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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"AH~" squawked Esphyr happily as she was pulled into the river suddenly by Aiya, falling on top of her as she fell down. Due to their positioning, Esphyr's head came down right besides Aiya's, missing a les-yay moment by about one foot and a inch.

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Finally Arrin thought he should probably get up. The air under the hill was stuffy, and it was only drizzling a bit. Seeing that some others were also outside, he figured it was probably safe to leave if he didn't go far. He headed out to look around, putting his hood up against the bit of rain.

He spotted Tessa sitting on the hillside. "Are you all right? I forgot that you didn't like caves..." he said, sitting down next to her.

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As the two girls bobbed to the surface, Aiya shivered slightly, and clung to Esphyr a little more tightly.

"The water's starting to get kinda c-cold, actually."

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Hearing a familiar voice, Tessa raised her head, and turned to face it. It was Arrin, and he pulled himself up and sat down next to her. She... wasn't quite sure what she should say to him, much like she hadn't known what to say to Morgan. Both of her closest friend had had their weapons severed by demons, both when she'd not only been unable to help, but when she wasn't even aware that anything was even happening. And both of them seemed to be handling it better than expected, refusing to get upset or act in any way she thought she could understand. It was... difficult for her, to say the least.

Pushing aside her introspections, she had to answer, "I'm alright really. It wasn't that bad," she lied. Her face was pale, and there were bags under her eyes, and her general overall appearance betrayed her horribly. "I don't really know what it even is about caves, to be honest. That time... in the Cobalt Caves was really the first time... the first cave I'd ever been in so..."

Pulling her knees up closer to her chest she sneezed a couple times in quick succession. Not caring for delicacy at the moment, she wiped her nose on her sleeve, before she asked a question of her own. "And... how are you holding up?"

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With an awkward laugh Tessa confessed, "Heheh, no... can't really hide that can I? But hey! My vision's now actually completely better, and I managed to heal again yesterday. I was almost afraid when I'd overloaded the other day I might have broke things for good, but it turns out that was just needless worry. Managed to fix up Damian alright, so that's something isn't it?" Shifting the focus slightly, to a more cheerier note, she tried to brighten things up and perhaps provide a distraction.

Edit: Last sentence was added.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Walking over to Viveka's bags and pulling out the kitchen wear he had bought in town, Pary started a fire. He walked over to Viveka. "Wanna help with breakfast before we hit the road?"


Cess and Rita:

Cess pulled out his fortune telling cards. Looking through them, he set them on the ground. Rita watched over his shoulder. "You still have those?"

"Of course I have them. They were passed through my family."

"I thought you were a mercenary though. THat's why you came with me."

"Well, I guess. But you know I was never really that good. I guess I'm more a traveling fortune teller."

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OOC: I don't think we ever had one. >_>


"Check those saddle bags. I had some produce and meat in them. The eggs all broke in the quake. I'll need to restock when we get to town."

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"Yes, that's great," Arrin agreed. "I'm really glad you're better..." He sighed; the subject of health in general was somewhat depressing. "I wonder how much longer it will rain for? At least it's not storming anymore... ...Heh, and now I'm diverting things by talking about the weather. My teacher despised it when people did that..." He trailed off. "It seems like I can't come up with any pleasant conversation topics today, huh?"

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Sneaking out under all the chaos and confusion, Reika headed towards the river and hid behind a rock. She stripped down and stepped into the water slowly, and when she was waist high, she swam out on her back, thinking about her mission.

I really need to start giving him my report. Should tell him that there is a possible spy and that group that ambushed us. How much does he know about my daggers, if at all? What does he want with the weapons anyway? As she drifted further, she saw Esphyr swimming a bit like her. Catching her eyesight, Reika sank herself under the water, up to her neck.

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OOC: The fire Iso started remember?


The thought of smashed up eggs both grossed Viveka out reminding her of stained clothing, and brought her back to her teenage years winning kitchen wars.

Viveka: Hold on a sec ...

When she checked the saddlebags, the first thing she saw was the eggs ... in all their smashed up glory ...

Viveka: ... yuk.

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"Is it suddenly not allowed for me to bathe?" asked Reika, bristling a little. "Anyway, I didn't know you were here. And I hope Slave isn't watching us," said Reika, checking around to make sure no one was watching.

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Morgan stood in the middle of the cave, and tried to clear her throat. She spoke in a loud voice, though somewhat raspy. "I have an important announcement to make regarding the status of the mole. Why are some people missing?" She looked around and frowned.

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"I was still waking up. Anyway, just as long as you don't try to kill me, I won't force you to try to wash out the blood from your eyesockets," saod Reika, backing away a little, still trying to make sure nobody was around.



"Huh? Oh. That's because some of the women are going out to bathe."

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OOC: I'd think it went out in the night. >_>


"No the other bag. THat one just had eggs. I tried filling it with cotton, but an earthquake's an earthquake. Try making some dough. I have an idea. I'll go wash the bag out in the lake."

Pary took the bag from her hands, and walked out the cave.

OOC: >_> Crap.

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Cave People

Levski let down the book he was reading and looked up at Morgan with what appeared to be the beginnings of a grin on his face.

Lev: (Caught the mole perhaps?)

Viveka returned from the saddlebags and stopped by Jasmine who jumped to her feet at the mention of a mole!

Viveka: If she accuses me of being the mole, I swear I'll-

Jasmine: Come on, everyone knows you're not the mole. It has to be Helios, Heinz, or Alferis.

Iso came up and froze in the middle of his crunch during Morgan's speech.

Iso: I really hope I don't have to protect Katie from another dark magic attack soon >_>'

Irina: What if she is the mole?

Iso: Yeah, that's a great way to avenge your students. Turn on the folks who are protecting you and hunting down their killers.

Irina: >_>'

EDIT: Viv related Retcon

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Tessa moved her hand over, and placed it on Arrin's. "It's fine. If you had something you wanted to talk about, that would work, you could talk, and I could listen. I wouldn't mind if you wanted to ramble on about things like the weather, or the price of tea in Zafton. You don't feel like you need to hold back on account of me; I'm not your teacher, and I don't think you could bother me if you tried. The other option I guess would be you could ask and I could answer. I'm not sure I know really what to go into at the moment, but if you started off with something, I could probably chat on excitedly for awhile too. It's been known to happen, after all," she paused for a moment before continuing.

"But if you can't come up with any topics... well silence... that's fine too. Sometimes, you don't need to say anything you know. Occasionally just... being around is enough. You ever feel like that?" She squeezed his hand and gave him a faded smile.

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"Just...don't push me," said Reika in an exasperated voice. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement. Upon closer inspection, it was Pary, who was going to wash out something, what it was she didn't know and she didn't care.

"We have a peeker," said Reika, nudging to Esphyr.

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"Well, someone should fetch them. We got soaked enough last night, why they feel the need for more water is beyond me. Kelas, fetch the people at the lake if you would." Morgan coughed again, some blood coming up this time.

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