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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Ixion: My helping Damian is dangerous ... but leaving him as he is is far and away more dangerous. My philosophies are dangerous ... but yours are far more damning as you yourself have seen. I know enough. The girl has is a slave to her weapon. That is the fruit of your training and guidance.

He uncrossed his arms again and held up his fist. A slight aura covered it as he spoke.

Ixion: I could take any one reasonably intelligent person in that group of yours and bring them passed their greatest struggles in preparation for what's coming. You cannot.

His hand slowly came down and the aura faded away in a few seconds.

Ixion: Are you sure you aren't being ... bias ... in all of this, Mana? I have my own agenda at the moment, but you turn away my aid in favor of an additional needless challenge. How many times are you and Colonel Kleine going to have to attack your own allies before you wake up to the fact that you are clinging to your problems as if they are your own comfort. Do you want them that badly?


Stephanie: Oh my. Why thank you, Sir Altion. I'm flattered to know that in your eyes I am not too ... umm ... masculine.

OOC: Got writer's urge for the first half of the post. Got writer's block at the second half. So yeah ... umm ....

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"When I told Esphyr it wasn't her fault, I had encountered the weapons for the first time and didn't know what I was dealing with, and she ran away before I could find anything out. She wouldn't believe me now if I said otherwise. It shatters her worldview to do so. I'm not even sure it is possible myself. All I know about them is that they are very powerful, and can not be simply outmuscled no more than you can arm wrestle with the Lord of Azure Flame himself. That is why you are doomed to failure if you seek to control them through power. It simply can not be done."


Altion gave a laugh at Stephanie's remark. "It's different, you see. You and her, you stay on the back line, out of the way, and don't fight up front. You don't assassinate, nor do you seem to desire to push about other men as if you were one of their own kind. You are a woman in my culture, through and through. Kelas on the other hand..." said Altion, stopping before he looked down at his feet. "She's a tough girl who fights like a man. On the front lines, not relying on keen strikes... and she's... pretty."

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Ixion: Listen to yourself. You won't challenge anything you can't easily defeat. Urgh. I must have been somewhat effected by whatever was in the ballroom to be showing someone like you sympathy.

He let out a deep breathe and his face became completely blank, void of any signs of emotion.

Ixion: You made a mistake with that girl. These things happen, but how does that justify your stance concerning your own challenges?


Stephanie: Pretty?

A smile crept up on Stephanie's face to replace her listening gaze. She leaned a little closer to get his attention.

Stephanie: Do you like this woman?

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"Because you seem to miss one key factor consistantly. Spirits were made to safeguard mortals from the Lord of Azure Flame. Our berserk mode allowed us to be sympathetic, while seeking out the source of corruption the moment something bad happened. It wasn't just indoctrinated, but set within us from the moment we existed. It hasn't changed with half-spirits. We still have our weaknesses, and always will."


Altion looked up at Stephanie, his gaze shifting from his feet. "Well... Kind of. Sort of. She's... different from what I expect a woman to be. Wild and... Ummm... Well, she would probably deck me if I told her to do housework. I don't know what to think of her to be honest. Except when I go to sleep I can't help but think of her lithe and strong form."

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Ixion: Something placed within you from the beginning. Something you cannot possibly subvert. Something meant to protect but that can only destroy at this point. Worse yet, it is impossible to overcome. Very well then. Submit. Better yet, why don't you go back to TISME and do what you do best? You are of no real practical use to them as you are.


Stephanie: You seem to be fascinated with her way of living. Perhaps culture lust of some sort? Either way, if your feelings are genuine then I support it. There is no shame in gaining feelings for someone.

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"Perhaps," he conceded, as they drew further away from the intoxicated nobles, out of earshot. "But, then, you would think that they'd confront us as soon as we left.... Anyways... It really is a beautiful night, is it not? The skies are clear, the stars are sparkling, the moon is radiant... Almost perfect, really. Don't you think, Charlotte?"


