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Anouleth's HM Playthrough


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What are you laughing at? The ridiculous Edward, the song, or my mercy towards Pelleas?

Wait, what the heck happened to your Nolan.

It's not as bad as it looks. Note that I promoted him at level 18, and that he's only below average in strength and skill (which are completely moot points when you have a 100 hit weapon that OHKOes every single enemy). Of course, I didn't expect him to be able to salvage himself in time for Part 4 and instead decided to focus on Edward, who can at least help kill Ike.

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No, no, no...! Not at Edward, or your mercy towards Pelleas, but the song, of course.

Our Edwards and Jills are up to par at this rate, except mine were lower-leveled and were Crown'd at the start of 3-13. I was just thinking you shouldn't have wasted yourself on Nolan, if only to have him support-bot Edward (Who was already being a dodging machine, thanks ro Resolve). Do you think you will be using Nolan by Part 4? It would be alright to have a good ammount of decent units spread through the teams.

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No, no, no...! Not at Edward, or your mercy towards Pelleas, but the song, of course.

Yeah, it's pretty awesome. I could listen to it all day.

Our Edwards and Jills are up to par at this rate, except mine were lower-leveled and were Crown'd at the start of 3-13. I was just thinking you shouldn't have wasted yourself on Nolan, if only to have him support-bot Edward (Who was already being a dodging machine, thanks ro Resolve). Do you think you will be using Nolan by Part 4? It would be alright to have a good ammount of decent units spread through the teams.

The 23 avoid is vital to keep Edward alive. 2 defense is also pretty nice. And just having an extra hand around is nice in Part 3, especially when he can OHKO laguz with a fart.

I probably won't use Nolan in Part 4. He might see action in 4-2 cleaning up reinforcements with some other dregs, but that's it. I only have two Crowns left anyway.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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3-13 Blood Contract

3 turns

Very simple - Jill, Nolan and Edward head south to take out Ike. Beastfoe on Nolan, Resolve on Edward, Crown and Paragon on Jill. Fairly typical, but some key moves:

Turn 1

-Sothe shoves Edward so he has enough movement to climb down the ledge

-Jill can move next to Edward but remains on the ledge because the laguz will prioritise her

-Nolan needs to be in range of Edward or Edward has an unacceptably high chance of death

Turn 2

-Edward is left with 30/40HP, so I have him attack a laguz from outside support range to get down to Wrath/Resolve territory

Turn 3

-Nolan can't ORKO the untransformed Tigers blocking Ike, but thankfully the leftmost one transforms in time

-Jill has a roughly 75% chance to hit once with the Brave Axe. This isn't necessary but reduces the chance of death for Edward. If I had Parity, this would be a 94% chance.

-Edward has a 57% chance to crit and kill Ike if Jill successfully connected. If he doesn't crit, he has a 50% chance to proc cancel, if not, Ike has a 50% chance to hit him and kill him. Edward then has another 57% chance to crit and kill Ike.

-If Jill connects twice, Edward can use a Killing Edge instead for an 82% chance to crit and kill, but it's not very likely.

If Jill missed, I would probably have held back for another turn and tried again. In retrospect, I should probably have gotten Parity.

Also disappointing - Edward got a +mag only level up.

srsly edward


Just edited in the GMs levels for 3-11, but here they are again:

Name    Lvl     Exp  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Ike     --/19     9  50  27   2  30  30  18  26   9
Titania --/20/02  5  43  30  15  27  28  22  24  19
Rolf    --/14/01 23  48  29   7  30  28  18  18  15
Boyd    --/20/02 82  57  33   6  28  29  17  25  14
Oscar   --/18/02 59  49  28  11  27  27  23  24  17
Tanith  --/18    50  40  23  10  24  25  24  19  20
Marcia  --/15/01 75  44  27  12  26  29  21  25  24
Janaff  29       25  57  16   2  19  17  30  12   8
Ulki    29        5  60  17   3  18  19  26  12  11

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Yes Pelleas is not dying :XD: I didn't want to kill him in my first PT but I had no other choice. After that I'll always let him live ^_^. Oh I really hate it when characters get +1 stats, lol especially the ones I'm raising and its worse when it happens to someone that is hard to raise like Fiona.

