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Personal Habits


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I envy your bravery. I only let my units attack if their accuracy is 80% or higher.

I don't know if that's bravery, because most of the time I get hit when enemies have around 30 and 10% of hit. It's alll luck, I've been hit 9s or 5s and criticaled with 1.

Forgot to mention this other habits:

-Try to charge supports as soon as possible. Mostly when the epilogue has paired endings, or just to raise some stats from my units.

-Support characters at maximum (level A, and maybe two Cs, or one B ).

-A bad habit of mine, the arena abuse. Whenever an arena is near, I start fighting in it like crazy. Getting mor money to use it in secret shops.

Edited by Light Lord
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I don't know if that's bravery, because most of the time I get hit when enemies have around 30 and 10% of hit. It's alll luck, I've been hit 9s or 5s and criticaled with 1.

I guess it's all up to RNG's mood.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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Here's mine, although I highly doubt it'll be a complete list.

-Promote someone when (s)he reaches level 20.

-Save all statboosters for endgame unless if someone needs some beforehand.

-I'll use a weapon as much as possible, but one or two uses is grounds for being sold. (Or in the case of some hard-to-find weapons with one or two uses left, I'll repair it.)

-At least try to save powerful weapons like legendaries for the endgame. (FE4 is the exception to this.)

-Use Iron Weapons/Low Rank Tomes unless if higher rank weapons are necessary to defeat a foe. (FE4 is the exception.)

-Train the lords.

-Use the Cain and Abel archetype characters.

-Have at least one or two staff users available on a map as medics.

-Finish the game with everyone alive and recruited. (FESD is the exception.)

-Give my characters one A support and one B support. (And go for a favorite pairing if certain characters' support logs are all filled up. Like Eliwood X Ninian and Hector X Lyn in FE7 for example.)

If I have more, I'll add more.

Edited by LittleAl
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Like most of you guys, I tend to:

- Promote only at level 20

- Save stat boosters to the end

- Use iron weapons as much as possible

However, unlike most of you I tend to:

- Avoid using cavaliers.

- Overuse mages (Lugh and Ilyana especially)

- Not worry about how many turns I "waste" (except when i want to go to a gaiden chapter)

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-Early promotion (if playing on a higher difficulty.)

-Avoid playing on difficulties where enemies barley put up a fight. (Easy mode and normal mode for the DS ones)

-Use favorite characters

-One or more cav/paladin (I just like this class)

-One or more knight/general (unless if they are terrible like FE6 and FE5 where hammers appear often.)

-One or more mage/sage (Another staff user besides a cleric/curate helps)

-Bench or kill an Est type character. (Why bother when you already have a capable team if I do kill them off they make excellent one turn fodder, I only use them if I wanted to try them, if they are necessary for something. The exception to this is Sara in FE5 where she gets elite and can staff for good exp not to mention having staff users with high rank is important in that game.)

-Kill off Cath always. (FE6 she needs to be talked three times, she steals treasures till you recruit her and joins late with mediocre stats)

-Avoid using stat boosters and forges. (Unless if I'm playing on the hardest difficulty.)

Edited by Generic Officer
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-don't give a damn about ranks

-almost always promote at lv 20

-use weapons until they break

-use characters until they break restart chapter when any of my units die, NO EXCEPTIONS

-characters usually carry one of each weapon type they are capable of using; includes at least one ranged weapon when possible

-always use at least one main wielder of each weapon type, at least 2 flying units and 1 or 2 healers (depending on the difficulty)

-almost always have one armorknight/general and one archer/sniper fielded

-prefer infantry over cavalry unless I particularly like the character in question

-prefer staff healing over healing items, except in extreme circumstances

-use stat boosters first on lords, especially if they have late promotions and are falling behind on their averages; otherwise, use as needed to help RNG-screwed units I plan on using, no hoarding

-always sell gems or other collateral items as soon as they are obtained; selling weapons with full uses that I never intend on using (like steel blades or devil axes) is also a preferred way of making revenue

-ignore forging like the plague

-green hair is :3, blue hair is <_<, red hair is B), purple hair is :awesome:

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-Swear whenever someone gets a +HP or a +LUK level up, or no points at all

-Swear whenever someone misses

-Swear whenever someone gets crit

I like to play with units with high luck so they don't get crit. And units with high skill. I hate units with bad skill or luck. And axe users, even later ones when axes were semi-accurate. Except I also hate Swordmasters, I think they're ugly. So generally I always try to have WTA.

