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Who has permanent positions on your team?

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So you know those units you always use? Which characters are on that list? Dont include Marth, Nagi, or Gotoh please.

Mine are: Cain, Darros, Palla, and LENA!

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Marth. 8D


This man has helped me through so many situations. Ever since the first time I used him, he decides to be ridiculously blessed, while Cain and Frey only came out average.

So I kept on using him, and he just becomes more ridiculous every time.

On my H2 run, he solo'd a platoon of Paladins, while taking damage from two ballistas, with a +4 MT Javelin forge, the Starsphere, and a few Vulneraries. Then he proceeded to kill Camus and take his Gradivus.

On H5, he and Caeda can take an entire front while the rest of my team takes the other.

He has achieved permanent MVP status on my team.

I never told him in the Let's Ask FE Characters thread, but I do call him GOD sometimes, which is a title normally reserved for Seth only.


Ogma and Navarre because they give me nosebleeds by their existence, Caeda for HAXSpear, Lena for guaranteed magic tank and 12 USE HAMMERNE, and Merric because he can actually take a hit (and for Levin Swordmaster LULZ)

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Abel, Cain, Merric, Barst, Catria, and Palla are mainstays on my team. Linde and Est always turn out well, too, but training them is difficult on H5. And Frey is always on my team on Normal.

Edited by Flashpoint_1230
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Of all the people I've incorporated into my posse, every single damn time, I've used Cain, Abel, Ogma, Navarre, Draug, Merric, Lena, Tiki, and Xane.

Draug, in particular, has been the MVP of the posse for so long, I can't remember. In one playthrough, he:

-was the only party member not to be 2RKO'd by Hyman(he was 3RKO'd)

-capped his defense as an AK by 15/0 and as a gen by 20/11(it was like his def growth was 60% instead of 30%).

-survived an entire battalion of cavaliers, armors, and horsemen in C10

-KO'd Camus with a crit(and dodged his Gradius)

-managed to KO Medeus.

I even gave him a +6 might/+10 hit/+20 crt javelin(I named it Bob, after Kiwi's lance in GhebFE)

Here are his stats

Doga	20  60  24  01  19  21  13  30  03  Lance A/Bow B

I remember in my first playthrough, my Roger turned out almost as good. At 20/20, he had -5 HP, +3 Str, -4 Skl, -11 Spd, +17 Lck, same def over Draug.

My other party members on that PT:

Ogma	20  60  25  01  26  26  16  22  03  Sword A/Axe A
Barst	20  53  25  01  30  26  17  17  03  Sword C/Axe A
Navarre 20  57  24  01  29  30  24  18  03  Sword A
Caeda   15  42  18  00  26  23  30  25  03  Lance A/Axe B
Cain 	18  54  25  01  25  23  18  23  06  Sword A/Lance B
Abel 	18  50  23  01  28  25  10  18  06  Sword B/Lance A
Merric  18  53  03  27  23  25  19  10  25  Tome A/Staff A
Lena	20  29  03  22  20  19  30  05  25  Tome B/Staff A
Chiki   17  32  13  03  20  20  20  10  11  None

Edited by DA125
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Most of my runs are challenge runs of some kind. Lowturn, solo, efficiency, etc. Because of that, there are a few units that nearly always reappear as necessary. Even in solo runs, it's often not possible to achieve certain goals without these units.

- Shiida: Does flying tasks such as the Ch9 Wyrmslayer, kills 80% of the bosses in this game, catches thieves, stops hordes of cavaliers, etc.

- Lena: Warp is key for everything where turn count matters. Even on my low turn run without Warp and on solo runs, I keep Lena alive for Physic utility, as she's the only one who can use that staff until Boah. Yeah, I realize that's not a 100% solo, but Vulneraries just suck too much in this game. Boah and Elice have similar roles, except later on.

- Jeigan: Best combat unit early on, has some of Shiida's versatility thanks to flying. Great for runs with low turn counts because he stays useful forever with a forged Ridersbane.

- Tiki/Nagi: I rarely if ever train up Marth, or a Starlight user, so at least one of these is often very clutch for Medeus.

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Maria and Caeda are my only all-timers. They never dissapoint. ...I definetly have a thing for princesses.

Other than that, consistent ones are Catria, Est, Norne, and Athena. First three are cute as heck, and Athena's accent makes me laugh.

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Cain, because he brings the pain

Lena, because it's very easy to level staff users in this game, but I don't need the others

Julian, he's a much better thief than Rickard (plus I like to keep lovebirds together)

Caeda, because very simply, she kicks ass (and she lovebirds with Marth)

Merric, he's very useful since most enemies have 0 Res.

And by the way, I rarely reclass.

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I vary my teams greatly, so I've never used one unit in every playthrough. Instead, I'll list those that are the most likely to get permanent positions.

