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Let's Play Golden Sun!


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lol A Fail Counter.

Geez, almost drowns then the boulder... truly an unlucky day that was, eh? Oh yeah... *Dead*

(Make sure to talk to the Masked Man at the inn. Why? Well, just because... ;))

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Fuck yes, I get my own Fail Counter! I chose Garet for a reason. :33

Do keep going.

EDIT: Oh, you asked questions. I say make it Funny. I've played through the game seriously. I demand humor now.

Edited by Furby
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Good Lord.

Lords aren't THAT good. Isaac and Felix have better options with six Djinn. Like Ninja or Savage.

You should do a quick side track once you get out of Sol Sanctum and say that you don't want to save the world.

I always wondered, is that the only event in the game which is Game Over-ish? Aside from dying in battle, of course.

I'm really enjoying this so far. This will probably be the first Let's Play that I'll actually follow.

And I think it's fine with each picture getting a one line comment. It'd be boring if you wrote too much.

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I always wondered, is that the only event in the game which is Game Over-ish? Aside from dying in battle, of course.

I'm really enjoying this so far. This will probably be the first Let's Play that I'll actually follow.

And I think it's fine with each picture getting a one line comment. It'd be boring if you wrote too much.

I think it is. It is the greatest joke in the world at the time though.

I don't intend on writing much, unless I explain different classes and or mechanics, which I will be soon. I want this to be informative as well as witty.smile.gif

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Chapter 2: Mountain Climbing with Kraden

Were we left off...



I really like Golden Sun. The game is so pretty at times. Ignore the nut. I'll get to that next chapter.


Three years later and Jenna's place still has not been fixed. Where is she living even?


Only other locked place. Never even opens either if I recall. Other houses are boring mostly.

Going down into the village square.


Eh? We are his visitors! He better not be screwing us over!


PRO Tip dudes. Like seriously.


Item and armor shop. Mostly they are split, but not always. I won't be needing much, nor be looting to much just yet. I'm waiting till a little later. Makes things loads easier.


These things are awesome. FULL PP restoration. Infinite uses. FREE! Fuck Yeah!


Another comment on outside guests huh?


???: What do you want?

Just wanted to chat. You have a sweet mask and all.


Ass. dry.gif


No you have not. 5 bucks says it usesless.

Dude: I'll show you! /Does quake

laugh.gif 5 bucks please. Quake IS useless!

Dude: Aww sad.gif

It really is. Other Psynergy is more important early on and after it is way to weak.


Going to Kraden's place we see Puppies! Yay! I'm more of a cat kinda guy though.



Furby Fail: 4

Plenty more in this update too. biggrin.gif


Such a Tsundere. Like seriously. This isn't proof, but she really is.


This is the sanctum. Things happen here that I'll cover in the next update.


Going to Kraden's place... These motherfuckers are back. We eavesdrop again. They complain how he is a stubborn old man. He is.


Of course they have plans for him.


No, we weren't actually. But uh thanks for accusing us.


Garet may have forgotten something important, but he is still an idiot. PRO TIP Furby: Don't piss dudes off who can wipe the floor with your ass.

Furby Fail: 5


See what I mean?

Furby, you an idiot. Just shut up!


I am going to grow massive balls and pull a Furby here. Yes, yes it is.

Satarous?: Then go.

Merdendi?: You sure?

He lets us go, watching our backs the entire time. Creepy dude he is.


Meet Kraden, AKA mister exposition. He talks WAY too much, so I'll condense what he says. He complains about people and blathers alchemy related boring-ness.


Asks us regarding the suspicious activity. Roxas, being a smart man, agrees.


And Kraden suggests we enter a forbidden area. Never trust crazy old scholars kids!

Funny note: I misspelled Kraden here and Kramer came up on my spell check. LAWL.

Continuing on the next post.

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Moving on...


Of course Jenna! wub.gifwub.gif Anything for you!


Obvious choice man. Furby is stupid and Jenna is "The chick." (No offense ladies of the board.)


Jenna agrees with me.


Going towards Sol Sanctum we get stopped by this guy hiding behind a tree. We have to wait till he goes behind the sanctum to get past.


