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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Iso: Great ...

He sighed again as Arrin showed up. Odd. He really was attending. That was brave with his condition. Then again, Iso ran the possibility of vomiting at any time and possibly losing consciousness right afterward. When she asked him how he was, he simply told her the truth.

Iso: Well ... my stomach feels like I drank a gallon of something. I suppose that means I'm due for another incident. Hopefully the ball is over by then. We won't be able to explain this to anyone ... urgh.


Of course Irina was shy, too shy to venture through the ballroom alone, and too shy to stay put until Heinz returned. She followed him and when they reached the food tables she had an annoyed look on her face.

Irina: (... grrr ... I can't eat right now. Lev and Ivan always say I don't have table manners or something. I'll eat later so I don't embarrass us.)

As they headed back Irina stayed quite and a few steps behind Heinz so she wouldn't accidentally be pulled into his quick conversation with the Baron. When she saw the punch bowls, she also saw the chance to sate herself long enough to focus. Whenever she was hungry but couldn't eat, she always drank something instead to keep her stomach in check. She hoped the same thing would work in this case too and filled her cup with punch from one of the punch bowls. She took a drink before they left and had to stop.

Irina: This is really ... gooood.

She quickly drank the whole cup and then filled it up again before following Heinz again. When Heinz noticed Harold and the headmaster, Irina gawked!

Irina: ... what the heck is Ixion doing here?!


Once they'd reached the ballroom, they immediately hit the dance floor. Viveka took time during their various position changes to note everything that was going on in the room. When Derek pulled her closer, she would occasionally comment on something she saw.

Viveka: Okay, Lev is actually with Daneka for the moment ... the hell is that? I know you should keep your enemies close, but don't get drunk with them ...

As they continued dancing she spotted Jasmine with ... Alphonse.

Viveka: (What is this I don't even.) That's the guy who took out Helios and Alferis. I don't think Jasmine's as prepared as Lev is. Err ...

The more they danced the more distracted she became. They hadn't missed a single step or made once little mistake. She looked him in the eyes with a smile.

Viveka: You really know what you're doing. Where did you learn to do this?

Levski and Daneka

The two had been lightly drinking for a short while and conversing about Goddess knows what, but then, Daneka finally got the urge. She grabbed Levski and led him out to the dance floor! She didn't have to force him into position. He simply went with her and took hold of her.

Daneka: Zis is too slow for my taste ...

As if on cue, some random woman ran up to the orchestra and asked them to switch to the tango. The orchestra looked at each other and shrugged. Within two seconds the music had switched to an upbeat duple time performance!

Daneka: ... nice job. I love zis type of music! Come, Monsieur Levski. Take me.

Lev's smile was even more as mischievous than hers.

Duke Von and Kamilla

As the two made their way around, Von introduced Kamilla to dozens of other nobles. Her hand was starting to feel like a lip magnet by the time Von decided he was thirsty.

Von: I think I'll have some punch. Alcohol isn't appropriate at this hour for one such as myself.

Kamilla: (You shouldn't be drinking alcohol at all. It causes sinful and lustful behavior. Why don't these people just drink water?)

She sighed as Von tugged her and led her over to the punch bowls.

Von: Kamilla, be a dear and pour me something would you?

Kamilla: ... which bowl?

Von: I don't know. They're all the same I think. Just pick one, dear. Hurry, hurry, my throat cannot take much more.

She picked the first bowl(#1) and poured him a cup which he sipped on for a few moments. Kamilla watched and sighed again. She noticed that one of the bowls had a sign that stated the contents were nonalcoholic. A frown crossed her lips on the spot.

Kamilla: (Even the punch is alcoholic? Ummm ... Duke Von's drink isn't from that bowl.)

Kiev and Krinkov

... the fight hadn't changed much. Both wyverns were pummeling each other and rolling across the floor while the hostlers and the pink wyvern watched. The hostlers couldn't really break up a couple of pissed off wyverns now could they?

EDIT: Npc starts the music speed up.

