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Serenes Forest: The "Live Action" Movie


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Act 9.50: Dirty Secrets

-in the forest-

*Raven and Mike wake up*

Mike: Uggh....what happened?

Raven: Hmm...I could've sworn I was bleeding....

*Raven looks at his back, which is now wrapped in gauze*

Raven: Who-

Lyre: That was me! Well...it was mostly my sister, Lethe!

Lethe: ...

Mike: Twin catgirls! And cute ones too! Hey there.....

Lyre: Hey yourself. *giggles*

Mike: Nice collar. It's very....shiny.

Lyre: I know! It's so pretty, isn't it?

Lethe: *frowning* This is not the place to be fraternizing with outsiders. Especially male ones....

Lyre: I'll flirt with anyone I want!

Lethe: Lyre...sometimes you get on the last of my nerves....

Lyre: Boy troubles, Lethe?

Lethe: *angrily* What are you talking about?!

Lyre: *smiling in a sinister way* Oh nothing.…

Lethe: Sometimes, Lyre....I just want to....*makes a scratching motion with her fingers*

*Lyre hides behind Mike and sticks out her tongue at Lethe*

Mike: Anyway.....We were waiting for Joan, but she was a no-show. We better get back to Serenes or my sister, Fox, is going to murder us.

Raven: You got that right.

Lethe: You're the brother of Queen Fox?

Mike: Yep. See ya two!

Lyre: Bye!

Lethe: ....Farewell, then.

*Mike and Raven walk away*

Lyre: Hm....Those two certainly were....eccentric! *laughs*

Lethe: That Mike fellow isn’t like any royalty I've ever met.....

-meanwhile, at Lover(and his gang)'s jet-

*Gevanni is sneaking around the jet while everybody is at the church*

Gevanni: I know Near told me to look for anything suspicious, but I wish he could've been more specific.

Gevanni walks into a random room and spots a locked, pink diary. He uses his lockpick to open it and starts skimming through it and notices a page that seems like it was wet.

Day 1 since Joan's betrayal:

Ever since Joan betrayed me, I feel as though a demon inside me is awakening. I can't explain it, but I feel a slight tinge of fear. Last night, I had a dream, or rather, a nightmare. The demon called himself Damon. The nightmare ended as soon as he told me his name. I came to write this entry as soon as I woke up. If it isn't already clear, I was sweating when I wrote this. Admittedly, I have sweating issues....

Gevanni: ...Ew.

Gevanni closes and locks Lover's diary and puts it down. He walks into another room and spots a blue diary. He once again uses his lockpick to open it.

I have to admit. I really love Princess, but she's always around Soren and gives him the most attention. This makes me feel really jealous. This one time, I had a dream where I was chewing Soren's head off. I know I promised to myself to not be perverted anymore to impress Princess, but I suppose it's alright since no one will be reading this. I was searching for some images to give to Princess. I had tried to give her a few yaoi pics earlier, but....she's not like the other girls in my class, apparently. Anyway, when I was searching for pics I found this hot pic of these two girls do-

Gevanni: Disturbing...

Gevanni closes the diary and locks it before he can read any more about Kid's "searching adventures". He walks into another room and sees that it is filled with boxes and barrels. A barrel falls down and rolls over to Gevanni. Gevanni rolls it back to the spot where it originally was.

Gevanni: I just did a barrel roll.

A tumbleweed rolls along with the wind outside the jet.

Gevanni: I'm starting to think Near was wrong about these guys committing murder.

Gevanni walks into the bathroom and sees a locked cabinet labeled "DO NOT OPEN!".

Gevanni: Perhaps Near was right.....

Gevanni tries to use his lockpick to open the cabinet, but it doesn't seem to work.

Gevanni: Now I know they're hiding something. Okay. I know Near told me to not leave any signs behind, but...

Gevanni takes out a gun and shoots a bullet at the lock. The lock, now broken, falls into the sink. Gevanni puts his gun back into the under pocket of his coat and opens the cabinet and what he sees, shocks him.