"I see...," Dani said, nodding. "Well, I'll stop bothering you, then. Bye," she finished, not really in the mood for returning to the ball. Instead, the mage headed for a guest room, preparing for her departure the next day.

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"Look, I don't know, okay?" said the headmaster, a tone of debate-fueled anger in her voice. About the both of them, the winds had started to pick up, ragged and cutting in their gusts. "I am a wind spirit! Aloofness is what I care about and being free! The only reason I'm even a circle nine is my mother, and I can't even stand being the headmaster at times. I don't think like you, form and theory, or other things. I just know what is and what isn't."


"I'm not sure it is though. I mean, it could be simple lust for either a woman not made of shapely curved or for the unknown. It could also be some... deviation I don't know about. Like how almost every other woman here has a decently large chest and you and she seem to be exceptions, but yet I'm not trying to bed you or anything of the sort. Do I love her? Or do I lust her? I don't know."

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Ixion: (Ixion: lol u mad? >:) no no! Better one! Ixion: Give into your angaaaah!)

Ixion: That isn't what they need right now and you know this. What that group of inconsistent idiots needs is a fighting chance. All you can provide are last ditch efforts and awkward proposals. There wouldn't be much of an issue with you traveling with them if you weren't a threat to them but you are. The very idea of opposing your Goddess inflicted burden seems to trouble you for reasons I don't yet understand. But as I said, I won't try to make you think objectively. You can cling to your blood lust if you truly want it so.


Stephanie: I'd say it's a bit too early for love, and lust is something I would save for someone like Levski whom you are clearly not. I think you are infatuated with her at the moment. Such things can sometimes blossom into more meaningful feelings, but they sometimes begin as simple as this.

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"What makes you think I want to cling to it?"


"Maybe." said Altion, sighing. "You outsiders must think of it differently though. At least one of your nations seems like it would allow for a person to debauch another on a lustful whim to see if it would last."

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Ixion: Mana, there is no such thing as neutrality regarding an absolute burden. You are either fighting against or holding onto it. If you are hoping to overcome this then your are fighting against it. If you have found any level of contentment or ignorance then you are holding onto it. Your refusal to even acknowledge the possibility of overcoming it is either a lie meant to steer me elsewhere, or your true belief. If it is your true belief, then you have accepted it and have no goal of conquest. That means ... you are clinging to your rage. You cannot fight against it if you don't believe you can win. Furthermore, what you might call "avoiding it" is not the same as overcoming it, and that does not mean you are not indeed "clinging" to it.

He let out a heavy sigh a moment later.

Ixion: However ... that is alright. Be whatever it is you choose, but for your own sake, don't go through life with those types of falsehoods floating around in your mind. Someone with your kind of power must always take responsibility for what they are and acknowledge fully. Aloof or not, those around you would benefit mightily.


Stephanie: Halton. There are different views out here yes, but the basic principle is the same I believe. I personally don't see anything wrong with how you are feeling, Sir Altion.

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"Fine. I'll give it a shot."


"Well, I do. Part of me wants to walk up and kiss her, and another part of me wants to get to know her, and another part of me is trying to keep it's distance, all the while a fourth part of me is taking bets from three MORE parts of me as to which of those three parts will win! Besides, I'm little more than a nuscence to her right now. A bumbling sexist olf who didn't check a race course for wolves and used it as an excuse to get close to her. She probably just wants me gone or to not look my way ever again."

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He gave a small nod and then walked right up to her, their bodies only a few inches apart.

Ixion: A shot is a start. It is far better than submission, and with at least that much, I may be able to help you if only a little.

He quickly put his cloak back on before turning back to her again.

Ixion: I might require even more of your time than Damian's to ... address your issue as it is rooted far deeper than his. I won't be leaving Burgosas until after my meeting, however these sorts of things are better done in more familiar settings. It would be convenient if you departed with Stephanie and me ... and Damian as well should he decide to accept my offer.


