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FE: The liberation of Archanea


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Prologue I

The men army

Once upon a time, a young man was taught to be just and unbiased. However, the man was 1/4 deaf. Sadly, when his dad said "Be kind to all boys and girls." he heard "Be mean to girls.". The said boy ended up becoming King of Archanea, and put all girls in slavery. Until one day..

"....this is wrong." said Prince Marth. "Why would Archanea want to enslave women? I love women! I say I put an end to this with my Level 1 stats!"

The tactician laughed on the other side, yet continued playing. 

Suddenly, Gras soldiers stormed his castle. "Young Prince, you're speaking nonsense. You're clearly mad and need to be executed. Please come with me."

".....WHAT?!" screamed Marth, sticking his Iron Sword into the said soldier.

Prologue I

Went as always, (And this PT is on NM just for Norne) Marth solo'd the chapter and levelup-ed.

Marth sighed. He knew this was going to be grueling.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     02.43  19  06  00  04  08  08  07  00  D Swords

A * indicates a stat-booster was used on said stat.

Prologue II

"Prince Marth, have you gone bonkers?!" exclaimed Frey. 

"No. I merely wish to save the female race."

".....you have." said Frey. But them Marth stuck his rapier right into Frey, who fell of his horse.

"You killed Frey! Good!" exclaimed Abel. "I heard he was single. I looked ahead in the book and I have a girlfriend." 

"How could you look again?" said Marth, but then Abel was struck down by a Bolting tome all the way from Caelin for reading ahead the second time.

"Abel!" exclaimed Marth. "I will avenge Abel!"

Prologue II

Marth killed mostly everything except a fighter, which went to Frey. Abel and Frey got struck down by archers. Marth avenged Abel by killing everything.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     04.13  21  07  00  05  10  10  07  00  D Swords

Prologue III

"....Cain!" exclaimed Marth. 

"Prince Marth. I know you oppose the female killing. As your blindly loyal friend I have to assisst you." said Cain. "But your mom died. She was beaten to death by a man named Genevievery."

"Maybe Genevievery is enslaving women because he hates his womanly name."

"I say we kill him." said Cain.

"I like killing." said Marth.

"Sire. Im afraid I must kill you both." said Jagen. But then the tactitian traded all of Jagens items to Cain so that Jagen could be a sacrifice.

"Ha! Now come with us!" exclaimed Marth. "Let's hope you stay obedient!"

Prologue III

Marth and Cain killed all. :3

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     05.21  22  08  00  05  11  10  07  00  D Swords
Cain    Cavalier 03.00  21  09  00  06  07  04  07  00  D Swords, E Lances

Prologue IV

"Wyatt, tactitian, am I being used in this strictly out of favouritism?" asked Cain.

"Nonotatallwhywouldyouthinkthat?!" exclaimed Wyatt, obviously lying.

"Well shouldn't I be sacrificed?" asked Cain.

"Your time will come. You will be of use later." said the tactitian.

"....You're not turning me into a girl are you?" asked Cain, suspiciously.

"Auxilary Healer You'll probably be a SM." said Wyatt.

"I see." said Cain.

"Sire, I sent your sister to Dolhr so she can work! Now I'll aid you to your death!" exclaimed Malledus, running in. 

"I already have a tactitian." said Marth. He then proceeded to use his Lord Skills and KO Malledus, stealing his keys. 

"Oh, and Jagen, you get to play dressup this chapter." said Wyatt.

"Enemy knights are coming! They have a fearful 17DEF and are all horribly generic!" exclaimed Jagen, in his Marth cosplay costume. Marth quickly shoved him southward while he ran north with Cain and his new ally Gordin.

"IE!" exclaimed Jagen, running for his life.

"So you two are fleeing to harm girls?" asked Gordin, who was quickly stabbed by Cains sword.

"Oh my gosh look! Those girls have been brainwashed into thinking they're men!" exclaimed Cain, pointing at the ackwardly manly-looking pegasi riders

"Cain....those are men." said Marth.

"Lets kill 'em!" exclaimed Cain.

Meanwhile, the Gra captain stroked his goatee, and muttered "Stupid womens rights." He had a quick death.

Prologue IV

Turns: 21(Screw Efficiency its a sacrifice run) 

Killed the initial enemies then recruited Gordin for flavour material. Jagen was my sacrifice, and then Gordin was more sacrifice. Killed the top half of the map with Cain and Marth. Marth OHKOd Captain.


Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     06.96  23  08  00  06  11  11  07  00  C Swords
Cain    Cavalier 05.21  23  09  00  07  08  06  08  00  D Swords, E Lances

"Hi prince. I brought you a boat and a slave." said Draug. 