-Serenes Forest castle-

servant: Your majesty, Master Cra awaits.

Fox: Send him in.

Cra: *bows* Hello your Excellency.

Fox: Cut the formality act! What do you want?

Cra: Dracula intercepted a message from one of your carrier pigeons.

Fox: ...So?

Cra: It says "On the fourth day, the flames of the fox shall be released." Care to explain?

Fox: Oh...You know...It's just an inside joke.

Cra: Care to explain?

Fox: Well...on some website....My username is Fourth Fox...of Fire....Yeah, that's it! And sometimes I...go on "mod-abuse rampages", so...yeah...

Cra: *sneering* Then what's this site called?

Fox: Uhh....*looks outside the window to see a vast amount of trees in the forest* Serenes Forest!

Cra: ...Very well then...Fox, are we still having the dinner party tonight?

Fox: Why of course.

Cra: *smiling* Excellent.

*Cra leaves*

Fox: Phew. *wipes sweat* I thought he'd caught on to my plans to stop him and save the world...But just in case, I better contact Vincent about that backup plan...

-outside the room-

*Reyson is patiently waiting in the hall*

Cra: Reyson!

Reyson: *bows* Yes, my liege?

Cra: Contact Vincent. It's time we got rid of a pesky fox.

Reyson: By your orders.

*Reyson transforms into a heron and flies out the window*

-at Vincent's secret lair-

Reyson: Master Cra sends you a message.

Vincent: Let me hear it.

Reyson: Master Cra plans to eliminate Queen Fox during the dinner party tonight. However, he will need your help. Will you comply?

Vincent: Why would I help Cra kill Queen Fox?

Reyson: Master Cra sends you another message in case you are unwilling to comply.

Vincent: Hm?

Reyson: If you choose not to help Master Cra eliminate Queen Fox, we shall instead, take the life of your sister.

Vincent: What?

Reyson: The life of Fox or the life of NTG. It's your choice, but choose quickly. Time is of the essence.

Vincent: Hmmm.....


Gevanni stares intently into the object in the cabinet. It is a black notebook labeled "Death Note".

Gevanni: Near.

*Gevanni communicates with Near via communicator headphones*

Near: Yes?

Gevanni: We have a problem.

Near: Yes?

Gevanni: You were right. Someone in Lover's gang is responsible for the deaths of Patrick and Batman.

To be continued by Act 9.75: Evil Intentions

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Act 9.50: Dirty Secrets


I have to admit. I really love Princess, but she's always around Soren and gives him the most attention. This makes me feel really jealous. This one time, I had a dream where I was chewing Soren's head off. I know I promised to myself to not be perverted anymore to impress Princess, but I suppose it's alright since no one will be reading this. I was searching for some images to give to Princess. I had tried to give her a few yaoi pics earlier, but....she's not like the other girls in my class, apparently. Anyway, when I was searching for pics I found this hot pic of these two girls do-

Gevanni: Disturbing...

Gevanni closes the diary and locks it before he can read any more about Kid's "searching adventures".


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I would like to thank Masu and Princess for the inspiration of that particular scene. XD

Well you know last night I WAS searching for some pictures and a came across one with these girls and they were all-*gets shot*

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Also, the name "Gevanni" is not a misspelling of "Giovanni" just to let everyone know.

Well you know last night I WAS searching for some pictures and a came across one with these girls and they were all-*gets shot*

Yes, Masu. I have been stalking you... :ph34r:

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The irony of the situation is that there really is a serenesforest.net.....

Inner Fireman: *sarcastically* No way!

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Act 9.75: Evil Intentions(Part 1)

-at the jet-

*Gevanni communicates with Near via communicator headphones*

Near: Is that all?

Gevanni: Hm?

Near: I already knew that someone in Lover's gang is responsible for the suicide of Patrick and Batman. Can you confirm that it's the work of a Death Note?

Gevanni: Yes, this is the work of a Death Note.

Near: Gevanni, do you know the names of all the people who have their own private rooms in the jet?

