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Sheogorath is Displeased With Your Revelry...

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The Prince of Madness sees--yet does not see. Have you good time, yes, no? Perhaps. But the blue moon does not rise, the great dance to the howling of the gold-hats does not. This, that, is not of the will. Would you like to dance? To dance is best, but you do not. It is said: "Do not go gentely into that good night, rage, rage, against the dying of the light". Therefore, He-Who-Jests-and-Tumbles has... a task. But no simple task, it is--They watch. They are everywhere. How do we know you are not They. Do you *KNOW* your people? Do you *KNOW* yourself, eh, eh? You must show Him you *KNOW*. For in *KNOW*ing yourself you *KNOW* madness, and in *KNOW*ing madness you *KNOW* Sheogorath.

Find for him... the Fork. Where is the Fork? Here, There, EveryWhere. The Fork Surrounds us, Penetrates us, and Binds the Galaxy together. The Fork is about to pop a '45 up yo's. Or something like that. Once you have found it, you *KNOW* it, then, you must... slay... the BEAST. The BEAST displeases his Majesty, it is repugnant to his sight--like YOUR FACE. The Beast, him will be no eggs-over-easy task. It will take Wit... Wiles... and Widdershins, eh? Then, will his lordships perhaps be pleased, and may... deign to grant reward. Off too it then--return to this place, or not at all.

:cthulhu: :cthulhu:

Edited by Le Communard
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