Leaf for Gen2 of FE 4?

Edited by Light Lord
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Then Daeins would surely live this, as well as the Dawn Brigade:

Ludbeck: Heheh, with this falling in the right place, I will overthrow Elincia in no time.

Soldier: Sir, we've got troubles! Some villagers are rising against our operations!

Ludbeck: Hmm, who are they?

Soldier: No one has ever seen them face to face, but they say they are called the Dawn Brigade.

Ludbeck: Hmmm, this should be interesting.

Soldier: Sir?

Ludbeck: Place some traps for them, allow them to find Ashnard's son and rise an army.

Soldier: But milord!

Ludbeck: Don't you see it? If they are strong enough for that, I will make a peace treaty with them, asking them to join me in my attempt at overthrowing Elincia.

Soldier: I see, you're a genious milord. I'll look up to it now.

Ludbeck: Soon Elincia, soon I will get what is rightfully mine. *stares at Crimea's direction*

Not to much of a change, things stay simple and Ludbeck is the new boss.

What if Arione followed Altenna and betrayed Trabant in the same battle? (please, do not answer unbeatable chapter)

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Nyna: I bestow upon you... the Water Emblem.

Marth: But it's dry... and not even blue......

Nyna: :facepalm:

[spoiler=FE7]What is Sonia really was human, and did really love Brendan Reed?


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Then she might have actually loved Nino as well.

Nergal: Sonia! Why did you not kill Brendan?

Sonia: Lord Nergal, this has gone far enough. I obeyed your orders to raise Nino and be with Brendan.

Nergal: Well, you are only human.....I can see why you would fall prey to such useless emotions. Limstella! Kill her just like you killed the Reed brothers!

Sonia: What?!

Limstella: ......

Sonia: Urrrgghh....Br-Brendan.....

Limstella: .....This is quite wonderful quintessence.

Nergal: Now, Brendan Reed is no threat to me. Let us continue with our plans.

Then you would face a morph of Sonia in the final chapter.

Speaking of which, what if Nergal had decided to make a morph of Uther for the final chapter?

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Nergal: You kids come to stop me right?

Eliwood: Of course, we can't allow you to go on with this.

Hector: That's right. Say your prayers fool.

Nergal: Heh heh, is that so? What about this?

*brings his other morphs, introducing Uther's as a General and Elbert's as a Paladin*

Nergal: See a familiar face around?

Hector: Brother!

Eliwood: Father!

Athos: Do not be fooled kids, they are not the real ones, but their morphs.

Eliwood:...This may be difficult.

Hector: Darn it, this will be a tough fight.

What if Zelgius joined in the last chapter of PoR?

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Ashnard: Heh? Hmm....Something about you....seems so familiar.....

Zelgius: Prepare yourself, King Ashnard. I shall not allow your tyranny to continue.

Ashnard: So, does General Zelgius, the leader of the Begnion Central Army, hope to stand against me? I'll show you your place!

(After the battle)

Ike: General Zelgius?

Zelgius: What is it, General Ike?

Ike: .....Thanks for your help.

Zelgius: You are welcome. It was a pleasure to fight alongside you. (Zelgius leaves)

Ike: I thought that....Zelgius might have been the Black Knight. But I already killed the Black Knight.....So it can't be him.

On that note, what if Ike actually had killed the BK at Nados Castle?

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He wouldnt be playable in FE10.

It lacks a good scene.

What if all the good guys in FE11 were laguz?

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Micaiah dies in RD's 1-9, Sothe suddenly goes all emo, and Sephiran's plan for the destruction of the Laguz and Beorc succeeds.

What if Pelleas was Ashnard's son?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Sothe already IS all emo.

If all the good guys in FE11 were Laguz.....

Medeus: Ah, what a delicious assortment of sub-humans!

Tiki: Su-Sub human!? How dare you!

Cain: Sire, let's tear this guy to shreds!

Marth: My laguz brothers, ATTACK!

If Pelleas was Ashnard's son.....

Almedha: I.....I don't understand.....Who is really my son? Pelleas or Soren?

Soren: I have no connection to King Ashnard. Pelleas is your son.

Pelleas: But, I.....I don't want to be king. I have caused Daein enough trouble already.

Almedha: No, my dear and beloved son! You MUST continue to rule Daein! You are of both Daein and Goldoan royal blood! The entire world will bow to you!

Pelleas: Stop it, Mother! Clearly, the people of Daein love Micaiah more than me. No one wants the son of the Mad King on the throne. But I will continue to serve Daein, but not as her king.

Soren: Well, Lady Almedha, I believe that Pelleas has made his decision. I bid you good day. (Soren leaves)

Almedha: Sniff.....sniff....

Pelleas: Do not worry, Mother. I am sure that Daein has a wonderful future....

Even though the above poster was ninja'd, I still answered his question because it was very interesting.

What if Oliver lost weight?

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Oliver: Oh no! My beauty fades!

Others: *snicker giggle*

What if Marth had a mole/traitor on his team?

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