And here is Sol Sanctum. I won't go into too much detail in here. The temple is boring and I will condense all the story, so this is not a 9 post epic. That's just ridiculous.


First Jumping Puzzle of the game. Easy of course. Moving along...


More Fighting! Over the course of the temple, everyone levels up. Quake and Guard? get!


Some Loot we need for a item puzzle.


It goes here. Door opens on the other side of the room. NEXT!


And these are the real puzzles of Golden Sun. Psynergy puzzles. You use specific types of Psynergy to get past obstacles. Being the first dungeon, they are all really easy.


Dead end... Other side has a staircase instead.


Toughest bastards in the temple. The have a special attack called rumble that does more damage.


Some fights I just run from, because they would take too long. I wanna get past this place soon. Oh I also Get and use another small Jewel and get a herb.


And here is where things pick up. Kraden starts ranting BTW, as per usual. Oh, and he tells us to do shit. Going upstairs...


Awesome! One time use of a full PP Refill.


This is a 3 Part puzzle. Solution: Move statues. Move another statue. Move more statues. Yawn.


And this happens. Shiny things! Lets touch it.


Oh SHI...! Just kidding, not a trap.


This place is weird.

Dimma/Furby: Agreed.

Kraden goes on a rant. Here is the summary. Alchemy is the ultimate power. It is god essentially. You can do anything with it. Alchemy is split into the four elements: Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind. The elemental stars that are here are compressed forms of there element. He makes a comment about the ocean too.



Calm down dude.


Furby Fail: 6

Also, there is a sage's stone. Think Philosopher stone, and you hit the nail on the head. Kraden tries to get them for himself fro "research" (I call bullshit on this BTW), slips and come back.


I cannot deny the pretty girl. We go play fetch.


This is the Mercury Star. That pillar is rising out of the water. Also take note on the stars locations, as they are were the later important lighthouses are on the map.


After Getting the Jupiter Star, an erie silence happens.

Next post: what happens next?

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The last part for now. I promise.


Well Fuck.


Rescue by the that masked asshole. Joy dry.gif


And fuck, he is Juan. Goddammit.


They want the Stars. They'll trade them for Jenna, and I want Jenna. We don't have a choice anyways. Also meet Alex. He is a douche-bag.

You guys are all complete assholes. I hope you realize that.

Alex: Dully noted. Go get the Mars Star.


We do and shit goes bad.


A floating eyeball of death shows up. Also, the volcanno is going to erupt.


No shit Sherlock!

Furby Fail: 7


Stop with the stupid questions. Please.

Also, the evil bad guys escape with Dimma and Kraden. Naturally we have to fend for ourselves.


Furby is completely blind too.


Turns out the Rock (Read: Wise One) is not a bad guy. He warps us out here. We use "Escape" to GTFO.


The entire village is currently shitting bricks due to the eruption.


When will you stop being stupid Furby?! Go back to Death Mountain or deal with people? choice two seems significantly better.

Furby: Sorry..

Furby Fail: 8


We get dragged back in here and retell everything that happened. Roxas and Furby do lost of moving. Luckily no words are said.


Wise One tells that healer guy in front of Roxas that it's our job to save the world. Who would of thunk? Dora is very against it.


And here is "The Choice." Selecting no and leaving...



Saying yes, the healer and wise one tell us to collect monsters and our star we got to keep randomly will lead us.Assholes, everyone are assholes. angry.gif


We have some people on our side however. Not much else happens. Cue black screen..

The Next Day


Everyone sees us off. Except Dora. She is currently being emo. I wouldn't blame her.


PRO TIP people.


That is aimed at Furby. Lawl. BURN!


They give us another herb and the Catch Beads, and they send us of with a bold farewell.


AND now the game truly starts.I will cover a lot more details about the game, and do my first two class reviews next chapter. So...

Next time, Chapter 3: Overdosing On Game Mechanics

Oh joy...

Furby: Cool, maybe I can learn to swing this sword.

Furby, you are an idiot

Furby Fail: 10

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Ah finally! *Tosses mask away* XD

Too bad you posted all at once, I was ready to make a Judas reference. Oh well...