Draug quickly winced as he got stabbed by a female Pegasi rider with a fancy spear.

"Dont mind me, I'm just looking back." she said. "I had to kill the person who left this comment. I'll meet you next chapter anyway. Bye!"

"Who was she...?" asked Cain. 

"Hot." said Marth. "And you are..?" he asked, pointing to the 'slave'.

"My names Norne, sire. Seems Im the first girl to join your liberation army! Say, horse-rider... can I have that Steel Bow?"

"Sorry Norne, you'll have to wait until Chapter 1 for that." said Cain.

Edited by Darros
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Pros: Good mages.

Cons: Meh physical units.

What will Xane and Rickard count as? IIRC, both are pretty feminine in the Japanese games.

(Roshea's also pretty girly, but nowhere near the extent of those two)

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This playthrough works, Marth is a girl after all.


Pros: Good mages.

Cons: Meh physical units.

What will Xane and Rickard count as? IIRC, both are pretty feminine in the Japanese games.

(Roshea's also pretty girly, but nowhere near the extent of those two)

Yes Xane. (My sister even initially thought he was a girl), but no Rickard. Xane can imitate the girls so he kinda counts.

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Chapter 1


Caeda shrieked. "Let go of me!"

"Nonsense, woman! I've been sent to kill you and that's what I'll do! But first I'll watch you cry as your pegasus gets his head chopped off!" said the Manakete. He put his hand over Caeda's mouth to muffle her, and she quickly but him. Hurt, he dropped her as she got on her pegasus to fly to safety.

"The nearest fort will do!" she exclaimed, flying there to see a prince and a commoner. 

"And who might you be?" asked the blue-headed, tiara wearing boy.

"Me? I'm the disowned heir to Talys. Who are you?" she asked.

"The leader of the womens liberation army. We're resting here to wait. One day we'll take down Genevievery!"

"What a funny name!" exclaimed Caeda.

"I know!" said the pink haired bow weider. "Oh, pardon me. I believe we haven't been introduced! The names Norne!" she stuck out her hand for a handshake.

Caeda shook hands with her. "Caeda, disowned princess of Talys. Assassins were after me. Can you please help me?"

"We're no one to turn down a woman in need. Lets destroy those killers!"


"Retch, you're in charge while I'm gone to serve master Medeus." said the dragon.

"Yes Lord Morzas." said the pirate. "Assassins, begin moving to the nearest fort!"

Chapter 1

Marth Embarks

As you can tell the actual playlog goes in between the flavour here. 

Note: The enemies plot and story will be changed some. The actual game remains the same.

I benched Doga and Cain and went through the level quickly. Then I used my three units to take out Gomer, after he killed Cain, Wrys, and Doga. 

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     07.70  24  09  00  06  12  12  07  00  C Swords
Norne   Archer   03.67  18  04  00  02  07  04  06  00  D Bows
Caeda   Peg. Kni.03.10  17  05  01   07  14  10  07  06  D Lances

A * indicates a stat-booster was used on said stat.


"Traitor! Cain, why would you do such a terrible thing as to help women!" exclaimed Retch. 

"Sir, I was double... crossing..." said Cain in his last breath.

"He killed Cain!" exclaimed Marth.

"Stupid fool! Meet your doom!" exclaimed Retch, as Marth and Retch locked into combat. Marth stuck his sword into Retch. "Spare... me..." said the pirate, but Norne stuck the arrow in his head, finishing off the assassin. 

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I'm actually in the middle of doing this on Hard 3. I just didn't log it and needed some qualifiers to get me past the first few levels.

I would of done it on an HM but Caeda and Marth soloing the first 3 chapters = trouble. At least I would think so.

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I just let myself use Jeigan until Generics arrives (then killed him :awesome:) and then let myself use naked generics until Chapter 7.

Plus I'm using both the Thieves, so it's not really the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back and playing.

Chapter 2


"Did you catch the names of the assassins?" asked Norne.

"They called themselves Hel. They said their mission is to take out royalty."

"But why would they?" asked Marth.

"A sudden rise to power?" asked Caeda. "It'd make sense."

"Norne, did you see that?!" exclaimed Marth, "They're taking away that girl! They'll probably kill her!"

"We need to free the women Marth, one life ended for many others bought is a fair deal."

"Nay, all lives are to be valued. We'll save her."

"Marth, you're being naive." said Caeda, when a man tapped her shoulder.

"....who are you?" asked Caeda.

"Arr, I be Darros, a man of the sea. Take me as your matey and I swear to pull me load. The pirates have spotted ye and are planning an attack!"

"Ew! No! I don't know you! You're probably lying!" Caeda said, then slapped the pirate where he fell into the water and drowned.

