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Number of Healers for 3/5 of Every PT


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I've been wondering recently if it would be better to play the majority of every game with two curates instead of my usual one.

Do you usually use one? Or two?

I'd always kindof assumed most people used one, but it seems that 2 are usually more useful (particularly in harder chapters and chapters where the team splits).

True, your bishop wouldn't be quite as hax as usual.. and by the start of all of your promotions you could easily drop 1 or both (if you have no heart whatsoever)


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In general, unless your team is full (and how often does that happen?), then deploying an extra healer and training them up as a secondary healer (i.e. giving 1 HP heals and stuff to your main healer but healing if needed) is useful. If you're in a game with free/cheap promotion, promoting them can even be useful.

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I would say it depends on the chapter and on your other units. If it's an earlygame chapter where you'll normally only have Clerics/Troubadours healing you, two healers is a definite plus. Later in the game I would say it becomes less useful though, since your offensive magic units will be gaining access to staves as well, even if it's just a basic heal stave, in which case I would normally run only one character more focused on healing.

It also just depends on the game, some are easy to the point where even on the more difficult modes having extra healers in many chapters is almost redundant.

In general though there's not much of a disadvantage to having a second one, in a lot of cases you don't need as many slots as the game gives you on offensive units.

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Depends on the game for me, actually.

In FE6 I had both Ellen and Clarine fielded, but in FE7 I only use Priscilla in the long run.

However, it may be since I train a crapton of mages, I just stick staves on them instead when they promote. For some (like Lucius, since I use him a lot), they promote rather quickly.

Having two healers is certainly useful, however. Especially if you made a tactical blunder and your healer got hit but didn't die, you can always heal him/her up.

FE4 is deploy everyone yay.



Though in FE8, I use two units, no healers, and a crapton of Elixirs. 8D

I used to only use Natasha until Artur and Lute promote, though.

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I think it really depends on how many deployment slots are available. For instance, in FE7, it's easy to deploy both Serra and Pris on the Normal modes, but on EHM and HHM you have like 8 slots per chapter, and deploying another healer means losing a slot for a combat unit, which may be critical. (It may be necessarily to use both to bring up the experience rank though, but I usually alternate using them in different chapters...)

Plus, one healer + vulneraries (or Elixirs in a pinch) usually suffice, especially in FE10 where you have amazing and common healing items.

Edited by icey
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Lets see:

In FE7 (when I was playing it), I was using lolPriscilla as my healer.

In FE9, I use Mist as my main healer and Soren as my secondary healer (once he promotes to second tier).

In FE10, I use Laura (Part 1), Elincia (Part 2), Mist/Failcaiah/Soren (Part 3) and Elincia/Mist/Failcaiah/Soren/Any other mage if I'm using them (Part 4).

So as you can see, I usually end up using one dedicated healer, and one unit that has healing ability as their secondary function.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Generally, one dedicated healer is important since you need someone to use the high ranked staves. But I don't feel that more than one is necessary. Unless you're trying to S Rank FE7 and every drop of staff EXP counts, a second healer just ends up underlevelled, even more so than the primary one.

Between Physic, Fortify and promoted mages, you should only need one dedicated healer.

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I try to only use one healer in any playthrough on any difficulty, at least until promotion.

Fe3 i use Mallesia

Fe6 Clarine

Fe7 Pricilla

Fe8 Moulder (the Boulder)

Fe9 Mist (I have a thing for high move heals it seems)

Fe11 Lena

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I more often use one healer than two, seeing how healers are hard enough to level up. But excluding the whole levelling up and promoting problem, two healers are quite useful to have around as long as you have the deployment slots for it.

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I generally only have one healer, and I keep one or two combat sages as backup stave wielders if necessary. I rarely use my healers, though, so they're extremely underleveled. (Priscilla ended up at 8/ at the end of FE7 EHM because I barely used her) I asked for some advice on my FE7 team on another forum once, and everyone was like :blink: because my healers weren't leveled.

Well, my healers in FE8 and FE11 ended up at max level because I arena abused, but otherwise I don't really use them.

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