By the way, that locked house does opens at some point... but there really is nothing worthy to check it out anyway. It's full of boxes and jars sure, but mostly empty with a Herb or so.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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This is the Mercury Star. That pillar is rising out of the water. Also take note on the stars locations, as they are were the later important lighthouses are on the map.

Huh, never noticed this before.

Stop with the stupid questions. Please.

Aww... you didn't get a screen shot of you telling Garet that it, The Wise one, is a rock. His reaction to it is hilarious.

Edited by Suichimo
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Just found this thread. :awesome: I'll be following this. I've only just clocked Golden Sun 1 and I'm working on The Lost Age. I'll be reading all the game mechanics and stuff too.

Oh, and the Furby Fail counter makes me lol pretty much every time.

This is the Mercury Star. That pillar is rising out of the water. Also take note on the stars locations, as they are were the later important lighthouses are on the map.

Did not know this. :awesome:

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It's probably best to put Flint on Garet for the time being. Garet isn't great at using magic psynergy but what Brute does is give him a single target heavy hitting psynergy move (I think it's called Planet Diver but it's been a while since I've played). Putting it on Issac won't do much for right now other than boost his stats. And you don't have Ivan yet (Plasma is god in the earlygame).

EDIT: Garet doesn't learn Planet Diver until Level 13, my bad. Let me do a quick analysis for up to level 10 (around Mercury Lighthouse).

Guard - HP 110% - PP 80% - Att 100% - Def 110% - Agi 70% - Luck 100%

Brute - HP 100% - PP 70% - Att 120% - Def 90% - Agi 110% - Luck 70% (1 Earth)

Guard Psynergy:

1 - Flare

4 - Fire

6 - Flare Wall

8 - Volcano

Brute Psynergy:

1 - Growth

6 - Blast (Nova)

Honestly, even with a slight drop in PP, Brute's the better way to go. Guard is going to rape Mercury Lighthouse but have problems against Saturos. Brute will at least let you spam Growth for decent damage.

Edited by Life Admiral
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It's probably best to put Flint on Garet for the time being. Garet isn't great at using magic psynergy but what Brute does is give him a single target heavy hitting psynergy move (I think it's called Planet Diver but it's been a while since I've played). Putting it on Issac won't do much for right now other than boost his stats. And you don't have Ivan yet (Plasma is god in the earlygame).

EDIT: Garet doesn't learn Planet Diver until Level 13, my bad. Let me do a quick analysis for up to level 10 (around Mercury Lighthouse).

Guard - HP 110% - PP 80% - Att 100% - Def 110% - Agi 70% - Luck 100%

Brute - HP 100% - PP 70% - Att 120% - Def 90% - Agi 110% - Luck 70% (1 Earth)

Guard Psynergy:

1 - Flare

4 - Fire

6 - Flare Wall

8 - Volcano

Brute Psynergy:

1 - Growth

6 - Blast (Nova)

Honestly, even with a slight drop in PP, Brute's the better way to go. Guard is going to rape Mercury Lighthouse but have problems against Saturos. Brute will at least let you spam Growth for decent damage.

Isn't it a little too early to be thinking of Mercury Lighthouse? By the time he reaches Saturos, he'd already have two Mercury Djinn, which would let both Isaac and Garet turn into Swordsman. If they can reach Lv 11, then Saturos gets owned by Cutting Edge.

Even if they don't reach Lv 11 (after all, it's generally better to go to Mercury Lighthouse before facing Tret), wouldn't it be much wiser to damage Saturos through Djinn and summons than to use weak Psynergy like Growth?

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At that point, there is really no need to branch out with your classes. Isaac will have Ragnarok, and you don't want to deprive Mia of those Mercury Djinni as the healing will be extremely helpful.

I believe you should have Ivan at the time as well, or if not you can just make a quick side trip to get him.

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All right. Sorry about the slight delay in an update. I hoped to of have it done by Friday, but life got in the way.

This will be a more text heavy update while I explain some game mechanics. (Due in part to ImageShack being an ass and not uploading all my pics properly.) I'll cover the meat of them here and cover any others we stumble across later.