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Hanging around the table, Rita quickly popped two mini queches into her mouth, before noticing Irina. "*swallow* Oh, hi Irina. Having fun? I keep staring at that cute blond guy on the floor. I ran into him earlier. Said he knew Iso and you."

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Kelas thought. Obviously she needed to get Isotov out of there fairly quickly, but Arrin... well, she couldn't exactly leave him behind, but at the same time, he needed to be able to have fun as well. Tessa wasn't around, that she could see...

"We should really just get you out of here," she told Isotov. "Arrin, I'll be back in a bit, all right?"

"All right!" Arrin replied cheerfully. "Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

"I sure hope so. If you need help, don't just wait on it, get Tessa or have a servant or someone find me. Come on, we'll find somewhere for you to rest," Kelas said, taking Isotov's hand and getting up.

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"You *hic* tired of dancing? Now *hic* then, you want to eat? I'm willing to do anything if you want me lady," said Alferis, stumbling around, very intoxicated.

"Uhhh...How many glasses of that wine did you drink?"

"11 glasses. And I want some more," he said, heading to where the beverages were, Reika following behind, for she saw Heinz there as well.

I swear to god he better not claim I'm his wife or something or I'll...

"Top of the evening to ye," said Alferis, standing next to Lord Von and Kamilla.

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As the door was rapped, there was a silence in the house Suddenly, the door opened, and staring at Tristan was Jace the Brute, grim-faced. His expression returned to a smile as soon as he saw the prince, however.

"Prince Tristan, what brings you here?" he asked, jovially. "Am I to be called before the court, for some reason, or another?"

Overshadowed & LDancer

Having entered the ball room ahead of time, Eric was busy mingling and attempting to find exits, when the Princess had arrived, in her magnificent dress. WOW. ...Guess I should go meet up with her, he thought, stunned by his liege's appearance as he began to make his way to her.

"Oh, from an instructor in Jerdon," Derek said, smiling back. "Not exactly my favorite thing to do, but I'm decent at it."

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"Uh, no it's the night of the ball-sir." Tristan said, suddenly sweating even more profusely than before. "Is your daughter here by any chance?" he asked, looking up at the man. I thought he'd be working...at least I have Bellerophon with me?

Charlotte entered the ballroom and saw Eric approaching her. "Thank the Goddess you're so tall." she said, smiling and walking over to him.

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At the stairs leading up to the ballroom:

General Richard strode mightily up the steps, nearly carrying the lady accompanying him up the stairs. "What is this?" he thundered, his approach coming to a sudden stop behind a strange woman wearing a color changing dress. "Wha-what?" the madame gasped. "Her dress stands out more than mine!" her words came out in a rush, before slapping her hands against her face with a squeak. The General gave her a look. Had the madame forgotten her lessons in etiquette already? This would not do, to have his own reputation hurt by a few foolish words said impulsively by his lady.

His worst fears came true however, when the lady turned around slightly. The-the princess of Jerdon? So the rumors were true, that she has come back! The king and queen must have allowed this to happen, dropping to his knees quickly and bowing before the woman. "Princess Charlotte! Fairest lady of Jerdon, my deepest apologies for my lady's rude behavior," glaring at the madame when he noticed she was still standing. A second later, the madame responded, curtsying before the princess. "For-forgive me, princess, for insulting you so," stammering over her words.

Inside the ballroom:

The general had taken a seat in the corner, along with a number of other nobles and other military officials sitting at the same table. Though he had chatted with them all briefly earlier, the majority had already concluded their business with him, and had drank at least a glass of punch with him to seal their agreements. Of course the general himself had drank from his own flask of specially prepared liquor, and all of his customers knew of what he had done last year, and didn't trust him not to do the same again, despite not being anywhere near the punch table at the moment. Still, this was the price of doing business with the General, and for various reasons and cases, every person had downed their drink, with varying results.

