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Defeatist Elitist

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I generally take that as something like "oh yeah, he's a pretty cool guy". However, I've kind of realized that I seem to be in the minority. So yeah, what do you guys think of when you see the word troll?

Yeah same here. I love good trollz.

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Bad trolls:

People who spout 4chan/very common memes 90% of the time and think they're cool/funny for it.

People who think they're lulzy by making a forum account just to troll and usually the content from said troll is obvious.

People who think trolling 24/7 is funny when it reality it makes you look like a retard with very poor social skills.

Yea those trolls aren't very creative. there used to be a kid like that at my school. trolls are stupid because they have nothing. don't pay them any attention.

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I prefer trolls to most of the silly clownshoe fucks I run into on the internet. It doesn't really have any positive or negative connotation for me though, it's just a person doing intentionally what a lot of other people do when they're just doing what comes natural.

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When I think of a flaming troll I think of this:


Cool people are sarcastic. Trolls are sarcaustic. I don't really know what I'm trying to imply here.

The best troll ever made was probably Jonathan Swift. Trolls IRL are cool guys.

I wonder if I have ever trolled.

EDIT-Contributing nothing in particular to this thread :(

EDIT2-I think I have been trolled a couple times and basically never felt badly about it.

Edited by SeverIan
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