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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"Yeah, well...."

She turned to Arrin.

"Hey buddy! How's it going? You cold too? ^_^"


Cess and Pary:


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"As I said I only remember the land vaguely. Mountain is often over-exaggerated when someone means 'hill' though. Either way, it certainly can't hurt to look for it instead of walking on these exposed plains!"

"Aye!" said Altion, coming up behind Kelas. "I can't see naught but the flat as well. There may be something off in the distance, but the madame has spoken and I trust her archer eyes more than mine."

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"I'll be fine, thanks." Charlotte said, noting that Arrin did not look too well himself. "Esphyr's right, something would be better than nothing at this point."

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After a few moments Arrin realized the new swordswoman had asked him a question. "Er, yes... aren't we all?" he replied tiredly.

"If it weren't for these blasted winds, we could send up a flyer," Kelas grimaced. "Looks like there's... something up there, but I can't tell what... Can you lot up on the great huge tall thing see anything?" she called up to Aiya and Isotov.

OOC: I dunno what she sees up ahead either. Probably hills.

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After taking a quick look out in the distance, Iso grunted in agitation.

Iso: (I can't even see past my own hair! It's too windy!)

He quickly pulled his hair back so he could get a better view, but could make out only some hills.

Iso: ... uh ... hills ... not much else!

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"Right, who actually wants to?" Kelas gestured to the wet, miserable group. "Any volunteers?"

"I'd rather not," Arrin mumbled.

"I wouldn't let you if you did want to, not in your current state. Anyone?"

edit: added last two lines

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Hmm, poor kid. Rita turned and looked. The village, or what remained of it, had firmly disappeared into the horizon. At least, she though. The blasted rain and wind was too much to see through. She was getting tired herself, but turned to Iso.

"Hey old buddy. How's it *yawn* going?"

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The Group as a whole

Viveka: (Bath-bath-bath-bath-bath-bath-bath-bath-BATH-)

Irina: ... ug ... ug-gu ... !!!- ACHOO!!! ... *sniff* ... :/

Lev: ... meh, I'll go with you. Not much else to do I suppose. Lead the way.

Hearing a familiar voice, Iso looked down from his place up on Ulfhrahn to see Rita. He could just barely understand what she was saying in the blasting winds.

Iso: ... it's miserable ... as usual. Nothing new for us really. I assume you're doing a bit better than me and the women up here?

EDIT: Added Iso

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Iso: These wings aren't much for cover actually. (I think I might be catching a cold ...) We're absolutely drenched up here ...


With Viveka and Charlotte's belongings tied onto Krinkov, and Damian secured in case of any actual fighting, Lev followed closely behind Kelas.

Lev: ... (Oh damn ... I totally forgot that I was hauling Damian around ... ... ah he'll be alright.)

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With a gentle kick to his steeds sides, Altion brought his horse up beside Kelas, though still slightly behind her. It was expected to be honest, what with his horse weighed down by armor compared to Kelas's unarmored animal. "Keep on your guard, and get behind me should something arise." he said cautioningly.

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Levski leaned forward hoping to be able to make out more than just hills. Suddenly a dark object came into view! It was gigantic! Levski nearly flinched, and quickly leaned back reaching for his axe! Just then, the object became clearer and clearer ... ... it was Krinkov's head. The wyvern had turned back to face him wondering if his vision was being effected as badly as his was. Seeing his master nearly swing an axe at him, he concluded that "YES", his vision was being effected by the thunderstorm.

Lev: Urgh ... nothin.

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Altion took a long look for a moment, his eyes straining to see at what he felt sure Kelas's normal vision level was. He couldn't spot any of the dark splotches that signified a cave, but he wasn't looking for that. Instead, he was searching for any grasses unusually larger or more dense or greener. Esphyr had mentioned a river in the cave, and if it was true, it was likely coming from outside. That would be much easier to spot than a cave, which could easily be on the opposite side of the hill. He was rewarded after a moment, spotting several waterplants standing tall in the weather.

"No, but I do see a river like she mentioned!"

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"You ever seen a flash flood?" Kelas asked. "We get caught in one, best outcome only half of us are dead. But what's this?" she asked, gesturing to an opening in the hillside. "Doesn't look like the river goes through here..."

OOC: It may or may not be a viable shelter. GM decision.

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