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Sword!Peggies in FE7! 8D


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Sain will be the only Cavalier promoting to a Great Knight. Kent for Ranger.

Isn't Kent the stronger of the two? I think he would be the better Great Knight. And Sain fits Ranger better.

Also, hack Wyvern Riders so they get axes upon promotion instead of swords. Tellius/SD/Shin Monsho Dracos <3.

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And Swordmasters need the return of the 27 STR cap. 8D

Why would they want a higher cap for a stat they can't cap? If anything, I'll just give the 27 Str cap to Heroes, who do.


Make him Knight->General

Make him stay pally because favoritism. Actually Kent+Axes=Happy Wyatt.

Kent for Pally was my idea at first. But then I thought, he makes better use of that 30 Spd cap. Lowen can just stay Pally, as he's decent.

Add Mage Knight! Summoner I can give up.

Have Erk go Mage Knight I guess, and Viada a Wyvern Knight.

Um...Legault should stay Assassin, but Matthew to Rogue.

Erk for Mage Knight was also an idea I had in the first place. But there's some glitch that has a messed up sphere when he attacks. And I don't know how to fix palettes. Matthew for Rogue, yeah. I thought of that one too.

And I think Vaida is great as she already is, since she's all tanky and has insane Str as well. I thought of making a seperate Peggie class for Farina that is mono-lances and promotes to Wyern Knight.

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Kent for Pally was my idea at first. But then I thought, he makes better use of that 30 Spd cap. Lowen can just stay Pally, as he's decent.

Oh no, youve got me in a fix. I hate rangers because... I do but its still Kent., and I knida dont like Lowen but if hes the only pally besides Marcus.......

*spontaneosly combusts*

Edited by Darros
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And if I actually had seperate Cavalier classes (Lance Knight, Axe Knight, etc.) that would be insane. :3

By the way, I only hacked FE7-8 for fun, and made it harder. But if I knew how to patch, I would do it.

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Why would they want a higher cap for a stat they can't cap? If anything, I'll just give the 27 Str cap to Heroes, who do.

Will do.

Oh yeah. I forgot. Guy's STR is overshadowed by a prepromote. A sexy one who looks like Shanan....


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But I use him too. Doesn't mean I think he's bad.

This isn't an OVERKILL hack. This is a hack to make FE7 harder. :3

And Raven will probably get the FE10!Hero caps. Just for the lolz.

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Pssh I use him anyway.


...Also give Karel his FE6 growths.


Karel w/Blamung AND his FE6 growths with FE4 Swordmaster caps.

His recruitment conversation should be rewritten to this:

Lyn: Who are you?

Karel: The guy replacing all you bitches.

*everyone disappears except Eliwood*

Karel: You...You are here for your seizing powers. Understood?

Eliwood: Y-Yes sir.

...and Karel solos the rest of the game.

Edited by El Rey León
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Make Karel an enemy then who will attack you with a 30MT weapon if you get too close, then. Make his recruitment a pain.

Karel w/Blamung AND his FE6 growths with FE4 Swordmaster caps.

His recruitment conversation should be rewritten to this:

Lyn: Who are you?

Karel: The guy replacing all you bitches.

*everyone disappears except Eliwood*

Karel: You...You are here for your seizing powers. Understood?

Eliwood: Y-Yes sir.

...and Karel solos the rest of the game.


Edited by Luminescent Blade
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