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Let's Play Golden Sun!


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Why? Because I'm an idiot. You know that already, Narga.

And hence the forgiveness and not messing with your warn bar. Aren't I nice?

Oh, and Life, I think you play this game like I play ff5. Analyze everything to make all battles as simple as possible. Find out weird weaknesses (not just elemental ones, but also if it's vulnerable to some status attack) and do things like use the Apollo Harp and Sage Staff far more than most people probably ever do. GJ had problems in the great sea trench and relied on gil toss mostly, I just butchered everything by OHKOing stuff with Apollo or Sage and used the running shoes to get two units to attack three times before the enemy gets a turn. I didn't even need Coral Rings on Leviathan in the waterfall place because I looked at its attack script to determine how to not get Tidal Wave'd ever (3 running shoes and thief glove and only use Fight command with Bolt3 sword and Apollo Harp until he's in OHKO range of bolt 3. Only actually attacked 5 times total (2 bolt 3 swords, 2 apollo harps attacks, 1 bolt 3 spell) but did it before Leviathan's script lets him tidal wave. Not using a proper magic attack until the final attack prevents the possibility of him countering with tidal wave, leaving him incapable of tidal waving until his third "move").

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But Isaac doesn't have Ragnarok yet. When I say level 10 at the base of Mercury Lighthouse, this is after Kolima Forest and Tret Tree.

^This. You'll need to grind quite a bit to hit 13 before Saturos.

Proto did bring up an excellent point earlier. He suggested to set 1 Mercury on both Isaac and Garet and abuse Cutting Edge, something I've never tried. We'd then end up with Swordsman!Isaac (1 Mercury, 1 Mars), Swordsman!Garet (1 Mercury, 1 Mars), Diviner!Ivan (2 Venus) and Elder!Mia (2 Jupiter). Mia casts Impact on both Isaac and Garet and Saturos dies quickly from 2 Cutting Edges per turn against his 72 Water Resist (surprisingly, Earth is his 2nd lowest Resist). Ivan's on healing duty.

Actually, my plan involved Wanderer!Mia but I never actually considered Elder!Mia. And with Cutting Edge being the main form of damage, Impact is clearly the superior option. I'll have to try the Elder!Mia one in my next run.

There are 3 classes that give Mia the Wish series. Scholar (4+ Mercury), Ascetic (4+ Mars) and Shaman (4+ Venus). The earliest she can use the Wish series is right before the Living Statue at the bottom of Altin Mine. The next two djinni that give her Wish won't be found until after we've killed the Manticore. There's no way I'm gimping her offense and defense just to have Wish ASAP. And don't forget that the Living Statue has 193 Water Resist, almost double his next strongest Resist.

Er, there are 4 classes, actually, aside from the ones with huge Djinn requirements like White Mage and Dragoon. Scholar is actually 4+ Jupiter, while the 4+ Mercury makes her a Cleric. This is the first time I actually noticed that 4 Djinn of anything to Mia gives you the Wish series.

And as for Status Affliction, Bind is probably the only useful one in the game. It's like hitting Silence on an enemy except instead of having a 3 use staff, you have a spammable 4 PP move.

There's also Delude for the monsters that don't use threatening Psynergy much.

I would go ahead and completely gimp her offense to get Wish as early as possible. The Wish line of Psynergy is probably the best one in the series so far. Cheap group healing is absolutely phenomenal.

IIRC, the Hydros Statue uses nothing but group attacks so Wish is even more useful there.

I'd still rather just go ahead and straight up kill the enemy in the time it takes to get it Bound.

I actually have to agree with Suichimo here. When you're facing a boss, at least, you need a reliable healing move. And aside from his physical attack (lol), Hydros Statue uses nothing but Psynergy with at least 3 range. Cure series isn't gonna be good enough. It's not too unlikely that she'll end up casting Wish or Wish Well nearly every single turn so it's not like her puny offense would actually matter.

Then again, I never actually TRIED to fight him with a Wishless army so I wouldn't know anything.

I am aware of that. I will make great use of it later on, when I start farming for the rare and good drops. And bosses are really the only enemies in the first one you want more exp from. Wonder Birds in the second game however... gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Also, I have the next two chapters ready to go, but I'm going to post them tomorrow. I just realized that I have gotten myself addicted to the game again.

Wonder Birds... I swear, that monster (and his two weaker versions) were created for the purpose of grinding.

