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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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As Aiya saw Damian begin to dance with Esphyr, she sighed.

'I guess... we're done for tonight, then...'

She looked around. Plenty of couples were dancing... having fun.

'So why am I standing here alone?'

Taking another glass of punch, she downed it quickly.

'This was... supposed to be fun... supposed to be romantic... that was all I wanted... so why is it that even people who didn't even want to come here are actually doing something?'

Another glass. Aiya couldn't think what else to do. Irina was having fun with Heinz, Dani and Helios were dancing...

'Why am I alone?'

Aiya began to feel odd... tipsy... spiteful.

'I do everything... I-I never say anything... never protest anything... so why am I alone!?'

Aiya clenched her fists, and several tears began to slip down her face. She slumped into a nearby chair, downing yet another glass of punch.

She saw them dancing. A smile on Esphyr's face, a seductive grin. He didn't push the woman away... he didn't come back to her...

'Will he ever come back to me?'

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Her Salvation

Tessa's question seemed to steer the conversation on a less tense path, though Kamilla was still uncomfortable with the idea of explaining the truth with Count Luc so close. At least he was distracting Alferis. She'd grown a bit peeved with him for assaulting the Duke.

Kamilla: W-well I ...

She wasn't sure how to explain her reasons for accompanying the Duke, but she could explain everything up to that point with little fear of embarrassing him she thought. Hopefully what Luc heard he could keep quiet about.

Kamilla: I was taken back to Ilyphina with Captain Brannon. When we got back, he took me to see a doctor. They both thought that since I carried around a tome, I couldn't possibly have been as ... challenged as I was acting. That's when they took me to TISME and had some very experienced shamans take a look at me. Once they found out what happened, they reversed the Evil Black Lady's ... I mean Morgan's spell and let me go. After that I decided to just go home. I couldn't catch up to you people, and I didn't have anything else to do. That's when I ran into a man named Shamus. He offered to take me with him since he was heading into Septimus anyway provided I help him with little things like shopping and such. We made it to Burgosas after a very long trip and ... shortly afterward I became Duke Von's consort ....

She specifically neglected to explain exactly how or why she was with the Duke at the moment. It was still obvious that she wasn't comfortable on that topic, her hand rubbing the opposite arm, her eyes darting all over the place. It would have been a humorous story perhaps, but it could very well make him angry with her if word spread.


His sleep was interrupted yet again, but this time it was something different! The hostlers had tried to lasso and restrain the noisy pink one and were subsequently defeated by her! Krinkov let out a low growl and waited a moment. Once it was clear that she was thinking of merely escaping, Krinkov stood up, walked over to her, and looked her dead in the eyes. She turned to him and leaned away from him a bit. She was still scared of him, and with good reason, he quickly shoved her into her pin! When she tried to leap out of it, she was met by his tail! The blow knocked her out, same as Kiev. He snorted at the unconscious wyvern and walked back over to his spot before lying down to sleep.

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Tessa listened raptly as Kamilla had gone through and explained her circumstances, chiming in at the end with a few comments of her own. "Ah, yes... Shortly after the disaster in the swamp, I'd finally gotten Sis to tell me what had happened, and about how it was accident that caused the spell to take too much. I actually asked for some instruction on how, where, and what she manipulated, on the hopes that I might be able to one day reverse it... but it looks like you're already better! That's such a relief," she finished with a soft, satisfied sigh.

Remembering the cause of the conflict that had led ultimately to Kamilla's memory getting... tampered with, Tessa ventured forth a soft and cautious question, with a touch of disappointment in her voice. "I suppose you did end up filing a report with the church though, haven't you?"

The troubadour had also noticed that as the woman's story had drawn to the end, she seemed to get progressively more and more nervous, almost as if she were afraid of something. It seemed to be related to the duke, and if Kamilla was uncomfortable, well, she shouldn't press her on the subject. Perhaps steering the conversation towards the other man would work? "This Shamus fellow... it sounds like you were lucky to meet him, and get travel all the way back to Septimus. Odd jobs here and there doesn't seem too harsh an exchange."

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"Morgan *hic* cast a spell on you? That bitch, how could she do that to you?" Alferis growled, patting Kamilla's back in sympathy.

"So you were *hic* with us before. Tell me, do you know a *hic* girl named Reika? She's with us here if you want to see her again."

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As the ball progressed, Altion seemed to fade away into the background along with his accompanying lady. In fact, as the night progressed, they seemed to be the only couple actually taking the time to dance instead of getting wrapped up in petty semantics. Finally though, Altion was worn out. Battle muscles do not translate into dance moves very well, and whatever little stamina he had managed to build up riding was quickly drained. At last, he was forced to take a seat.

"Excuse me my lady, but I need to take a moment." he said, moving away. "I have had a wonderful time dancing with you though. However, I don't even know your name. May I please have it?"

