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Who is the best last joining Peg?

RNG Princess

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Fee and Misha are missing from this list. If you really want to get technical about it, Misha actually deserves to be on it since there are two Pegs in FE5 (Karin and Misha).

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Syrene easily gets that mention... She's handy on whacking some magic-users' ass in the chapters you get her.... She can make use of those Gorgon eggs as long as someone has slaugtered the gorgons.... not to mention she has decent growths... Syrene's also makes good utility against those annoying Mogalls.... (She can possibly cap her SPD and RES, but unusually the RNG loves her in my latest playthrough, making her gain STR?!)

I don't care if I brought Tana, Vanessa and Cormag in her chapters... even though it's redundant... I still have patience to level those who get pretty good or at least decent stats....

Farina's okay... but she's too pricey....

Yuuno, on the other hand..... She has suckish stats and only has rescue utility.....

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I've never found Farina's cost to be anywhere near as huge of an issue unlike certain......tier listers. Gold digger personality get to some people much? I'm reasonable enough to see aside from that she has much more going for her as an unpromoted latecomer on Hector Hard Mode than Heath, Rath or Nino.

Syrene, OTOH, is horrible. The way Sacred Stones works, she's like......Juno. Yay, she can fly. And rescue. Zzzzzzz. Still disgusting. This is most evident if you actually try to use her like a typical team member on Last Hope, without even propping her up against......most any other character in particular. :(

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I've never found Farina's cost to be anywhere near as huge of an issue unlike certain......tier listers. Gold digger personality get to some people much? I'm reasonable enough to see aside from that she has much more going for her as an unpromoted latecomer on Hector Hard Mode than Heath, Rath or Nino.

Syrene, OTOH, is horrible. The way Sacred Stones works, she's like......Juno. Yay, she can fly. And rescue. Zzzzzzz. Still disgusting. This is most evident if you actually try to use her like a typical team member on Last Hope, without even propping her up against......most any other character in particular. :(

Sorry, tier lists operate outside of the realm of base stats only. Its main goal is doing things "efficiently" (with the definition of efficiency coming under fire every now and then, but the general idea is to minimize turns), and killing every single enemy unit on every map isn't efficient. Neither is using certain units outside of a handful, using your money on things that you probably won't use (if I'm paying for Farina, I'm using her), and standing around.

Don't bother with a tier list unless you're trying to be efficient. . .or are playing Lunatic or Lunatic Reverse on FE12 (otherwise, it is much harder than it needs to be).

Thus, Syrene is useful because she can rescue people, use decent weapons immediately, and won't die when someone looks at her.

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I've never found Farina's cost to be anywhere near as huge of an issue unlike certain......tier listers. Gold digger personality get to some people much? I'm reasonable enough to see aside from that she has much more going for her as an unpromoted latecomer on Hector Hard Mode than Heath, Rath or Nino.

Syrene, OTOH, is horrible. The way Sacred Stones works, she's like......Juno. Yay, she can fly. And rescue. Zzzzzzz. Still disgusting. This is most evident if you actually try to use her like a typical team member on Last Hope, without even propping her up against......most any other character in particular. :(

Um, she is not nearly as bad as Juno. Syrene has C Swords and A Lances, so she has access to both Lancereavers and Axereavers for high avoid against those enemy types, whereas Juno is pretty much locked to Lances (which weigh her down as well). There is more terrain in Syrene's maps, fewer ballistae, and it's simply easier to drop characters in key locations. She can even provide mediocre combat against soft mage-types with a Killing Edge. Enemies in FE6 are too powerful for Yuno to fight.

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Where's Femina?

She's the last joining Peg for most people, since most people don't even get her to appear in their first playthrough lol.

Because of how FE4 works, (I'd personally say) Femina doesn't count. If she did, she probably would get auto bottom, even if it's only for the fact that Femina can't double attack unless Adept activates, due to her inherent lack of Pursuit.

Edited by LittleAl
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