Man, seeing all this talk about growths and ability power makes me realize I don't know shit about Golden Sun. I just set all elemental djinn to their respective adepts and had a "Screw it, let's do it" mentality to the game. It never came off so hard as to make me want to manipulate growths of the classes like that. Talk about opening my eyes.

You don't need to know all of this. That's what makes Golden Sun's battle system so awesome. You can just leave everyone in their default classes and the game will never be difficult enough to force you to try different alternatives. But for hardcore players who are willing to investigate the battle mechanics further can come up with different class combinations and better strategies that are more efficient than simply sticking to the default classes all the time.

Oh, and Life, I think you play this game like I play ff5. Analyze everything to make all battles as simple as possible. Find out weird weaknesses (not just elemental ones, but also if it's vulnerable to some status attack) and do things like use the Apollo Harp and Sage Staff far more than most people probably ever do. GJ had problems in the great sea trench and relied on gil toss mostly, I just butchered everything by OHKOing stuff with Apollo or Sage and used the running shoes to get two units to attack three times before the enemy gets a turn. I didn't even need Coral Rings on Leviathan in the waterfall place because I looked at its attack script to determine how to not get Tidal Wave'd ever (3 running shoes and thief glove and only use Fight command with Bolt3 sword and Apollo Harp until he's in OHKO range of bolt 3. Only actually attacked 5 times total (2 bolt 3 swords, 2 apollo harps attacks, 1 bolt 3 spell) but did it before Leviathan's script lets him tidal wave. Not using a proper magic attack until the final attack prevents the possibility of him countering with tidal wave, leaving him incapable of tidal waving until his third "move").

. . .

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In my defense, Gil Toss worked like a charm. It was basically the "Screw thinking, I will power nuke" button. I had no other use for the money at that point, so why complicate things when I can just say screw the rules I have money?

Great Sea Trench was probably hte only place I had "problems", and frankly Syldra was helpful there too since a lot of things there were mysteriously weak to Wind (and had I known about the Air Knife and that Syldra actually WAS Wind elemental at that point, I would have put two and two together to make it far easier).

Frankly, I wanna do another runthrough of some RPG as well, problem is I can't find any and I pretty much have nothing else. Well, I got Mario RPG, but there's not exactly that much diversity or complexity to it as there could be in Final Fantasy or Golden Sun.

Though, if I were to play some Golden Sun, I'd have a lot of homework to do since I don't know shit about Golden Sun. You guys might as well be speaking jibberish to me.

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Oh, and Life, I think you play this game like I play ff5. Analyze everything to make all battles as simple as possible. Find out weird weaknesses (not just elemental ones, but also if it's vulnerable to some status attack) and do things like use the Apollo Harp and Sage Staff far more than most people probably ever do.

Well, Golden Sun is one of the few games that has a simple game mechanic (learn what simple means, Sword of Mana) but can pull off so much shit with it. You can shitstomp the game however way you like it but certain ways make it more fun and easier.

Also, I haven't played either GS in over a year. To remember all of this stuff is pretty much a miracle. I used to be one of the "mono class" people until I decided to start fiddling around with Djinni (would always use a FAQ when I did it, though). On this run, I only have a battle mechanics FAQ open to check certain things (when I learn certain psynergy moves, class bonuses...). I'm literally using what the game gives me on the screen to figure out what works best in that specific situation. GS1 is nice because it doesn't overcomplicate things since you can only have 7 Djinni per person. GS2 is the real shitstorm, especially after Jupiter Lighthouse.

^This. You'll need to grind quite a bit to hit 13 before Saturos.

Actually, my plan involved Wanderer!Mia but I never actually considered Elder!Mia. And with Cutting Edge being the main form of damage, Impact is clearly the superior option. I'll have to try the Elder!Mia one in my next run.

I actually just proved both of these. Like I said, I had to grind to get Garet to level 11 just to learn Cutting Edge and it's not like Mercury Lighthouse is chock full of enemies. But if you can double up on Saturos with Cutting Edge, hilarious shit will occur. And Ivan should be healing every turn but I wasn't too bad in the red. Like I said, 6 turns is all it took. Oh and Diviner!Ivan should have more Agi than Saturos, meaning he heals first.

Er, there are 4 classes, actually, aside from the ones with huge Djinn requirements like White Mage and Dragoon. Scholar is actually 4+ Jupiter, while the 4+ Mercury makes her a Cleric. This is the first time I actually noticed that 4 Djinn of anything to Mia gives you the Wish series.


