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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"Aye." said Altion, falling back onto the bed. "I just wish the Goddess would speak louder then. Wouldn't life be easier if she just said 'Altion, you are to marry this girl! Keep her close and protect her'. I can't even look Kelas in the eye fairly lest I worry she becomes harsh on me."

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Destination: Random stretch of land

Shanice: Yeah, put us right on top of'em. Better we meet up with them now and save ourselves some time instead of waiting around. If you can sense them then we're close enough to jump to them. We need to get back to tailing the group. I miss Seeker ...).


Stephanie: I believe that it is good that the Goddess allows us to decide for ourselves whom we will love. Life may very well lose its flavor and excitement if she always pointed us in the right direction. Some would defy her simply for a thrill after a time too I imagine. Best to find out how you truly feel about this Kelas woman and decide what you will do. If you truly desire to be with her after that, then you should fight for her with fervor and determination.

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"I won't be able to fight for a day, at least," Ruby warned, approaching the ice demon. "But, here... We... Go..." Taking his shoulder, the two vanished in a small blaze.


Reappearing, the fire demonness staggered back, as she and Shanice appeared right in front of Megae and Petros. "There... you.. are..," she said, weak.

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"Aye. Maybe I do love her, and maybe I don't. If I do love her, I can only hope she doesn't already have a lover. If she does, I think it safe to say that it was not meant to be. Mayhap I will just fade away into the woodwork, or... become a friend? I don't know. Life is different out here. My reason for even traveling with this group is I'm too afraid to leave it because I don't know what to expect. Or is it because I value her?" Altion turned to look at Stephanie. "You're a woman. Tell me, why is it that they never seem to notice when someone cares for them but isn't overt about it?"

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Demonic Reunion

Shanice: While I was trying to escape, I got ambushed by Ixion and beaten half to death. He pretty much raped me in every way possible for a Druid. Got in my head, got in my chest and stole half my heart to bring that psycho bitch Miranda back as a demon. Started making scaly wolves. You name it, he f*cked my sh*t up to get it.


Stephanie: Oh we notice, Sir Altion. I'll admit some women can be a bit illusive at times but it is one of many ways to ... weed out disinteresting men. It is a bit of a game I'll admit but what woman wouldn't want her ideal man? People are not genuinely honest with each other in society so these types of displays are almost necessary. Fret not though. It could be a sign of disinterest, or a test. If it is merely a test then you must persevere.

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Count Luc Altair

Sitting guard at the door was a dull task but one that Luc was resolute in accomplishing. Though as the minutes passed, more and more did Luc wish he at least had his normal Count clothes on. Though it wasn't as armored as his plate, it also didn't leave him completely vulnerable as these wretched ball clothes did.

"Wanna change?"

"Paul." Luc looked to his side and saw the peculiar spy standing slouched as ever. "I've no intent of leaving this position until I've had a talk."

"Come on man. Hey, I can watch perfectly fine! Whaddya say?"

"I say you talk like a fool," Luc stood as he spoke. "But I will take that offer." Paul wasn't trustworthy in the least, but he was still better than Fargo.

"Gotcha heh."

Luc strode off down the halls and retrieved his Count outfit. The feel of actual armor gave a wave of refreshment to the man's mind. The only thing missing was his Halberd. And his unit.

Luc shook off the bad thoughts and found a little secluded room to change back. He placed his ball clothes into a satchel to carry with him. It could be useful to have them soon, without his weapon he would take any advantage he could muster. He returned to the door with Paul nowhere in sight. Along with the various items Luc had laid out before missing. Fool. Luc checked the inside of the room, none of the items had been returned, so Paul had off and stolen them for whatever inane idea he had in his bizarre head. Reika meanwhile, looked to be sleeping peacefully, so Paul probably hadn't done anything to her. And even if he did Luc wouldn't realize it until too late.

Luc closed the door and sat back down. It was going to be a dull night, but it would be a dull night with his armor on.

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"I think it more likely she doesn't even remember my name."


Far far away

It took a long while, but at last, the faint sensation of motion shuddered through the blue-haired woman's body. Katie was alive. Though there was no thrashing about, or even opening of the eyes, the gentle motion of her body slightly moving about rocked through the horse as conscious thought was finally restored to the woman.

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"From what I recall, Kaileen lives somewhere in the mountains" Charlotte responded to Eric. "Perhaps we can look for her tomorrow, I am feeling rather tired for now."

"You were beaten by a fleshy human?" Petros asked incredulously. "You survived at least."

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Megae hissed softly, and began to mutter: "Stabby, stabby, stabby..." It was a shame Boss had got beaten up, but she could return the beating as revenge... and with that much to avenge, her old contract would barely hinder her at all.


The traveler noticed her patient's slight stirring, but saw that the woman's eyes had not opened: progress, perhaps, but she still needed more help.

She headed for the border town, but was turned away at the gates. Some of the guards went for weapons, but stopped when she merely sighed and turned back toward the road. She crossed the border at a less-guarded spot, pausing under some trees for a meal. With difficulty she took the woman down from the saddle and leaned her against a tree. "<Gods, let her wake up soon, she hasn't got much time left if she doesn't,>" the traveler sighed as she got out her food.

