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Who is the best last joining Peg?

RNG Princess

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By that I mean the last to join of the pegs usually the eldest.


Yuno, Farina, Syrene, Tanith or Elincia(PoR), Sigrun(RD), and maybe Paola or Est(SD).

Idk who qualifies as Eldest between Tanith and Elincia or Paola and Est, Tanith looks older but Elincia joins later so I'll just mark Elincia and Est by these rules.

The list:




Elincia (PoR)



From Worst to Best IMO:

1: Est starts off too weak and requires too much work to become useful

2: Yuno growth rates hardly make her a good candidate for CEXP and her combat isn't so special.

3: Farina costs too much..

4: Sigrun mediocre combat but useful utility rescue/drop.

5: Elincia(PoR) weak combat but staves make her decent iirc she can use physic right off the bat.

6: Syrene decent combat, decent growths.

Of course if Tanith(PoR) and Paola were considered instead of Elincia and Est:

1: Yuno

2: Farina

3: Sigrun

4: Syrene

5: Tanith (reinforcement skill)

6: Paola great combat.

What do you say?

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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FE2 Est if only because you can feed her Mummies to reach promotion with much less effort than in other games and the Angel Ring doubling the stat gains from her level ups.

Falco Knight class is effective against monsters (coefficient being 3) and there's plenty of those and the base stats for that class are actually decent enough to make her one of the most durable units on the team, unlike the other versions where she's just a glass cannon after raised.

Of the candidates you listed though, Syrene I guess.

Edited by Sirius
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Defeneatly Syrene. She has at least one chapter of usefulness over the others.

After Syrene I'll give you Farina. Costing alot isn't a problem when apparently you have lots of money by then. And that's unless you're playing a ranked run. She has an entire chapter of contribution, and her combat isn't at all bad.

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Syrene. She has a few chapters of flying utility and semi-decent combat. Sigrun is a little bit helpful in Chapter 3-11 and 4-3, but Syrene has Chapter 18, 20, and Final under her belt.

Oh, but Elincia is decent enough. She has really powerful Rescue utility that can get Ike to fight Ashnard on turn 2, and she's also useful in Chapter 26. If only she had 2 more strength, she could ORKO Chapter 27 Doors.

Edited by Anouleth
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1.Elincia (PoR): healer on a flying horse, with a brave prf weapon. and a huge amount of BEXP to give. need I say more?

2.Est: the best female mage in FE11, does that count?

3.Sigrun: she's okay, I guess

4.Farina: also okay, more like a shared 3rd

5.Yuno: also okay, also more like shared 3rd

6.Syrene: why such a terrible unit at the end of a game full of awesome units?

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1. Elincia (PoR) - flying healer with AMITI!!! (even if it was weak back then) - You could also do fun quick-play moves with her and her growths are good.

2. Sigrun - she comes in a game where she's not necessarily needed for a triangle attack, but she has a lot to offer the team (Spear, Water affinity, S in lances, A in swords, great Skill/Luck/Res), and is just some BEXP/2levelups away from tier 3.

3. Est - great unit that needs more babying than any pegasi rider before/after her. Also she comes with Mercurius/MiracleSword, a good lance and great overall growths.

4. Farina - she costs something (a prize too big for ranked runs), but is worth it. Plus Killer Lance!

5. Syrene - decent, way better than Yuno at least. Silver Lance is good at least, and she can rescue some villagers when she comes by.

6. Yuno - horrible, nothing to offer, not even items. She's just there to make pegasi triangle attacks possible.

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Those are interesting points I never thought about the Elincia trick with rescue staff ^_^ I guess I should be more creative with my tactics. So overall what kind of grade do the last-joining pegs deserve on a scale from 1-10 (1 being worst, 10 being best) I'd give them a 6 or 7 for decent contributions.

On a side note which of them is your favorite? :3

Mine happens to be Elincia ^_^ followed by Syrene, Yuno, Sigrun, Farina, and Est being last but I still like her.

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1 - PoR!Elincia just for being a flying healer on a horse. I really use her much beyond that. But she can gain levels easily, through Ward staves since their basically EXP on a stick as you never need them, ever. And prf weapon that acts like a Brave weapon ain't to shabby either.

2- Farina - She's actually a good replacement for Fiora, and joins in a chapter where she can get tons of experience with no WTD. There's even a Elysian Whip ready for her at a village! And she usually gets to use it the chapter after because she's not far from LV20 when I use her. ^_^

3. Sigrun - OK, I guess, never used use her seriously but I plan to see how she truly plays in a future RD run.

4. Syrene - sucks. Nothing else needs to be said.

5. Yuno - sucks. Nothing else needs to be said.

6. Est - joins at a low level and I'm supposed to Arena Abuse her for to get good when my teams already filled trained characters? I'll pass (this is my reaction to most Ests). Plus I just hate her in general. I'm kinda biased. :P

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Most people don't play efficiently, you know.