Oh, wow. Bad mistake on my part there.

I actually have to agree with Suichimo here. When you're facing a boss, at least, you need a reliable healing move. And aside from his physical attack (lol), Hydros Statue uses nothing but Psynergy with at least 3 range. Cure series isn't gonna be good enough. It's not too unlikely that she'll end up casting Wish or Wish Well nearly every single turn so it's not like her puny offense would actually matter.

Then again, I never actually TRIED to fight him with a Wishless army so I wouldn't know anything.

Honestly, I don't find Hydros Statue (Living Statue are the small fries, my bad) dangerous at all. His most dangerous attack is Ice Horn (70 Dam) unless Water Blessing has a higher base damage. Honestly, I'd be scared if he had Hail Prism since that can actually lay a serious beatdown on your team. The big thing here is his Fire weakness (25 Resist... c'mon, fucking Tret had that and I beat his ass down at level 8) and lowish HP count of 1300 (Saturos has 1200 by comparison).

I'd have to check what's the story against Hydros Statue as in if Wish is overrated or not. I'm already thinking that Isaac and Garet will be using Planet Diver all day so it really comes down to what Djinni Ivan and Mia get stuck with.

Though, if I were to play some Golden Sun, I'd have a lot of homework to do since I don't know shit about Golden Sun. You guys might as well be speaking jibberish to me.

Not really. In fact, I beat GS2 before I ever got my hands on GS1 (one of the few games that I played before I started using emulators hardcore). Like I have memories of me fighting the final boss of GS2 in Grade 7. I finished first year university last year so that's what, 6 years in the making?

Honestly, you don't need to do any homework to play this game, even if you're trying to make battles easier. Unlike FFV, Golden Sun actually lists the stat changes that happen when you move a Djinni to another person. Even if you're trading two of the same kind and not changing your class.

Here's where it gets smart. It seems that the game developers had a feeling that most people who are just playing for fun would go mono element. So they created the Unleash->Summon system that allows you to use major summons like Thor, Judgement and more. The downside to using them is that your class gets downgraded temporarily, something that usually doesn't help someone in a class like Samurai or White Mage. But if you're using Garet as a Champion, you can unleash all of his Djinni, summon Tiamat and Meteor and still keep the same Psynergy for the most part.

EDIT: Also, I'm considering doing another math analysis to see if the Djinn unleashes, summons, EPAs and healing moves all have the correct formulae.

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In my defense, Gil Toss worked like a charm. It was basically the "Screw thinking, I will power nuke" button. I had no other use for the money at that point, so why complicate things when I can just say screw the rules I have money?

Great Sea Trench was probably hte only place I had "problems", and frankly Syldra was helpful there too since a lot of things there were mysteriously weak to Wind (and had I known about the Air Knife and that Syldra actually WAS Wind elemental at that point, I would have put two and two together to make it far easier).

Okay, Syldra with Air Knife (don't forget Gold Hairpin) kinda breaks a large portion of that game (and makes learning Red Mage's X-Magic so much less painful since you can just give her Summon4 and an air knife and a gold hairpin and have at it). However, I don't think it OHKOs anything in the trench, so my way is still the cheapest while having pretty good speed. And I find OHKOing with a harp to be rather amusing.

Frankly, I wanna do another runthrough of some RPG as well, problem is I can't find any and I pretty much have nothing else. Well, I got Mario RPG, but there's not exactly that much diversity or complexity to it as there could be in Final Fantasy or Golden Sun.

But nobody has done a Mario RPG playlog here recently. (or ever, maybe)

Though, if I were to play some Golden Sun, I'd have a lot of homework to do since I don't know shit about Golden Sun. You guys might as well be speaking jibberish to me.

This almost makes me want to play Golden Sun again. Then I think about the really long password, the amount of time to beat both, worrying about messing around with djinni and getting the forges from the blacksmith and I decide I don't quite feel like it.

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This almost makes me want to play Golden Sun again. Then I think about the really long password, the amount of time to beat both, worrying about messing around with djinni and getting the forges from the blacksmith and I decide I don't quite feel like it.