Stephanie: Oh dear. It seems that she may be a bit perturbed with your previous attempts to bond. Do not fret though. After all, if it is meant to be, it will be blessed by the Goddess herself. Keep your chin up, and try to understand her better. That is always the best place to start.

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The hallway

As Kelas sat in the hall, she thought ahead to the next day. They'd come to meet the hero; she wasn't sure what was going on with that, but she hoped it would be quickly done.

They'd been discussing ways to find the demons. She knew that, even with a tracker ten times better than her, they couldn't be tracked; their foul magic prevented that. But to capture them... surely it must somehow be possible. To somehow seal them in place... but she had no knowledge of such things, and mentioning a seal had gotten such a bad reaction from Isotov that not only would it probably hurt the party's effectiveness, she couldn't be sure if it would be actively dangerous to them or not.

That got her thinking again. He'd spent years on the run as his friends got killed around him. She, on the other hand... had spent years wandering aimlessly, avoiding the loss of friends simply by not making any.

Keeping half her focus on the increasing stream of people flooding the hall, she allowed herself, for the first time in nearly a year, to remember those days.

"Boy! Job for you!" She'd looked up from grooming Amari to the current boss-- she went through them like arrows through canvas-- motioning her over. She'd long since gotten used to being called "boy," and the amusement at the term quickly wore off while the slight but constant pain of her bound chest did not. It was far easier to get work, usually mercenarial, when properly disguised as male, and far easier also to keep said work and avoid harassment.

"Yeah boss?"

"Merchant caravan wants guards. You'n Bill'n Dom should do, maybe bring the Cooper boys along. They's rich, so you'd better do a good job of it or I'll tan yer hide-- not that it needs tanned anymore than it already is," he added, chuckling a bit at his own tasteless joke.

"Right boss."

The caravan, of course, was set upon by bandits in an area the local guards had declared safe. They'd fought them off, but she'd taken a gash in the side, one that needed proper attention rather than just a staff wave.

"Yer a girl?" the healer had asked incredulously after seeing the bandages. She'd nodded, rolled her eyes, and kept her hand pointedly on her belt knife while the wound was mended. After the trip she'd collected what pay she still could and vanished without a trace. It hadn't been the first such incident, and it wouldn't be the last; people's opinions changed when they learned her real gender, her pay changed, the tasks they set her changed.

It continued like this, a few months and then inevitable discovery, until one day, a batty-looking mage had caught her arm in the marketplace while she was looking for a cheap meal, asking what tribes were in the area. "I'd heard the Adai traded here," he'd said over some terrible soup, and she'd fallen out of her chair.

After that, she'd taken a few more jobs, just to save up money. It had been an odd feeling to drop the permanent charade of being male, to loosen the bandages and speak in a normal voice, odder still to be traveling on her own, looking for someone rather than scrounging for jobs to keep herself fed. In some ways it had been worse, some better...

Footsteps brought her back to the present: just another noble staggering off to bed. She shook herself-- it wouldn't do to just zone out like that-- and stretched, as the night went on.

Random Guest Room 653

Arrin's dreams after the tap-dancing incident (whatever it was) were mixed; some pleasant, some frightening, all strange.

He was outside, walking. Tessa was there, Kelas, some of the others, the cat, some people who he thought he knew from long ago, his teacher; they didn't seem to be traveling, just out for a walk, for the fun of it. There was no urgency, and his head and stomach felt fine.

They sat down to eat. The food somehow kept refilling; he didn't register this, but whenever he wanted more, there was some there. They lay back on the grass and began to discuss what the clouds were shaped like. The clouds exploded into flocks of birds, which flew away.

The sky resolved itself into the ceiling of a tent, and he was much smaller, held by someone-- Kelas? No, she didn't look quite the same, and she was older. She wasn't as hard-faced as Kelas, and she was speaking softly in a language that he was on the verge of understanding.

