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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Iso: See? Now you're just making up excuses. You're just trying to avoid having your image of him shattered. It's not as if-Yagh!

Rita's sudden repositioning startled him greatly!

Iso: ... Kelas? ... help?


Viveka quickly peeked around a bit, and then leaned in closer to Derek.

Viveka: Don't spread this around but ... I'm actually from the country ... ... farm raised and whatnot. Not my favorite topic. The extra money comes from a variety of different places really, but mostly the shopping sprees come right around the time the holiday bonuses come in.

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A scouting party had gone out to look for any possible signs of shelter, and when they returned with a gleeful cry of "Found a cave!" Tessa blanched. ...Things had not gone so well for her the last time the group went caving, and she was in no hurry to repeat that experience. She wasn't exactly sure what had come over her, or why, but the results of that incident were undeniable fact.

Still, this was no situation for complaining, so she resolved to try to once again tough things up, and maybe somehow fight back the unreasonable fear and panic. After all, it had been fine as long as there's something to keep my mind on right? she thought. It wasn't until we'd halted in the middle for a break... oh bugger.

When the arrived at the cave it didn't look that bad, but then again, neither had the other ones at first. This was more of a large, scooped out section of hill, with an overhang, and ridges to cut down on exposure. She led Trevor inside, and rubbed him down, doing her best not to think about the tons of pressing earth above their heads, and just focus on the task at hand. After she'd taken proper care of him she was left mostly with nothing to do. Edging her was closer to the opening, not caring all that much if she got blasted by a little more wind and rain, she felt pretty miserable.

Standing there feeling a little sorry for herself, the heard Morgan ask "Are you ready for your interview?" Giving a little start, she jumped! She hadn't been expecting that, and hadn't heard the woman approaching. Turning slightly, there was a bit of panic her eyes before she managed to calm down, and slow her heart rate a little.

"I... I g-guess. Wait, what? Interview?" Tessa had been asleep for the pronouncement of the suspected traitor, and had happened to either miss most of the other interviews, or simply misunderstood the nature of what was going on.

"Oh, and right. I have something for you, picked it up when Kelas took me shopping. It's sort of a, a consolation gift, I guess? To apologize for not being able to stop you from getting captured. I mean, I'd healed you like normal, and thought you were okay, and..." she rambled on for a bit, while rummaging in her satchel before bringing out the black bookmark with vermillion trim and design. "It's not much, but..." she awkwardly presented the soaking gift to the shaman.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Charlotte smiled at Eric. "I would enjoy that...very much.' she said.

Her ears caught the conversation about Lev. "Does your mercenary contract include being part of Colonel Kleine's harem, Esphyr? Back in Jerdon, mercenaries are usually just expected to fight for their employers." she said, with a look of confusion on her face.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"And I do fight for him, every time I can. As far as the contract is concerned, that's it. And it's not a Harem! I haven't even done anything with him yet! And Kelas, I meant that Alt guy."

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"Who? That mad knight who's following us around? I dunno, I've just been ignoring him," Kelas replied. "Look, we keep bickering, we're going to attract the attention of whatever the hell's out there."

edit: Yes I will edit just to add one quotation mark.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"Oh." Charlotte responded simply. "Could have fooled me, the way she carries herself." she muttered under her breath.


"If you hadn't healed me I likely would have died from the blood loss, so it was not a pointless gesture." Morgan said. "So thank you for that, and for this I suppose." she said, taking the bookmark. "though be aware that this does not affect your possible spy status in any fashion." she said, giving Tessa a stern look.

"Anyway, we encountered you right before heading to Elysimia correct? What were you doing there?" Morgan began.

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"Good, now we've stopped arguing... what the hell is she doing?" Kelas asked of Rita, who looked to be within range of falling on her now. "Er. Do we even really know her? 'Cause last time we had someone randomly show up and attach themself to people..." she trailed off, grimacing. "Point is, she could be anyone or anything."

OOC: Yeah, Kelas is wondering if Rita is Shanice.

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Having finally managed to calm herself down, Aiya looked over the cave.

Damian was lying in a bedroll, seemingly okay. Morgan was interviewing... Tessa?

'I know she's suspicious of people... but Tessa? That girl has saved all of us at least once... she's a sweetheart, is that shaman heartless?'

