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Memorial Movies and Moments

Light Lord

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Basically you post your favorite movie, why you like it, how many times have you seen it, and your favorite moment of that same movie, so let's start with this already. Sorry if something similar was made before.

My favorite movie up to now, has been Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, the very end of the Star Wars Saga. No matter if a few things were forced for the original trilogy in here, this movie really makes up for episode II, the plot turns out somewhat predictable for those that saw the Clone Wars mini series (not the new animated one), but what I liked it because it has the most epic lightsaber duels since Luke VS Darth Vader: Obi-Wan Vs Anakin and yoda VS The Emperor. I've seen this movie about 6 times, I'm not joking, 6 times (yeah I know, I'm crazy) and every time I watch it, I can't help but feel sad for the saga reaching it's end, the Jedi's destiny and for the fall of a great hero, but so goes life. The memorial scene I get will never be changed: the classic moment where a Skywalker is staring at the sunset in Tatooine, the music gives it a good effect to the moment.

Now, go!

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My favourite movie is the new Alice in Wonderland. I find that Tim Burton did an excellent job combining Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking Glass, and the Jabberwock together to create the movie. He also had some really good actors working alongside him, such as Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, which made the movie all the more enjoyable as they know how to act and do it well. The effects that were used were also quite well done, even though they were obvious at sometimes.

And Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. My God, they could not have cast a better man for the job. He did an excellent job with the role, and he even swapped back and forth between two accents to accentuate when his character turned mad.

I've seen it two times, but I'm hoping to watch it again.

I actually have two favourite parts. It's a toss up between the final battle between Queen Redd and the White Queen, or when you first Alice in the curtain dress. <3

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Miller's Crossing had everything. The Irish Mafia, the Italian Mafia, the Coen Brothers, Tommy guns, ludicrous amounts of blood, Danny Boy, Steve Buscemi...

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My favorite movie is Last Holiday. I like this movie because it teaches you a lesson: Live life to the fullest.

and they couldn't have hired a better actress than Queen Latifah. My favorite scene is when Mr. kragen was on a ledge and he was drinking onto a botltle of wine.

So Georgia says to Mr. Kragen

"Give me that"

(lets it fall) "Ooh! Heads Up!"

(falls)"Damn...that's a long drop"

the other one is...The senator and the congressman are watching from below and say:

Congressman: How many people can fit on that ledge?

Senator: We should join them.

Edited by SapphireFox
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My Neighbour Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Mind Game, Only Yesterday, Blade Runner, Apocalypse Now, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blue Velvet, The Night of the Hunter, Akira, Grave of the Fireflies, Citizen Kane, The Seventh Seal, Happiness, Spirited Away, Wild Strawberries, and many more. I'll expand upon them later.

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Really good picks Moguchimon!

As for me, it's one of these:

-Memories of Murder, a really great Korean serial murder movie, ends unsolved. Focuses on how police at the time didn't really know how to handle investigations that were not straightforward.

-Dr Strangelove and Failsafe, parallel movies about a fictional cold war setting where an accident (a crazy general in Strangelove and IIRC a computer error in failsafe) triggers an atomic situation.

-Bad Boy Bubby. An Australian indy film that begins with a guy locked in a small house with his mom and a cat. He's like 30 minimum and has a very abnormal personality since he's apparently spent his life in there (thinks the outside environment is poisonous). After he escapes it becomes a very strange look at Australia and at what it would be like for a person almost completely alien to human society to try and integrate himself. It's also very goofy despite being grim at other times.

-Hara Kiri: Excellent samurai film. Wouldn't want to spoil anything else.

-Ikiru - To Live: One of Kurosawa's non-samurai films, follows a bureaucrat who's lost any meaning to his life. He ends up fighting to revolutionize the world of childrens' playgrounds.

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Basically you post your favorite movie, why you like it, how many times have you seen it, and your favorite moment of that same movie, so let's start with this already. Sorry if something similar was made before.

My favorite movie up to now, has been Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, the very end of the Star Wars Saga. No matter if a few things were forced for the original trilogy in here, this movie really makes up for episode II, the plot turns out somewhat predictable for those that saw the Clone Wars mini series (not the new animated one), but what I liked it because it has the most epic lightsaber duels since Luke VS Darth Vader: Obi-Wan Vs Anakin and yoda VS The Emperor. I've seen this movie about 6 times, I'm not joking, 6 times (yeah I know, I'm crazy) and every time I watch it, I can't help but feel sad for the saga reaching it's end, the Jedi's destiny and for the fall of a great hero, but so goes life. The memorial scene I get will never be changed: the classic moment where a Skywalker is staring at the sunset in Tatooine, the music gives it a good effect to the moment.

Now, go!

i liked tht movie alot, i remember me and my friend saw it when we were little and thought we were cool for going to a pg-13 movie XP

the past 3 years my favorite movies are...

08 The dark knight.

09 toss up between terminater salvation, and public enemies.

10(so far)Robin hood, im looking forward to seeing salt tho.

i felt like this year was the worst for movies in the past 3 years, Aside from these movies i really like the X-men series.

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Ah, one of my other favorites is Historias Extraordianarias. It's an Argentine independent flick that's ABSOLUTELY GODDAMN AWESOME.

So in comes the narrator to tell us. “The farmer’s name is Rey.” [pause]. “He will hide a briefcase in a hay-bale” [pause where nothing happens and Rey doesn’t do anything]. “Here he goes.” [finally, Rey moves towards the hay bale]. This happens over and over. The narrator tells us what’s about to happen, nothing does, then the narrator says, okay now it’s going to happen. It’s a type of narration whereby the person could be sitting next to us and showing us a story that he filmed. This is hard to explain but a pleasure to experience. “The fat one will go to the truck and get a shotgun”. We wait from far away for what seems like five minutes “There he goes.” Then we see the fat guy go to the truck to get the gun. The narrator tells us what’s happening, sometimes WHILE it’s happening. This could seem simplistic, but for some reason it works pretty well. He also will explain a huge story about a minor character, with backstory, dreams, dark and happy experiences. We’ll spend ten or 15 minutes on these characters and at the end of the vignette, the narrator will say “this had nothing to do with what we’ve just seen” or, in a particularly funny scene, after a man has gone on and on about his theory of a crime, the narrator comes on to say “Every word he just said was wrong, he was correct about this crime in no way whatsoever.” So the narrator (and there are a half dozen) is there to correct wrongs, clarify plot moves, and explain what we’re seeing. The script for this film (setting aside it’s length, even) must have been much longer than usual. There is so much voiceover.
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My current favorite movie is the Dark Knight.

I guess I'll just list reasons.

1. I love good long movies. Its kindof like a meal, when its really good, you don't mind sitting down for a good while to take your time, digest and stuff.

2. Messages: this movie has like 20. Seriously.

3. Quotability. There are ton of good quotes.

4. The sense of reality in the film. This really shines through in the boat scene, everyone does logical stuff and in the end shows their humanity.

5. The action and suspense is absolutely incredible.

6. It has an incredible opening scene. Every movie I love has an incredible opening scene.

Best quote/scene

(pretty big time spoilers but I think thats assumed)

The VO and dialogue around Rachel's death. "She was going to wait for me Alfred," "Sometimes, the truth isn't good enough" *burning letter* "sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded"

Thats pretty much the very truest thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

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