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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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There was now quite the twinkle in Tessa's eye, the light banter had done much to remove some of the sting of disappointment, and Luc's final addition was very fitting given that she did indeed much prefer boots, though hers were of soft leather.

At the suggestion to cease the dance, and go to meet the other noble, Tessa nodded, and removing her hand from the Count's shoulder made it further clear she agreed. "What's the proper address for a Duke? Is it Your Eminence, Your Grace, or something else entirely? I'd rather not make a fool of myself... Is there anything else quick I must know?"

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Count Luc Altair

"Your Grace, is the proper term for a Duke, and don't forget to curtsy as I bow." Luc informed Tessa. "The man is, well, has a high opinion of himself, bu take care not to mention anything too outrageous about him. And if you accidently do, make it sound like a compliment. Ah yes, he also has a date named Kamilla who does not seem to know what she is doing as well. If the Duke begins, acting poorly towards her, that would be the reason." Luc left out the part where he had seen the girl help Isotov. It might be better that way.

Luc held his arm out again and led Tessa over to Duke Von. "Your Grace," Luc bowed.

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What To Do, What To Do

It only took a quick feel around to find the chair's arm and he quickly positioned himself, and after that he fell into the chair and slumped back finishing with a deep sigh.

Iso: ... maybe an hour and a half more until the ball is over ... urgh. That kid out there assumed something, didn't he? I wasn't quite paying attention ...

Duke Von and Kami-Chan

Duke Von still hadn't noticed that he was no longer glowing, but now there were larger issues to deal with. He was nearly drunk and he knew it.

Von: ... oh dear. What to do, what to dooo.

Kamilla: Sit down maybe?

Von: *gasp* Oh no! That Count is coming this way and he's brought such a lovely young lady with him. I shouldn't look like this right now. I am completely and utterly drunken!

Kamilla: I don't think you're actually drunk yet. Doesn't alcohol work a little bit slower than that?

Von: No, dear I am completely overcome with drunken urges and vulgarly made up jokes. Like over there! You see that man? His hairdo is absolutely silly. *gasp* how could I say such a nasty thing about a nobleman's hair. It looks plenty decent enough, no?

Kamilla: ... ... ....

Von: Oh no, oh no.

Once Luc arrived he bowed to Von and the Duke had no choice but to at least try to downplay his new condition. He responded in kind with a bow of his own.

Von: Ah so you've returned, Count Luc. A pleasure, to be sure.

Kamilla hung her head and sighed.

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As they made their way over and Luc mentioned the name Kamilla, Tessa nearly froze in place. Somehow she managed to avoid stumbling, she would have to remember to thank Dani for that, and continued onwards, wondering how uncommon a name like that might be...

Following his advice and his lead, she curtsied and added in a "Your Grace," of her own.

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"He assumed entirely too much, though I suppose the usual residents here give him reason to," Kelas grumbled. "If I'd been wearing normal clothes instead of a dress, maybe he wouldn'ta-- actually, no, he might have assumed something strange then. Anyway..." Not like the assumption hasn't been made by other people in our own group, even, but that doesn't make it any less awkward, she thought.

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Iso: The dress? Huh. (Do all ... well no ... do most nomads hate dresses?) Is there some reason you don't like dresses, Kelas? (... I thought she looked nice.)

He nervously moved his head to face some other direction, an attempt to be more detached perhaps.

The Good Duke and Kamilla

When Duke Von saw Tessa he was stunned. Had Luc acquired such a lovely young lady through legitimate means? He didn't have time to speculate though. He felt unbalanced and had just thought of a scapegoat.

Von: Oh my it is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Dame Tessa. Oh and might I introduce you to Kamilla? Oh Kamilla!

Kamilla instantly snapped out of her daze and peeked around the Duke's torso to see Tessa! She froze herself!

Von: I would also warn you to be careful, Count, you and your lovely date for this evening. I'm feeling a bit tipsy and I only had one cup of punch. I think someone may have switched the signs as a joke or perhaps spiked every punch bowl. How unsophisticated.

Kamilla: T-Tessa? Is it really you?

She wanted to give the girl a hug but she couldn't be so forward in front of the Duke or risk angering him. Instead she nudged forward a little hoping to at least partially close the distance between them.

EDIT: Fix'd a typo I couldn't have possibly spotted at 1:00 AM >_>

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Count Luc Altair

"Spiked? Are you sure? I had a glass myself and there was nothing odd about it. Though, I did not check the label before I did so. Yes, perhaps indeed were the labels switched." Luc ignored Kamilla's apparent recognition of Kamilla. He had expected that, with her going to Isotov. Perhaps now he could find out why.