Gevanni: Lover, Peppy, Kid, Soren, and Princess.

Near: Princess.

Gevanni: Hm?

Near: Princess is the one who killed Patrick and Batman.

*Near throws a dart at the center of his dart board*

Near: Bulls eye.

-at an abandoned house-

Three people are in the living room. One is a 10-year old kid(Fear), the other a 19-year old guy(Pein), and the other a man seemingly in his late 20s(Deth).

*Pein is training with his wooden sword by repeatedly hitting a dummy made of ice cream*

*Fear is licking the ice cream off the floor*

*Deth is lying on the couch with his eyes closed*

Deth: God damn! This is so f*cking boring. And why the hell are you licking the floor, Fear?

Fear: It keeps the floor clean. Plus, I like ice cream.

Pein: *still hitting the ice cream dummy* ....

Deth: Do you know where the floor's been, you dumbass?

Fear: Floors don't move, silly.

*Fear continues to lick the ice cream off the floor*

Deth: And why the f*cking hell do you have to train so hard all the time on that ice cream dummy, Pein?

Pein: *still hitting the dummy* It keeps me in shape.

Deth: Why the f*ck would you want to be in shape? It's not like you're going to war.

Pein: Whether I'm going to use my physique or not matters not. It is the sign of a dedicated warrior to train hard every day.

Deth: *gripping the couch angrily* Tsk. You bastards are gonna be the end of me.

Fear: *still licking the floor* Why so mean, Deth? Are you bored again?

Deth: When am I ever not bored you little bitch?!

*Deth grabs his black sword in its black sheath and walks towards the door*

Pein: Deth, where are you going?

Deth: None of your f*cking business! But if you must know, I'm going shopping for ice cream. You bastards used it all up on that shitty ice cream dummy.

*Deth walks out the door*

Fear: You ever wonder why Deth says bad words all the time?

Pein: That's just his way of telling us he's bored.....

Fear: Deth sure talks politely when he's not bored, though....

Pein: Tell me about it....

Pein lunges at the ice cream dummy with his wooden sword. He slips on some ice cream on the floor and crashes through the window, falling on to the concrete with glass shards piercing his body.

Fear: You see? This is why I have to clean the floors.

*Fear continues to lick the ice cream off the floor*

-in the magical forest in Egypt-

Mike: Those two catgirls certainly had sibling issues.

Raven: They're not the only ones.

Mike: What's that supposed to mean?

Raven: Nothing.

Mike: *raises his eyebrows* You are one-

Raven: One....One...One? One! Mike, it's Day 1!

Mike: So? What's your point? We still have three more days.

Raven: True...

*Mike and Raven slip on two slices of pizza on the floor*


Raven: Hey, Mike....Wasn't this our pizza?

Mike: Crap! I stepped on the soft and crunchy crust and the melted-to-perfection cheese! Not to mention the peppero-

Raven: Shameless advertising once is enough.

Mike: Right....Raven, do you know where we're going?

Raven: Just keep walking straight. We'll get out of here eventually....

Mike: I hope you're right...

-Serenes Forest-

Deth is walking down the forest when he sees Bowser drive by on a motorcycle with Princess, unconscious on his shoulder.Deth: Bowser kidnapping the princess....How f*cking original. Hmmm....This may prove to be a cure for my boredom.

*Deth unsheathes his sword and throws it like a boomerang at the motorcycle tire*

*the sword punctures a hole through the tire and the motorcycle careens out of control*

*Bowser jumps off the motorcycle, but hits a tree and accidentally drops Princess on the floor*

Deth: Bowser! Stand and fight like a true warrior!

Bowser: Uhhh....what happened?

*Deth takes his sword out of the tire and holds it aimed at Bowser's head*

Deth: You have just been bested, my good sir. I'm sorry, but this is merely the way things always turn out. My side always trumps yours.

Bowser: You may think good always beats evil, but you're wrong! In the real world, evil always wins!

Deth: *shakes his head* No, no. You misunderstood my previous statement, Sir Bowser. I meant that the side I choose to ally with always triumphs in the end, and in this case, it happens to be the "good" side. And by "good", I meant from your perspective.

