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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Iso: That's strange. Haven't you told her that you're a woman yet? That might solve the problem.


Viveka: Oh, you've got nothing to be sorry about, Chase ... ... just don't muck up my bedroll, alright? ^_^

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Eric and Amazed One

"Not exactly, Your Highness. You see, I am just collecting ideas. When I have time, probably when this is over, I'd like to write short stories. Perhaps for the peasants," Eric said, jotting down lines. "It is silly, but it gives me something to do, at times like these."

"... Are your cases enchanted, or something?" Derek asked, slightly shocked by the amount of things Viveka was carrying in her cases. "Also, what rank are you again, Miss Viveka? Most officers don't even HAVE this many... possessions."

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"Oh, I didn't know you were a writer Sir Eric." Charlotte said, smiling. "I think that is an excellent hobby, the world could always use more literature. Could I read something you've written sometime?" she said, feeling a bit less cold with her proximity to the fire.

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Iso: ... that would be a problem. Well you could always pretend to be involved with someone else. That might get her off your back.

The half casual tone in his voice was the only clue that he wasn't making a completely serious suggestion.


Viveka: No, no magic, just skilled packers.

I'm currently a Captain, but that's not the reason I have so much stuff. I'm a bit of a heavy shopper, and since I'm always on the lookout for sales and such, it doesn't quite cost a fortune.

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"Women aren't property, and even joking about such a thing is a horrid offense. I've accepted jobs at two thirds pay for less offenses than that. It's bad enough I have to look into their smiling faces every day as they offer me ridiculous or sexist jobs for pay poor by even Septimian standards; but I could refuse them, spit in their face, and walk away. I can't do that with Lev, so you're seeing it with me gritting my teeth every time I look at him to keep myself from lashing out."

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Iso: ... uh ... well it just seems like a bit much from my point of view. I mean what exactly did he do that has you two so wary?

Not too far away, Levski was thumbing through another booklet while sitting on Krinkov's back. The wyvern was relaxing and trying to ignore the voices traveling back and forth.

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"His insult to Viv when he captured her was more than enough to set me off, and to make it worse, not only has he not apologized to either, but he's kept up that stupid and smug attitude that allowed such a off-key joke to spawn in the first place. Why are you defending a leech like him anyways? Do you want to end up on the business end of my sword?"

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"Living your teenage years alone apart from your horse and your weapon tends to teach you what the warning signs are," Kelas replied. "I don't actually think he'll do anything, mind, but I don't much like his attention either. Don't kill him, Esphyr, he knows the man better than we do," she added, "and we're all much too tired for fighting."

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Iso flinched at the threat, and the put his hands up defensively.

Iso: Look, if Viveka isn't upset with him, why should you be? I mean, she's using him as a packmule now. If anything, he's her property. I just don't see what the big deal is. Irina's known him the longest. I kind of have to take her word on what kind of person he is.

Levski continued his reading ...

Lev: ("-and the strange man standing before me held a great lance. One long enough to pierce the sky. His entire body covered in dark and sturdy armor, left an impression on my heart, that was only surpassed by his mastery of the flying beast.)

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"Geez Esphyr. You don't need to be threaten people just because someone disagrees with you. We function better when we aren't at each other's throats right?" said Alferis, closing his eyes.

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"I can't help it if Viv is too weak, stupid, or seduced to notice that he's a male-dominating ass who isn't happy unless his woman is in the kitchen popping out babies for him. I don't like him, because he's a leech like other leeches I've squashed underfoot and I will enjoy squashing him as well given the chance."

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Iso: :/

Iso sctached his head in confusion. He was starting to think she was projecting.

Iso: Maybe you should talk to him. Right now, you're just jumping to conclusions. Shouldn't you find out what he's really like before deciding he's a monster?

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"We going to argue about this all night?" Kelas sighed. "And what riding companion? Look, we're all tired and irritable, maybe most of us should go to sleep so that they won't be in the morning. 'Sides, I can't well watch for threats with all the arguing in the background."

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Derek and Poet

"... Interesting," Derek said, thoughtfully. "Heavy's an understatement, is it? Even still, you must've been born into SOME sort of wealth. I mean, to get a position in the army lenient enough to be able to go on shopping sprees."

"Perhaps I will write up a story just for you, milady," Eric said, smiling at Charlotte. "Once I find time, and don't run the risk of it being destroyed."

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