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"You've been alone for so long, you don't even know what it is anymore, do you?" asked the headmaster. "You only see it as a bunch of chemicals and feelings, and not a union. You are blind Ixion. Blind to the world about you. Any knowledge you gain is useless. For what good is it if a man gains the world, but loses his own soul? You seek power, a closed fist, and I offer you a open palm. Be wary where you trend, for your path leads to a fist stronger than any you can hope to understand. When you see him in all his might and glory, I will not be able to save you. Only one being can."

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"Two reasons, really, I guess," Kelas replied. "One, they get in the way. Makes it hard to run, ride a horse, fight. Especially at this sort of time, when we're in danger from multiple threats... and the other, it's just the way I was brought up. In the towns and such, long skirts are normal, but in the tribes, a woman wearing any skirt past the knees is at best pampered and useless, and at worst no better than she ought to be. Of course, I've gotten used to that not being true, but it's still hard to apply it to myself."

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"... Do you want to change to another dance?" Derek asked, stopping for a moment. "I might be familiar with them. You never know."

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Duke Dude and Kam-Spy (<--That was a Perfect Dark reference)

Von: Oh I cannot be sure but I tell you this, Count, I will not allow myself to be made to look like a fool tonight over a childish little prank. Ooo I demand that the person responsible for this be punished immediately.

OOC: Will add more Kamilla parts once Tessa's reaction comes.


Ixion: Chemicals and feelings ... indeed. When I first entertained a thought contrary to this I was struck down on the spot. I will not make such a mistake again. Love ... every version of it is a tool, a means to an end. People like you want to embrace and submit to them. You'll let hindering concepts and ideals make all of your decisions for you and spend your whole lives oblivious to your own capabilities. It is little different from spending your entire life intoxicated.

His arms finally uncrossed and were completely hidden under his white cloak again.

Ixion: I do not believe in the soul, and your "open palm" rules over you and everyone else like an invisible tyrant, forcing you into illogical decisions and commitments at every turn. You stand by your morality solely based on fear of the alternative. Not based on purpose. And of course, like the rest of them, anyone who disagrees with your sentimental garbage is evil and must be saved or purged.

He hung his head with a slight grin on his face.

Ixion: I believe you may be a bit too emotionally invested in my well being. You think that being can save me? Save me from what, and why would she bother.


Iso: Hmm. That sounds like a culture thing, but I can see why. Everything you said about dresses is true. They're for looking pretty, not surviving (probably the reason damsels in distress are almost always dressed in that fashion. Maybe that makes it more believable.).

He tried imagining her fighting in a dress for a moment and it just didn't work. The look on his face made it obvious he wasn't too sure what to make of what he was imagining, not to mention he was scratching his head at the same time.

Iso: ... err ... I think the nomads might have that part right ....


Viveka: Of course, you might be familiar with them but I'm familiar with where they're appropriate and this is not the place. Probably couldn't pull it off right in this dress anyway. It's alright. I was just a bit curious. We should just flow with everyone else until we get a chance to strut our stuff.

She looked over at Charlotte and Eric noticing that they weren't quite dancing anymore so much as hugging. Then she looked over to Levski and Daneka who seemed to be talking about something.

Viveka: (As soon as Charlotte's done, it's on, Colonel.)

The Challenge

After awhile Harold was growing more drunk and bored, a dangerous combination. After a bit more drinking and cuddling with random women, he thought of a great ... he thought of a terrible idea. He quickly raised up his arms and made an announcement.

Harold: Alright! It is quite obvious that I have won! After all, that's three to everyone else's one! Now, a new game, one with prizes almost as grand!

He quickly cleared his throat before throwing out his hand aiming his finger up into the air!

Harold: The one who brings me the headmaster's bra will receive fifty thousand gold directly from me!

He then quieted down a bit, his voice not carrying nearly as far this time.

Harold: Two hundred thousand for the lower set if you know what I mean.

He then shot back up to his previous stand and held out his arm again!

Harold: Don't think I do not have this gold with me, people! And for those that don't know, she's the woman with the pretty wings! Now go! Go! HAHAHAH!!!

Despite the ridiculousness of the challenge, about fifteen people immediately began running out of the ballroom in search of the headmaster, mostly underpaid servants and a few dateless noblemen. Harold turned around hunched over snickering.

Harold: ... excellent.

EDIT: Harold turned on the IFF. Target acquired.