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Her Stance

It turned out that Tessa had done some investigating of her own in hopes of helping Kamilla and that made her smile again, though only for a moment. She was still hurt by what Morgan had done to her. After all, she was only doing the right thing, wasn't she. Tessa was even still calling her "Sis". Perhaps they both had merely run into different sides of the shamaness.

Then the original reason for the assault on her mind came up. She was partially expecting that and gave a quick answer!

Kamilla: N-no! I didn't ... well ... I haven't made it back to the church yet. That was our next stop. (I don't know what to do. Tessa and some of the others don't deserve to go to jail for what happened, and I'm not certain that I want to put them through that anyway even if they could be vindicated.) Shamus was going to bring me there and then ... this ball happened and ...

She let out a deep sigh. She was hoping deep down that it would be obvious that she wasn't attending the ball willingly, nor had she even been invited. They had places to be and Shamus' mad rush had led them to this.

Kamilla: He's a nice person ... sort of but-Augh!

Suddenly Alferis began patting her on the back startling her and quickly insulted Morgan while mixing in a hiccup or two for drunken flavor.

Kamilla: Uh ... no. It's alright. I um ...

He then asked her about Reika, a name she wasn't familiar with in the slightest.

Kamilla: I'm sorry but, I don't know her.


Iso flinched at Kelas' reply. Did he go too far? Even so he felt that it was probably not a good idea to sugarcoat the situation. He let out a deep breathe and put his hands together.

Iso: Honestly. I don't know if we'll live or die. I don't know if we'll defeat the demon king. I just keep telling myself that we will survive and we will win. I just ... believe. Things are bad right now, really bad but ... I still believe we'll get out of this alive and victorious. Heh. After all, we can't afford not to right? There's no alternative so I may as well have some faith in myself ... and ... others ... I guess.

He wasn't very confident with his last statement and it showed. Even he had to try and revise it in his head.

Iso: What I mean is ... we either win and live, or lose and die. I'm putting all my focus and hope on the former. ... ... all of it.


It had indeed been a fair bit of dancing. Stephanie took a seat beside Altion and put her hand up to her forehead.

Stephanie: Oh my. I haven't moved so much since the old choir songs. But to answer your question, I am Stephanie, Head Priestess of Redwood. (Hmm I suppose I have been rather rude, parading him around and dancing without so much of an afterthought.) And might I have your name, my sure footed Gentlemen?

Edited by Phoenix
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"My name is Altion, Dame Stephanie, High Priestess of Redwood." said Altion, getting out of his bed and bowing before her, gently kissing her hand. "You are a good dancer Lady Stephanie, High Priestess of Redwood."


"Ixion. I may be half spirit, but I am also half human. I have problems like any other person. Harold is one of them, as was my son-in-law, and many other things. I just put a smile on my face and push through it usually."

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"Alferis!" Tessa began, a bit annoyed. "She just went over that, and frankly, I think you're frightening her. A strange muscular man suddenly coming up, clapping hands on me and acting friendly... I'd be scared too. Look, she's trembling even!" Pointing to the fact that Kamilla was still rubbing one of her arms with the other, and looking nervous, she hoped she could smooth things over and get the axefighter to give her some space.

Turning back to Kamilla, she added a few other words of her own. While Tessa hadn't been asked the circumstances of her or the group's presence at the ball, she figured she owed at least something, especially considering the priestess still hadn't tried to turn them in, though they surely must have had at least some opportunity along the way.

"I'm sure you must be wondering why I'm here as well. It's... a bit of a long story, but somehow we managed to get caught up in a bit of a politics, and the ball is apparently important for straightening things out. I honestly don't understand the full details myself, but I figured I ought to enjoy myself as long as I was here, you know?"

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Count Luc Altair

Luc listened intently on Kamilla's story while feigning more interest in Alferis. So, Morgan could somehow erase memories? If the girl was telling the truth is was something of elder magic. It was a vile, but could be a useful tool. Luc would have to discuss this once he returned to Directus. It could wildly change the way the justice system worked. The other half of the girl's words was less interesting. Luc knew no Shamus, and he reasoned whatever had gotten her to become good Duke Von's consort was of some small slight that nobles blew out of proportion. All the more evident by the body motions she and the Duke displayed.

Tessa began relating more of the past. So they had parted ways in the swamp? And Tessa was against Morgan's actions, despite that sister thing they had. Far more interesting was the church report. If the clergy got involved with this, Luc would be pressed into a perilous position. If the church chose to make the group their enemy for whatever reason--the Crimson weapons perhaps?--Luc would have to side with them lest Directus be mired in political clout. Tessa turned the conversation to the Shamus fellow, now that he might be a church agent, Luc was slightly more interested.