Bowser: Grr....

*Bowser silently drops an opened grenade on the floor*

Bowser: Eat hand grenade!

*the grenade explodes, knocking Deth several meters away*

Bowser: Heh heh....What?!

As the smoke clears, Bowser sees Deth getting off the floor. There are a couple dirt marks on his face, but other than that, he is completely unharmed.

Deth: I assume you're wondering why a point-blank explosion failed to kill me. The answer to that is simple: I am a God.

To be continued by Part 2.....

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Oooohhh...Epic! *applauds*

Applause from a princess! It's my life-long dream! *jumps up and down like a little kid*


I'm gonna lay off the sugar now....

Edited by Fireman
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Act 9.75: Evil Intentions(Part 2)

Bowser: A God?! Grrr.....It doesn't matter what or who you are! I am true evil and true evil always prevails in the real world!

*Bowser readies his club*

-Serenes Forest castle-

All the guests are walking into a large room for the fifth annual celebration of Fox's crowning of queen. All but one of Cra's bodyguards are in the room. As the guard walks through the door, he is pulled away and gagged by The Punisher, who was hiding in the shadows.

guard: *with a muffled voice* You're supposed to be dead!

The Punisher takes the man's armor and puts it on.

Punisher: Hm...Nice fit.

The Punisher stabs the guard in the head with his knife, killing him. He stuffs the body into the closest trash can and walks into the party room.

Punisher: *thinking* Phase 1 is a success.

-Serenes Forest-

*Bowser has multiple bruises on his body*

*Bowser charges at Deth with his club and swings it at him*

Bowser: RRRAAAA!!!!

*Deth jumps to the left and hits Bowser in the face with his sheathe at full force*

*the force of the blow knocks Bowser down to the ground*

Bowser: Why haven't you drawn your "sword made for a God"? Am I really that unworthy?

Deth: Why, yes. That's exactly why.

Bowser: Grr....

*Deth turns his back to Bowser*

Deth: *sigh* This is getting so f*cking boring! I'm leaving now. And I'm taking Princess with me! See ya! *waves*

Bowser: I won't let you!

*Princess is lifted into the air by an invisible force*

Bowser: What?!

Deth: What the hell?!

A man is standing on top of a tree. He is holding Princess in the air using what appears to be strings. His name is Dietrich.

Dietrich: Now what do we have here?

Deth: Dietrich von Lohengrin. Otherwise known as The Puppet Master.

Dietrich: Ah, so you do remember me, Deth. I'm flattered.

Deth: I can't let you abduct Princess, Sir Dietrich!

Dietrich: Now why is that? I've never known you to be the knightly kind.

Deth: Well, actually....If Princess were to perish, Pein would never let me hear the end of it. This is more of a matter of self preservation.

Dietrich: I'm afraid I can't do that. Princess is a key component to restoring the universe. When she dies, all hopes of restoring the universe shall be gone and then I shall hold the world in my fingertips!

Raven: Not if we have anything to say about it!

*Raven and Mike walk out of the bushes*

*Mike trips and falls face-first onto the floor*

*Mike gets up with his nose bleeding*

Mike: Don't...say....anything....

-meanwhile, at the party in Serenes castle-

*Fox is sitting next to Vincent and Cra at the dinner table*

Fox: I would like to propose a toast! To all of our guests for coming. Thank you all! I would be nothing without you and your votes!

*small laughter is heard in the crowd*

Fox: And a special thanks to Vincent for making this party even possible!

Vincent: *looking away* You're welcome. However, there really is no need to thank me....

*everyone drinks their glass of wine*

Fox: I also have one more-

*Fox drops her wine glass*

Fox: What's-

*Fox falls to the floor*

*Cra is looking at Fox with an evil sneer on his face*

Fox: *thinking* Why won't my mouth make any sounds?! Poison! I've been poisoned! But....my servants always test the drinks for poison! Wait...Only one other person in this entire forest has the authority to command my servants: Vincent!