Shouting; the woman passed him to someone smaller, a scrappy ten-year-old who held on too tight. More shouting and then there was heat and smoke and screaming and he was riding away on the back of a horse far too big.

A lightning storm. The lightning was red, and it gathered around a book he'd picked up out of curiosity, not knowing what it was. A pair of arms caught him up, holding on awkwardly; long purple hair brushed over his face, and he looked up: his teacher, wearing a familiar expression of total bemusement: something she could not comprehend was going on, and the fact that she could not comprehend it irked her. "What should I do with you?" she asked, but the words were garbled; he couldn't understand them.

He blinked, sat up: He was in his bed, in his old room in the cramped little study-house that he'd grown up in. "Just a dream," he muttered, sitting up and looking about for his slippers. A gray cat wandered in. He looked again, and it was smaller, and orange; another look, and it was the same old gray one that had been there forever. He ambled downstairs to make breakfast-- his teacher wouldn't be up yet--

--and there was Tessa, looking indignant. "You said you'd dance with me! Well here, take your cat, I don't want it!" she snapped, pulling the orange cat out of her pocket and throwing it at him.


"Go to sleep, you've got a fever, you're asleep," Kelas was saying, possibly now, possibly a month ago. Arrin lay down on the couch, wondering how he could go to sleep if he already was.

As the orange cat returned and jumped up onto the bet to curl up next to him, Arrin drifted off into dreamlessness.

Far away, a few days ahead of the group

The traveler was beginning to worry: a few days now, and still her patient did not wake. She'd managed to get the woman to unconsciously drink some of the nasty teas that would help restore her, but the fact of the matter was that she needed to eat. It was clear that she hadn't eaten for a while before she'd been found, and her injuries wouldn't heal properly, nor would her body hold up, if she didn't eat.

The traveler had passed by several towns by now, but none had the steeple that indicated a church. Up ahead she spotted one, a border town: she was nearing Elyisima. Hopefully with the attention of another healer, the blue-haired woman would at least regain consciousness, and the traveler would be able to take her somewhere better-equipped for her recovery.

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Dreaming Of You (because Kiryn gave me an idea, also this was supposed to be in the new chapter, but that doesn't exist yet so I guess it's too insanely long monologues back to back.)

Levski woke to find himself in a very expensive and luxurious bed. One look to the side and he saw a fully armored knight lying on the edge of the bed partly covered by the blanket. The knight was clearly asleep. Not sure what to make of it, he hopped out of the bed to find that he himself was now fully clothed in a pure white version of his usual armor. Still unsure what was going on, he shrugged and left the room. He exited into a lavish hallway lined with Zaftran art and replicas of arms and armor. When he reached the end of the hallway, he came to a large room and the smell of food caught his attention before anything else.

Suddenly a servant rushed over to him and bowed!

Servant: Oh, my King. Good morning. Did you sleep well?

Lev: ... king? King of what?

Servant: King of Zaftra of course.

Lev: Zaftra is an empire.

Servant: Really? Oh ... well Emperor then.

Lev: Yeeeeah, mind telling me when and how I became emperor?

Servant: By kicking ass and taking names, my liege. Don't you remember?

Lev: ... huh.

Before Lev could inquire any further, he spotted Daneka across the room. She was leading Nyx around by the reins and wearing a very provocative nightgown under her robe. All of her outfit was of course as black as the night sky. He waved over to her and she smiled before coming over. Once she arrived she leaned in close and spoke softly into his ear.

Daneka: I really enjoyed our quality time togezer last night, Darling.

Lev: Huh? Last night? (I don't get to remember that either? That's just messed up.) So quality time? What happened, cause I don't remember.

Daneka: You don't remember? Levski Darling I'm so hurt.

Lev: Urrgh. I've got amnesia or something. Just tell me what happened.

Daneka: Amnesia? Oh my. I must have really rocked your world if you can't even remember all of zat.

Lev: (These is just making me angry.) ... never mind. We'll talk later.