I can't comment on Sigrun, Tanith, and Yuuno, since I haven't played the Tellius series, and I've only gone Sacae route before. Damn you Shin and your awesomeness.

So that leaves me with, what, Syrene, Farina, and Est?

I'm going to be completely biased here.

Farina: I love her personality, and she does have pretty good utility in getting north and killing those magic dudes in her joining chapter. On non-ranked runs, money isn't an issue, and she actually has the potential to become pretty kick-ass. Rank runs... is a different issue.

Syrene: Actually, she's pretty useful in providing roadblock to the Druids while Seth with Swiftsole and a Spear and his S-rank Holy of preference three-turns the chapter. Then C18 comes and you got Gorgon eggs. While she'd be kinda redundant if you decided to train Vanessa, Tana, and Cormag all in the same run, if you haven't she could be good use there. I definitely wouldn't call her bad. Just not good, either.

Est: I hate her for ditching such a wonderful man like Abel and leaving him heartbroken chasing after her after the war. I don't give a crap about how wonderful her growths are, honestly. I wouldn't use her if she had Sedgar's growths and came in C1.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Most people don't play efficiently, you know.

I can't comment on Sigrun, Tanith, and Yuuno, since I haven't played the Tellius series, and I've only gone Sacae route before. Damn you Shin and your awesomeness.

So that leaves me with, what, Syrene, Farina, and Est?

I'm going to be completely biased here.

Farina: I love her personality, and she does have pretty good utility in getting north and killing those magic dudes in her joining chapter. On non-ranked runs, money isn't an issue, and she actually has the potential to become pretty kick-ass. Rank runs... is a different issue.

Syrene: Actually, she's pretty useful in providing roadblock to the Druids while Seth with Swiftsole and a Spear and his S-rank Holy of preference three-turns the chapter. Then C18 comes and you got Gorgon eggs. While she'd be kinda redundant if you decided to train Vanessa, Tana, and Cormag all in the same run, if you haven't she could be good use there. I definitely wouldn't call her bad. Just not good, either.

Est: I hate her for ditching such a wonderful man like Abel and leaving him heartbroken chasing after her after the war. I don't give a crap about how wonderful her growths are, honestly. I wouldn't use her if she had Sedgar's growths and came in C1.

That sucks that she leaves Abel :/ thats why I like her sisters better (especially Catria).

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Can't comment on Tanith(PoR) because I haven't ever used her.

Tanith(RD) > Sigrun >> Elincia(PoR).

Of course all Peg units (besides RD Elincia) are completely useless anyway...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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On a side note which of them is your favorite? :3

Mine happens to be Elincia ^_^

That sucks that she leaves Abel :/ thats why I like her sisters better (especially Catria).

I agree with you on both. My last peg favorites in order of personality/overall-gameplay are Elincia (both games, because I like her and staves beat lances for me), Sigrun/Tanith, Farina, Syrene, Est, Yuno.

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I'm only including the ones who's games I played:

1. Syrene: Comes prepromoted, but at level 1 with quite decent stats, so she's usable from the get go and she's got room to grow.

2. Est: I personally think babying is the lesser of the two evils (between babying and paying 20,000 for one unit). Plus, with growths like hers, it'll pay off (though you'll have to play inefficiently to get her up to par).

3. Farina: Very nice stats and growths, but she's insanely expensive.

4. Yuno: Comes prepromoted, has really bad stats for her level, and her growths aren't that good.

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From best to worst IMO

1.Syrene- She's in a game where enemy stats are bad, she has a good amount of levels to be used, she can gain some exp since she starts at level 1.

2.Sigrun-She's not bad she's two level away from promoting so you could BEXP her and she can weaken stuff with a steel blade, or steelgreat lance it shouldn't be a problem using those weapons since enemies have good stats in that game. She can rescue and use imbue to recover HP. Even though her stats are great for normal mode and decent in hard mode.

3.Elincia (POR)- I only played it once since my CPU run dolphin slow (20fps), she can heal and has an unbreakable brave weapon and another healer is good to have though the game is quite easy.

4.Farina-She's got good stats and also in a game where enemy stats aren't that great. Like the others said above she's not bad for non-ranked runs but for ranked not so much.

5.Yuno-Her stats isn't good though she has an A in spear and can rescue people like Gonzales to the mountains for that Bern level.

6.Est-Her base stats is low and since I usually play on the harder difficulties (FE11 H2-H3 FE12 Hard or Maniac) she can get doubled and takes a long time to catch up thus slowing down your team and having to arena abuse which isn't possible if you're not playing on normal or H1(For Fe11) since enemies have greater stats in the arena also.