Chapter 3: The Boring Tutorial (And Flint)

We left of...



What is this?


Apparently you're psychic too. Quick Furby, fetch me a Master Ball!

Furby: What's a Master Ball?


Meet Flint, our first Djinn. He gives a big tutorial that I wish I could skip, but alas I cannot.


Important people. I promise.


I always choose no for a few times for the Lulz.


He (She?) proceeds to beg.


Flint: Yay! You won't regret it!

At least he's not as stupid as Furby.

Furby: Hey! I heard that!


Here is the main menu. Psynergy let's us use field psynergy and some battle psynergy outside battle (Healing spells and some misc ones.)


Some Psynergy here. It only shows Psynergy that can be used on the field. In order:

-Cure: Heals HP. Self explanatory

-Catch: Gets distant objects. Explained in a bit.

-Move: Moves objects. Important puzzle solver duh.

-Retreat: Roxas only atm. Retreats from a dungeon. No other use that I care about.

Furby only has move. Fail. He can have Catch, but no.

Furby Fail: 11 (He only has 1 while Roxas has 3. And he gets no more unless you move Djinn or give him items. Just no...)


Next is Djinn. You can do a few things here:

- There you can transfer Djinn between characters. This also can change classes by the way.

- You can set and unset them. Important if you want o summon at the begining of battle. Setting is useless about 60% of the time. It leaves you weaker after.

Also Djinn have three modes; White (Ready to use), Red (Set and ready to summon), and Yellow (Resting, useless basically). Only White gives you stat boosts and more Psynergy. Red gives summons, which usually are h4x, and Yellow is neither. Djinn return to white one at a time (Per character thank god.) after a few turns in battle or some time walking on the map.

Moving on we have items.


Each character can only have 15 items including equipment and important things. Both dudes have short swords, shirts, gloves, and herbs. Roxas has the Mars Star and the catch beads. Also to note; some psynergy cannot be gotten unless you equip the item. Anyone can equip said items.

And last but not least, the status screen...


Everything is pretty self explanatory. "Squire" is the class. Exp shows how much exp gained, not to the next level. You have to put the cursor over it to show that. Lame I know... dry.gif

Back to town!


See that. That is a nut. Nuts are awesome. They heal 200 HP (A lot BTW), and you get tons for free. They really don't become obsolete till the late end of TLA really.


Use Catch to grab them. Catch does other stuff too, and I will show you when it comes, but this is what I love catch for. Nuts! biggrin.gif I ask that you refrain from gay jokes.


And here is the battle screen. Those are bats by the way. They have a Supersonic attack that does more damage. Just attack till they die. The menu is easy. The first is fight, which gives a load more options, Flee is well, flee, and Status, is... Character Status. Really simple stuff.


Flint by the way. Bigger Earth elemental physical strike.




And here is the menu. ImageShack deleted my other picture, but whatever. The first is Attack. Second is Psynergy. Third Djinn. Fourth Summon. Fifth Item. Last is Defend. All should be easy to figure out.


Here is Venus Summon Level 1. Summoning has only 4 levels (In this game) and are mono element (Again this game only). It does good damage through out the game. Each level takes a additional djinn of that element. Summons also get points for looking generally looking completely bad ass. Luv Judgment. wub.gif


Here are Mushrooms. They have an special called Healing spores. It heals their side. Annoying. Gang up on one so the healing doesn't negate your attacks.


Here is a zombie. Big bad in this area. Beat em' up.


Quaking some bates.


And these are Rodents (Is that right?). They are weak and and die quickly.


Cure in battle before I forget.


And finally we end up here. By they way this is actually a very short distance. I'm going to grind to level 6 before the next update (Yay off-screen grinding). If something of note comes up, I will take a picture of it.

Next time on Chapter 4: Bandits and a Mind Reader

Mind reader huh? This may be interesting.

Furby: I hop he doesn't learn that I wet the bed till I was 12

Thanks for revealing that Furby. To much information there I suspect.

And Now my first two class reviews! You may argue and rave with me and others about these if you so like. biggrin.gif Give some more discussion on the thread.