Aleris spoke, calling Morgan a bitch, and asking Kamilla if she knew Reika. Luc could easily understand both sides of the argument for mind altering. If anything, he was more in the middle about it than maybe anyone in the room who knew of it. If it was true, than it would have great impact in wars, strategy, it could easily save lives. But just as easily could it be turned around, whip out years of work. Though apparently it wasn't irreversible as Kamilla apparently stated, it was still a devastating tactic. He would have to proceed cautiously with this new tool in play.

Kamilla answered Tessa next, buying Luc some relief as the girl hadn't informed on the church about the group as of yet. Though regardless, this Shamus was going to bring her. So the group would have to leave quickly once the ball was exited. This also made any plans to involve themselves with Jerdon politics a more difficult prospect. Luc shook his head a bit. Things could go completely out of plan so easily, but that was always the fatal flaw with planning. How it always breaks at first contact with anything. Luc might have to be the one to deal with these things.

Alferis, seemingly having ignored everything just said--a trait some drunks had--began asking questions already answered. Thankfully Tessa managed to speak out against him. "Really, I do think it best for you to go lay down Sir Alferis. The drink seems to have effected you more than you realize," Luc said to the man. Though he had no intent of being the one to force him down. There were guards for that, if need be. Luc focused back on Tessa's words. Perhaps using political reasons could dissuade or stop the church if need be. Or at the very least stall this girl if she was the one who needed to report in.

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"*hic* You a Septimus priestess or something? Me sorry fer frightning ye miss Kamilla. Yeah, we have the princess of Jerdon here to *hic* try and smooth things out with Septimus to tell them to bug off from Jerdon. I *hic* guess. You want me to get you girls some wine or anything?" he said backing away a bit, annoyed at Tessa for speaking like that.

"Ye hear bitch?" he growled a bit, backing up and bobbling a bit, unsteady at his feet.

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Count Luc Altair

Alferis had finally gone too far in his drunken foolery and Luc had enough. "Sir Alferis, I've tolerated your inability to hold yourself as respect for your wishes and ball. But by that insult you have crossed a line and forced me into action." Luc strode forward, drew back his hand and slapped Alferis across the face, causing some of the nearby nobles to react in shock at the violence. Luc had personally seen a slap help knock some of the drunkenness out of those who fell too far. Though every person's reaction was different, at the very least it always changed the focus of their anger. "Now, willl you conduct yourself honorably or shall I have the guards drag you to Fargo and you can spend the night with him?"

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Pary had been mingling through the crowds, and noticed some of the others talking. Seeing a short, young girl with brown hair, he walked over. THe stupid bandit was there in a drunken fit, and embarrasing the whole group.

"Tessa, maybe you should take your date somewhere else. A man with no class such as this is obviously only going to cause a fit, especially while intoxicated. I'm sure I know a cure or two to help him."

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"Gah. Urrghh. Geez I...." Alf was going to say something venomous but then he realized I just called Tessa a bitch? What was I thinking?!

"Oh geez. I-I went too far this time. Tessa, I'm really *hic* sorry about that. I don't think that at all. And I really like ye. I just *hic* got kind of mad. Pay it no mind," he croaked out, disgusted with himself.

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The dance had been going fairly well. Esphyr seemed to be enjoying herself enough, and Damian was glad she didn't seem as angry as before.

A sudden commotion drew his attention, and going over, it seemed Alferis, Luc, and Tessa were in the middle of it.

"What happened this time?" Damian asked, seeing Alferis completely smashed, with a handprint on his face.

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"I-I...I really did it this time. I insulted Tessa for no good reason," Alf mumbled, his head facing downwards.

"Geez. I have no idea what I was thinking. I'm really sorry Tessa. I-I think *hic* I had too much to drink," said Alferis, facing away, his voice filled with sadness.

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"Alf?" asked Esphyr, her dance interrupted. She walked over to the pair, ensuring to stay behind Damian. Not out of a sense of timidness or anything, but rather that a drunken Alf throw up over something that was NOT her, even if it was Damian. "What happened?" she asked, bending in closer to take a sniff. "Alf. You're drunk. Calm down before you do more stupid things."

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Ixion: Yes, half spirit, and half human. What I noticed though is that your problems are not truly that difficult to deal with from my perspective. As I said, you are a slave to your emotions among other things and are limited in your ability to favorably resolve crises. Instead of getting rid of the problem, you nearly caused an incident, instead of dealing with your weakness to dark magic, you constantly warn people like me to be careful, and instead of acknowledging that you are in dire need of support, you trot about through the skies at a moment's notice merely to escape. This is why I call you irresponsible. (The saying is wrong. Youth is not wasted on the young after all it seems.)