Not soon after, four men came up to Marth. " Why did you steal our slave?" demanded the blonde one. "Ceeda! Come make us our lunch!"

"My name is Caeda!" said Caeda, angry. She jabbed her spear into his face, promptly killing him.

"Leadeh!" the three axefighters said, like they were afraid of Caeda now. "We'll be back, and strongeh!" said the blue haired one.

A couple hours later pirates began to appear on the shore!

"Marth, pirates! We'll have to take 'em ourselves!" said Caeda. 

"And that we will do."

Chapter 2

The pirates of Galder.

Initially waited for people to come to me. Killed the initial enemies and Darros ( :( )

Then I gradually went West to kill more enemies and collected the money.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     08.61  25  09  00  06  13  13  07  00  C Swords
Norne   Archer   05.59  19  05  00  03  09  04  06  00  D Bows
Caeda   Peg. Kni.05.89  18  05  01   08  16  11  08  06  D Lances

"Marth, the people in the village saw where they took the cleric. She was taken to the Ghoul's Teeth."

".....Well it'll be difficult, but let's save her."

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'Unslavery'? Really? Whatever happened to liberation?

The word couldnt catch my tounge. Fixed.

Chapter 3

A Brush in the Teeth

"These mountains are creepy..." stuttered Norne, somewhat afraid.

"Wait, push your feelings aside. I see her." said Marth. "She's running down the mountain!" 

"I'll go scout for you Marth." said Caeda. She got on her pegasus and flew up to a flatland on the other side.

Soon they saw her return with the cleric riding behind her.

"We saw them fight. A theif and a myrmidon, side by side, they wanted to protect her." said Caeda.

"There are nice guys out there, but why...." said the cleric. 

"They were killed, and now they've sent a few fighters to kill her and I." said Caeda.

"Good day Sister. Are you all right?" asked Marth.

"Yes... Thank you." said Lena, the cleric.

"These mountains are dangerous. My forces will draw the enemy away; use that time to escape." instructed Marth.

"No, I wish to help." protested Lena.

"But...you.... What?"

"Please, sire. I am a cleric. I cannot bear to watch others come to harm when I have the power to help."

"Well...all right... But I don't wish to see you come to harm, either."

"I will be careful. Thank you, sire."

"Here they come!" exclaimed Norne, a few fighters are heading down the mountain!

Chapter 3

A Brush in the Teeth.

Julian got lucky. He waited on a mountain and somehow killed two fighters while Lena ran down, then Navarre critted him. I took vengeance on Julian and killed Navarre/theives/other fighter, with Norne and Caeda then put Marth on a mountain to kill the three western fighters. Marth ended up doing most of the work here. 

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     10.73  27  11  00  06  15  15  07  00  C Swords
Norne   Archer   06.47  19  05  00  03  09  05  06  00  C Bows
Caeda   Peg. Kni.07.24  19  06  01   08  18  13  08  06  C Lances
Lena    Cleric   04.87  16  00  02  08  08  08  03  07  C Staves

"Sire, my brother is in Aurelis, he may know something about why I've been kidnapped. Please take me there with you." said Lena.

"Lets go." said Marth.

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Chapter 4

Sibling Rivalry.

"Sir Marth? What is he coming this way for? And why does he have my sister?! Dracoknights, go to Macedon. King Michalis will know what to do against this problem."

"Yes General Matthis." said the two soldiers. They got on their dragons and flew off.

Matthis also got on his dragon and flew to meet the stubborn prince.

When he saw the pig-faced boy, he shouted "You! You saved my sister, how dare you! I knew I couldn't trust the Soothsires! I've sent some of my Macedonian soldiers to kill you resistant scum! Die pretty boy! You and your girls! Why couldn't they just accept a life of slavery?" He got on his Dragon and flew off. 

"Matthis.." muttered Lena, as fighters started heading their way.

Chapter 4

Battle in the Lea

GAH GENERICS. Reclassed Caeda to archer and Norne to PK. The level went by seemingly fast, with Marth killing the hordes of fighters and cavs. Caeda helped a lot and Norne held her own.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     12.32  29  12  00  06  15  15  07  00  C Swords
Norne   Peg. Kni.08.00  21  06  02  06  14  05  05  06  E lances
Caeda   Archer  10.21  20  09  00   09  18  16  09  00  D Bows
Lena   Cleric  06.38  17  00  03  08  08  08  03  08  C Staves

"To think my own brother actually did that. Horrible." said Lena.

"Sire, we've news of Hel, they're in Castle Aurelis and around it!" exclaimed Norne.

"What? We have to stop them!" exclaimed Marth.