Vincent: I'm truly sorry Fox, but I couldn't let NTG die. I'm sorry.....

*Fox tries desperately to say something*

Cra: *whispering* It's no use Fox. The poison renders you speechless and you shall die within the minute.

Fox tries to stand up, but her knees seem to be paralyzed. The guests finally realize what's happening to Fox, but it's too late. They rush over to Fox right after she breathes her last breathe. Cra holds Fox's lifeless body in his arms.


Cra puts his face to his arm as though to give the impression that he's crying. However, he's actually trying as hard as he can not to break into maniacal laughter.

Vincent: Everyone! If I may have your attention! Queen Fox is dead! She was poisoned by a man currently attending this party. That man is....

*Cra gives Vincent a sudden, angry glare*

Vincent: *points to a random guest* HIM! ZERO!

Zero: *with gum in his mouth* What?!

*Cra's glare switches to a relaxed expression*

Cra: Guard! Seize him! *whispering* Nice job, Vincent. Using a scapegoat to avoid further complications.

Vincent: *whispering* I'm only doing this to keep my sister, whom you have captive, alive. I have no intention of joining you in your twisted goals.

Cra: *with an evil sneer on his face* Fair enough.

*The Punisher, disguised as a guard, moves toward Zero*

Zero: Listen! I never did anything! I don't even have anything against Queen Fox! I'm innocent!

Punisher: Shut up, dirtbag!

*Zero activates the Geass in his left*

Zero: You-

Punisher: *whispering* Listen. You're Princess's brother, right? I'm a double agent and I have a plan. Just cooperate with me for now and we'll be able to stop Cra. Don't worry, no harm will come to you. Gulp if you understand.

*Zero turns off his Geass and gulps*

Punisher: *whispering* Good. *not whispering* Let's go you dirtbag! To Cra's underground dungeon! *thinking* Phase 2 is a success.

*The Punisher leaves with Zero*

Zero: Hold on! I have to spit out my gum....

Punisher: Fine.

Zero opens the trash can lid to see a dead man stuffed inside it.

Zero: Uhhh.....I'm not even going to ask.

*Zero spits out his gum at the dead man*

To be continued by Part 3(the final part of this really long act).....

Edited by Fireman
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Lolol. Mike makes the most epic entrances ever. It takes guts to trip in front of the enemy and then get up again.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, FOOOOOX! I h9 Cra for killing her. Even if it was technically Vincent, in a way. And lol Zero gets blamed for it. Poor Zero. ;__;

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Act 9.75: Evil Intentions(Part 3)

*The Punisher, holding Zero by the collar, walks up to the forbidden altar on which Reyson is standing guard upon*

Punisher: I got another one for the dungeon!

Reyson: Very well.

*an underground passageway opens*

*The Punisher walks in with Zero*

Punisher: *whispering* That was easier than I thought.

Zero: Wait...you never told me I was going to a dungeon!

-meanwhile, at Serenes-

Dietrich: You're Raven and Mike, aren't you?

Raven: Yes! And we're here to rescue Princess!

Mike: We're the two strongest warriors known in Serenes!

Dietrich: Yes....I could tell by the way you tripped and gave yourself a nosebleed....

Meanwhile, Pein is climbing the tree Dietrich is on.

Mike: Hey! Have you ever walked out of a bush with your shoes untied while being constipated?!

Dietrich: No....I'm glad to say I haven't. And this is a pathetic attempt at a distraction. Pein, I know you're climbing this tree. I'd just like you to know....My Death Hunters are glad to meet you.

Three assailants in gas masks and gray cloaks jump out of the tree and two land on Pein, causing him to lose his grip on the tree. Pein and the two masked assailants plummet to the ground. Another, shorter, Death Hunter jumps down and lands next to Dietrich. Dietrich looks down at Pein.

Dietrich: It was a nice try, but you couldn't outwit me. Wait a second....

*Dietrich looks at the Death Hunter next to him*

Dietrich: Why aren't you down there, fighting? And I don't recall ever having a Death Hunter so short....*smirks* How terribly clever.