The forge isn't even a problem anymore. You can manipulate the RNG in the game to get exactly what you want, every time , without fail. I got myslef 3 Excalibur's in like 20 min. biggrin.gif

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The forge isn't even a problem anymore. You can manipulate the RNG in the game to get exactly what you want, every time , without fail. I got myslef 3 Excalibur's in like 20 min. biggrin.gif

I thought that the game resets the RNGs to lower your chance of getting the same thing over again? At least, it does that in GS1 when tossing Lucky Medals into the Tolbi Springs.

EDIT: Also, Suichimo, can you pull off a 3 turn clear of the Killer Ape? I'm stumped on that one. I want to use Brute!Isaac and Brute!Garet but I'm having Djinni problems with regards to Ivan and Mia.

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I thought that the game resets the RNGs to lower your chance of getting the same thing over again? At least, it does that in GS1 when tossing Lucky Medals into the Tolbi Springs.

Nope, when the game is fresh booted, it starts off it's standard sting of RNGs.

Here is the example of the Kikiuichimonji for GS1



Before you begin this method, you should go to Lalivero and equip your party

members with any items necessary to speed them up or slow them down putting



You must also make sure that you remove any poison, curses not counteracted by

the Clerics Ring, and Hauntings that you have on any characters. These would

throw off the method. Now, go to the first room of the upper Venus Lighthouse

(the one with the psynergy stone in the middle), save, and shut off your GBA

(DO NOT SOFT RESET). You are now ready to begin this method. Turn your GBA

back on and run around for a little while until you enter a battle with one

fenrir and one ice gargoyle.


your guys. The only requirement for that is Mia going before Garet.

First Round: you get to attack first, if not, turn off your GBA and try it


Ivan casts Tornado at both enemies

Mia casts Ice Horn at both enemies

Isaac casts Clay Spire at both enemies

Garet casts Flare Wall at both enemies

Second Round:

Ivan Defends

Mia casts Wish on all party members

Isaac Defends

Garet Unleashes Torch at Fenrir, fenrir dies

Ice Gargoyle uses his turn


GONE!! If someone in your party is not fast enough, see "Troubleshooting This

Method" below.

Third Round:

Kill off the ice gargoyle. (I am not going to get into details, but it does

not matter how you kill him off, take your time and kill him off if you want

to, it doesn't matter how you do it.)

Try it! colon3.gif It works 100% of the time, as long as everything is exactly right. One thing changes, and it doesn't work.

Bonus!: http://www.gamefaqs.com/gba/561356-golden-sun-the-lost-age/faqs/25734

This for all of The Lost Age

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Chapter 6: The Deku Tree?!!?!?! What is this?! He has a wife?

Last time, we got denied access to save a town in danger. We ignore him and go anyway.


Here is Kolima.


Furby: Freaky, everyone are trees. Hes Roxas, what are you doing.

Nothing! I'm just making sure nothing is wasted. These people obviously don't need it.



Shade: Roxas, this tree is telling you to get your hands off his shit.

Furby: Anyways...


I have and idea involving that cock mongler back in Biblin, but I'll humor you and say no.


Oh snap! We're under attack!


We are being attacked by aliens! Integrity, get your X-Com action in here and deal with these bastards.


I figure it probably is what happened to morph these people. I just hope I'm wrong...




Magic shields yay!


I'd imagine so, considering that we aren't trees.


And we can stand! Happy days!


Hell yeah.

Shade: Agreed


More training Furby? Don't you usual cause problems when training? Need I remind you about your sister's flowers?

Furby: You do not mention that again.


They try it again. We The attempts are futile.

Also, the Deku Tree, I mean Tret, is all pissed that we are better than him.


I did not know trees had wives. Huh.



I wonder who did that.


Well that sucks.


That sucks worse! ohmy.gif


I think... kicking Tret's ass my help.

Shade: How??

Just a feeling of mine. And my feelings are always right.


Everyone are trees. Also see the Djinn? The house to the right has a hidden door in the back.


It's a cave.


This is Granite. Granite is awesome.


I head back for more equipment and a rest. The not-so-great barricade to the left.


Here is Kolima Forrest. Our first real dungeon of the game.

Next post will cover the dungeon.

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Into the trees we go!



Killer bees are annoying. They can poison you.


First log rolling puzzle of the game! They get obnoxious later on.


Trolls. They self heal, and can hit like a truck. By far the most difficult guys here. I'd say 3 of these would be harder than the boss.


See what I mean?


This is the Fur Coat. Increases Water Resist. Furby is by far the best user of it.


The next screen up we meet the trees and go inside Tret. I swear Camelot was playing OOT at this time.


