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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Captain Luc

"A mole? How dangerous. Good on you for purging it though. I've personal experience with how bad moles can get." Luc looked at the canyon. Yes, a 'mole' had given him a fake map for the area during that strategic planning session. "I am actually glad you are suspicious. It makes it feel less awkward when I'm just as suspicious of your own group."

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"The offer is appreciated but I should probably do it, Reika already hates me for healing her previously and there's no need for her to..." Tessa suddenly stopped. Something didn't quite match up here. "Wait. You healed Reika? And she didn't flip out at you? ...Maybe there really is something else going on between her and me... but what and why?" she wondered a bit softly.

"Still, I accepted the job from Alferis, and I really ought to see it through myself. But if you want to support me, pray along, I'm sure that can't but help." Finishing with a smile, Tessa gripped the staff firmly, closed her eyes, and readied herself a bit before attempting anything.

Edit: 'what and why' used to be 'how and what'. I think this works much better, I must have had a case of the dumbs.

Edited by Balcerzak
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"She was unconscious at the time, so that might have helped...let's not mention that I healed her when she wakes up, all right?" Charlotte said wringing her hands nervously and praying to the Goddess for Tessa.

"Well, now that we've gotten our suspicions out of the way, I suppose we can move on. Arrin, you're feeling better correct?" Morgan asked looking down at the boy. "Captain Luc, you and your men can ride ahead if you will, lessens the chances of us all being caught in an ambush."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Nice one, Derek

Now I've done it, Derek thought, seeing Viveka in tears now. Trying to make amends, he knelt down, and whispered to her, "It's not your fault, Captain Viveka. The bulls are nigh-invincible. You couldn't have done anything, back then. So, the best you can do is work to being able to take them on. Aim for the eye, for example. I can't speak for your brother, but, do you think he'd want you to sit around, crying over him? No, he'd probably want you to be happy. So, cheer up. And, I'm sorry," he finished lamely, looking away. "I didn't mean to bring that memory up up to the surface."


"OK...?" Eric said, looking at Rita questioningly. "Could you show me the problem?"

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Arrin looked up. "I'm... all right," he lied, scrambling to his feet and heading for Francis.

"He's not, but there's hang all we can do about it," Kelas sighed. "We had better get going again." She turned to Isotov. "You doing all right with flying?"

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Iso: Nosy is as nosy does. Well, at least that's over and done with.

He turned to Kelas to answer her question before standing up.

Iso: Yeah I'll be alright. Irina's pretty good at protecting me too it seems.

Irina: You should've just told me.

Iso: It would have slowed us down.

Irina: How?

Iso: Never mind ... (If I told her then, I would have let it slip that Proxima was severed from me. That would have definitely slowed us down.)


Viveka: N-no ... don't be sorry, I ... ... it's my fault.

She was finally starting to calm down and her voice came back down to the norm everyone was used to hearing from her. She quickly wiped her face of the tears and kept looking down.

Viveka: I have nightmares about that creature almost every night. It stalks the people I care about and destroys them ... I'm forced to watch. I had that same dream last night. Because of those dreams, it's almost always close to the surface, like a horrible memory that won't go away. I just get so caught up in it when Lars comes up. It's not you. N-nothing you did so ... don't apologize ...

At some point her voice had taken on an angrier tone than before.

Viveka: It may not be my fault that he died ... but I should have been the one to kill that bull. Ivanko ... he shouldn't have had to be there ... ... if another blasted bull wyvern attacks someone I care about I'll take out BOTH eyes.

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Captain Luc

"Of course," Luc said with a fake slickness to his voice. He wanted to seem a bit too cooperative right now. It would keep things more interesting, and varying your formation was useful in case of scouts or spies wandering about. He rode over to the others. "Alright boys and girls, helmets on, we're all riding in front this time."

"Yes, sir!" The others scrambled and returned to combat duty. The seven members of the 12th Cavalry readied themselves in front.

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Overhearing Morgan talking with the Septimian captain, Heinz stepped to the side, frowning when he noticed the scorch mark. Stupid idiot, throwing around a fireball like that, kneeling down as he took a closer look. I'd bet Morgan's still suspicious of me, looking on wryly as the shaman and the soldier continued talking.

"So why exactly are these soldiers coming with us?" he asked once the captain had left. He's too friendly to be doing this for nothing. "Or burning holes in the ground?"

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"Extra bodies to throw at our enemies." Morgan replied to Heinz. "Since we are travelign the same way, no reason to travel seperately. As for the hole, you can thank Isotov, he's having some...issues." Morgan said, rolling her eyes.

During her prayer, Charlotte caught Eric talking to Rita out of the corner of her eye. I did tell him he was allowed to tutor her, didn't I? And I bet they have a lot to talk about with sword moves and such... Still, she couldn't shake the strange twinge she got looking at them.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Because look at him. Noble scion, colonel in the military, he's all about image. And staying with a mercenary is bad for that. He's concerned with image only, so it's only natural he'll cast you out. All nobles are the same."

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Tissues, anyone?

"It's not your fault that it haunts you, Captain," Derek said, remembering his experiences with wyverns. "Anyone would be, after losing your sibling. I'll tell you what: If you have that nightmare again, and can't sleep, go get me. I'll be happy to stay up."

OOC: The author of this post appears to be deceased, from a kick to the head.

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"I don't think he cares so much for image, but I may be projecting myself onto him there. Still, if he cared so much for image, why would he love me in the first place?"


"I wish to apologize unto thou Sir Kelas. I know thou art but a woman, and I have called you a man in insult... But... Alas, I am no longer worthy to bear my title while thou art deserving of it."

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"Who can discern the minds of nobles. He may think you're pretty and he may genuinely love you, but he'll get badgered by the court for that and in the end, he'd choose his reputation over you. And if he does that, I'll kill him."

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