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How to get swoll fast


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Story time!

So, my girlfriend that broke up with me about a month ago got pissed at me for reasons that I don't feel like delving into. Anyway, she imparted me with the information that she fucked 2 guys about a week after we broke up. Oooo wee. That one stung. If anyone is ever in a situation like this, I recommend the following steps.

1) Go to 7-11, buy two 16 oz cans of Spike Shooter.

2) Go to a gym.

3) Chug said 1 Spike Shooter

4) Feel your heart in your throat, blast your ipod, and fucking LIFT LIKE YOU WERE BORN TO.

Anyway, I just finished my workout.

My hands are still shaking.

I'm about to go into a forest and find a bear to rip limb from limb.

EDIT: Might as well link the wikipedia page as a disclaimer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Shooter

Edited by Chococoke
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So you dated a skank, it happens to the best of us. I like my approach better, crying alone in dark rooms for a couple of months.

There was a time when I did that. Trust me when I say it feels much better to lift weights, blasting Access the Animus remix while you're so wired you can feel your heart beat in your throat.

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No offense, but I don't think he should take your advice Mr. All Girls Have STDs. :P

I never said all do.

My thoughts are that you just don't know which do and which dont...

i mean you can't just go around like ↓That one↓ ↑NOT That One↑ →Definately→ ←That one← and the like. I mean some are obvious, some are not...

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The face was not part Lucius at all, though. I forgot who I used, but I think Priscilla was one and Marisa was another, and maybe a part of Lilina as well.

I mainly used him for hair/scarf on the regular, non-swordmaster one. With a bit of Marisa's add-on.

Marisa was the (obvious) body base for SM!Mist.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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