The Death Hunter takes off his gas mask to reveal that it is actually Fear in disguise. Fear takes out an axe and throws at Dietrich's strings. The strings break and Princess starts plummeting toward the ground.

Fear: Mike! Pein! Raven! Deth! Catch her before she hits the ground!

In the meantime, Fear takes a grenade out of his special backpack and throws it at Dietrich. Dietrich jumps off the tree and uses his strings to swing from branch to branch until he safely lands on the ground.

Pein: I'm kinda busy right now! Deth! Catch Princess!

*Pein continues to fend off the two Death Hunters with his Kodachi*

Deth: I would, but I seem to have accidentally walked into a f*cking quicksand trap!

*Raven facepalms*

Fear: How the heck do you walk into a quicksand trap without noticing it?

Deth: It just appeared out of nowhere! Okay? God damn! You sound just like my f*cking mother!

*Raven facepalms again*

Mike and Raven start running as fast as they can to catch Princess. Dietrich throws a knife at the floor. Mike trips over it and lands on the floor, face-first. His nose starts bleeding again.

Mike: Crap....Not again....Raven! It's up to you!

Dietrich throws more knives at Raven, but Raven takes a large leap and dodges. All of the sudden, two Death Hunters jump out of the bushes and attack Raven. Raven quickly blocks the swing of their axes with his steel sword.

Raven: Fuck. I'll never reach Princess!

Raven swings his sword aggressively at the two Death Hunters. The two Death Hunters swing their axes at Raven. Raven dodges and decapitates both of them with his steel sword. However, it's too late for Raven to catch up to Princess. Just as Princess is about to hit the ground, Bowser throws an inflatable cheeseburger at the area where Princess is about to land in. Princess safely, and without harm, lands on the soft, inflatable cheeseburger.

*Pein slashes the chests of the two Death Hunters with his Kodachi, killing them*

Pein: Princess Kilvas is saved...

Dietrich: By Bowser...

Raven: With an inflatable cheeseburger?

Fear: Princess is saved by Bowser with an inflatable cheeseburger? I really did not expect that.

Deth: Where the hell did Bowser get an inflatable cheeseburger all of a sudden?

Dietrich: Bowser...why did you rescue Princess?

Bowser: ....

Dietrich: Could it be that you have grown a fondness for her in the short time when she was your captive?

Bowser: ....

Dietrich: Ah...That must be it. That's what I love about matters of the heart. It makes people more....unpredictable. My, my....6 knights in shining armor here to rescue the princess.

Bowser: ...

-meanwhile, at the church-

*Kid's head suddenly jolts up*

Peppy: What's wrong?

Kid: I sense a disturbance....

-meanwhile, back at Serenes-

Dietrich: However, Master Cra has a strict policy on traitors.

Dietrich points his fingers at Bowser. Dietirch's right hand starts making choking motions. Bowser suddenly grasps his neck as though an invsible force was choking him. Dietrich slowly walks backwards with Bowser forcibly following him. Bowser has been entangled in Dietrich's strings.

Mike: Leave Bowser out of this! This is between you and...the five of us!

Dietrich: No one move or I kill Bowser right here on the spot! Although fighting the five of you would put a large dent in my boredom, I must say that even I cannot handle this many opponents at once. At least...not under these conditions....Very well, you win this round. And one more thing, Bowser.

Bowser: *still grasping his own neck* ???

Dietrich: It seems you are not "true evil" after all.

*Dietrich jumps behind a bush with Bowser and vanishes they both vanish into the shadows*

*Fear walks up to Deth*

Deth: Fear! Get me out!

*Fear sits down, crosses his legs, and takes another bite of his apple*

*Fear stares at Deth as he continues to eat his apple*

Deth: ....I'm gonna so f*cking kill this kid when I get out....

Princess suddenly wakes up.

Princess: *half-awake* KID! DON'T BE MEAN TO SOREN!

-meanwhile, back at the church-

*Kid's head suddenly jolts up*

Peppy: What's wrong?

