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Serenes Forest: The "Live Action" Movie


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I really, really wonder who Peppy is. I mean, I have a good idea of who Lover is, but I don't know who Peppy could be! I feel like I recognize him from somewhere, but I just can't place it.

I mean, who shouts "DO A BARRELL ROLL" all the time? Anyone can do that! This is all very confusing. But I'll find out, one day!

And by the way, I want to play Ice Emblem. And lol at the "Also, he gained the knowledge of how to drive a car."

And Pssssst. When you guys are back in Goldoa, you have a little typo. Kid doesn't seem to be "Kid" anymore...it goes against rule number 2. XD

Edited by Songbird
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I really, really wonder who Peppy is. I mean, I have a good idea of who Lover is, but I don't know who Peppy could be! I feel like I recognize him from somewhere, but I just can't place it.

I mean, who shouts "DO A BARRELL ROLL" all the time? Anyone can do that! This is all very confusing. But I'll find out, one day!

And by the way, I want to play Ice Emblem. And lol at the "Also, he gained the knowledge of how to drive a car."

And Pssssst. When you guys are back in Goldoa, you have a little typo. Kid doesn't seem to be "Kid" anymore...it goes against rule number 2. XD





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Discuss the next acts with us or something? We have our own secret channel too.....

Sure thing, though I don't know how helpful I can be.

And yay, another secret channel! =D

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I'm writing more as we speak (type)...

Yes, credit for next episode goes to me and Nightmare. I usually write most of them.....

Just saying....Giving credit where credit is due....

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Fireman and I discuss ideas, but it's Fireman who turns those ideas into writing so...he should get 3/4 of the credit, and I should get 1/4 of it.

I am The Fireman and I approved of this message.

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Act 4: A little adventurer's little adventure

*Soren is walking through the forest*

Soren: ....

As Soren trudges through the entangled mass of roots, he hears the cries and pleas of Princess, Lover, Peppy, and Kid in the distance. He stubbornly ignores them. Soren thinks of the past in an attempt to drown out their voices.

-flashback, to when Soren first stumbled into this forest-

Kid starts strangling Peppy, Lover starts flirting with Princess, and Soren wanders into the forest. Soren walks through the undergrowth, trying to find peace and quiet in the forest and away from his bickering friends. Soren, unfamiliar with this type of terrain, trips on a vine. He lands face-first into a flock of white doves, scavenging the floor for scraps of food. Soren picks himself up and spits out a dove that he accidentally gobbled. The doves prepare to fly away, but Soren signals them to stop. Amazingly, the doves obey. Soren takes out a bag of Cheese Nips and empties it onto the floor. The doves slowly edge closer to Soren, in a timid manner as if expecting him to attack them. When the doves realize Soren means no harm, they happily accept the food and eat it. Soren sits down on the damp soil, with his legs crossed and a blank expression on his face. The doves fly onto Soren's lap. They start nudging their heads toward Soren's left and fly off towards that direction. Soren follows them. After 10 minutes of walking through bushes and vines, Soren reaches a sparkling white fountain. On top of the fountain, a gleaming white heron girl is dancing, with the white doves perched upon her arms and shoulders. For some reason unbeknownst to Soren, he becomes captivated and cannot take his eyes off her. It may be her sparkling golden hair, her warm, inviting smile, her delicate and graceful footwork, or her slim figure complimented by her long, beautiful, white dress and her pure-white wings. The heron girl notices Soren and stops dancing. She flies off the fountain and onto the ground, where she kneels down to talk to Soren, face to face.

Lila: Hello, little one.

Soren: ....

Lila: What's your name?

Soren: ....

Lila: Can you speak?

Soren: ....

Lila: I suppose not. Well, my name is Lila.

*Soren's stomach grumbles*

*Soren starts blushing*

Soren: ....

Lila: I'm guessing you're hungry. Come. Follow me.

*Lila takes Soren's hand and walks him over to a pile of fruits*

*Soren's entire face turns red*

Soren: ....

Lila: *smiling* You can eat as much as you want.

Soren: ....*doesn't move*

Lila: Come on. Don't be shy.

*Soren takes an apple and bites it*

Lila: There you go. *notices the mark on his forehead* Quite an....interesting mark....

Soren: *still chewing*.....

Lila: Well, anyway, it's none of my concern.

*Lila hears the bushes rustling*

Lila: Umm...Let me show you something.

*Lila takes Soren's hand and leads him to the fountain*

Lila: Do you see that long pole-like thing up there? It's actually a staff.

*Lila flies up to the fountain and takes the staff off from the top*

Soren: ...

*Lila flies down and hands Soren the staff*

Lila: Don't worry. It's rather light.

