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Staff User XP rates?


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As the topic & description states, how do I change how much XP a Staff User receives?

Simple question

Possibly complicated answer

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If you want to change it on a per staff basis, the simplest way is to modify the Cost Per Use, since it's directly proportional to staff EXP. I also remember reading about some patches that separate CPU and Staff EXP.

Edited by VincentASM
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Zeld made a patch a long time ago that allowed the EXP rates to be altered. I don't know where you could download it or if he even supports it any more (likely not), but that option is out there. Just search for "Zeld Staff EXP Patch" on Google, and you'll likely find it if you want to go that route. (or, substitute Xeld for Zeld if that doesn't turn up any results)

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I'm currently trying to change the XP rates in FE7 if that matters

The only hacking tool I currently am using is Nightmare 2.0, would that be good enough to do what I aim to do? I ask this because although there seems to be an Item Editor Module Staffs aren't included in the list

After reading one of the text files included it apparently is value 0x01 & the only way I can even do anything to do with 0x01 is in the Spell Association Editor which...doesn't seem to do anything that I aim to do...

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I remember posting a similar topic around a year ago in which Vincent actually posted the calculation for staff exp:

For FE7 at least, Staff Exp = (CPU / 20) + 10

Also Xeld's reply:

If you'd rather not do that, FEditor automatically (redundant, I know) applies an auto patch that lets you edit the exp-per-use of each stave so long as you don't change the slot they use in the item table. This way the cost and the exp gained can be separate.I've only made this hack for FE 7.

This was 10 months ago so it could have changed since then.

Here is the whole topic in case anyone is interested but I think I quoted all the relevant information.

Edited by Tambo
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- Didn't change; patch is still part of FEditor

- Hextator's Doc\Fire Emblem Series\#FE 7\Experience Routines\Staff Exp Fix Source.txt

- Hextator's Doc\Fire Emblem Series\#FE 7\Experience Routines\FE 7 Staff Exp Hack.ips

Date Modified: Tuesday, April 03, 2007, 2:47 PM

AKA 3 1/2 years late to the party.

Edited by Obviam
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