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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Holding tightly to the slender willow staff, and with Charlotte providing assistance of her own, Tessa tensed herself and let loose the spell, following along the flow of magic energy, using her mind to try to scout out and cure whatever was causing the system distress.

The result was... unexpected. The troubadour had braced herself for another experience similar to when she dove in to handle Damian's affliction, prepared to be greeted by a seething, swirling mass of rage and hate that she assumed had been the force of the bond with a Crimson Weapon, the unspoken burden that the wielders must have had to deal with.

What she found was... nothing? Casting around a little lost and confused, she continued to explore Reika's mana network, as well as her physical body, trying to isolate the cause of illness. Her chest, where the wound had been? Nothing. Her stomach, the source of the vomitting? Nothing.

Beads of sweat started breaking out across Tessa's forehead, as she continued to ply, unsuccessfully, for information. At last, forced to give up, without being able to learn anything directly from the spell, she let the staff drop from her fingers, breathing heavily from the mental exertion.

"I... I couldn't find anything. I've... failed?" Tessa stated, almost unbelievingly, the result.

Edited by Balcerzak
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"Don't know what you're on about," Kelas replied. "Where I come from, anyone who's able fights for the camp." She couldn't stand the chivalrous sort... She wheeled Amari around, positioning herself on the other side of Kiev.

edit: rephrase slightly

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Levski and that girl who upon first glance looks like Irina

Krinkov at least wanted to escape that stupid pegasus if he couldn't get away from the cuddling on his back. He headed over to the group at large to lose the pegasus, but it tailed him perfectly despite a few lethal tail swings that narrowly missed! Krinkov eventually stopped near Morgan and some of the others hoping to have her boss Lev around or make him do things for those golden scales. That was his only hope of ending this mating ritual. Morgan didn't seem as sick and infertile as before and it caught Krinkov's eye. She also smelled healthier as well. Perhaps she was fertile now? He would have to get a closer sniff later to investigate, but for now he just nudged her with his nose hoping she would pry the two apart.

Meanwhile Levski opened his eyes for a moment sensing that they were moving. He was half asleep himself but before they'd reached Morgan, he closed his eyes again. He wasn't too concerned with what was going on. Jasmine opened her eyes once Krinkov stopped and looked around nervously from her spot in the blanket.

Jasmine: :unsure:

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Altion was not about to let Kelas escape his grasp though. Moving about, he too came up alongside her. "That's just it though. I didn't fight. I fled. It's what the women do where I come from when confronted with a powerful foe. I've been insulting your figure and disposition, when I myself have been running away. I guess what I'm saying is... I'm sorry for calling you a man."

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"Hmm, a problem that can't be fixed by a Restore staff? I'm afraid I'm not much help in such matters..." Charlotte said to Tessa, shrugging. She turned her attention from Reika to Eric and Rita.

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"Well, it was about my Shoot Star skill. I'm still stuck on the third blow. People keep knocking me out, or something before I can strike. ;_; Oh, and I'm totally in love with you, and am going to steal you from Charlotte."

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"Maybe I am a little harsh, but I'm rarely wrong about nobles, let alone soldiers. Most soldiers I've met are scum. They rape, pillage, and murder. And Damian is both a noble and a soldier."

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Levski Jasmine and Krinkov

When Jasmine noticed that Krinkov was trying to get Morgan's attention, she quickly unwrapped herself and hopped down from the wyvern. This startled Lev and woke him up instantly.

Lev: *yawn* ... okay what'd I miss?

Jasmine: Nothing, I just figured that since I'm feeling better I should probably stop screwing around. Umm ... thanks. I didn't even get sick like Viveka did ... ... thank you.

Lev: No problem. Get hypothermia again real soon, ya hear?

Jasmine: (Like I need an excuse.) ... oh there's more than one way to warrant that kind of ride, Lev. I'll just pick one of those.

Lev: Sure thing.

He put the blanket behind himself and climbed down from the saddle as Illiam approached. Krinkov still didn't care though, he gave Morgan's hip a good nosebutt and then got all in her face about it. He wanted his master preoccupied with something else, anything else. That Irina look-alike was annoying to him with her extremes of temperatures and her need to cuddle things with her body.

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"Didn't we discuss this? Work on your actual skill swinging your sword, and save that for later," Eric said, sighing. "Hit people every single time, and then you'll be able to start working on that."