Not wanting to get into a shouting match with Morgan, Aiya turned to look at the rest of the makeshift campsite, and saw Rita sitting in Isotov's lap, asleep, with Kelas sitting nearby looking quite annoyed.

"Enjoying yourself, Iso?" Aiya asked with a playful tone, before hearing the swordfighter say something about a hot nomad?

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Iso: ... oi this is awkward. (I'm not sure what to make of Rita. Cess trusts her, but then again, Shanice could have easily replaced her while we weren't looking.)

Aiya: Enjoying yourself, Iso?

Iso: Uh, should I be? :sweatdrop:

EDIT: Added Aiya bit.

Edited by Phoenix
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Amused Cavalier

"It's alright, your secrets' safe with me," Derek said, hiding a smile. He pulled off one off his gauntlets, to clean, and realized that his gloves were covered in blood. "I'll be right back," he said, heading outside to wash off the blood.

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"S-spies?" Tessa said, wrinkling her nose in confusion. "This isn't anything to to with... what?"

Morgan was already pressing onwards, though, recounting the circumstances of her entry into the group. "Well, I think you remember that well enough... but okay, if you need to hear it again. I was lost, tired, hungry, and miserable. The monastery I'd lived my whole life at had just been attacked, the man I looked up to as a father had sent me away on his horse... sending me off when I much rather would have stayed beside them, though it did perhaps save my life. Then, when I'd managed to make it back, I couldn't find him, or anyone... except a couple who had fallen. After that, I was wandering aimlessly... my sense of direction is not... particularly keen," she glossed over this fact as best she could manage, trying to save some face. "A few days had passed, and I encountered the mesh field, but didn't know what it was, nor did I or Trevor like the feel of it, so I turned back around, and that's when I headed straight into you guys. Damian gave me some food, you gave me a sister, and everyone gave me a home. Life has been a whirlwind of excitement ever since. Good at times and bad at times." she added the last bit more quietly than the rest.

Shivering, she rubbed her arms and looked back out into the storm, trying to will it to stop.

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"Should you...? That depends on you I guess... positions like that don't usually involve a lot of work for the male, but tend to give pretty good penetration and accessibility." Aiya replied without even blinking.

The reply was obviously a joke, but Aiya wondered how Isotov would react to it, after all, he seemed to have better control of himself as of late, and was unlikely to blow up the cave.

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Alferis suddenly opened his eyes and :blink: at Aiya upon hearing that.

Reika merely scooted away from them and got out her bedroll and got in, preparing to go to sleep to avoid listening to the others.

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Esphyr too rolled over, ready to sleep. "Happy birthday me." she whispered before closing her eyes to rest. Throughout the cave, HM, Altion, and Katie too were already asleep.

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Iso: W-w-whoa! You mean THAT?! I'm not, uh I mean she just came up to me and dozed off ... (Oooooh please don't let Katie see this? I'd feel bad shoving her off while she's sleeping ...)

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Aiya tried to hold it in, but Isotov's reaction was priceless.

"Hahaha." Managing to keep it down to a small chuckle, Aiya noticed Alferis' bewildered look.

"Y'know Alf, most female soldiers would put one of these through a guy if he looked at her like you are after what happened earlier." Aiya said with a teasing tone, flipping out a folding combat knife, before quickly flipping it back to it's folded position, and hiding it under her shirt.

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"It has to do with my capture, the mercenaries that attacked us were part of some organization...an organization which I believe had a mole in the group. These interviews are designed to find out where everyone's loyalties lie." Morgan said, coughing harshly.

"I..." Morgan stopped for a second, a bit dazed by Tessa's story for some odd reason. She cleared her head and looked down at the troubadour. She looked honest enough, though not exactly comfortable either. Tessa's never asked for gold, perhaps she doesn't value it? Or she's receiving enough from her employer that she did not need any. It's hard to believe that a girl so young would be the mole, but then again her supposed innocence would make her the perfect spy...

"So Tessa, your healing has saved us quite a few times. Do you know of any organizations that might want the Crimson Weapon wielders alive rather than dead?" she asked Tessa bluntly.

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"...What's gotten into you?" Kelas asked, looking askance at Aiya. "This conversation has been strange in general... right, and if she falls on me, I'm reserving the right to drag her over to Cess," Kelas warned, seeing Rita flopping towards her slightly.

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