*Soren takes the staff*

*the shine of the jewel on top of the staff catches Soren's interest*

Lila: Keep this staff at your side. Don't let anyone take it from you. When the time comes, you'll know what to do with it. Now go. Your friends are probably worried about you by now.

Soren: *nods* ....

*Soren walks away, disappointed that he couldn't spend more time with Lila*

Lila: You guys can come on out now!

*a group of 10 masked assailants walk out of the bushes*

-flashback over-

Soren, anxious to see Lila again, starts running. He eventually reaches the fountain where he first met Lila. However, she's not there. The doves are also missing. The fountain, once pure and white, is now dripping with blood. As Soren watches the blood seep into the soil, he takes another bite of his apple. It doesn't taste as sweet as it once did.

Suddenly, a group of masked assailants appear before his eyes and try to kill him.

TO BE CONTINUED BY ACT 5: Turn of Events

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Aww...Soren was adorable in this chapter!


The ending is creepy though. =O

That last part was Nightmare's doing. XD

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hehehehehehhhhh sorens gonna get it.


I WOULD like it if it were older soren but a 5 year old? Thats just wrong........

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Act 5: Turn of Events

Soren tries his hardest not to get hit, but one of them slashes his shoulder. He grips his shoulder and runs away, but the assailants keep up with him. Suddenly, he hits a tree and falls on his back. One of the assassins jumps to stab him with a knife, but suddenly, a whip comes out from nowhere, grabs the assassin by the arm and throws him away.

Soren: ...

???: Fiends! Have you nothing better to do than to attack an innocent and harmless child?!

Assassin#1: Wh-who are you?!

???: You need not to know my name!

Assassin#1: Yeah...a dead man needs no name! *Lunges at the unnamed man*

???: *Dodges attack and strikes the assassin with his whip, killing him* Hmph... *Keeps killing the other assassins until none of them are left*

Soren: ...

???: Are you alright, child?

Soren: ...

???: Hmm...seems you can't talk...well then, let me take you to your home. Where is it?

Soren: ... *Points to outside the forest*

???: I see...come on, I'll take you to your home...

*They reach the edge of the forest*

???: Is this the place?

Soren: *Nods*

???: Alright then...I'm off to hunt the creatures of the night...be careful!

Soren was too busy to notice that it had already struck nightfall.

Soren walks away, and back out into the open, where Princess, Lover, Peppy, and Kid are stuck in quicksand.

Princess: Master Soren is back!

Peppy: Soren, I promise to never-ever do another barrel roll if you help me out of here!

Lover: Come on, Soren! You can do it!

Kid: We believe in you!

*Soren sits down, crosses his legs, puts his staff on the ground, and takes another bite out of his apple*

*Soren stares at them as he eats his apple*

Kid: ....I'm gonna so f*cking kill this kid when I get out....

Princess: Ahem.

Kid: I mean....pet his head...for being a good boy....

Princess: Better....

Soren doesn't hear them. He just dotes on the mysterious heron girl he had met earlier.

Lover: Hey....have any of you guys ever wondered if Soren understands what we're saying?

Princess: Good question....

Kid: Oh, he understands us. He just doesn't want to understand us.

Princess: Good answer....

*Patrick runs out of the forest, panicked*

Patrick: There is an emergency! We need to- .....What happened to you guys?

Kid: It's a long, sad story....

Princess: Indeed.

Patrick: I'll take your word for it. As I was saying...I just received a disturbing message. I need all of you to accompany me, now!

Princess: We would, but....

Lover: We're kinda stuck....

Patrick: *sigh*

Patrick gives Soren some gauze to wrap around his shoulder wound.

-15 minutes later-

Princess: Thanks, Patrick. For getting us out of the quicksand.

Kid: Unlike some people! *looks angrily at Soren*

Soren: ....*waves at Kid*

Soren, meanwhile, is trying to figure out who to wrap the gauze around his shoulder.

Kid: Heh heh....*waves back* Little demon....

Princess: Ahem.

Kid: I mean....little angel....

Princess: Better....

Soren wraps the gauze around his entire body. He looks like a mummy now.

Patrick: Come on, follow me!

*Princess, Kid, Soren, Lover, and Peppy follow Patrick through the dense jungle of trees*

Along the way, Kid falls into a hole and Peppy accidentally barrel rolls off another cliff. They are both rescued by Princess before they plummet to their death. At last, they finally reach the cabin that Patrick was leading them to.

Lover: What is it that you wanted us to see?

Patrick: Not see. Hear.

*Patrick puts a headphone to Lover's ear*


The signal drops dead.

TO BE CONTINUED BY ACT 6: To Catch a Traitor

Edited by Fireman
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