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From Pain, Awakening

5 turns

Basically this chapter is 90% slaughter and 10% trying to get the Rescue staff. Janaff gets BEXPed to 29.99 and takes Blossom. Tanith and Boyd take Paragons. The other skills I don't want to put on anyone to keep my options open for Part 4. I bring along Haar so he can drop Heather and recruit Jill.

Now, how to arrange people for Part 4? Of 'good fighters', I have:

Name    Lvl     Exp  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Ike     --/19/01  0  54  29   6  32  32  18  28  13
Titania --/20/02 50  43  30  15  27  28  22  24  19
Rolf    --/14/01 70  48  29   7  30  28  18  18  15
Boyd    --/20/03 26  58  34   6  28  30  17  25  14
Oscar   --/18/03 20  50  29  12  27  28  24  24  18
Tanith  --/20/02 94  44  28  14  27  28  25  23  25
Marcia  --/15/03  1  45  28  12  28  29  22  26  24
Janaff  30        2  58  16   2  20  18  31  12   8
Ulki    29        8  60  17   3  18  19  26  12  11
Jill    19/17/01 78  53  31   9  26  27  27  27  18
Edward  20/16    67  40  24   4  30  30  22  17  10

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For 3-E I always have Sigrun get the rescue staff, I was under the impression that finding hidden items was based on luck and her luck is pretty high :).

as for teams I'd put Marcia and Tanith in Micaiah's chapters sometimes the triangle attack will come in handy.

I usually leave Ulki and Jannaf with Tibarn.

and for the rest I'll leave that for someone else to say ^^'.

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For 3-E I always have Sigrun get the rescue staff, I was under the impression that finding hidden items was based on luck and her luck is pretty high :).

as for teams I'd put Marcia and Tanith in Micaiah's chapters sometimes the triangle attack will come in handy.

I usually leave Ulki and Jannaf with Tibarn.

and for the rest I'll leave that for someone else to say ^^'.

Yeah, I usually leave Ulki and Janaff with Tibarn, and Marcia/Tanith are ideal for the desert as well. Oscar/Titania/Boyd/Ike are obviously destined for Greil Army, but that still leaves Eddie, Jill and Rolf.

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Rolf would be good on Ike's team because he can kill the pegasi on 4-1 and climb ledges on 4-4. I would also put Jill on the Silver Army like dondon said ^_^. As for Eddy he seems like he'd gain more experience on Ike's team but somehow your Tibarn team seems short on units so either should do for him.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Eddie and Rofl would do good at the Hawk team. Obviously, like Elincia mentioned, you should get Marcia and Tanith to go along with Micaiah's team.

I'm reluctant to put Rolf on Hawk Army because he has trouble gaining experience as it is. Plus movement troubles. Ugh, it's so difficult to figure out what to do with him because of enemy phase troubles...

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I'm probably not going to update this for a while. Meaning 'until mid-February'. So don't hold your breath for a while.

I've also realised that I forgot to stock up on forges in 3-E, so I'm probably going to redo it. Hand Axe forges in particular I will need more of.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Part 4

Gods and Men


Chaos Named

At the moment I'm only doing a dry run in order to establish what skills and characters I need to distribute for each time. Currently, Tanith/Marcia/Jill are in Silver Army, Oscar/Boyd/Rolf are in Greil Army, and Janaff/Ulki/Edward are in Hawk Army, but this may be changed, since I feel Edward would be more useful and have more opportunity to gain experience in Greil Army. I also redid 3-E and took the opportunity to stock up on forges.

However, the strategy for this chapter is pretty much set in stone. Aside from possibly putting Shade on Tanith so as to get more experience for Marcia, nothing is going to change between this and the final run. I might also end up distributing Energy Drops to Tanith and Marcia since it generally improves their reliability and will be especially useful in 4-3, but Oscar might want it himself.