-Get bored and start Warpskipping chapters

Happens a lot with FEDS

-Spend way too much money on Killer/Silver weapons in FE6 because I suck at planning.

-Forget to use the forge every chapter in FE9

-Unless I'm doing transfers or playing FEDS (where it's practically mandatory to avoid Jeigan dying to crits), I don't RNG abuse.

-Favour flying units and mounted units over everyone else. Even extending to shit mounted units like Treck and Syrene and L'arachel.

-Never train Roy. Generally, Clarine plays chauffeur for him because he's not fighting, but sometimes I have Miledy carry him (since her AID sucks too bad to carry most people).

Edited by Anouleth
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-Use every Myrmidon/Swordmaster in the game, even the bad ones.

-Overuse every kind of magic except light.

-Never use Ests, with the sole exception of Pelleas.

-Keep both Abel/Cain characters within two levels of each other, whether I use them or not.

-Only forge for link arena.

-Sell weapons with 5 or fewer uses.

-Rarely use Knights/Generals.

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Lets see, I:

-Always promote at level 20 (exception: FE3 Book 2, everyone caps at 20 so you might as well promote as soon as possible)

-Save S Rank/Legendary weapons for endgame (exception: FE4, some legendary weapons see use earlier)

-Never overuse PRF weapons, sometimes even Hammerne them towards the end

-Recruit everyone/keep everyone alive even if I never plan to use them (exception: my FEDS Gaiden chapter run)

-Use Steel Weapons for most of the game, switch to Silver towards the last few chapters

-Red/Green cavs barely get used beyond the beginning.

-Always have a swordmaster or two on the field.

-Use one or two staff users as team medics.

-Avoid most prepromotes (exception: Pent, Jaffar, Karel, Seth, Duessel, Titania, Stefan, most RD characters, FE4 ones)

-Avoid Ests. No patience. (exception: Pelleas, but only on Easy)

-I don't bother saving stat boosters toward the end and tend to give them to units that haven't gained much levels in a stat. (exception: FE9 to make sure Ike gets the skl/spd he needs for the Black Knight fight, and Mist can get to an A rank in swords faster)

Edited by El Rey León
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Let me see:

- Promote only at level 20.

- Save S Rank/Legendary weapons for final battle.

- Use Statboosters for weak units. Angelic Robe for lords. (sometimes for other units, only when the lord is too broken)

- Never ever used axe units, and Knights.

- Use Steel weapons.

- Use Elfire when Mages/Sages/Valk(FE6/7) mastery level reached C

- Arena (and tower/ruin in FE8) abuse. MONEY. 8D

- 1 Vulnerary for every unit. Elixir later. Except for axe units. since I never used them. |:

- Built support while fighting a defeat boss map.

- Always raise everyone's primary weapon rank to S/SS.

- Always use Cav.

- Promote Cav to Pally. ONLY PALLY.

- Sell away weapons have >10. Unless they broken in the battle. 8D

- Sword users get 2 steel swords. Plus a Killing Edge/Shamshir for Myrms.

- Cav get 2 steel lances.

- Peg and Wyvern get 2 Javelins and 1 steel lance.

- Monk/Bishop/Valk get 2 shine and 1 Divine.

- Reclass is a big no no.

- 1 range units stand in front and 1~2 range stand behind. Lastly are healers for back up.

Okay.. That's it I guess.

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My noticeable habits include:

-Playing defensively(ties in to 2, 3, and 8)

-Not caring about efficiency whatsoever unless I can do so without my softer units(i.e. my mage, archer, or cleric) dying.

-Not caring about ranks(unless I want to S-rank a mode in FE7 or 6)

-USUALLY promoting units at Lv20. The exception is if I want a healer using magic or if I want my armor knight off his 20 def cap.

-In most cases, saving the S-rank weapons for the final map.

-Using the first myrmidon/swordmaster I come across(almost always the dupe with the killing edge).

-If possible, using the Ogma archetype unit.

-Always putting an armor knight/general into my permanent roster.

-If there is an arena, abusing it as much as possible.

-If possible, routing the whole map(except enemies I'm not supposed to kill, ex. the PoR Ch22 priests).

-Stocking up on high-grade weapons(and using them; does not apply in the GBA games, where I stick with Iron and E-rank ranged weapons)

-Not using Est-like units unless I have a damn good reason to.

-Refraining from using prepromotes(exceptions: Seth, Duracell, Pent, Harken, Jaffar, Stefan)

-Recruiting every playable unit(if I have to make a choice, I'll pick one.)

-If given the choice, using dracoknights over pegasus knights(proven in every FE game. Even FE7. Heath>Florina/Fiora/Farina IMO).