I'm trying to wean myself off of Normal, but Norne is too damn useful (even if I wind up killing her off half the time).

Castor - Reclassing + Dynamic Growths = LULZ

Julian - I pretend he's a slower, harder-hitting Matthew. He'd make a godly Assassin.

Merric - Magic Cannon GO! Excalibur is super-useful, too.

Roshea - Unless I'm bent on using another Sniper, he's usually it. Imagine Gordin traded his Luck for Strength. His nickname is Shotgun.

Radd - By the time I'm done with him, he causes late game units to TINK. He's my version of a General.

Tomas - He's the most frustrating thing I use, but it's really funny when he cooperates (almost as funny as Castor the Berserker taking out Chapter 18 by himself).

I just started using Roger, and I swear I'll find a way to make Caesar really useful (besides as a Dark Mage).

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Let's see:


John McCain



Barst the MAN


Sedgar(Although one of these days I'm going to do a playthrough not using him)




Merric because he can actually take a hit (and for Levin Swordmaster LULZ)

And here I thought I was the only person that liked the idea of making units who are originally casters into swordmasters specifically for the Levin Sword.

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And here I thought I was the only person that liked the idea of making units who are originally casters into swordmasters specifically for the Levin Sword.

I do it too.

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And here I thought I was the only person that liked the idea of making units who are originally casters into swordmasters specifically for the Levin Sword.

It works wonders against my friends in link battles. 8D

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Lena generally has better RES but worse Mag than my Merrics, though. And Merric has a ton of HP so he'll be able to take a few hits and survive.

Except this one run where my Merric completely outclassed Lena in every single way. owo

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I've found that Lena's Magic is usually sufficient to pull this off (and gaining all of one point of Speed from base to level 20 really, really sucks). I prefer Merric to blow stuff up with Excalibur.

Maybe I'll try this with a really insane Etzel or Caesar one day. . .

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I've had Mag-screwed Lena's before. While she's still good enough to Starlightbomb the hell out of Gharnef, she kinda loses Mag by becoming an SM.

The worst SPD I've had her at is 18, though. The best was in the 20s.

Hero!Etzel sounds interesting.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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It works even better if the unit in question is Lena, and she got Speed-screwed as a Mage.

Nah, Merric is still the better choice as he beats Lena in Magic growth and not only that but speed growth. Yes, Lena has a better base magic growth but she's better off being a Cleric until she promotes which means worse magic growth than Merric seeing as she has 25% as a Curate while Merric has 40% as a mage. Sure, you might be able to have them switch roles once in a while but you can't really do it too frequently seeing as Lena doesn't have the tome rank to be an effective mage(Also due to being female she can never use Excalibur and needs a B for Aura) whereas Merric doesn't have the staff rank to be a really effective Curate(C+ staff rank is where it's at for Physics and such, not counting Warp).

Maybe I'll try this with a really insane Etzel or Caesar one day. . .

Hero!Etzel comes with D swords sadly so you'd need to use an Arms Scroll in order to make him effective as one. It's actually funny you mention this because for my next Lunatic PT in FE12 I was actually thinking of trying Swordmaster!Etzel when the reclass restrictions are off.

Edited by Joey
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Nah, Merric is still the better choice as he beats Lena in Magic growth and not only that but speed growth. Yes, Lena has a better base magic growth but she's better off being a Cleric until she promotes which means worse magic growth than Merric seeing as she has 25% as a Curate while Merric has 40% as a mage. Sure, you might be able to have them switch roles once in a while but you can't really do it too frequently seeing as Lena doesn't have the tome rank to be an effective mage(Also due to being female she can never use Excalibur and needs a B for Aura) whereas Merric doesn't have the staff rank to be a really effective Curate(C+ staff rank is where it's at for Physics and such, not counting Warp).

I wanted to use a Speed-screwed Lena, so I could make her more useful. Also, I've found that I can play just fine without a Curate (if I need healing in the earlier levels, I reclass Wolf or Sedgar to Sorcerer, to spot-Heal. After that, I can get away with Vulneraries and prayers until Maria shows up). Unless the modes above H2 feature early enemies with insane Resistance, she'll do enough damage for my purposes. If I am desperate to level her Tomes up, that's what the bosses of Chapters 4, 5, and 6 are for.

I know Merric is awesome, but I'd rather keep him as a Sage, so he can truly exploit Excalibur.

Hero!Etzel comes with D swords sadly so you'd need to use an Arms Scroll in order to make him effective as one. It's actually funny you mention this because for my next Lunatic PT in FE12 I was actually thinking of trying Swordmaster!Etzel when the reclass restrictions are off.

I don't care if I have to burn an Arms Scroll, I wanna be funny!

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