Chortling a bit, he continued to observe the flickering lights, waiting for them to take effect. "Slowly but surely, every candle will burn," leaning back in his chair as yet another noble approached him. "General Punch? A word with you, if you please...."

Nearby the punch table:

So she likes her drink, eh? Ixion? he wondered, not recalling the name. "Who is Ixion?" Heinz questioned, scanning the various people nearby the headmaster and Harold. The shaman, maybe?

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"Oh, it's quite all right." Charlotte said, motioning for the woman to get up. "I took it as a compliment really. I wanted blue to represent Jerdon, but pink is my favorite color, so I decided to go with both."

While talking to this strange sir and madam, her ears caught the music. She frowned. "Excuse me a moment." she said, and she walked over to the orchestra.

"This is a rather formal affair, would you mind slowing down the music so we can waltz properly please?" she inquired of the orchestra. They shrugged and slowed down again.

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Count Luc Altair

Luc continued to look through the crowd for others of importance but he was doing a terrible job. He hadn't wanted to move from near the spot close to the main doors, but it seemed a significant portion of the guests had already arrived. Luc looked over to the refreshment table, the usual display of items arrayed. And some other liquid... was that vodka? Luc was familiar with the drink, it was a trade good from elsewhere that happened to be Gran's favorite and he had been force to swallow some of the alcohol during those sessions. Luc had to admit, once you got used to it, the stuff was pretty good. But it made you drunk faster than damn near anything, and though Luc had experience with drinking--feeling he could handle the vodka actually--but it would be better to have wine. It wouldn't do to be seen with such an, unorthodox refreshment.

Luc went over to the refreshment table, taking a glass of wine and quickly and brashly gulping it down. He could use the smell to cover for his poor dancing if need be. Luc put the glass down and switched to drinking some of the more normal punch. Something about the punch though, seemed different. But Luc chalked it up to a change in preparation. Not all formal affairs would be the same.

EDIT OOC: Luc can't see or be seen by Duke Von and others just yet...

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Iso: (A bit soon to leave but ... if I end up puking away from this mess and I don't mess up my suit, that'll be the end of the issue won't it?) ... hey, can you get me to someplace ... private? Somewhere with a sink or something ...

He took her hand hoping she would lead the way.

Iso: I ... might have a way to fix this. Even if we don't come back to the party, it's a start.


She suddenly became a little nervous having to go into an explanation.

Irina: Ixion's ... one of my childhood friends. He's gotten so strong I don't even know if there's a person in there anymore. Why's he here though?

She was curious, but that didn't stop her from downing some more of her drink.


Viveka: I'll say. I hope we get to do some faster dancing later. I might get a chance to show up Dane- err ... yeah that's not what I should be thinking about is it? ... still. If we get a chance ...

Levski and Daneka

Once the music slowed down again, Daneka's face lit up in agitation!

Daneka: What in ze ... oooo ...

Lev: Heh. I guess someone wants to waltz?

Daneka: ... hmph. Ze enemy made a fair move.

She pulled Lev closer and prepared to waltz.

Lev: ... Ready to answer my questions?

Daneka: You want answers, I want a faster dance, now shut up, and let's waltz.

Lev: (... dammit, Charlotte.)

Duke Von and Kamilla

Duke Von turned to face Alferis. While the man seemed properly dressed for the occasion, he was certainly not speaking like any respectable person.

Von: Mm hm. Mm hm. And exactly who are you, good sir? (Hmph. Probably some random hoodlum from the boondocks brought in for giggles. And giggle I shall.)

Kamilla stood silent, wondering how long the Duke had before the alcohol would take effect.

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"Are you...laughing at me?" he said, leaning in close to Von's face and grabbed it in a tight grip.

"You see, I *hic* don't like to be laughed at," he hissed, as Von tried to break free, a horrified look on his face.

"You see, I don't *hic* *hic* like to be laughed at by fat cats like you, especially when I haven't done anything funny."

Reika merely facepalmed at the situation.