Edited by DA125
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-Use the green and usually other cavs.

-Underlevel sword lords. Because...c'mon.

-Favour self-healing over staves.

-Promote at 10 to 16, rarely further.

-Let inferior units be culled from the pack.

-Use spare promotion items on random dudes that have hit level 10+...use these as substitutes.

-Only train a few unpromoted units seriously.

-Keep in formations when it suits the occasion.

-Never use the arena.

-Never abuse. At all. ...if it can be avoided, anyway.

-Never sell weapons, always have more swords than I can ever use.

I was rather hoping that you'd say that you can't play before you get a steaming hot cup o' joe.

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I was rather hoping that you'd say that you can't play before you get a steaming hot cup o' joe.

Given my ... inaccurate playstyle, caffeine does help influence pretty much all of my decisions.

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-Use iron weapons

-buy more weapons than I need

-never use stat booster until, maybe, the last chapter

-train the lord

-never use legendary/personal weapons unless it truly is necessary

-never use the Jeigan

-Use the Abel archetype (and never the Cain...)

-forget that axe-users exist

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-Use only iron weapons the whole game until the "big battle" chapters (Cog of Destiny, Clash!, etc) where I switch to Silvers and Killers

-Don't even think about touching the S level weapons until the final chapter

-Train everyone to level 20 before promoting

-Use one character per weapon type, and 1-2 mounted units

-Don't touch characters I don't plan on bringing to endgame unless necessary

-Save all stat boosters til endgame, besides the robes

-Always use forced characters (Lords, Micky, Sothe, Sanaki, Kurth, etc)

-Keep all my characters at the same levels

-Don't use pre-promotes (Pent is an exception)

-Never use vulneraries after I get a healer

-Don't take risks involving the RNG that could possibly kill one of my units no matter how slim the chances... I've learned my lesson from being screwed by the RNG too many times

-In FE7 after the lords promote use only their secondary weapon type

-Put my characters in random formations if they aren't doing anything (like making a square or an X or whatever)

-Usually plan out my teams beforehand


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-Put my characters in random formations if they aren't doing anything (like making a square or an X or whatever)

lolz, I do that too sometimes XD

usually I do that with my healer(s) if there's nothing to heal :P

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*Use the underused characters

*Use the most crit-happy supports

*Promote at level 20

*Keep the Sacred Weapons for owning at the final chapter

*I use Iron weapons to B-rank, then I use steel to boost the weapon level experience a bit

*Sell anything that has less then 10% of its uses left

*No prepromotes unless they're good

*Use unique/locked weapons sparingly

*Savestate often (if using an emulator)

*Uses stat boosters on the lowest stat overall

*Use Dancers

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-Try to use different characters in every playthrough (unless they're prepromotes)

-In FE 7 and 8, use characters to maximize the amount of support conversations I'll unlock (though I've unlocked them all, so it's not an issue anymore)

-In the FESD, either reclass everyone I can in a runthrough, or don't reclass at all (so I'll either do one or another in a playthrough, never a mix of both)

-Never use characters whose personalities I find unbearable (Ray and Clarine come to mind)

-Never touch Wolf and Sedgar in FESD (I used Wolf on my very first playthrough, then I swore to never use him again after I found out how overused he is)

-Make sure my lord is more levelled up than everyone else

-Save statboosters until the end for my link arena and wi-fi teams

-Use characters I like rather than characters that are deemed good

-Bask in the awesomeness of Merlinus the immortal and The Desert Bandit Twins

-Try to use a variety of characters so I can use every type of weapon I come across (FE 7 is an exception, for support conversation completion purposes)

-In Creature Campaign in FE 8, always try to max out everyone's levels, regardless of how low their level is.

-In FE 8, always use the trainees (except for this one forced recruit run through that I did one time)

-In FEs where there's no character deployment limit, use and level up everyone (though not evenly, since that would be quite tedious)

That's all I can think of right now.

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I don't use Jeigans, whether they're terrible like Jeigan himself or really good like Seth/Titania

I don't use stat boosters until end of the game, especially in fire emblem 9 because of RD transfers.

I never use the hammerene because I'm saving it, and then I forget all about it gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

I use mostly Iron weapons to fight, but also some killer/ranged when the moment calls for it

I save my legendary weapons and end up wasting it, having well over 15 uses left when I could of actually put it to better purpose

I sometimes use est archetypes ( NINO!!!!)

sometimes I abuse really bad ( generally PoR for Transfers) or I do really crazy speedruns.

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