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"From the being that lays down the path you seek to follow Ixion. The Lord of Flame and Shadow himself. Only her soothing touch can calm him." she said before she looked up at the night sky. "It's been so long since I watched the stars fall across the heavens. Well over a hundred years if I recall properly. A hundred years since she had the chance to stop him, a hundred years since the earth truly shook, or any being beside her strode her hallways. She must be so lonely up there. I wish I could visit her again, but I passed it up in favor of that which you mock me for."

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The Great Undergarment Hunt Begins

Ixion: You and the goddess seem quite similar. Both loving, and both irresponsible concerning that which you wish to protect. I won't mock you for what you choose to embrace, but do not lecture me for living as few dare to dream. It's insulting.

A moment later a man approached from inside the castle, his hands nervously fiddling.

Servant man: Uh ... (that's her ... the one with the wings.) um ... headmaster? M-may I p-please have your bra ...?

Ixion raised his eyebrow at the shaky man and waited to see what she thought of this.

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Headmaster Ixion of TISME

Ixion: (Normally I wouldn't mind deception of this kind, but this lunatic is after a woman's undergarment.)

Servant Man: Umm ... (Why would this man wear a lady's bra? Strange.) I need the bra so that I can win Harold's game.

Ixion: ... him again?

Servant Man: The one who brings back the headmaster's bra gets fifty thousand gold. The one who brings back her ... um ... you know's ...

Ixion: "You know's"?

Servant Man: That person gets two hundred thousand gold. So please ... may I ...?

Ixion: ... buzz off ....

Ixion threw out his hand and the servant man was blown away by a force of directed energy! He landed about twenty feet away sulking. Next an entire crowd of people showed up!

Person: There she is! Headmaster! Headmaster! I'll split the gold with you! Just take off your underwear!

Ixion: This is ... disturbing on quite a few levels ....

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"G-Get away from me!" exclaimed the Headmaster, backing away slightly. She took a quick glance up at the sky above, trying to make sure she had a clear shot into the sky overhead. "I'm not giving up my underwear to that leech!" she exclaimed as she spread her wings to take flight.

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Ixicus Blasticus

Ixion: Don't run away, you coward.

He quickly swept his arm out in a wide arc sending a burst of energy out that floored every last approaching servant and party guest! The wave resonated throughout the area and even struck the already defeated man from before, knocking him right back on his rear! Ixion turned to the headmaster and sighed.

Ixion: You are far too easy to unnerved.

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Monster Ixion

Ixion: What? So you will turn and flee at the first sign of the odd or unusual? Yes I suppose you could have just flown away, but I do not believe we were done speaking yet. With that in mind, these lunatics will have to get in line or go through me. I am not going up there with you again to merely "converse".

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Ixion Follows His Own Cues

Ixion: Social cues? Are you in one of your insane emotional phases again? I have no intention of being cut off by a bunch of money driven idiots. I have every intention of resolving this here and now.

The nobles had mostly retreated into the castle but even more servants had shown up! The gossip between them now was that the stakes had been raised by Harold out of impatience! According to their yelling, the bra would fetch one hundred thousand gold, and anything below the belt would fetch an incredible two hundred fifty thousand gold! They'd been driven mad by greed and were heading straight for Ixion and the headmaster!

Ixion: ... grrrr!

He raised his arm ready to blast them to the ground again!

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"No. Don't." said the Headmaster, putting her hand on his own. "He's been hounding me for a long time. No need to turn this into a international incident over some panties." she said before taking a step forwards, a nervous swallow sliding down her throat.

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The servants charged at her each hoping to reach her first and either persuade or rip the clothes right off her back! Ixion waited to see what she would do. Regardless, if things began to look too troublesome, he planned to end the problem for good this time.

Ixion: So you won't run away this time ... ... now that is interesting ....

The first servant to reach her began begging at her feet, claiming to need the money for sick relatives and the like, the second to arrive ran up to Ixion and violently pushed him away trying to make sure that he didn't get in the way! Some of the servants had teamed up hoping to at least have a cut of the gold, and those two were obviously working together! He tried to push Ixion again to put him even further back but collapsed on the ground gasping for air after taking a direct hit to the gut from Ixion's fist!

Ixion: Idiot.

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"Look at you, swarming like mindless idiots over a mere bra! Well, here!" she exclaimed, reaching round back and letting the dress vanish where the knot to her garb was. She quickly undid it and slid the bra out before tossing it like a steak to the hungry nobles. "I liked that bra too..." she whispered under her breath."

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