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Rate My Avatar and Sig


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Ava: 1 - Since you gave reasons... It is a JPEG with distortion. Has annoying C4D effects. Not suited for avatar use due to size. Horrible gradient color schreme. Text on an avatar is a no go.

Sig: 2.5 - The picture isn't as unfitting as all that.

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Ava: Befitting someone of internet origin, indicts you're thinking.( Edit: To be correct, I means by that that you actually thinks unlike the people of the world that we knows. )8.7/10

Sig: Neatly formated and small to prevent eyes from focusing on it rather than the content of the post while at same time appealing to look at. 9.9/10

Not bad~

Edited by Fateborn
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Avvie: 6/10. It's mostly focused on the eyes, so it doesn't give it much room to look special, or to shine. I mostly don't want to give anything a 5/10 or below, so call it bias if you will.

Sig: 6 or 7 out of ten. With the afformentioned bias involved, it's not terrible. Unlike most people, I didn't hate the FF13 subseries too much, but I didn't really like it either. Especially with FF13/FF13-2's battle system, but after playing the FF13-3 demo, I can say I liked it.

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