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Chapter 5

Aurelis Castle

"What are they doing here?" exclaimed Caeda. They stood in a plain, with a river ahead and then more plains. She got on her pegasus and rode above the mountain to her left. She saw a castle and a royal-looking girl getting kidnapped.

She flew back to the prince, the cleric, and the commoner and said "There's a princess being kidnapped!"

"Wait sire, I see cavaliers coming from the north. Lets proceed with caution." said Lena.

Chapter 5

Champions of Aurelis. 

Basically killed the initial enemies and then waited for the reinforcements then stormed the gates, letting the Wolfguard+Hardin die.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     14.23  30  14  00  08  18  18  09  01  B Swords
Norne   Peg. Kni.10.12  22  06  02  06  14  06  05  06  D lances
Caeda   Archer  11.62  21  09  00   10  19  17  09  00  D Bows
Lena   Cleric  09.25  17  00  04  09  08  09  03  10  B Staves

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And, thus, FE3B2/FE12 doesn't exist anymore. 8D

Caeda's STR's excellent right now. +3 with her growths is something pretty impressive. With the +1 in DEF as well, I think this makes up for -2 SKL and -1 SPD.

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Basically killed the initial enemies and then waited for the reinforcements then stormed the gates, letting the Wolfguard+Hardin die.


What do you intend to do about Chapter 7's, er, units with faces?

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Hey, are you going to use female generics? I reckon you should.

Probably not.

Are you using Rickard? He's commonly thought of as a girl...

Actually I changed my mind and decided I would. I have flavour for it too.


What do you intend to do about Chapter 7's, er, units with faces?

Ignore them, in gameplay. I have things thought of for flavour, but thats a chapter away. (6x)

Chapter 6

Princess Nyna.

"I see them, in Castle Aurelis. What are they doing? They can't just claim a country!" exclaimed Marth. "Lets give Hel a piece of our mind!"

The girls and Marth entered the castle and saw a crying girl locked up. Marth used his Door Key he was convienently holding and asked her what was wrong.

"Me? I've been locked up here because I refused to do their laundry! I'm not even a girl! I couldn't fight at all, so they locked me up. Let me go with you, you must be here to save Nyna."

"Sure, random guy." said Norne. "What's your name?"

"Rickard. I can't fight well but I can open chests. And doors. And fix bridges."

"Those are some fine skills, are you a theif?" asked Caeda.

Rickard giggled. "Now why would you think that!" he exclaimed. "The princess Nyna is head of Archanea, if we have her on our side, we'll be unstoppable!"

"What? Intruders?" exclaimed Emereus. "Kill them, kill them now! Theives, steal everything you can, everyone else, don't spare the girls. Let them die painful agonizing deaths!"

Chapter 6

Fire Emblem.

Wow, Emereus is mean. Reclassed Caeda to myrm, Norne to archer and Lena to mage. I sent generics off to die, and then baited stuff with Norne. Recruited Rickard, who on his first and only level this chapter gained Strength.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     15.22  31  15  00  09  18  19  09  01  B Swords
Norne   Archer   11.13  22  07  00  17  20  18  07  00  E Swords
Caeda   Myrm     12.14  21  07  00   10  19  17  09  00  D Bows
Lena    Mage     10.50  17  00  06  09  09  10  04  05  E Tomes
Rickard Theif    02.91  16  05  00  02  09  01  03  00  E Swords

"Marth, thank you for saving me. I believe your cause to be just, let me aid you with tactical advice and this Fire Emblem." said Nyna.

"Your concern for us is more than enough." said Marth.

"Well at least let me come with you, and take the Emblem, you can open chests with it."

"Fair enough Princess." said Marth.

Nyna handed the Emblem to Marth.

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Will you keep Rickard because he looks and acts girly? I remember he caused all sorts of headaches when he got more than a "thank you for freeing me" role.

(also. . .draft tourney. . .don't forget. . .)

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Will you keep Rickard because he looks and acts girly? I remember he caused all sorts of headaches when he got more than a "thank you for freeing me" role.

(also. . .draft tourney. . .don't forget. . .)

I shall.

Chapter 6x

In war's grip.

The x chapter runs the same way as it does ingame so no flavour for you.

Myrm!Norne played bait, and whooped pirates/mercs. Caeda took a bit of a backseat but did do her part. Recruited Athena and took out the boss with her and Lena. I used Rickard some too.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     15.22  31  15  00  09  18  19  09  01  B Swords
Norne   Myrm     12.70  23  05  00  11  20  07  06  00  D Swords
Caeda   Myrm     13.45  21  07  00   17  20  19  07  00  E Swords
Lena    Mage     11.18  17  00  07  09  09  11  04  05  E Tomes
Rickard Theif    04.38  17  05  00  02  10  02  04  00  D Swords

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