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"Right, let's see..." After leading the way out of the main hall, Kelas got directions from one of the many servants in the place. Arriving at the indicated hallway, she realized that the smirking footman had apparently made some assumptions: this was the guest quarters. "Oh sure, he's having a laugh," she muttered, "but come on, the guest rooms should at least have their own washrooms or whatever. She entered one of the open rooms, pushing open a door in the corner: "Yeah, there's a washbasin and suchlike. Er..." She wasn't exactly sure what Isotov had thought of, but she wasn't looking forward to whatever it was; even if the reasons were known, it was deeply disturbing to see someone coughing blood, especially a friend.

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Iso: T-thanks ... Um. You can look away if you want.

He quickly took off his coat and handed it to her before kneeling down over the washbasin(?). Next he took a deep breathe, and softly exhaled.

Iso: (Okay ... here we go ...) Hurg-!!!

The very next moment he was vomiting up a frightening amount of blood. Someone would have to wonder if he could truly bleed out that much and still remain standing. The moment passed quickly and he leaned back before yanking out his collar fluff thing and wiping his mouth off with it.

Iso: ... I don't need it anyway ... *cough* ...

After he stood up he reached out for Kelas, hoping to get his coat back, and a helping hand.

Iso: ... heh. Sorry, I just couldn't put up with that forever and I didn't want to start an incident.

Duke Von and possibly his only hope of getting out of this fight.

Von: I say, unhand me you drunken buffoon! These are expensive garment's you are mucking up with your drunken hands! Release me at once!

Kamilla was shocked! What was wrong with this man?! If she didn't do something quickly, Duke Von would be viciously assaulted by Alferis! She took a step back and pulled out her tome Sanctuary which she'd kept hidden under her dress. Luckily no one had noticed her funny walk since Duke Von had held her nearly at his side. That tended to make for an awkward walk anyway.

Kamilla: Don't do that! Let the Duke go this instant or the guards will arrest you!

Without waiting for a response she cast a spell from Sanctuary that caused Duke Von to give off a faint but radiant glow!

Kamilla: (He should be able to take a punch now ... maybe.)

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"Ah. Right," Alferis remembered himself, dropping him to the floor.

"Me apologies. I hate being laughed at by hideous pampered snobs and I don't *hic* understhand how such *hic* a beautiful lady here *hic* can defend him," he said.

"C'mon Reika, let's go," and the two walked off together.

"You really have to find new ways to make a buffoon out of yourself?" Reika rolled her eyes, heading towards the dance floor.

"Ah shut up. *hic* Ish just thish atmosphere and everything's so loud. Me ears *hic* are getting lots and lots of sound..." he said trailing off.

"You're talking awfully funny. You should really rest before you get us both into another mess."

"No. I'm not going *hic* to back down now. Charlotte is counting on *hic* me," he said, preparing to dance and trying to figure out everyone's movements.

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General Richard and Co:

The madame gave a sigh of relief, scowling at the general openly when the princess walked away. "I knew she wouldn't care," the lady pouted, before stomping away in a huff. What would she do now? She had blown her chance of showing off to the other nobles with General Richard at her side for tonight, the night at the grand ball itself. Holding back tears, the lady walked over to the punch table unsteadily. "Maybe if I drink a lot, he'll take pity on me and bring me home again," downing a cup of punch in no time. It's not strong enough, the sniffling lady thought, drinking two more cups in an attempt to feel better.

Meanwhile, General Richard had gotten up slowly, still trying to make sense of what had happened. "At least she's not insulted," he said heavily, slumping down in a chair as he tried to figure out to do, ignoring the attention of various ladies that quickly surrounded him for once. It's a good thing Jace isn't here at the ball, even if Harold is. If his and her Majesty allowed the princess to show up though, musn't they support her? Perhaps I should offer to lend her my aid, although the crown is probably already taking care of that. The general sighed, slumping his shoulders.

"Perhaps I'll go talk to her later then," seeing her speak to the orchestra.