Berserk Button

"... Did you say that soldiers are scum?" Dani said, getting off of one of the soldiers. "Do you even know what some of them do? My father, and my brother, were soldiers. Father DIED for his king! How dare you call most of them that! Have you no respect for the dead?!?" The mage was livid, and you could see the green electricity crackling around her.

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"No. But my hometown was invaded by the Septimians and they did all that to people. And I've been on the wrong side of the law nearly all my life to, and I've seen them brutalize even innocents."

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"I've been on both sides myself, but more on the lawful side. I've had soldiers try to pin and rape me... and I've had soldiers turn on those soldiers. I've been hired to protect both good and bad nobles. Still, you're hometown got taken by Septimius? That's got to be awful. Especially with all the rape. Those soldiers need to die."

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" :wtf: " Rita went up to him, and slapped him in the face.

"You could be a little more considerate when you talk to a girl!" She ran over to Cess, and mounted Morrey.

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Heinz nodded at Morgan's response. "I guess that makes sense." More meatshields eh? Just like Katie was supposed to be.... except hopefully they'll die faster, standing up again. Why would he cast if he's still blind though? glancing at the fire mage again. Doesn't seem like he got any better.

Walking by the healer Heinz looked curiously at her crestfallen expression. What's she so worried about? Hearing the Jerdonian princess explain what had happened, he paused for a second, addressing Tessa. "There's not much else you can do then, she'll probably get better with rest," trying to reassure the girl. Though Heinz could care less about the thief girl, he figured there was no point in worrying about something she couldn't fix.

Seeing the other thunder mage glaring at the fighter, Heinz frowned slightly at his accusation. Looking for pity? Makes me wish those soldiers had been more thorough, he mocked.

OOC: Heinz is referring to the fact that Isotov still seems to be acting the same, meaning he's not jumping for joy as if he got his vision back.

Edit: Added a bit.

Edited by the_whistler
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Morgan noticed Krinkov nosing her and looking in her face. "Ah, Lev. Your wyvern seems to want something from me?" she said, slightly unnerved.

Charlotte saw Rita slap Eric in the face. She walked over to him. "What did you say to her?" she asked, somewhat pleased on the inside.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Yeah. I joined a resistance movement to help drive them out, but the leader died and it got taken over by a guy who didn't give a rat's ass. He's just a bandit and he drove me out when I told him how I felt," he said still remembering Hotello's leering face and his bodyguards literally tossing him out of the room.

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Lev and Krank

The wyvern then put his face right up to hers and started trying to beam his thoughts into her mind with no success. Frustrated, he turned his head to face Levski like and arrow and gave off a loud snort before turning back to the shamaness. Levski simply gave him a quick kick in the gut that shuck the whole wyvern's body.

Lev: Knock it off. Well since I'm here, there is something I should probably mention.

Noticing that others were still rather close by, he whispered in her ear again, making sure to use her hair to hide the other half of his face.

Lev: Don't forget to keep an eye out for the mole. Shanice clearly wasn't working with the people who kidnapped you.

OOC: Yes Levski just kicked Krinkov in the stomach ... hard enough to shake the thing's entire body. It didn't hurt him, he's a wyvern.

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"I told her to work on her swordwork, before working on the Astra skill, Your Highness," Eric said, rubbing his cheek. "Apparently, she took offense."

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"Perhaps." whispered Morgan back into his ear. "But for now, we have bigger problems I think. I...want to thank you for your investigative skills before...without them I might not be standing here right now." Morgan whispered back in Lev's ear.

"Well, that seems like quite the overreaction." Charlotte said. She walked over to Rita. "You know, if you can't take constructive criticism, you'll never be able to do your Shooty Starry Thingy." she said, hands on her hips. "You'll never be as good as Sir Eric if you go around slapping your teacher in the face."

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Not her too! Rita hopped down from the horse. "He never was my teacher! I asked for advice! And you're just some Cleric who thinks she's better than everyone else that fell in love with her knight!" Rita ran ahead of the group, tears in her eyes. Not stopping till she was out of breath, she couldn't see the group behind her any more.

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OOC: Totally forgot to use my low voice text size before

Lev and Mr. Satisfied

Lev: Eh it's my job. Don't need thanks for that. Oh and by the way, your next lesson is coming up soon. Since you're not sick anymore, you've got no reason to miss it.

Krinkov couldn't make out what they were saying but it appeared to relate to mercenary things and that was good enough. He looked around seeing Jasmine mount her pegasus, and several others beginning to move. He did a wyvern shrug and waited around.

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