Provoke is moved from Skrimir to Jill. Paragon is moved from Tanith to Marcia. Tanith takes Imbue in place of Paragon. Marcia and Tanith reach C.

2 Turns

First Turn

Jill moves up and kills the Crossbow Warrior from below, then Cantos south one space. Tanith attacks the Halberdier but misses because I had her use the Steel Greatlance. Sanaki moves right and finishes with Purge. Tanith cantos to the right, such that she is two spaces to the left of Jill. Skrimir moves into the Thicket and uses a Laguz Stone. Laura trades Cymbeline to the top of Sanaki's inventory and shoves her, then Micaiah shoves her a second time. Naesala moves next to the bottom Halberdier and kills him. In this way, I create a wall of Skrimir/Sanaki/Naesala. Lethe and Mordecai shove Leanne, who Vigors Tanith and Jill. Tanith moves next to Jill and OHKOes the Paladin with her Horseslayer, then Cantoes up and west such that she is in the right side of the thickets. Jill moves to the right and uses a Hand Axe forge to kill the Short Axe Paladin. Marcia then 1-rounds the Warrior and Cantos such that she is two spaces to the left of Tanith, on the other side of the clump of thickets. Sigrun moves next to Leanne, on her left-hand side.


Jill has some low chance of death here, that I can't be bothered to calculate, but generally she ends up with about 15-20HP. Jill's positioning is intended to encourage Yuma to begin moving on the first turn but it also allows some of the Generals and the Bow Paladins to all suicide into her, a necessary measure since neither Marcia or Tanith have the durability or the 1-2 range offense to take them on.

Second Turn

Naesala kills the Paladin, and Skrimir kills the Halberdier that Sanaki weakened. Naesala Cantos all the way to the east. Sanaki needs to be shoved here three times in order to be able to reach Yuma with Purge, which I do. Tanith kills the Warrior that attacked her on enemy phase and cantos away. Jill uses her Hand Axe to kill the Steel Longbow Paladin, then cantos into Leanne's range. Leanne Vigors her and is rescued by Sigrun to protect her. Jill then moves back up and OHKOes the Bishop with a Hand Axe forge. Marcia moves such that the two reinforcement Paladins will suicide into her (she carries Horseslayer for this).


One of the Generals has a bizarre tendency to simply refuse to attack Jill. In order to counteract this, Jill must equip Provoke, which in turn lures the Steel Longbow Paladin over to her instead of Tanith. Jill cannot counter the Paladin on the enemy phase and lacks the power to 2HKO Yuma with Hand Axe forge even with capped strength, and I don't trust the Bishop to suicide into Jill either (he carries a Physic staff, meaning any weakened enemy might be targeted by him), so it is necessary for Sanaki to weaken Yuma.

Edited by Anouleth
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I've finished my dry run, so this is my 'real' run. I managed to 2-turn 4-P with much the same strategy I used before, so I won't repeat it. Here are the final levels and stats for it.

Name    Lvl     Exp  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Micaiah  6/ 3    73  19   5  15  13   9  16   5  12
Jill    19/17/11 80  55  35   9  30  35  31  31  22
Marcia  --/15/03 39  49  31  13  27  33  23  26  26
Tanith  --/20/04 46  50  30  16  27  30  26  25  26


Road To Empire


I remove all skills to begin. Celerity is assigned to Rafiel. Provoke + Paragon is put on Ike. I also give out some forges.

3 turns

First Turn

Heather moves so as to reveal the Warrior below the sandbags on the right. Rolf then kills the Crossbow Warrior. Ike moves below him and kills the second warrior. Boyd moves to their right and uses a hand axe forge to kill the warrior that Heather revealed. Mist moves to their left and uses a torch staff - Rafiel Vigors them all. Ike moves directly south and kills the Bishop. Boyd then kills the General. Rolf moves where Boyd was previously and kills the Sniper. Nealuchi shoves Rafiel and Mist moves into the space where he was previously.