The Priestess blushed at Altion's gestures. Spending most of her time with her vanishing fiancee and Ixion had left her feeling incredibly unappreciated, but this Altion she liked. Polite, respectful, sure footed, and most certainly appreciative of her time and company.

Stephanie: Oh thank you kindly, Sir Altion. I haven't been able to truly spread my wings in a long time and I'm so grateful to have met a kind and respectable gentlemen who notices my efforts.

Kamilla (Ran out of fancy titles :/ )

Once Tessa convinced Alferis to give her some space, she listened to her friend's explanation on the ball and why they were there to begin with.

Kamilla: I suppose you should enjoy yourself while you're here (At least one of us will that way.). After all, things only seem to get worse with those cursed crimson weapons around.

She had to stop herself from going back into the problems in Elyisima. She wanted to talk about it then and there but it definitely was not the time.

Kamilla: After this ball is over ... what are you and the others going to do exactly?

Alferis' offer to get drinks once again interrupted Kamilla and easily cut off her train of thought. The very next moment, he'd actually called Tessa a bitch! Kamilla gasped and put one hand over her mouth, the other over her chest! Tessa was one of the few people she knew brave enough to speak her own mind, and certainly not a bitch for doing so! Before she could really do anything else, Luc took matters into his own hands, and let loose a slap that sounded off in the ballroom getting attention from those nearby. Kamilla calmed down for a moment and then sighed.

Kamilla: I believe that alcohol in enough amounts is cursed and evil too ....

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Count Luc Altair

Unfortunately Luc's act had drawn more and more of a crowd, including members of the party. Before Luc could even begin dealing with the first acts of the repercussion another had come up, and another. It was all quite quick and difficult to deal with. But Luc would endure, and answer everything. He started at the first problem, that man Cal had been so fixated on. "You sir, have no right to declare who can make a fit as I recall. And as long as Sir Alferis handles himself properly, he can stay."

Luc turned to Alferis next, the man was clearly in agony over his own weakness, so Luc would not need to do anything more. But, just in case, "So long as you strive to make yourself better for this moment of weakness and are truly sorry."

Damian and Esphyr were next, but thankfully Alferis had admitted the problem, but Luc still felt the need to add his own words. "The palm imprint is from myself, if you are curious. A good slap has always gotten me out of my... early indiscretions like this." Luc let slip on purpose that he had been on the receiving end of a wake-up slap. People often related better to similar circumstances.

Luc only had partial concentration on Kamilla's next words. He knew that calling alcohol cursed and evil was wrong. But getting into a debate about the morals of right and wrong wasn't in his best interest for now.

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"If I had struck out, Elyisima would have been blamed. Harold is an Elyismian citizen though, so he's fair enough game. As for my weakness to dark magic, there is no cure. Not without me becoming... not me. I like being me and I don't want to be not-me though. Not-me sucks. Ixion, you are a cold, cruel, emotionless automotion without any value as a human being."


"You are spreading your wings?" asked Altion. "It sounds as if you felt yourself confined before hand. Why? You restore the living and are a scion of the Goddess. Whom would think to confine a lady such as yourself? Much less not be kind and respectful?"

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"Uh, sure," Dani said, smiling as Helios walked over to the punch. This smile soon faded, as the duchess began to think about what she would do after this ball business was finished. I'll just slip out, in the morning... Noone will notice... or care.


"... Can't stand most of them," Derek said, at the end of the rant. "Abusing their positions for their own pleasures... The only good heroes are Kaileen and Bethold, and Bethold's son wasn't immune to corruption... Enough of that," he finished, as a bored noble told the orchestra to speed up. "It's time to REALLY dance, now!"

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The man seemed sorry, but...

'Tessa? How could anyone do anything to Tessa? That's... that's just low.'

"Are you alright, Tessa?" Damian asked the troubadour, and while waiting for a response, turned back to Alferis.

"Alferis. What exactly did you do?" Damian asked, anger clear in his voice, his fists clenched.

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"Yeah...if you'll excuse me...I think I'm *hic* gonna sleep this off," he said heading out of the ballroom, secretly wishing death on all the nobles in the ball. Not knowing a good place to sleep, he headed to the changing room where he took off the armor and switched to his regular clothes and collapsed in the corner of the room, nearly in tears at what he did at the ball.

I hope Reika is ok and I hope Tessa'll forgive me...

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Count Luc Altair

"Hold Damian." Luc possibly futilely commanded the other man. Luc had no chance to stop him if he became too angered, but he had to try at least. "What matters here are Tessa's feelings, not your own." Alferis, through some sort of trance, walked away. Luc was relieved to see him go, and also anxious. If the man passed out somewhere he could easily be left behind.

The Fargo

As Fargo was pacing around the room now finally bored out of his mind once his stomach grew full, he saw Alferis walk by and off to the changing room. "Huh, wonder what that's all about."

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