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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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":mellow: What? Iso's hurt? It's okay Iso. Everything' fine! Tell me where it hurts, and I'll kiss it and make it better!" Rita ran over to Iso, before squeezing him in a giant bear hug.

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"It's just...It's just I never pull my weight here. I try so hard to help you guys. And Reika, she could've died and I would've failed her. I'm a failure! I'm a *sniff*" he cried, grabbing onto Esphyr, crying his eyes out.

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"If we're all healed up and done hugging or crying or whatever." Morgan said, raising her voice and scowling "perhaps we can move out of this canyon and not be ambushed again?"

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Gah! Urk!" said Esphyr, her voice constrained by the larger mans grip. "Too tight! Too tight! You're crushing my chest!" she said. Then, once he had let her go, she took a moment to catch her breath, then looked Alf in the eye. "Look, Alf. You and me, we're not much at all. We're mercs. We work for pay, and it's true. That doesn't mean we just goof off. The best mercs aren't the ones whom get the best jobs, but those who know how to not be stupid and make smart choices. Most of all, they know to do their job, and just that. I'm no relationship expert, but if you're worried about Reika's safety, you probably shouldn't express it by going about and bawling like a schoolgirl who spoiled her lovers meal. For what it's worth, I'm here for you, but that's worth about a pile of Septimian coin in value."

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"Moving out is an excellent idea... Right, let's get going before she gets back?" Kelas suggested as Rita ran off. "Seems like you were having trouble with flying. You want a ride, or you want to try flying again anyway?"

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"*Sniff* I guess. I'm just worried about you and her. You're the closest thing to a friend I've had and I just don't want to screw up, and when I see that bastard priest and that thief gloating in my face," he said, shuddering somewhat. "Well, you know..."

"I just want to be of use for you guys. This is like a home to me, and I want to make it up to you."

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The hug forced up a bit more blood that Iso didn't know about and it was running down the side of his mouth by the time Kelas turned to him. He wiped it off thinking he was over salivating, but in actuality, his mouth and teeth were a bit stained by what was left in his mouth.

Iso: I think I'm done flying for the day. I'll ride with you. I'm sure Irina will understand given the situation ... I think ... I don't know what goes on in her head these days.

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"... Captain, no, Viveka, listen," Derek began, unsure how to handle this. "Everyone screws up. Hell, I've done it more than anyone else, probably. So, what you do, is learn from it. But, uh, regarding your other concerns, just leave it to someone else, like the General, or me, for example. And, if you really can't fight anymore, head back to Ilyphina. Point is, you are not going to die while I'm around. So, don't worry about that."

"Just, next time you see that literal traitor, tell me. I have a few issues I need to settle with the good Colonel. And please, don't cry. I'm not used to dealing people when they're like that, most of the time."

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"Right then." Kelas got up, then helped Isotov up. She called Amari over, placing Isotov's hands on the saddle and then guiding his foot to the stirrup so that he could mount up, then climbed up in front of him. "Hold on, then," she instructed, turning Amari back towards their destination. "Everyone, we're moving out!" she called, echoing Morgan.

Arrin heard the calls to leave and mounted up, looking around. "Anyone need a ride? ...Where did Charlotte go?" he asked quietly.

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Hearing the pegasus knight call for a retreat, the rest of the remaining mercenaries quickly disappeared back into the canyon. Seeing that the other members of the group seemed ill inclined to follow them, Heinz removed the rest of his knives from the dead bodies, wiping the blood off onto their clothes. Carefully inspecting each of the four knives for bloodstains, Heinz tucked them back into his belt, satisfied with their condition.

"Balance should hold, at least for now," thinking out loud to himself. Hearing the nomad call for a report, Heinz slowly walked in the direction of the archer, pausing to pull a vulnerary out of his cloak and apply it to his shoulder. Not a bad fight, I should try testing these knives on something harder next time, losing himself in his thoughts until the wyvern rider called out frantically.