Next He saw two women rush in from the kitchen! Both of them waved at Lev from across the room. When he looked over he quickly recognized the both of them and his jaw nearly dropped!

Lev: Danielle?! Katie?! What are you two doing here?!

Danielle: We're making breakfast, honey! That's what we always do.

Lev: Honey? Wait ... isn't Daneka ... ... uh ... wait what?

Katie: Breakfast'll be done in just a few minutes so just sit down and relax.

Lev: ... heheheheeheheheheheh Katie can talk now ....

Katie: You always make fun of me. That's not fair. I do my best to please you and I still get treated lesser than the others.

Lev: Others?

Suddenly Morgan came running in with Chase! For some reason Chase was wearing a collar which Morgan had a leash to! She ran right up to Levski and gave a slight grin.

Morgan: I have good news, Lev. Thanks to the martial art you taught me, I was able to knock out nine thousand and one unsuspecting idiots and resolved numerous crises without incident. Lev smiled at her and put his hand up.

Lev: ... high five.

The two quickly leaped up and clapped their hands together. Chase was slightly jerked by the pull. Lev then turned back to the others and finally decided to voice his question.

Lev: Okay so which one of you is actually with me anyway? You can't all be married to me, right?

The women looked back and forth at each other and then Danielle spoke up.

Danielle: We're not sure exactly.

Lev: What?!

Daneka: From the looks of zings we're each doing somezing different for you. Eizer zat or Zaftra just adopted some polygamic customs.

Lev: F*ck that. I'm a one woman man, so who the hell is my actual wife here?

Morgan: Perhaps that Ixion fellow could combine us all together. That would solve this one woman problem you're having.

Lev: ... ... ....

The silence was quickly broken by an excited officer rushing into the room! He saluted Lev before panting a bit!

Officer: Your Highness! We've found her!

Lev: Found who?

Officer: We've found Empress Irina, your Highness!

Lev: What?! Where is she?!

Officer: Empress Headmaster and Empress Viveka located the fortress where Empress Irina is being held hostage.

Lev: ... that's a ... a lot of empresses we've got there. Whoa wait! The headmaster and Viveka too?! What the f*ck is these?

Officer: Please, this way. We need to discuss our plan of attack in the war room.

Daneka: Oh boy. Tessa is going to be upset that you won't be able to keep your appointment wiz her.

Lev: Huh?

Daneka: She wanted you to sing her a song remember?

Katie: Forget Tessa. She's been voted Empress of the month five times in a row now, and all she does is stand around and wait to be helpful while I do all of the work.

Daneka: Sounds like we have a jealous empress in our midst.

Katie crossed her arms and turned away. The officer grabbed Levski and ran while Morgan followed. Once they reached the war room Lev gawked in disbelief! All of the officers were stuck up Septimian nobles having a tea party!

Morgan: The other generals have become prissy nobles. This must be the work of Helenos.

Lev: What the hell is going on here?

Noble: Oh there you are, Sire! Now we were just discussing the plans to rescue Empress Irina.

Lev: Why are there so many empresses in the first place?!

Morgan: I think I am actually your apprentice or something.

Lev: Uh not quite. Look at your dress.

Morgan looked down to see a small tag on her chest. It read "Empress Morgan".

Morgan: Strange. That wasn't there a moment ago.

Nobleman: Now then. The enemy knows that we'll be coming. They always do. Thus we will operate under the assumption that assumptions will be assumed.

Other Nobleman: I say, that is rather presumptuous, good sir!

Nobleman: Presumptuous? Nay, you are merely assuming too much.

Other Nobleman: You assume that I assume too much? How presumptuous of you indeed.

Nobleman: Why how dare you call me presumptuous with such little evidence supporting your wild and speculative claims! You are merely assuming that I am being presumptuous but you are clearly wrong.

Lev: <.<

Other Nobleman: Ahah! Merely assuming that I am wrong is also presumptuous!

Lev: >.>

Nobleman: ... I see. Still, you must realize that you are assuming certain details.