Kid: I sense....another disturbance....

-Serenes Forest-

Everyone stares at Princess. Princess fully regains consciousness now.

Princess: Uggh....Sorry. So....did anything interesting happen while I was knocked out?

*everyone looks at each other*

Mike: Nope.

Raven: Not at all.

To be continued by Act 10: Hotels, Jets, and Prisons

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Dietrich: Ah...That must be it. That's what I love about matters of the heart. It makes people more....unpredictable. My, my....6 knights in shining armor here to rescue the princess.

Bowser: ...

-meanwhile, at the church-

*Kid's head suddenly jolts up*

Peppy: What's wrong?

Kid: I sense a disturbance....

Princess suddenly wakes up.

Princess: *half-awake* KID! DON'T BE MEAN TO SOREN!

-meanwhile, back at the church-

*Kid's head suddenly jolts up*

Peppy: What's wrong?

Kid: I sense....another disturbance....


AWESOME. I laughed so hard at that! *well not the FIRST Disturbance..........gonna kick dietrich's ass...*

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Sorry for not releasing it a lot earlier. Serenes Emblem distracted me.

Its distracting everyone but it will be worth it. Besides the past 3 chapters I added to Tales of Serenes this past weekend its been like 2 weeks since I updated

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Act 10: Hotels, Jets, and Prisons

Princess: I'm feeling kinda woozy. Any chance we could find a place to lie down?

Fear: I know the perfect place....

Mike: How about my place? I bet Princess and I could really....get to know one another.

*Mike gives Princess a suggestive wink*

Princess: Um...

Fear: No....Everyone! Follow me!

-one short trip later-

Mike: Fear....How far is this place? We've been walking for almost....one minute!

Fear: Here we are! Hotel Masu!

Raven peers in through the glass door and sees no one. All the lights are as well.

Raven: Hm....No one's here.

*Raven tries pushing and pulling the door*

Raven: The doors are locked, too.

Fear: Hold on....

*Fear unzips his magical backpack and takes out a steel chair*

*Fear smashes the steel chair against the glass doors*

*the doors shatter into a hundred tiny pieces*

Fear: They're not locked anymore.

*Fear puts the chair back into his backpack*

Pein: Fear, I always find your methods....questionable.

Deth: Questionable?! More like f*cked up!

Princess: Indeed.

*everyone walks into the hotel and enters the elevator*

*Fear pushes the "58" button*

Mike: Fear, why are we going to the 58th floor?

Fear: Because I'm afraid of numbers below 58.

Mike: *sarcastically* Fear, I bet you're a riot at parties.

Princess: Indeed.

-outside the hotel-

A man with long, white hair is standing in front of the hotel with 50 male warriors behind him.

Frost: It's taken many days, but I've finally found you. Warriors! Position yourself around the perimeter of this hotel. Our target is the female royal! Master Cra wants her dead or alive!

warriors: Yes, sir!

-meanwhile, at the jet-

Joan and Joker are tied up and being interrogated by Bruce and Lover(mostly just Lover). While they're doing that, Soren is looking around the jet for the keys(and his phonebooks).

*Lover turns on the lamp light*

Lover: Where's Mr. Krabs?!

*Lover slaps Joan*

Joan: Who?!

Lover: Sorry....Wrong context....Okay, Joan...Joker....I will be the good cop. I'll listen to you and nod vigorously. I can't promise the same for Bruce, though....He's the bad cop.

*Joan and Joker gulp*

Lover: Joan, why did you take the skull?

Joan: I didn't take it! Bowser took it!

*Lover nods vigorously*

Lover: But you two were working together, right?

Joan: Yes....

*Lover nods vigorously*

Lover: Joker, why did you take the skull at first?

Joker: I thought when the pyramid was collapsing, Joan and her crew would die, so I took the skull to try to keep it safe. Without the skull, the world would be doomed.

*Lover nods vigorously*

Lover: So you're on our side, Joker?

Joker: Yes!

*Lover unties Joker*

Joker: Finally...