Meanwhile, Nolan and Shinon use Crossbows to destroy the lower sandbag on the left hand side. Oscar kills one Halberdier, and Titania trades a Javelin to the top of his inventory and Hand Axes the other Halberdier. She then moves so as to prevent the Sage from attacking Shinon instead of her and Oscar.

Nailah moves to the right, shifts, and instantly kills the General.


The warriors adjacent to the Bishop do not move on turn 1 and are too troublesome to deal with on turn 2 enemy phase. Bishops are also annoying to deal with because they are virtually impossible to respond to on Enemy Phase. Nailah is perfectly capable of soloing the right hand side of the map. She is also singularly ill-suited for the bottom of the map because she lacks 1-2 range offense, which is crucial for getting the most out of Rafiel.

Second Turn

Ike kills the remaining Warrior from the north. Boyd moves 1 space north and to the left of Ike and uses Hand Axe to kill the Sniper. Rolf moves above them and weakens the Sniper with Aqqar. Mist takes the remaining spot and Torches. Rafiel Vigors everyone. Rolf finishes the Swordmaster. Boyd kills the Falcoknight, and Ike moves to OHKO one of the Druids.

Meanwhile, Nailah kills the Short Spear General. Titania kills the Warrior and Cantos south to reveal the Bishop, which Oscar dispatches. Shinon OHKOes the Falcoknight.

Third Turn

Mist moves and Torches a third time. Rolf kills the Bishop in the thickets, while Ike kills one of the Generals from above and Boyd moves into position to be Vigored. With Rolf/Ike/Boyd Vigored, I have Rolf kill the last Bishop, Boyd kill the General in the thickets, and Ike kill Catalena. Ike is positioned between the last two Generals, who do not move.

Nailah kills the Sword General. The remaining enemies suicide into her and Ike on enemy phase.


Silent World


I BEXP Ulki up to level 30 and give him Tear. Ulki, Janaff and Edward all take Adept.

Turn 1

Edward moves south between the Generals and kills the one on the left. Elincia attacks one of the Warriors, Tibarn kills the other and cantoes left. Janaff and Ulki are shoved as far left as possible. Reyson moves far left and uses a Laguz Stone - Janaff and Ulki move to protect him and transform.

Turn 2

Pelleas weakens the Sage for Elincia to finish, but misses - Elincia procs stun anyway, so it doesn't matter. Tibarn kills a General and cantos up. Ulki kills the Dracomaster and cantos down. Janaff Grasses. Reyson then Vigors Ulki/Elincia/Janaff/Tibarn. Tibarn kills the Storm Sword General and cantos left next to the Spear Halberdier. Ulki kills the Bishop to the south, Janaff kills the Sage. Elincia then kills the Blizzard Sage and cantos next to the General in the thickets. Edward moves below the Swordmaster and kills him.

Turn 3

Tibarn kills the Sniper, Ulki kills the Sage, Elincia kills the General, Janaff kills the Warrior, and they position themselves to be Vigored by Reyson. Ulki goes in between the Crossbow Sniper and the Swordmaster and Grasses. Janaff goes in between the Halberdier and the Swordmaster and Grasses. Tibarn kills the Short Spear General and cantoes beside the Silver Axe General. Elincia kills the Wind Sage to the north. Edward moves one space south, switches to the Tempest Blade and uses a Concoction.

Turn 4

Kyza Smites Edward south. He runs into the bushes and uses a Concoction. Elincia finishes the Warrior, Tibarn kills Valtome, Ulki kills a Bishop, they position to be Vigored by Reyson. The Hawks move north to kill the Swordmaster on enemy phase. Elincia kills the last Bishop.

Everything else dies on enemy phase.

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How do you achieve all of this? :o I'm sooo impressed with the turncounts! Oh my god! Did you use Kyza btw? :3 He seems like he could be useful for fighting but i'm scared to try him out.

I feel like a crappy player next to you and dondon

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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