Nearby the punch table:

An old friend? A Zaftran perhaps, then. That man next to the headmaster certainly looks powerful enough to be Ixion. "Not sure why he's here," shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe he wanted to talk to the headmaster about magic?" he guessed. "Let's sit down somewhere," Heinz suggested. She drank quite a bit without eating anything.....

Walking over to a table, Heinz pulled out a chair for Irina before sitting down herself. Doubt she'll say more about Ixion for now, might as well get acquainted then. Glancing briefly at the minor fight starting up between the fighter and some nobleman, Heinz took a bite of the apple strudel before looking up at the wyvern rider. "I guess I'll talk about myself first then," smiling slightly. "I've been working as a mercenary for several years now, and I work as a bodyguard as well. That was the Baron of Reis I was talking to earlier, he was the reason I came to the ball the first time. It's been about a year or so since I last visited Septimus, after I ran into your group in Elyisima I didn't expect to come back so soon," leaning back a little in his chair.

OOC: The lady drank punch from the second bowl.

Edit: Minor grammar error.

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"Gods-- ah-- look, I think you need to sit down--" Kelas steered Isotov over to one of the chairs in the room so that he backed into it, then passed him his coat. "Just a moment." She ran back to turn the water on (she was grateful for the royalty's show of excessive wealth in this instance; without the sink's drain, they'd have questions to answer) and noted with mixed disapproval and relief that the basin also had some sort of cleaning spell on it, so when she turned off the water, there was no sign of blood at all.

Returning, she dragged the room's other chair over and sat down. "We really need to get those damn tomes back," she sighed. "This can't keep happening."

OOC: Going by the fact that Ancient Rome had sort-of plumbing I think we can allow a working sink in the richest place in the RP. (Also a wizard did it.)

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Once they'd made it back to the table, Irina had finished off her second drink. After Heinz started going into his the details about his life before meeting the group, Irina tilted her head a little. She didn't know many mercenaries that weren't a part of her Uncle's organization.

Irina: That sounds really lonely. Don't you have any friends or relatives? I'd hate being by myself all the time. Thank goodness for Kiev ....


Iso: ... maybe I should ... hmm ... (Last time I was so close ... I even got my sight back for a moment. Maybe if I try harder this time ...) Last time I nearly had it. I just needed to hold on long enough ... or ... something.

OOC: @ Kiryn

Yes. Iso's thinking of doing exactly what you think he's thinking of doing.

Duke Von and His Savior

Von: Oh my! What an unceremonious coon! I have no idea wh- hum?

He finally noticed that he was glowing slightly and he turned to Kamilla who was holding a tome in her hands!

Von: What on earth?! Kamilla!! Why am I shining?!

Kamilla: I cast a protection spell on you, Duke Von. I didn't want that man to hurt you. (You would've taken it out on me if I hadn't.)

Von: Why that's ... that's ... interesting.

Von was more interested in the fact that he had a supernatural appearance now than anything else.

Von: How long does it last?

Kamilla: ... um ... five minutes maybe?

Von: Hmmm ... make that two hours, then. I am going to shine tonight. Literally!

Kamilla frowned and followed up with a heavy sigh. Hopefully Sanctuary could be passed off as a regular book. She could not afford to lose it over Von's greed.

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"Last time? You mean when you started shouting about it, and then couldn't hear me when I was trying to work out what was wrong? I don't think that's a good idea," Kelas replied. "What if something goes wrong? I dunno how any of this works, but..." She sighed. "I dunno, really... that's the problem with this, it's not an enemy I can shoot or a wound I can bandage, I really have no idea what to do about any of it. I guess it's your call."

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Iso: It might be worth a try. Nothing bad happened the first time.

He felt a little embarrassed about what he was about to do but if there was even a small chance, he had to take it.

Iso: Cover your ears.

Iso quickly stood up, clinched his fists, looked up to the ceiling, took a deep breathe, and called out to his tome!