More new enemies! Spiders can poison and slow you down.


The outside of the tree is an interesting area.


Healing Ring Get! Gave it to Furby.


Those shells only support one jump. Jumping on it again makes it collapse and you fall through the floor.


Upgrade of an old friend. Nothing new.


This Jupiter Djinn is a mofo.


It likes to run, which means you have to leave the area and it get all it's HP back. Annoying.


Of course it can fail too. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif


Gnomes. They cast low level Psynergy, including Impact. These are priorities when in groups.


Dropping down this conch takes us to the basement.


Sup' Tret.

Deku Tree: Fools dare challenge me!

Yeah well, we do.

*Cue Boss*


Meet Tret. Or his Ghostly floating head. He is weak to Fire.


And he uses low level Venus Psynergy. That's about it. Furby uses Volcano to PWN and press "I win."


Woah woah woah. Wait

Tret: Hmm?

Shade: You turned the people of Kolima to trees.

Tret: I did! I must fix that.... ... ... I cannot. I am to weak now.

Furby: Damn, what are we going to do.

There is nothing we can do, for now.

And with that, we follow the antagonists north to Imil.


Ended outside the cave.

Next time on Chapter 7: Caves and The Cold North.

Also, I will give you the pleasure of two more class reviews next time.

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Also, the Deku Tree, I mean Tret, is all pissed that we are better than him.

...I never actually noticed the resemblance between Tret and the Deku Tree before...

This is Granite. Granite is awesome.

My favorite Djinn of this game. I'd say it ties with Flash, but this comes much earlier.

... I knew it, a !!! with symbiotic attacks unless... what classes are they at that point?

I checked my GS1 endgame file at Venus Lighthouse. It took me a whole lot of time to bring all the Djinn back to their elemental owners and to unequip everyone (stupid Storm Gear) but this is what I found at the end:


In their default classes, they are, indeed, weak to their symbiotic element. The Lost Age gave similar results to Felix's party.

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EDIT: Also, Suichimo, can you pull off a 3 turn clear of the Killer Ape? I'm stumped on that one. I want to use Brute!Isaac and Brute!Garet but I'm having Djinni problems with regards to Ivan and Mia.

Not sure if you'll pull it off, but I think you have the classes for Isaac and Garet right. Though, if I'm thinking correctly, you should have the Djinni to pull of Savage with them for the extra attack boost. They'll be wanting to spam Planet Diver for the entire fight, Killer Ape being weak to Mars.

Weapon wise, I'd give Isaac the Arctic Blade that you came across a bit before this. Don't use the actual attack option with it though. Its special is Mercury based which means it will do horrible damage against him. Garet should obviously have the next highest attack weapon you can spare, I'd imagine its probably a store weapon.

If you can get Ivan and Mia to Ranger they get Volcano. Elder could work as well, for both of them, and just have them both Impact Isaac and Garet to increase Planet Diver's power. That leaves you without healing though. You could have Ivan and Mia stay in their base classes and let Ivan bounce his Impact castings between Isaac and Garet while Mia takes care of the healing.

Maybe start the fight off with a level 2 Mars Summon from either Isaac or Garet, probably Isaac, to boost his elemental power. Not sure how well that would pay off though.

I checked my GS1 endgame file at Venus Lighthouse. It took me a whole lot of time to bring all the Djinn back to their elemental owners and to unequip everyone (stupid Storm Gear) but this is what I found at the end:


In their default classes, they are, indeed, weak to their symbiotic element. The Lost Age gave similar results to Felix's party.

That is weird. In game, they say very clearly that the symbiotic element can give Adepts more power as if it was their own, Saturos and Menardi on top of Venus Lighthouse for the one major example. You'd think it'd actually be their second strongest.

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My guess is that a property of the symbiotic elements is a magnified effect, and can be either way (a good effect or bad). Yet, the weakness part is apperantly only present on the playable guys, as all enemy adepts are weak instead to their opposite element.

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Not sure if you'll pull it off, but I think you have the classes for Isaac and Garet right. Though, if I'm thinking correctly, you should have the Djinni to pull of Savage with them for the extra attack boost. They'll be wanting to spam Planet Diver for the entire fight, Killer Ape being weak to Mars.

I had 3 Venus, 2 Mars at that point so I don't think Savage is feasible (4 required). Unless I got one older Djinn late. Doesn't matter much though, because a Ruffian's Planet Diver should still get the job done.

