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Funny, Unknown, Interesting and Stupid Facts about FEDS.

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Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure that Xane can move across water even when he is untransformed.

Speaking of Xane, it's a wonder he didn't try to free himself. He could have transformed into one of the enemy Heroes and try to fight his way out since he had an Iron Sword. I have to ask why they didn't take his sword from him since he was a prisoner.....

Maria is also being held prisoner, yet she has a Heal staff in her possession.

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I never said Xane in normal form can't. My whole point was why he can in normal form.

I am running out of facts so I'll try this one

It is implied that the Fane of Raman is the other end of FE7's Dragon Gate.

Edited by luigi bros
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All right, here's a statistical comparison:

Starting stats of Abel, Cain, and Jagen in order of HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Def (I don't care about Mag, Luck, or Res)

Abel: 20/6/7/7/7

Cain: 20/7/5/6/7

Jagen: 22/7/10/8/9

If Abel and Cain were to level to 10 without getting any stats and then promote, the stats are now:

Abel: 24/8/10/8/8

Cain: 24/9/8/7/8

Abel and Cain both beat Jagen in HP and Str. Abel ties Jagen for Skl, but Jagen still beats Cain for Skl, the same can be said for Spd. Jagen beats them both in Def.

The point? Even with getting no stat gains, Abel and Cain are still comparable to Jagen statwise at promotion, and can even beat him in some stats.

EDIT: Sorry, made an error with Cain's HP. He has the same as Abel.

Edited by Charpig
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Jagen indeed has a higher base magic growth than Cain and Abel, but all three of them have 0 Mag growth as Cavalier/Paladin, so it doesn't matter unless you reclass Jagen to Sage or Bishop.

Now for an interesting fact regarding another Cavalier:

At the end of Chapter 4, you are given a Silver Sword and told to give it to Hardin. But Hardin cannot use the Silver Sword initially since his sword rank starts at D. However, he can use a Silver Lance.

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Well, it wasn't until FE4 that there were separate weapon ranks, right? I assume he could use it in the original. Still, strange that they would give him B lances instead of B swords when it seems he was meant to use the Silver Sword.

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Here's something I just realized today:

The basic magic spells in Shadow Dragon are the same as the basic magic spells in Final Fantasy:




So would that make Bolganone Flare?

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So would that make Bolganone Flare?

No, I was thinking this:

Fire = Fire

Elfire = Fira

Bolganone = Firaga

Mysteriously, there's no Elthunder in this game, but they bothered to put in Thunder and Thoron.

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That's because the magic tradition had yet to be established. There weren't levels or types of magic to attack with, as the tradition has now, with the three different main types and the levels dedicated to those types (Fire, Wind, Thunder). In FE3 and before, magic wasn't comprised of levels, but just magic--so there wasn't a need for an Elthunder. They were all one single mass of magic.

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(Taken from debug map thread)

Tiki can use all the Dragonstones except the Earthstone, which is locked to Medeus.

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