Lord (Squire, Knight, Gallant, Lord)

The lord class is pretty awesome for a mono element class. They get solid boosts to their stats across the board. They get access to the Cure series, Ragnarok (Awesome BTW), and the Quake and Spire series. After Roxas becomes a knight, he Gets two new families. Revive (Win), and the Gaia series (Win again). Revive is self explanatory and Gaia does great damage all around. They have an excellent early and mid game and solid endgame. Really. Cookie cutter solid all around.

The Lost Age: They class upgrade is Slayer. Ragnarok becomes Odyssey (LOL PWN), and they get better bonuses. That's about it. still an absolute great mono class and they also can use Judgment without losing Revive. Good for summon rushing bosses. Slayer is an awesome class name however. Bonus half-point in my book. biggrin.gif

Arena/Link Play: Not the best choice, but better than others.

They get an 8.5/10

Guard (Guard, Soldier, Warrior, Champion)

Furby's base class. It gets stats similar to the Roxas' Lord. At the beginning of the game, Guard is very useless. Early game is the most important due to lack of resources. (I just realized how much this feels like FE at the moment. Awesome) Low PP, crappy Psynergy. Mid game they get Heat Wave which is pretty cool. After Soldier they get Guard (!) and Protect (!!!!!!!!!!!!). These two spells are amazing.The other two spells are LOL IMO. If these were class specific it would get this family a huge score boost. Alas it is not. Damn shame that. Just kidding. It would be a Damn shame if it was. They get better come mid game when Guard is acquired. This is all this class is good for I swear. For end game see mid game.

The Lost Age: The new class is Hero. Shame it isn't as awesome as like all FE Heroes ever. Heat Wave becomes Liquifier. Enough said.

Arena/Link Play: Crappy. Moving along.


Rant against my probably crappy reviews, and helpful criticism would be appreciated. Also if someone has a YouTube channel I may borrow. PM. I have an idea. biggrin.gif Also, should I rate Djinn? Lemme know!


@Proto: I am doing Tret first. I know you miss something of you do the lighthouse first. So yeah. Also, I hope to at above level 11 (Probably 9 though) by that point. This is one of the few games where grining doesn't make you go LOL against everything. It will be important later on I assure you.

@Life: Brute is better early, but I am not a fan of the class. I will be making use of it early that is for sure. The defense drop is what kills the class.

@Suchimo: You need Ivan to progress the story pass the second dungeon.

Edited by IntegerZero
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@Life: Brute is better early, but I am not a fan of the class. I will be making use of it early that is for sure. The defense drop is what kills the class.

Brute should be useful right up until after Mercury Lighthouse. Consider it fantastic in Tret Tree.

I'm looking at elemental levels. Guard/Soldier allows Garet to rape a lot of Mercury Lighthouse but he also takes more damage since Fire is weak to Water (and strong against it). Brute/Ruffian will actually mitigate some of the damage that Garet takes in the lighthouse thanks to its dual Earth/Fire affinity.

That's what makes this game brilliant. There are so many factors when considering classes. Also, I like the way you're explaining the run. I'll do comments on the classes at specific points in both games as for what I think is the best setup at the time and why. But it really is your choice since this game isn't so hard that you can't beat it without using any class.

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That's what makes this game brilliant. There are so many factors when considering classes. Also, I like the way you're explaining the run. I'll do comments on the classes at specific points in both games as for what I think is the best setup at the time and why. But it really is your choice since this game isn't so hard that you can't beat it without using any class.

I know right. It makes you think some. It is easy yes, but certainly has difficulty. The Satarous fight comes to mind instantly.

At the end of TLA I have plans to due an Arena Gauntlet for all it's worth. THAT will be a Highlight I'm sure. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif I just hope it doesn't give me a massive middle finger and Dullahan me thrice in a row. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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I know right. It makes you think some. It is easy yes, but certainly has difficulty. The Satarous fight comes to mind instantly.

I've beaten both games with single djinn classes on the entire time. For Doom Dragon and Dullahan, I resorted to cheap strategies (hi there summon rush of Charon, Isis and Daedalus). But I've also beaten them by switching around my classes and as long as you know how to deal with the random encounters well, you'll be fine.

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