What's she panicking about this time? Frowning when he noticed the fire mage was coughing up blood. He's sick, just like Morgan was.... right after he fought with Shanice, quickly making the connection. Another Crimson Weapon severed eh? Unlike before, he wasn't particularly inclined to worry now that his job to the grey-eyed man was completed.

Snorting, Heinz turned away, letting the shaman and nomad take care of the blind fire mage. The mercenary continued walking normally, his twisted frown the only sign of his puzzlement. The nomad's brother is sick too? He did complain about a headache earlier... Wonder when he lost his tome?

Seeing Esphyr talking to the sobbing fighter nearby, Heinz walked towards a gigantic pile of rocks. "Looks like they're all dead," he observed, seeing bits of dark green sticking out from beneath the rocks.

Hearing people yelling in the distance to leave again, Heinz noticed the soldier he had talked to from before covering the dead bodies with a strange chalky substance. "You should probably hurry up with that, we'll be leaving soon," nodding briefly at the man. "I'm sorry about your comrades, but it's not a good idea to stick around," waving as he returned back to where the majority of the group was.

OOC: Assumed they were wearing military clothing, will change if that's not the case.

Edit: Changed the color.

Edited by the_whistler
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OOC: Let Pary show up after their talk. It's kinda mushy and important and stuff.

Isotov and Irina

Iso: If you don't mind ... I'm going to try to sleep off this pain a little ...

That was the last thing he said before slumping forward a bit and resting his head on her shoulders. His eyes were already closed, so he drifted off a lot faster than most could. Meanwhile Irina mounted Kiev and after making sure that Iso was actually going to ride with Kelas, she started moving along with the others.


She still had tears flowing, but she had calmed down somewhat. Having Susann so close by certainly helped. The pegasus was a hard animal to cry with, its long almost comical face staring back at her reminded her that it wasn't the end of the world. Susann's nibbling at random things was also helping.

Viveka: It's just ... it's not just weakness in myself ... I'm fighting organized enemies with disorganized allies (I'm not even sure "allies" is the right word here ...). It's one of the most insane things a soldier can do. I'm taking stupid chances just by being here fighting with these lunatics ... ... well ...

She thought about it a lot harder for a moment and then she remembered another battle that she had fought where Irina had helped her and even Iso pitched in some advice afterward that was starting to makes sense.

Viveka: You're right. You and Iso are right. I will make mistakes ... but I'm not alone in this. Will you ... ... will you fight with me? I can't handle this on my own, and there's no way I'll be able to be the commanding officer I was to the battalion to this group. At least if I have someone with me out there, I stand a greater chance of winning ... and surviving. (Colonel Daneka ... the "Good Colonel"? Those two have a past even deeper than mine ...)

OOC: @ Septimian clothing

Daneka made them all dress like random mercenaries so that no one could make a court case style connection between her battalion and an unprovoked attack on foreigners. She's trying to stay out of trouble.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Don't worry about it." said Esphyr. "I mean, you're the closest thing I have to a friend as well who isn't trying to sleep with me in some way, shape, or form. Why I don't know. Am I really that attractive? Doesn't matter. For me, so long as you don't die and don't betray me, we should be good."

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"I guess. You know, I think I should really polish up more, and I'd like to spar with somebody when I get the chance. Do you wanna be my sparring partner?" said Alferis, wiping his tears and wincing as he brushed his scabs from the burns.

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"Aw, but you two look so cute together! You know...I'm okay if my man like you has those tendencies, you just make the perfect pair. Oh well, see you on the road!" Rita skipped off to Morrey, and set on the saddle waiting for Cess.

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"'No plan survives contact with the enemy,'" Derek recited, recalling an expression coined by a warrior ages ago, and drilled into his head by his father. "It may be hard to adjust, but I think you can make it. And, I already said you can count on me, Viveka. But, let's leave combat for later. For now, I think we should get out of here. Tend to Sunny, first, though. It looks like she needs another vulnerary..."

The RNG-screwed guy

Eric awoke to a dull pain in his chest. Getting up, he saw that almost everyone was up, and getting ready to leave. "...Did anyone take out that wyvern Lord?" he asked Kelas, who was nearby.

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