If you can get Ivan and Mia to Ranger they get Volcano. Elder could work as well, for both of them, and just have them both Impact Isaac and Garet to increase Planet Diver's power. That leaves you without healing though. You could have Ivan and Mia stay in their base classes and let Ivan bounce his Impact castings between Isaac and Garet while Mia takes care of the healing.

Ranger before Killer Ape? You need at least 21 Djinn before trying to give anyone 6 and that's not happening in Angara. Both the Elderx2 and the Scribe+Magician combinations are feasible with two Ruffians so yeah, sounds good to me. With two Impacts and two Planet Divers every turn, the Killer Ape would probably die before healing becomes necessary.

Maybe start the fight off with a level 2 Mars Summon from either Isaac or Garet, probably Isaac, to boost his elemental power. Not sure how well that would pay off though.

The problem is, Isaac would then start the first two turns as a Squire. I think I'd rather keep the Planet Divers.

That is weird. In game, they say very clearly that the symbiotic element can give Adepts more power as if it was their own, Saturos and Menardi on top of Venus Lighthouse for the one major example. You'd think it'd actually be their second strongest.

It doesn't seem to make any sense. They have higher resistance to their OPPOSITE element than their symbiotic element. Even the monsters are rarely like that. And their symbiotic element should definitely be more powerful than their opposing element and the "other" element, but the values suggest otherwise.

The only bit that actually follows logic is that their own element has the highest power and resistance.

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Not sure if you'll pull it off, but I think you have the classes for Isaac and Garet right. Though, if I'm thinking correctly, you should have the Djinni to pull of Savage with them for the extra attack boost. They'll be wanting to spam Planet Diver for the entire fight, Killer Ape being weak to Mars.

Weapon wise, I'd give Isaac the Arctic Blade that you came across a bit before this. Don't use the actual attack option with it though. Its special is Mercury based which means it will do horrible damage against him. Garet should obviously have the next highest attack weapon you can spare, I'd imagine its probably a store weapon.

If you can get Ivan and Mia to Ranger they get Volcano. Elder could work as well, for both of them, and just have them both Impact Isaac and Garet to increase Planet Diver's power. That leaves you without healing though. You could have Ivan and Mia stay in their base classes and let Ivan bounce his Impact castings between Isaac and Garet while Mia takes care of the healing.

Maybe start the fight off with a level 2 Mars Summon from either Isaac or Garet, probably Isaac, to boost his elemental power. Not sure how well that would pay off though.

Djinni available at the end of Mogall Forest:

3 Venus (Flint, Granite, Quartz)

2 Mars (Fever and Forge, Corona is north of Xian)

2 Mercury (Fizz and Sleet, Mist is in Xian)

3 Jupiter (Gust, Breeze, Zephyr)

Savage requires 4 Earth for Garet and 4 Mars for Isaac (after Manticore for both). Ranger is also out of the question.

This is what I'm thinking right now:

Lv13 Ruffian!Isaac (2 Mars, 1 Jupiter) with Broad Axe for 156 Att and 86 Fire Power.

Lv13 Defender!Garet (2 Mercury) with Arctic Blade for 138 Att and 87 Water Power.

Lv13 Magician!Ivan (2 Jupiter) with 114 Wind Power.

Lv13 Diviner!Mia (3 Venus) with 93 Earth Power and 104 Water Power.

Isaac: Gets Planet Diver. Giving him Gust ups his Att by 3. Main attacker.

Garet: Gets Cutting Edge. Garet also gets the Arctic Blade since it has 5+ Att over the Broad Axe (Garet needs all the Att he can get).

Ivan: He's got Impact and he's faster than both Isaac and Garet. Good enough for me.

Mia: Elven Shirt gives her 105 Agility, enough to make her go before the Killer Ape's hacked 94 Agility. I swear, that's the only reason why he's difficult. He goes before you can heal up.

I'd do the math but I don't know how much Impact raises attack. Is there some sort of formula to figure it out or is it a set number that has the 0-3 random damage attached to it?

EDIT: I was about 150 HP off on my last try. I'm so fucking close. Any ideas?

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Yeah, I was wrong by saying Savage. Ruffian it is then. Both Isaac and Garet as Ruffians. Read the chart wrong on Ranger as well, didn't notice it was a 6 Djinni class.

Killer Ape's resistances are(from lowest to highest): Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.