Edited by Generic Officer
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I'll throw my two cents in on various things (not really ranking, since I haven't touched Tanith ever).

Yuuno - Bad stats, and that means I have to level her sisters (I'd rather level Shin). If I want a terrifying female flying unit, I'll use Miledy.

Farina - She's a ton of fun to play, and she'll remember to gain Strength (something her sisters sometimes forget to do). She's expensive, but well worth it, IMO. If I'm doing a ranked run, it's a different story.

Syrene - I had better options by then (of those three, Tana's my favorite). She gets points for looking cool.

Elincia - She's a flying healer with her own weapon. I'm not complaining.

Sigrun - Her bases are high enough that she's useful in Chapter 4 Normal. Canto helps her cause a lot.

Est - Ah, why do people hate you? She comes with a Ridersbane on a chapter full of horses (and not all of them can melee). It doesn't take her that long to catch up, and once she does. . .

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I'm going to do my ranking of the Last Joining Pegs(L.J.P's) based on a Hard Mode performance(for FEDS, assume H2-H3, and for FE7, assume HHM)

Est: She has epic growths, but to be honest, her beginnings are just atrocious. 12 speed isn't doubling the 10-11 AS of the cavaliers, and she actually GETS doubled thanks to her starting weapon(a knight killer)weighing her down by 5. Her atk is also laughable; 15 atk with a steel/killer lance is what Shiida had all the way back in Ch5. Her durability is a complete joke, getting 2HKO'd by the 21 Atk steel lance cavs and OHKO'd by the horsemen isn't fun, and it doesn't help that her HP/defence growths are both mediocre. Props to her for couriering the Miracle sword to the posse only to give it straight to Navarre or Ogma.

Misha: Yes, she counts. She has great starting speed and mag/res and mediocre strength/defence. She has great growths in str and spd and comes with a wind sword. Her issue is that her competition is large and there are better flying unts(READ: Dean and Karin, Eda can go die in a hole laced with Claymore grenades). It doesn't help that her recruitment is almost as complicated as Xavier's.

Yuno: The only thing good about her is...nothing really. She joins at Lv9 promoted with the stats of a Lv12-15 peg, with growths that are comparable to Zealot and Marcus. She doesn't even have any items on her(aka she was imprisoned) Plus there's also the fact most players will be going to Sacae since Shin>Thany and Tate combined.

Farina: Her bases are acceptable for the level she's at, and has better growths than either of her sisters(as far as the GFAQs fags are concerned), but joins at Lv12, when Florina could feasibly be at 20/5, and costs 20K to recruit. That's right, 20K I could have used to buy 7 of each silver weapon with 1.45K to spare(thanks to the silver card).

Syrene: She's good as Ch19-20 filler, I guess. As with Yuno, her bases leave much to be desired, but unlike her, Syrene has good growth rates(better than Vanessa overall, but inferior to Tana) Coming with a silver lance and being able to use killing edges at base doesn't hurt either.

Elincia: Again, with Yuno and Syrene, her bases are mediocre, and considering things are all promoted and have 25-34 Atk, which 2HKO her to hell and back, her combat sucks. Luckily, she has forced healer utility for chapter 26, and can be use to Rescue Staff Ike to the front seat of Ch29 so he can kill Ashnard.

Sigrun: Her base stats are laughable for a Lv19 FalcoKnight, and her speed and defence growths are comparable to that of Rafiel. However, she's forced on every map she's available except 4-F, so you can do stuff to make her useable(feed her two levels of BEXP, crown her), but Marcia is just plain better, and Tanith is better than her as well.

So in order from best to worst: Farina>Elincia=Sigrun>Syrene=Misha>Est=>Yuno.

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Syrene: She's good as Ch19-20 filler, I guess. As with Yuno, her bases leave much to be desired, but unlike her, Syrene has good growth rates(better than Vanessa overall, but inferior to Tana) Coming with a silver lance and being able to use killing edges at base doesn't hurt either.

For me, the best bit about C Swords was Lancereavers for +30 avoid against lance enemies (which covers like, 90% of monsters).

So in order from best to worst: Farina>Elincia=Sigrun>Syrene=Misha>Est=>Yuno.

I don't see why Sigrun > Syrene. Both have a couple of chapters of flight utility, but Syrene's is more helpful (killing gorgon eggs, ferrying dudes to Morva and Lyon) and she has half-decent combat.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Chapter 18 H3 done. Est went up six levels, without any usage of the Triangle Attack. She's doing pretty well. I predict she'll fully catch up within five levels (which means she'll be a level 14 unit doing about as much work as a level 19 one).

She's viable, but not efficient.

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