OOC: I did mention that this is a few days ahead of the group, I think...

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Stephanie: Hm even so, it is best not to give up until you know for certain that there is someone else or she is simply not interested. Imagine looking back on this moment in the future and realizing that this was the point where you nearly gave up ...


Shanice: Guys a bit of a softy though. I begged him to shield me when the tower fell on us and he did it. After that I just sort of left. Oh ... and uh ... Proxima was stolen from me yes, but it was stolen from Ixion right before the tower collapsed soooo I don't have it.

Shanice lowered his head inbetween his shoulders and began muttering to himself, a bit embarrassed by the whole set of events.

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"Aye. Well, at least you won't be looking back and thinking the same. Ten years from now, you won't think 'that was the night I almost let Ivan slip by me for that momentary fling with Altion." said Altion before laughing at the absurdity of the notion.

OOC: New topic will come as soon as I get home from this damned ice cream social. I'm lucky this museum has dial-up.

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"So we're down to only having one weapon? The Lord will be most displeased with our progress. You two should pull yourselves together soon. The time we have been waiting for is nearly at hand." Petros said, clenching his fist.

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"Would you like an escort, to your room, milady?" Eric asked, bowing. "There may still be drunken nobles about. However, I shall leave it to you."


"Heh, I doubt Icey over here would've been able to make it, had it not been for me," Ruby said, feeling a bit stronger now. "Anyways, looks like we're infiltrating again. This time, with someone competent planning."

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She smiled at him in response. A borderline remark or not, she could tell his heart was in the right place.

Stephanie: Of course. We should both press forward aiming to leave behind a trail of good memories. Those littered with right decisions and perseverance.


Shanice: Oh right, that. Well I may be more vulnerable but my shapeshifting is just fine. I know a lot more about them now so it'll be even easier to get by unnoticed this time ... just need to be careful where I use the "love" lines ....

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"Thank you Sir Eric, that would probably be for the best." Charlotte said, taking his arm.


Tristan walked out of the hall when his parents ordered the event over. "Well, that wasn't so bad" he told Alex. "See you around...maybe sooner rather than later" he told her with a nervous smile.


"So..do we know where they are?" he asked the assorted demons.

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He Who Knows

Shanice: They're on there way to, or already in Burgosas. That's where they were headed before I got captured. Can't think of a reason why they wouldn't keep going. A city attack ... we've never risked that before but ... humans are great meat shields as well as some other useful bits.) Not sure what the plan is this time but ... please don't make me someone's girlfriend again. There's tempting and then there's outright cruelty.

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After his liege took his hand, the two began to walk back, into the castle. Finally arriving at the room Charlotte had passed the night in, Eric stopped, letting go of her hand. "Well, bonne nuit, Charlotte. I shall see you tomorrow," he said gently.

She who Schemes

"As I said, this time, keep your pants on," Ruby said, checking Miracle for scratches. "And if you're having issues doing so, well, this time, let's foolproof it. First, we need to lure the poor sap out alone."

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She who is to Proof

"Oh, I have my ways," Ruby said, smirking. Upon hearing the second question, the demonness approached her cohort, and touched his head, conjuring an internal image of a tall, pale, dark blue-haired woman, in a rather simple blue swordmaster garb. "Turn into that woman, and just walk by him, and he'll follow. Lead him over to where I can attack him as well, and we'll be all set."

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Head Games Briefing

Shanice: This woman who I think she is? If so ... f*cking brilliant.

Shanice quickly took a step back and performed a graceful spin! At the end of it, he'd taken on the appearance of the woman Ruby had shown him! The only thing off about the disguise was Shanice's sinister grin, which was obviously being done on purpose.

Shanice: So, how do I look?

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"You are a woman of the cloth. Almost any choice you make while following the word of the goddess would be right and true. I am but a man, confused and clouded in the thought, Lady Stephanie."

OOC: DAMN! Home and parents demanding chores.

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Stephanie: Oh any man can make righteous decisions should he follow the examples of the church. That is part of the reason why I encourage service attendance as opposed to wyvern tag.

She let out a deep sigh thinking back on all the wyvern tag related injuries she'd had to treat in her time.

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"Wyvern... tag? The lizards can think?" exclaimed Altion, almost bolting upright in shock at the notion. "Phaha! They're just animals! They don't... They... I am about to enrage every wyvern rider in the world if I finish this sentence, am I?"

OOC: Winding down (hopefully). Either that, or... or they just announced the family games. GTG. I HATE ICE CREAM SOCIALS!

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Wyvern Logic

Stephanie: Perhaps. With wyverns you can never tell what is going on in their heads. According to Levski it's either food, sex, or territory. As for wyvern tag, the wyverns are ridden by their masters as normal, but instead of going into battle they desperately try to flee from whoever is "it" while that person tries their hardest to make contact with another rider. When that happens they become "it". It is dangerous because all of the midair collisions. The riders are usually smart enough not to fly between buildings or go up to ridiculous heights but ... it's still a dangerous game.

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