Within a few seconds, Isotov's eyes lit up with a bright red hue, and what followed was almost exactly what Iso had hoped for! Between him and Kelas, something appeared! A ghostly form in the shape of a tome! The transparent book hovered in place as it slowly grew more visible! It was Proxima! Before the book could return however, Iso ran out of energy! He couldn't rebind his tome from such a distance and it vanished into the ether! He looked down at Kelas wondering what had happened! He could see her for a one brief moment before his glowing eyes faded back to a dull unsaturated gray, and his world went dark!

Iso: Urgh ... ... damn ....

He slumped back down into the chair and leaned forward completely dismayed!

Iso: No! I was so close! Ur-NO!!!

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Count Luc Altair

Luc finished off his latest glass of punch. His thirst thoroughly quenched, Luc returned to Tessa. He was slightly guilty that he hadn't offered her anything, but he had found her in the kitchen so he reasoned she has just drank and or ate.

OOC: Yes, Luc can be oblivious enough not to notice a glowing man hehe.

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Heinz paused, frowning slightly. "I've gotten used to it, I guess," shrugging again. "I still talk to some of the mercenaries I've met on previous jobs." At least sort of, when i run into them. "I was born in the slums, don't remember having any parents or siblings. It wasn't too bad though, I had a few friends," smiling crookedly as images of living in the slums with Markus and Sophie played out in his head. It had been a hard life, fighting to survive while kids the same age as him died of starvation, in accidents, or gang-related violence.

"Come on, tag you're it Heinz!" Sophie called, perched on two dented trash cans on the other side of the alley. "No fair, you knocked over that pile of trash on purpose!" he yelled, glaring at the two of them. "Hey, you gotta be faster than that if you wanna catch me!" Markus sniggered, sticking out his tongue. Heinz jumped towards Sophie, pushing off from the trash can at the last second to hurl himself in the opposite direction towards the startled boy......

Heinz blinked, realizing he had stopped talking. "I had a few close friends, but they died in an accident awhile ago," he said vaguely. "What about you? As Ivanko's niece, I guess you've been training as a mercenary for a long time, right? How long have you had Kiev for?" Wonder how long I was distracted. Still haven't gone back to Syron yet...

Edit: Reworded stuff.

Edit again: Because you can never edit things enough.

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"Hey, don't wear yourself out-- you all right?" The whole thing had been fairly unnerving, really, but Kelas managed to keep her voice from shaking. "Not gonna pass out or anything?" Not sure if Isotov needed to get up or not, she reached out and took his hand, ready to direct if necessary.

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Iso was upset, and his voice was shaky, but he was coherent still! He never laid eyes on Proxima. It had vanished before he looked down to see it, but he felt it again just like before.

Iso: I-I could feel it! How close was I?!


Irina: Me? Well I've been training for ten years to be a mercenary. I've only had Kiev for four years though. He probably couldn't have been ridden before then because of how small he was. He's still a bit small and he's always getting hurt but ... he's the nicest thing ever. I love'em! Don't be fooled though, Kiev's a different kind of wyvern we've never seen before. Most wyverns are selfish jerks and in general they aren't very nice, heheh.

Talking about Kiev helped distract her from what was going on around them and her face lit up. There was also something else. A bit of red coming through on her cheeks ...

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For He Was Blind But Now He Is Blind Again (Okay so that's about everyone from chapter one except Cynthia who's tried my style. Excellent.)

He could tell Kelas was worried about him. He had to calm down so he could reassure her. He sat up straight and took deep breathes, one after another for about ten seconds. Once he felt calm he spoke.

Iso: I-I'm fine, Kelas ... I think. Wait. It was here? ... maybe I should have looked down sooner. Well ... that is one thing. I'm kind of glad I did that actually. There's probably hope for all of us if our bonds are strong enough don't you think?

Another thought quickly occurred to him as well.

Iso: Oh and ... Charlotte was right by the way. I think you look nice in that dress. I'm glad I got a chance to see that once. After tonight I don't think you'll do that again will you?

He gave her a nervous smile knowing full well he was heading into dangerous territory yet again.

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