Lover: Joan, why did you kidnap Princess?

Joan: *smiling* I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you!

Lover: Fine...Good cop time is over. Bruce, if you will.

Bruce takes the lamp light and shines it in Joan's eyes. Bruce stares into Joan's eyes.

Bruce: ...

Joan: *sweating* You won't break me!

*Bruce continues to stare*

*Joan gulps*

*Bruce continues to stare*

*Joan begins to tremble*

*Bruce continues to stare*

Joan: *looks away* OKAY! I'LL TALK! Just get Bruce to stop! His cold, relentless glare is breaking my resolve and kicking it while it's down!

*Bruce and Lover smile*

Joan: We kidnapped Princess because Cra had used a form of hypnosis on her. She was given a Death Note by Cra in which she could use it to kill you guys! Bowser knocked her on the head because it was the only way to break the hypnosis! But then, as Bowser abandoned me, I realized Bowser was actually working for Cra!

Lover: Wait. You're on our side?

Joan: Yes!

Lover: Why didn't you tell us right away?!

Joan: For the lols, of course! *laughs*

Lover: Joan, I don't think you and I can continue our relationship together if you don't even bother to tell me something as important as that right away!

Joan: Fine! If that's how you feel, then I guess we're breaking up! Hmph!

Lover: It's not like you love me anyway!

*Joan and Lover turn their backs to each other*

Meanwhile, Soren's search for keys and phonebooks leads him to open Princess's closet. He opens it to have an avalanche of Soren plushies fall on him.

Soren: ....

Outside the jet, a gang of 15 men in clown masks arrive and arm themselves with bazookas, clubs, and machine guns.

clown#1: The Joker in there?

clown#2: Yep.

clown#1: You know the drill. Get Joker back and out of there, but before you do, kill as many people and wreak as much havoc as you can.

clowns#2-15: We know...We know.

-meanwhile, in Cra's underground dungeon-

*The Punisher throws Zero into a random cell and locks it*

Punisher: Wait. I'll be back in a while.

guard: Back in a while to do what?

Punisher: Back in a while to.....beat the shit out of him for making fun of my mother's weight problems.

guard: Oh, okay. That'll teach these prisoners their place.

Punisher: Yep.

*The Punisher walks away*

*Zero looks around his cell to see three females and one male: one Bowser and two herons(Lila and NTG)*

Zero: Awesome. My cell is full of women.

Bower: Ahem.

Zero: And Bowser....So...what are you guys in for?

Bowser: I betrayed Cra by saving Princess's life.

Zero: Princess? My sister? You, sir, have just earned my respect.

Bowser: Please don't kick me while I'm down.

Zero: ...Okay?

Lila: I was the holder of the Glass Staff, so they imprisoned me.

Zero: Do you still have the staff?

Lila: No. I gave it to some cute kid with long, jet-black hair.

Zero: I see...

NTG: I was imprisoned here because they could use me as a bargaining chip against my brother, Vincent.

Zero: That explains a lot.....As for me, I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. But don't worry. I have a plan to break us out.

The guard is listening in on the conversation.

-nighttime, prison-

The guard walks up to the prison warden.

guard#1: Sir, the prisoner by the name of Zero is conspiring to break out.

warden: Send all the guards a message. We have a Zero to execute first thing tomorrow morning.

guard#1: All the guards?

warden: Yes, all the guards! Why? Is there a problem?

guard#1: It's just that that means I have a lot of walking to do and my wife was right about me. I haven't been getting as much exercise lately. I couldn't even walk up the library stairs without being exhausted. Which led me to rent this workout video, but I don't think this video is working, so I hired a personal trainer. Now, thanks to my personal trainer, my pants size have gone from a '43' to a '33'! I can wear slimmer pants now!

warden: And....what was the point of that story?

guard#1: No point, really...I don't have any friends to talk to about it. You see, it all started when-

warden: Remind me to execute you tomorrow too.

guard#1: Okay...

To be continued by Act 11: Escape

Edited by Fireman
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