You want those Impacted Planet Divers coming every turn from both Garet and Isaac. I'm not sure how much Impact increases Attack either but its usually a pretty good amount and definitely worth doing and should be all Ivan is doing, bouncing Impact between Isaac and Garet every turn.

Defender is just a poor choice against the Killer Ape as its attacks will be very weak.

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Djinni available at the end of Mogall Forest:

3 Venus (Flint, Granite, Quartz)

2 Mars (Fever and Forge, Corona is north of Xian)

2 Mercury (Fizz and Sleet, Mist is in Xian)

3 Jupiter (Gust, Breeze, Zephyr)

Savage requires 4 Earth for Garet and 4 Mars for Isaac (after Manticore for both). Ranger is also out of the question.

This is what I'm thinking right now:

Lv13 Ruffian!Isaac (2 Mars, 1 Jupiter) with Broad Axe for 156 Att and 86 Fire Power.

Lv13 Defender!Garet (2 Mercury) with Arctic Blade for 138 Att and 87 Water Power.

Lv13 Magician!Ivan (2 Jupiter) with 114 Wind Power.

Lv13 Diviner!Mia (3 Venus) with 93 Earth Power and 104 Water Power.

Isaac: Gets Planet Diver. Giving him Gust ups his Att by 3. Main attacker.

Garet: Gets Cutting Edge. Garet also gets the Arctic Blade since it has 5+ Att over the Broad Axe (Garet needs all the Att he can get).

Ivan: He's got Impact and he's faster than both Isaac and Garet. Good enough for me.

Mia: Elven Shirt gives her 105 Agility, enough to make her go before the Killer Ape's hacked 94 Agility. I swear, that's the only reason why he's difficult. He goes before you can heal up.

I'd do the math but I don't know how much Impact raises attack. Is there some sort of formula to figure it out or is it a set number that has the 0-3 random damage attached to it?

EDIT: I was about 150 HP off on my last try. I'm so fucking close. Any ideas?

...Killer Ape is difficult?

Impact increases Attack by 25% of the original Attack stat. Maximum Attack bonus that is allowed is +50% (so using Impact a third time on the same person is useless). So, it'll take four turns for Isaac and Garet to both arrive at their peak Attack.

I still think Scribe Mia would be a better choice than Diviner Mia, solely so that Garet can spam Planet Diver as well. It's slower though, and I don't know if Elven Shirt can cover it up.

Yeah, I was wrong by saying Savage. Ruffian it is then. Both Isaac and Garet as Ruffians. Read the chart wrong on Ranger as well, didn't notice it was a 6 Djinni class.

Killer Ape's resistances are(from lowest to highest): Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.

You want those Impacted Planet Divers coming every turn from both Garet and Isaac. I'm not sure how much Impact increases Attack either but its usually a pretty good amount and definitely worth doing and should be all Ivan is doing, bouncing Impact between Isaac and Garet every turn.

Defender is just a poor choice against the Killer Ape as its attacks will be very weak.

Actually, Killer Ape has equal Venus and Mercury resistances (both 72). And yes, against Killer Ape, Planet Diver >>>>> Cutting Edge

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Yeah, I was wrong by saying Savage. Ruffian it is then. Both Isaac and Garet as Ruffians. Read the chart wrong on Ranger as well, didn't notice it was a 6 Djinni class.

Killer Ape's resistances are(from lowest to highest): Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.

You want those Impacted Planet Divers coming every turn from both Garet and Isaac. I'm not sure how much Impact increases Attack either but its usually a pretty good amount and definitely worth doing and should be all Ivan is doing, bouncing Impact between Isaac and Garet every turn.

Defender is just a poor choice against the Killer Ape as its attacks will be very weak.

Good point about Defender. I might as well go with Scribe!Mia with the Elven Shirt on her. Ivan also has an Oil Drop on him which does about 110ish damage, much better than Plasma.

So Impact on the first 2 turns and then Oil Drop?

EDIT: Scribe Mia is stupidly slow. Not sure that's going to work out well.

2nd EDIT: New plan. Hermit!Mia has Impact and 108 Agility. Give her a bunch of Nuts and away you go.

Edited by 4chan
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Good point about Defender. I might as well go with Scribe!Mia with the Elven Shirt on her. Ivan also has an Oil Drop on him which does about 110ish damage, much better than Plasma.

So Impact on the first 2 turns and then Oil Drop?

4 turns for both Isaac and Garet.

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