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Darn it I like Norne too much!

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I just can't do it! I end up going back again and again, just for Norne!

First off, on almost every playthrough I've used Norne, and she's just too dang useful for me to pass up. Her speed is amazing, and, for the first few chapters where the only characters I can bring myself to use are Marth and Caeda, she's a great support. As the game goes on she gets better and better, and I end up bringing her to my wifi squad with nice capped stats, and ...she's so freakin' cute.

My playstyle for the first few chapters involves Caeda weakening and Norne finishing, and Gordin just sucks... Augh, why, why can't she be recruitable on Hard mode?!

And I have no idea who to replace her with! As far as archers go, early on, she's the only one I use. ...And I really like doing all girl runs, so... I....

I need some help here.

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A female archer thats useful in one of the Hard Modes? Maybe Archer Athena or Sniper Minerva. If you're not going to restrict yourself to girls only, then definitely use either Hunter Cord or Draug.

Sniper Minerva rocks, that's for sure. Best class change for her. And Castor seems like a pretty safe bet, I just hate his speed and Luck. Eh.

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Castor's Speed tends to take care of itself. I'd worry more about his Skill.

Any of the Altean Cavalier Squad of Doom reclassed to Archer works.

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Castor is unfortunate to start off with a Skill of -1. This isn't a problem if you leave him as a Mercenary, but it's a huge problem if you reclass him as often as I do (especially if he's in an unpromoted class that wields an Axe).

His Skill will eventually catch up, if you're willing to level him.

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