Other Nobleman: I suppose, though that is my line.

Nobleman: You assume it is your line, that is presumptuous! The tables have now turned, good sir!

Other Nobleman: Assuming it is your line is highly presumptuou-


Levski started panting as his rage subsided. He then regained his composure and turned back to the nobles while placing his hand on Morgan's shoulder.

Lev: I can't take much more of these.

Morgan: Don't worry, I'll sick Chase on Helenos for this.

Lev: Thanks. So who kidnapped Irina in the first place?

Officer: I believe she was kidnapped by Lord Harold, your Highness.

Lev: Harold?!! o_o

Morgan: That isn't good. She must be pregnant by now.


EDIT: Noticed a few accent typos

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"It really has been a perfect night Sir Eric." Charlotte said, blushing. "I..." she started, "will be sad to leave Burgosas." she finished lamely. "But we have places to go...don't we? Did you all decide where we are going after Esphyr meets with Jace?"

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"... If we have, I wasn't aware of it," Eric admitted, shrugging. "Perhaps we should return to Jerdon, before anything else, to begin stabilizing it."

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"I'm not sure I feel safe walking into Jerdon without an army at my back, sad as that is." Charlotte said, frowning. "And I doubt our companions would have any reason to come along...perhaps we should visit Kaileen while we're here in Septimus. She might know how to defeat the demons that attack us on a semi-regular basis.

Demons that attack on a semi-regular basis

Petros stopped his wandering suddenly. He felt a presence...one he had not felt for a little while. "Do you feel that? From the south?" he asked Megae. "Your boss perhaps?"

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...Looks like it'll be my chance, to get the message out. "That may be an idea, milady. Perhaps she could bless our weapons, or show us the way to the Lord of Azure Flame," he said, straightening up. "Regardless, it would be advantageous to have at least one hero on our side. It grants legitimacy, you could say."

Somewhat north of wherever the hell they are

"... Looks like your grunts are heading this way," Ruby said, sensing two faint presences to the south. "'Bout time. I was getting bored."

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The New Parent

Shanice: ... urgh. That's a bad sign. I can't sense anything but you.

The shapeshifter held his hands up staring at his aura covered palms and grunted.

Shanice: Too vulnerable like this. I need to get fixed before we tango with those crimson assholes again or I might bite it this time.

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The ward

"Heh, why not just abuse your ice?" Ruby asked, twirling its' sword. "Now that the fire mage is blind, they're screwed against it. Or, better yet, why not try to infiltrate the idiots again?"

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Shanice: A great idea ... trouble is I'm not just vulnerable now, I'm fragile as well. I can feel it. Those crimson weapons'll tear me apart right now. Might be safer to try to replace another one of them. I can't risk a frontal assault. All it takes is one bad hit.

Shanice quickly flinched and then slapped himself on the head!

Shanice: Listen to me! I sound like Iso when he loses! Forget worrying about how hurt I am. I know more than enough about that group to ghost ten of'em before they even suspect something's wrong. Infiltration it is.

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"This time, DON'T disguise yourself as the mute bimbo," Ruby said, sighing. "... Alright, if we want to cripple them any time longer, we need to take out the healers, preferably first. I'm thinking we lead one of the ones close to either the troubador, or the cleric. Maybe the other tall pale one?"

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Shifting Targets

Shanice: Pale one? Heheheh, oh yeah, him. Definitely. That'll be perfect for taking out the healers. They're usually healing his injuries anyway.

Shanice reached out and cracked his knuckles, a bit of frost flinging out from inbetween his fingers as he did.

Shanice: There will be a higher body count this time. A much higher body count.

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This'll work. "And we demons are supposed to be hated by the Goddess. We have nothing on him. Well, just keep your damn pants on, and they're doomed. ... Huh, your grunts got lost," Ruby said, pausing. "... Regardless, it might be time to warp, I want to join in. Any destination in mind?"

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